There are only two sources of Creation for the human channeled by Graciela Bárbulo

  • 2013

There are only two sources of Creation for the human

I am the resource that flows constantly towards you, supplying you with pure potential, without connotations, for its constructive use in the material plane.

I am the raw material, and you are the Creativity to build, with this raw material, in your world.

Whenever you are creating Love, Beauty, Peace, Joy, etc., that is, everything that offers harmony and fusion, you will be making use of what I am, of your subtle (electronic) nature. Then, you will see your person and your world light up more and more, tending to constant growth.

Creation can only be carried out when thought and feeling coincide .

Now, if your creation is selfish, if you intend to create something to differentiate yourself from others, then you will be using human matter, and it will tend to be destroyed within the creator. In that case, you will see the lack, loneliness and dejection entering your world. It will be so until the implicit impulse (battery recharge) in the creation made with your own selfish nature has been consumed.

What is created with the Energy of the Higher Self is infinite, since He is always supplying the human and, the more you use, the more you will receive.

What is created with the energy, limited in time, of the ego, is finite, and creation lasts only as long as the momentum of that creation lasts.

It is very clear, there are only two sources of creation:

- The infinite, divine, eternal Light of Being, which constantly expands in its luminous quality of purity.

- The selfish. In this case you will feel destruction, disease, lack, pain ... simply because your creations have been made with your own human nature. You will have traded with yourself.

Every time you use the Light to Create, you will Illuminate.

Every time you use the darkness of the ego to create, as you believe, you will diminish . Because the creation of the ego is at the expense of oneself. And it takes what it takes to deplete the amount of energy (the impulse) implicit in it, then turning against the creator. And, since you have identified with that ego, it is against you against whom you will see that it turns.

Of course, you may want to be better than you are, thus seeking to merge who you are with a greater perfection of yourself, then you are using the Light. But if you choose to be better than another, then you are marking a division, that is, you are using the ego.

All that implies separation is ego. All that implies fusion is Light.

When you feel in love, do you not want to compete, but to merge?, Is it true that your vision is not looking for defect, but beauty? Is it true that your emotions are full, and you are looking for the same emotions in the other? Does your intellect not judge, but accept? And ... don't you find what you're looking for?

Well, this state is what you must maintain, regardless of the reality that seems to be displayed. If you are in love, everything is simply beautiful, because you perceive it through your acceptance. Then you just want Union, fusion. Stay in that state, and watch. Believe from there, and you'll do everything right.

Fall in love with life, and act. And if at any time you are angry, allow it, but don't act; Let that flow until it dies out. Do not do more.

And what is wrong in your life, what is not possible to accept, because it is darkness in a centripetal force?

Just don't focus your attention on it, or think, or feel as much as possible. If it is dark, it tends to become extinct. Let it be, and don't worry. Turn your eyes and go to the harmonious.

And in everyday life, so full of nuances, provocations; maddening?

Laugh a lot. It's fun. It is possible to live it without conflict. There is the joke, the joke, the details, the little things. This is the divinity of the world. This is also fusion. Do like children: live in the present constantly . If you live in a present continuum, nothing can catch you, because to live the present is to be constantly letting go.

When your body becomes ill, it reflects that your ego has used a part of you (emotional, mental, instinctive), for its benefit, to the detriment of your being. Every disease, as a lack of health, is the result of a creation of darkness and separation.


When you (like any being) come into the world, what is projected is the pure and perfect energy of the other part of who you are, in the dense three-dimensional plane.

This energy has no objective. It densifies through the qualities of the most subtle layers of your aura, and is expressed in the upper chakras of your body. As a human being, and having also been conceived within this material world, with its own patterns, elements are integrated to incorporate that pure vibration: brain (lower mind), passion (sex and creativity) and survival instinct (identification and anchorage). These qualities correspond to the denser layers of the aura, also closer to the body itself and to the immediate vital process, and correspond to the lower charkras.

Once you are entering the vital process, you are using the energy potential that you have to work those elements linked exclusively to the three-dimensional world, and by interacting with others, and with life itself, your interpretation is marking you a trend of life, and behavior.

The superior chakras work with subtle, eternal energies, coming from the I Am, whose purpose is to be constantly supplying the being. The lower ones work with the energy of the ego.

In this way, the more you develop the potential of the chakras, and layers of the aura, the higher, the more you will be enlightened, and the more your own world will be illuminated. Instead, the more you develop the lower chakras and layers of the aura, the more you will turn to your own personal energy, the energy of the ego, the finite resources. And then, you will decrease, and you will observe how this decline is reflected in your body, in your emotional, material, vital world ...

However, if you become aware of it, you will see that this process has a limited time, because each ego action implies a specific amount of impulse to carry out its activity. Then, when your creation has begun to be represented, while you are living the process of success, you will perceive the loss of some sector of your material reality, that which corresponds to the energy that you have used (taken from there), and This will be reflected in your body, in your circumstances, in what you call luck, etc.

But since this process has a limited duration, if, as I say, you become aware while the “battery” is still recharged, and you allow what has to be to happen, knowing that it is the other side of your creation in some past moment, and you give time, while you go, on the other hand, growing the Light of your Higher nature, one day, suddenly, all that will be over, and your life, and your body, and your circumstances will be filled with light . And miracles will be performed before your eyes.

Then, you will be fully immersed in the Light that belongs to you by default, the Light that I Am.

Graciela Bárbulo


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