Seth ~ My work and those dimensions of reality

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 You can take a break. 2 You can take a break. 3 You can rest now. 4 Let's go back to our book.


(21.43.) Good. I also have friends, just like you, although we could say that you must understand that we experience our reality in a way quite different from what you do. We are aware of what you would call past beings, which are those personalities that we have adopted in different existences.

Because we use telepathy, we cannot hide the other, even if we wish. I am sure it will seem like an invasion of privacy, but I can assure you that, even now, none of your thoughts remain hidden, but that your family and friends know them quite clearly (and I must add that, unfortunately, also those you consider your enemies ). What happens is that you are not aware of this fact. It does not mean that we are all an open book for others; On the contrary, there is a kind of mental label, of mental manners. We are more aware of our thoughts than you are. We realize that we are free to choose our thoughts and choose them with discernment and finesse.

(Pause at 9:49 pm.) We have understood the power of our thoughts thanks to the trials and mistakes of other existences. We have discovered that no one can escape the enormous creativity of mental imagery or emotions. That does not mean that we are not spontaneous or that we have to meditate to choose one thought or another for fear of being negative or destructive. That, as you say, we have already left behind.

Our psychological structure allows us to communicate in a much more varied way than is familiar to you. Let's say, for example, that you meet a childhood friend that you had long forgotten . You may have few things in common, but you can still spend a pleasant afternoon chatting about your former teachers and classmates and establishing some communication.

Likewise, when I "meet" another, I can relate to him much better on the basis of an experience of past lives, although in my "now" we have little in common. We could have known ourselves as totally different people in the fourteenth century, and we would communicate beautifully by chatting about those experiences, just as you and your hypothetical friend would get a good relationship by remembering the past.

We, on the other hand, would be aware that we are ourselves: the multidimensional personalities who shared a more or less common environment on a level of our existence. As you will see, this is a simple analogy that only serves us at the moment, because past, present and future do not exist in those terms.

Our existence does not include the divisions of time that are familiar to you. We have many more friends and companions than you, simply because we know the different connections of what we will now call "past incarnations . "

(22.00.) Undoubtedly, we have much more knowledge at our disposal, so to speak. There are no periods of time as you conceived them that we can talk about, but some of us have known them and we carry in our memory the indelible experience learned in that particular context.

We do not feel the need to hide our thoughts or emotions from others, because we know the cooperative nature of all consciences and realities, and what is the part that we have to play in them. We are greatly motivated (funny), but is it that perhaps a spirit might not be?

(I guess not.)

As we can control the total use of our energy, we simply do not waste it in conflicts. We do not dissipate it, but use it for those unique and individual purposes that are a basic part of our psychological experience.

All right. Every total being, or multidimensional personality, has its own goals, missions and creative efforts that constitute an initial and basic part of its being, and that determine those qualities that make it eternally valid and motivate it to seek eternally. We are totally free to use our energy in that direction.

We must face many challenges of a transcendental nature, and we realize that our goals are not only important in themselves, but because of the amazing ramifications that develop in our efforts to fulfill them. When we work on our goals, we understand that we are bright paths that can also be used by others.

We also suspect I certainly do so that the goals themselves will have surprising results, incredible consequences that we did not know, and that will lead us to new paths . This knowledge helps us preserve the sense of humor.

(22.11.) When one has been born and died many times believing that each death would mean extinction, and then that experience follows the knowledge that existence is still going on, then it overwhelms the sensation of the divine comedy.

We are beginning to understand the creative joy in the game . I believe, for example, that all creativity and consciousness is born with the quality of the game as opposed to work, with an intuitive spontaneity that I see as constant in all my existences and also in the experience of those I know.

For example, I communicate with your dimension, not because I want to be at your level of reality, but because I imagine that I am there. All my deaths would have had adventure character, if I had known what I know now. On the one hand, you take life too seriously and on the other you don't take joyful existence seriously enough.

We enjoy an enormously spontaneous sense of play, although I think you would call it responsible play. Undoubtedly it is a creative game.

We play, for example, with the mobility of consciousness, checking how "far" we can send it. We are constantly surprised by the products of our consciousness, the dimensions of reality in which we can play lame leg. It might seem that we use our consciousness uselessly in those games, but the paths we open continue to exist and can be used by others. We left signals to anyone who could pass through there, mental signals.

I suggest you take a break.

(22.25. Jane came out of trance easily. She had transmitted the material evenly, without long pauses and in a regular voice . However, she was surprised that an hour had passed. While dictating the material, she had not received images or visions she could remember We continue at a slower pace at 22.35.)

So, we are very motivated, and not only do we make creative use of the game as a method to achieve our purposes and goals, but also because of the amazing creative effort involved.

All right. In my work as a teacher I travel to many dimensions of existence, just as a traveling professor would give lectures in different states and countries. Although the similarity ends there, because in order to start working I have to create preliminary psychological structures and learn to know my students even before teaching begins.

(Now Jane's transmission slowed.)

I must have a deep knowledge of the particular reality system in which my students operate, what their method of thinking is and what symbols they know. I must also correctly calibrate the stability of the student's personality, and I cannot ignore their needs.

I have to encourage the student while continuing his development, but without exceeding myself, and present my material in such a way that it makes sense in the context in which the student understands reality, especially at the beginning. I must be very careful even before beginning true teaching, so that all levels of personality develop at a more or less constant pace.

I often present the material initially without showing signs of my presence, so it appears as a surprising revelation. But, however carefully I present it, I am sure that it will change ideas that are deeply rooted in the personality of the student . What I tell you is one thing, but there is no doubt that the student will be driven to psychological and psychic behaviors and experiences that may seem quite strange to their conscious thinking.

(Pause at 22.51.) The problems vary according to the system in which my student's existence takes place. In your system, for example, and speaking of the woman through whom I write this book, I started contact long before our sessions began.

His personality was never aware of our first meeting. Suddenly she began to experience new thoughts and, as she is a poetess, she believed they were poetic inspirations. A few years ago at a writers' congress, she was involved in circumstances that could have led her to psychic development before she was prepared. At that time the psychological climate of the attendees created the right conditions and, without realizing what was happening, our friend (Jane) entered a trance state.

(Long pause at 23.01. In 1957, after Jane had published her first short stories, she was invited to a congress of science fiction writers in Milford, Pennsylvania. My work prevented me from attending, and Jane went to the congress with Cyril Kornbluth [already dead], friend and famous writer who lived near our house in Sayre, Pennsylvania.)

(Jane went into a trance one night during a talk. From that episode - which we did not understand as a trance state until several years later - a group of writers was formed, including Jane, who called themselves « The Five . "The members of the Five exchanged long and complicated letters signed in a wheel. The other four writers who were members of the group were much better known than Jane.)

I knew his psychic abilities since childhood, but the necessary intuition was channeling through poetry, until his personality reached the necessary training for this type of experience. In the case mentioned, of course, I was informed of what happened and I took care of ending the episode and not repeating it.

However, it was not an accidental performance . Almost without realizing it, his personality decided to put his wings to the test, figuratively speaking. So, as part of my job, I have been training this young woman since her childhood in one way or another, as a preliminary task to the serious work that began with our sessions.

That is a normal part of the activity that he developed at many other levels of existence. It is a diversified job, since the structures vary according to personalities. And, while in the systems in which I work there are fundamental similarities, in some I could not be a teacher, simply because the basic concepts of their experience would be foreign to my nature and the learning procedures themselves are also outside my experience.

You can take a break.

(23.09. Jane had a good trance. "I have no idea what it was about, " he said. His pace had accelerated a bit. We continued at 23.20.)

All right. We will continue the book in the next session.

(Seth conveyed some paragraphs for a woman who had recently lost her husband, and who had asked us for a session.)

Now I wish you a good night.

(–Good evening, Seth.)

My most effusive greetings ... and, if you didn't have to take notes, I could talk to you much longer.

(–Thanks.– End at 23.30.)

- SESSION 519, MARCH 23, 1970 - 21.10 MONDAY


(–Good evening, Seth)

All right. The idea that you have of space is totally wrong. In my contacts with your sphere of activity I don't have to go through golden and bright skies as if I were a kind of spiritual superman, to enter your physical domain .

I will touch this subject again in a later chapter, but, really, space as you perceive it simply does not exist. The illusion of space is not only caused by your physical mechanisms of perception, but also by the mental patterns that you have accepted, patterns that the consciousness adopts in your system when it reaches a certain degree of "evolution."

(21.16. As in the last session, I will periodically indicate the time, to show how fast Seth transmits the material.)

When you arrive, or emerge into physical form, your mind is not blank, waiting for the inscriptions that experience will store in it, but is equipped with a memory bank that greatly exceeds a computer of your time. When you face your first day on the planet, you have established skills and abilities that can be used or not, and are not merely the result of an inheritance, as you believe.

You can imagine your soul or entity even though only briefly and for this analogue as a living computer, conscious and endowed with divine inspiration, which programs its own existences and life times But this computer is endowed with a creativity such that all the personalities that it programs sprout to consciousness and in turn create realities that not even the computer itself could dream of.

(21.25.) However, each personality arrives with a built-in idea of ​​the reality in which it will operate and has a mental team fully adapted to the specialized environments with which it will meet. You have total freedom, but you must operate in the context of existence for which it has been programmed. Even so, the knowledge that resides in the computer as a whole is condensed in the most secret and secret place of personality. I must point out that I do not mean that the soul or entity is a computer, but I ask you to consider the situation from that perspective to understand certain issues.

Every personality has the capacity not only to reach a new type of existence in his environment the physical reality, in your case, but to creatively increase the quality of his own consciousness and, of that way, to break through this specialized system, breaking the barriers of reality as you know it.

(21.30.) Good. In all this there is a purpose that we will also talk about later. I have mentioned this topic here, because I want you to see that your environment is not real in the sense that you think it is. When you are born you are already `` conditioned '' to perceive reality in a particular way and to interpret that experience in a very limited way but also very intense.

I must explain all this before I can give you a clear idea of ​​my surroundings, or of those other levels of reality in which I operate. There is no space between my surroundings and yours, nor physical limits that separate us. And, speaking in a very real way, the concept of reality as perceived by your physical senses or your scientific instruments, or to which you came by deduction, has very little to See with the facts. And the facts are difficult to explain.

(21.34. Seth Jane leaned forward gesturing to give more emphasis; his eyes were darkened and wide open.)

Your planetary systems exist all at once, simultaneously, both in time and space. The universe that you think you perceive visually or through instruments seems to be composed of galaxies, stars and planets that are at different distances from you. However, that is, fundamentally, an illusion.

Your senses and your own existence as physical creatures program you to perceive the universe in that way . The universe as you know it is nothing more than your interpretation of events as they are introduced into your three-dimensional dimension. The events are mental. That does not mean, for example, that you cannot travel to other planets of that physical universe, nor that you cannot use a table to hold books, glasses and oranges (which was what our coffee table contained at that moment), although the table does not have solid qualities by itself.

(21.42. Jane's rhythm began to slow down much after the rapid start.)

When I enter your system, I move through a series of physical and mental events. You interpret that these events are within space and time, and that is why I often have to use those terms, since I must use your language and not mine.

Your fundamental beliefs are those preconceived ideas of which I spoke to you, those agreements on which you base your ideas of existence. Space and time, for example, are fundamental beliefs. Every reality system has its own collection of these agreements. When I communicate with your system, I must use and understand the fundamental beliefs on which it is based. It is part of my job as a teacher to understand and use them, and I have lived several stocks in many of those systems as part of what we could call my basic training; although my classmates and I had other names for them.

You can take a break.

(21.52. Jane almost immediately left the trance. " I feel the same as those on that television show, " he said, referring to a science fiction show we had seen that afternoon. He tried to explain an image he had received just before Seth began to transmit, while saying that it was not easy to explain it in words. I saw ... a field that contained something similar to stars. We projected an idea towards that field and then it seemed to explode although the idea is really right here, " he said gesturing towards his hands, under his jaw.)

(During the break Jane received a short message from Seth, but of course: we had to change our bed so that the head was again in the north direction, instead of the west as it was now.)

(We continue at a slow pace at 22.02.)

The entity or soul has a much more creative and complicated nature than even religions have supposed.

He uses innumerable methods of perception, and has many other kinds of consciousness under his command. Your idea of ​​the soul is really limited by your three-dimensional concepts.

The soul can change the focus of consciousness, and use consciousness just as you use the eyes of the head. Now at my level of existence, and as odd as it may seem, I am simply aware that I am not my consciousness. My consciousness is just an attribute that I can use. That applies to all readers of this book, even if that knowledge remains hidden. The soul or entity is much more than a consciousness.

Therefore, when I enter your environment, I focus my awareness in your direction. I somehow translate what I am into an event that you can understand to some extent. In a much more limited way, an artist does the same when he tries to express what he is, or a part of what he is, in a painting. Here is at least a suggestive analogy.

When I enter your system I enter the three-dimensional reality, and you must interpret what happens in the light of your fundamental beliefs. Now, although you don't realize it, you all enter into other systems of reality in a dream state, although without the total participation of your normal conscious being. In your subjective experiences you leave physical existence behind and act with a clear purpose and creative validity, in dreams that you forget when you wake up.

When you reflect on the purpose of your existence, you do so with respect to your daily waking life; but you also fulfill your purpose in those other dimensions of the dream. You are then in communication with other portions of your identity, and the work and effort made in them are as valid as those you do in your waking life.

(22.17.) Therefore, when I come into contact with your reality, it is as if I were entering your dreams. I can be aware of my being while I dictate this book through Jane Roberts, and also be aware of myself in my own environment; This is so because I only project a part of my being here, just as perhaps you project only a part of your consciousness when you are writing a letter to a friend and remain aware of the room in which you are. I project much more than you do in a letter, since a part of my consciousness now remains within the woman in a trance to which I dictate, but the analogy is quite close.

My environment, as I said before, would not be the one that corresponds to a personality that has just died, but later I will describe what you can expect in those circumstances.

A big difference between your environment and mine is that you are obliged to physically materialize your mental acts as physical matter . We understand the reality of mental acts and recognize their great validity; we accept them as they are and, consequently, we do not need to materialize and interpret them in such a rigid way.

Your planet Earth has been very dear to me. Now I can focus my consciousness towards it and, if I decide to, experience it in the same way as you; but I can also perceive it in many other ways that you cannot in your time.

Now some of those who are reading will immediately capture what I say, because you will have understood that you see your experience through figurative lenses that distort the vision. Remember also that, if physical reality is in a broad sense an illusion, it is an illusion caused by an even greater reality . That illusion has in itself a purpose and a meaning.

You can rest now.

(22.31. Jane quickly left the trance again, but could not remember any of the material.)

(Although I didn't expect an answer that same night, I asked a question that I thought Jane would consider, in case she was the one who was going to write the introduction of the book: Could she convey the entire Seth book, for example, in a month of daily sessions, or was a certain amount of daily experiences and experiences necessary over a period of months, perhaps, in order to be prepared to serve as a channel?)

(We continue at the same slow pace at 22.45.)

Perhaps it would be better to say that physical reality is a form that takes reality. However, in your system you are intensely focused on a relatively small aspect of the experience.

We can travel freely through many of these realities, and at this time, our experience includes our work in each of them. I do not intend to minimize the importance of your current personality, or of physical existence: quite the opposite.

The three-dimensional experience is a very valuable training place . The personality that you know now will undoubtedly persevere, and also their memories, but it is only a part of your total entity, just as your childhood of this life is an important part of your current personality, although now you are much more than a child.

You will continue to grow and develop and become aware of other environments, even if you have already left your childhood home. But environments are not objective things, conglomerations of objects that exist independently of you. On the contrary, it is you who form them and are literally your extension, materialized mental acts that expand from your consciousness.

I am going to tell you exactly how you form your environment. I form mine following the same rules, although yours is made up of physical objects and mine is not.

All right. I will continue with this point in the next session.

(Very good.)

(Pause at 22.56.) In relation to your question, the book could be written both on consecutive nights and with our current method. Although I leave some room for spontaneity and surprise, so that we can use anything from your experience as an example, or as a topic on which to start a discussion that in any case I already had scheduled.

I merely suggest that Ruburt try the bed change for a week and then we'll see what he thinks about it.

( All right. Our bedroom is small and it is difficult to orient the north bed; in addition, in that case Jane could not look through It's the only window it has. We never get to orient the bed in the way suggested by Seth.)

My dearest wishes to both of you, and I wish you a good night.

( Good evening, Seth. Thank you.)

(23.00. "I feel strange things, " Jane said when she got out of the trance .) I feel like it hasn't been long since Seth started the book. But subjectively I think there is a great deal so far amount of information; that I am somehow transmitting a cumulative amount, or a wealth, of experience.It may be that you are looking for a crazy expression such as )

(Jane then used the analogy of a library, without suggesting that she was receiving all that data from a lost library somewhere.)

SESSION 520, MARCH 25, 1970 21.09 WEDNESDAY

(As we believed) Seth was going to continue the dictation of chapter three. A few minutes before the session began. Jane told me she had a glimpse of Seth: two or three sentences. Normally said I install myself and wait for the session to begin. But I still can't explain how I do it.


( Good night, Seth.)

Let's go back to our book.

(With pauses.) Finally your scientists are discovering what philosophers have known for centuries: that the mind can influence matter. They still have to discover the fact that the mind creates and forms matter.

Now your next environment, physically speaking, is your body . It is not a kind of mannequin in which you are imprisoned, or something that exists apart from you as if it were a carcass. Your body is not beautiful or ugly, healthy or deformed, fast or slow, because that is the body that was given indiscriminately at birth: your physical form, your personal corporeal environment, is the physical materialization of your thoughts, emotions and interpretations.

Literally, the "inner being" forms the body magically transforming thoughts and emotions into its physical counterpart. You make your body grow, so that its condition reflects your subjective state at all times. Using atoms and molecules, you build your body, and with these basic elements you configure a form that you call your own.

Intuitively you are aware that you configure your own image and that you are independent of it. You do not realize that you create your wider environment and the physical world that you know, driving your thoughts and emotions to matter: a progress in three-dimensional life. Therefore, the inner being, individually and in mass, sends out his psychic energy and creates tentacles that are incorporated into the form.

(21.23.) Each emotion and thought has its own unique electromagnetic reality, and is fully equipped to combine with others, according to the different degrees of intensity that you can give it. So to speak, three-dimensional objects are formed in a similar way to how the images you see on your television screens are formed, but with great differences. And, if you are not tuned to that particular frequency, you cannot perceive physical objects in any way.

(Jane – Seth leaned forward as she spoke, to emphasize her words. Her transmission was somewhat different that night. I thought she reacted to the environment. There was noise below and above us. Jane transmitted a sentence, then paused longer than usual, and his pace was slower than usual.)

You all act as transformers and, unconsciously and automatically, transform highly specialized electromagnetic units into physical objects.

You are in the middle of a "system of concentrated matter" surrounded, so to speak, by weaker areas in which what you would call "pseudomateria" persists. Every thought and emotion exists spontaneously as a simple or complex electromagnetic unit, not yet perceived by your scientists.

(21.27.) Intensity determines both the strength and the permanence of the physical image in which the thought or emotion will be materialized. I explain this in depth in my own material. Aquí sólo quiero que entendáis que el mundo que conocéis es un reflejo de la realidad interna.

Básicamente estáis hechos de los mismos ingredientes que una silla, una piedra, el cogollo de una lechuga o un pájaro. Todas las consciencias se unen en una labor cooperativa gigantesca, para crear las formas que percibís . Dado que nosotros conocemos eso, podemos cambiar nuestro entorno y nuestra forma física a nuestro antojo y sin confusión alguna, ya que percibimos la realidad que subsiste en ella.

También sabemos que la permanencia de la forma es una ilusión, ya que toda consciencia debe estar en estado permanente de cambio. Nosotros podemos –hablando en vuestros términos– estar en distintos lugares a la vez, pues somos conscientes de la verdadera movilidad de la consciencia. Ahora bien: siempre que pensáis emocionalmente en una persona, enviáis fuera de vosotros un homólogo vuestro, con una intensidad inferior a la de la materia, pero con forma definida. Esta forma que vuestra consciencia proyecta hacia afuera escapa totalmente a la atención del ego. Cuando yo pienso emocionalmente en otra persona, sucede lo mismo, pero envío una parte de mi consciencia dentro de la imagen y puedo comunicarme a través de ella. Podéis tomaros un descanso.

(21.37. Jane salió rápidamente del trance. Los ruidos continuaban en la casa. Le habían molestado durante la transmisión y habían interferido en mis notas. A pesar de todo, quedó sorprendida de que hubiese pasado casi media hora.)

(A las 21.56, cuando estaba esperando para volver a entrar en trance. Jane dijo: « No sé si es porque esta noche estoy cansada o porque los ruidos pueden conmigo, pero me está costando empezar de nuevo…» Continuamos a las 21.58.)

Los entornos son primordialmente creaciones mentales de la consciencia empujadas a distintas formas. Yo tengo un despacho del siglo XIV, que es mi preferido y en el que hallo gran complacencia. No existe en vuestros términos físicos, y sé muy bien que es una producción mental mía. A pesar de todo me gusta mucho, ya veces tomo forma física para sentarme en el escritorio y mirar el paisaje por la ventana.

Ahora vosotros hacéis lo mismo cuando estáis sentados en vuestro salón, pero no sois conscientes de ello; por el momento estáis restringidos, por así decirlo. Cuando me encuentro con mis compañeros, a menudo solemos convertir nuestros pensamientos a diversas formas, por el simple goce de la práctica. Tenemos lo que vosotros llamaríais un juego que requiere cierta experiencia, en el que, por pura diversión, vemos cuál de nosotros puede traducir un pensamiento en el mayor número de formas. (Pausa.)

Existen tales cualidades sutiles que afectan la naturaleza del pensamiento, tantos grados de emoción, que ninguna forma puede ser jamás igual a otra (sonrisa), así como no hay un solo objeto en vuestro sistema que sea la copia exacta de otro. Los átomos y las moléculas que componen cualquier objeto tienen una identidad propia que colorea y califica todo objeto que forman.Vosotros aceptáis y percibís la continuidad y la similitud cuando percibís un objeto físico de cualquier clase, y hacéis caso omiso de la desemejanza de un campo dado de realidad. Por ejemplo, vuestros cuerpos no sólo cambian completamente cada siete años, sino que también lo hacen constantemente con cada respiración.

(22.12.) Los átomos y moléculas que componen la carne mueren constantemente y luego son reemplazados. Las hormonas están en estado constante de alteración y movimiento. Las propiedades electromagnéticas de la piel y las células cambian continuamente e incluso se invierten a sí mismas. La materia física que componía tu cuerpo hace un momento es significativamente diferente de la materia que forma tu cuerpo en este instante.

Si pudierais percibir el cambio constante de vuestro cuerpo con la misma persistencia con la que atendéis a su naturaleza aparentemente permanente, os sorprenderíais de haber considerado alguna vez el cuerpo como una entidad más o menos constante, más o menos integrada. Incluso subjetivamente fabricáis la idea de que el ser consciente es relativamente estable y permanente, y os concentráis en ella. Centráis vuestra atención en esas ideas, pensamientos y actitudes que recordáis del «pasado», como si fueran vuestras, y pasáis por alto otras que os fueron « características », desvanecidas ahora, pasando también por alto el hecho de que no podéis apresar el pensamiento. El pensamiento de hace un momento se desvanece enseguida.

Vosotros tratáis de mantener a un ser físico, subjetivo, constante y relativamente permanente, para así poder mantener un entorno relativamente constante y relativamente permanente. Eso os permite poneros siempre en la posición de hacer caso omiso de ese cambio. Esto que no queréis reconocer es precisamente lo que os daría una mayor comprensión de la verdadera naturaleza de la realidad, de la subjetividad individual y del entorno físico que aparentemente os rodea.

(22.23. Los párrafos anteriores se transmitieron a un ritmo más rápido.}

¿Qué es lo que le sucede a un pensamiento cuando abandona nuestra mente consciente? No se limita simplemente a desaparecer. Podéis aprender a seguirlo, pero normalmente os asusta el hecho de apartar vuestra atención de su intenso enfoque en la existencia tridimensional . Por consiguiente, os parece que el pensamiento desaparece. También os parece que vuestra subjetividad tiene una cualidad desconocida y misteriosa, y que incluso vuestra vida mental tiene una especie de precipicio subjetivo por el que caen los pensamientos y recuerdos para desaparecer en la nada. Así pues para protegeros, para evitar que vuestro pensamiento vaya a la deriva, levantáis barreras psicológicas en los puntos que suponéis peligrosos. En cambio, podríais seguir esos pensamientos y emociones simplemente dándoos cuenta de que vuestra realidad continúa en otra dirección, además de aquella con que os identificáis principalmente. Entonces esos pensamientos y emociones que ya han dejado vuestra mente consciente os conducirían a otros entornos.

(22.29.) Esas aberturas subjetivas a través de las cuales parecen desaparecer los pensamientos son de hecho una especie de urdimbre psíquica que conecta el ser que conocéis con otros universos de experiencias, otras realidades donde los símbolos cobran vida y donde no se niega el potencial del pensamiento.

Durante vuestros sueños esas otras realidades y la vuestra se comunican, y hay también una interacción constante entre ambos sistemas. Si hay algún punto en el que vuestra consciencia parezca eludiros o escaparse de vosotros, o si hay un punto donde parece que termine vuestra consciencia, ésos son exactamente los puntos donde habéis edificado vuestras barreras psíquicas y psicológicas, y son precisamente esas áreas las que deberíais explorar . De lo contrario os sentiréis como si vuestra consciencia estuviese encerrada en vuestro cráneo, constreñida e inmovilizada, lo que hace que cada pensamiento perdido o recuerdo olvidado parezca, al menos simb licamente, una peque a muerte. Y se no es el caso.

Sugiero que tom is un descanso.

(22.36. Esta vez el trance de Jane hab a sido m s profundo, y no hubo ning n ruido que la perturbase. Continuamos a las 22.52.)

All right. ste es el final del dictado por esta noche.

(Luego Seth estuvo tratando brevemente una experiencia fuera del cuerpo que hab a tenido Jane en la tarde de ayer .)

Terminar la sesi n con mis m s efusivos deseos para ambos, y me gustar a recordar a Ruburt otra vez la sugerencia que le hice sobre su cama.

( Buenas noches, Seth.)

(23.05. V ase la sesi n 519, en que Seth sugiere a Jane que trate de poner su cama orientada norte sur. A n no lo hemos hecho.) (Jane contin a leyendo el libro de Seth, pero es evidente que ya no est preocupada por l, aunque su inter s sigue tan vivo como siempre.)




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