Automatic Writing 1. Channeling through Writing: Who can we contact?

  • 2017
Practicing Automatic Writing

I believe in the future harmonization of these two states, apparently so contradictory, that they are the dream and the reality, in a kind of absolute reality, in a surreal or surreal, if it can be called that”

André Breton- "Surrealist Manifesto"

André Breton (1896-1966), French poet, essayist and critic, father of S urrealism, said that Automatic Writing is a way to allow “ the wealth of the unconscious to emerge to make a poetic discourse that exceeds the aesthetic, social or established moral. ”

Its purpose was to overcome the censorship that the conscience exerts on the unconscious; Thus, creative acts, not programmed by consciousness, escape the author's will and thus it is the unconscious who creates directly.

Breton postulated the existence of a superior reality that would be possible to access by bringing two worlds into contact, wakefulness and sleep, which had traditionally been kept separate.

André Breton was not mistaken in affirming such a thing, since the seeker of Truth knows that the dream world transmits teachings that directly affect reality.

Through Automatic Writing we can make contact with our inner world, and let our subconscious express itself. We can also contact other intelligences and act as channels using pencil and paper. Any of these activities will increase our mental and spiritual power and develop our creativity .

What is Automatic Writing?

Automatic Writing is a kind of art : the art of making contact with the Higher Self, or with other intelligences through pencil and paper, while immersed in a state of relaxation and meditation.

People who wish to perform this wonderful exercise should keep a pencil on a blank sheet of paper, reassure their mind, stop their thoughts, and allow themselves to become a channel for communication .

The writing is called automatic, because that is how it can be perceived. The artist connects with the energy of the Higher Self or the entity with which he is communicating and they perform the writing, often passing over the channel's own consciousness, which does not realize what He is writing until he finishes.

In that sense, it does not differ much from traditional channeling, and can even be considered a specialty within the channeling process.

Once control over the process is acquired, the hand moves as if it had a life of its own, without the participation of the will, to the point that a tingling is often felt, as if for a short time we had been part of someone else .

Who can we make contact with?

Automatic Writing is limited only by the will, concentration and control of the fears of who practices it.

Let's see the possibilities within our reach.

The Higher Self

The most beneficial and safe contact with which to perform Automatic Writing is our own Higher Self. The omniscient part of ourselves is not only in constant communication with our physical mind, but also with the collective unconscious : that vast and nebulous mass of energy that contains in itself all the knowledge of the Universe.

The Higher Self is reliable, rarely mistaken, always available, and always considers our well-being as the most precious. He usually communicates with us in dreams or in moments of meditation .

Opening a direct line of communication with him, such as the one provided by Automatic Writing, can help us in ways that we cannot even imagine, since our Higher Self has access to all the things we have ever known, in this life and in past lives ..

Sometimes the Higher Self acts as if it were our common sense, especially when we feel confused or lose objectivity.

Guiding Spirits

The Guiding Spirits are disembodied entities, both human and non-human, that deal with assisting living beings through tests they put into their lives. There are very different interpretations of what these beings are. Some say they are angels, others that are part of the family soul itself, or that they are former loved ones who chose to help us throughout our lives.

As with the Higher Self, Guide Spirits can communicate with us through meditations or dreams, and they also have access to the various levels of information present in the collective unconscious .

They are not completely infallible in their judgments, but they rarely commit mistakes, and they have a deep sense about what they should and what they should not tell us at a given time.

They observe our life from a very high point of view, where not even our Higher Mind can reach. In addition, they may not warn us of some things that our Higher Self would warn us about. The Higher Self is part of us, and as interested in self- preservation as our own conscious mind. A Guiding Spirit can let a difficulty enter our life, because he feels we need the experience, or in order for us to learn a pending lesson.

Friends and deceased relatives :

Some believing thinkers of the Reincarnation, make fun of the idea of ​​a living being capable of making contact with the spirits of the dead, since they think that they continue to live in other bodies.

However, the Truth seeker knows that the Reincarnation process is not automatic . There is a whole " life between lives ", and it is during these periods that we can connect with the dead.

In addition, the memories, energy and matter of the soul that was the deceased loved one, may have been submerged in the collective unconscious, or may even have transmigrated into the body of another Human Being. But your Higher Self remains, and it is this one with which you can make contact through Automatic Writing.

Although deceased loved ones will often keep in mind our best interest, let's not forget that the dead are no more reliable in death than they were in life. The wayward relative who was a pathological liar in life, will remain so in the hereafter, and perhaps it is not a good idea to trust his messages.

However, it is difficult that there is a feeling as joyful as the feeling of having crossed the greatest barrier that separates a human being from another, to receive a message or goodbye from someone that one deeply appreciated in life.

Uncarnated unknown humans:

We can also make contact with other dead individuals we did not know in life, even if their mortal time did not match ours.

However, these contacts are more difficult to achieve, although many people strive to achieve it. The most popular figures that are requested in Automatic Writing are usually famous spiritual masters, such as Edgard Cayce (famous American psychic of the 50s), Master Jesus, or Ghandi.

Of course there are also many people who try to make contact with famous names like Elvis or Michael Jackson.

If this is the kind of thing you are looking for, we advise you to do it for fun, Without waiting for authentic answers, or deep spiritual teachings.

Communicating with the living :

Because all our thoughts, experiences and energy are linked to the collective unconscious, on exceptional occasions, we can get to communicate with the mind of another living being through Automatic Writing.

This is a very connection difficult to do, and usually arises spontaneously, having been initiated first by the Higher Self of the other living person.

Similarly, contacting a person who is known is much easier than making contact with someone we do not know personally. So if you fantasize about making spiritual contact with a movie star for example, it is very likely that your fantasy will come out starry.

If your intention is to contact the unconscious mind of another person to spy on it, meddle or pry, you will be sadly frustrated, because your Higher Self will block or censor any communication you feel is of no interest. s for that person.

However, if someone wishes to speak with an acquaintance who is, for example, in a comatose state and cannot communicate, Automatic Writing is probably the best way to do it.

Other disembodied beings :

This includes beings that are not total (mere fragments of energy, projected astral traces), extraterrestrial entities, and other non-human spirits that are as varied as the human psyche. Many of them are harmless, but they are not strong enough to break through the barriers of protection that would allow them to communicate with us through Automatic Writing (our Higher Self simply does not let them pass). Others are evil, and in the best case they will enjoy provoking you with humorous, capricious or silly communications, although they may not want to harm you deliberately. However, communication with unknown non-human creatures is impossible to classify and can be dangerous. It is advised not to try without the advice of specialists . It is prudent not to open a physical channel to them, and if it is perceived that one has accidentally opened, close it as soon as possible.

Beware of Negative Entities

Occasionally, and without a prior invitation, any entity or negative energy could be attracted to our Automatic Writing and cross the protective perimeter, even with the vigilance of the Higher Self.

There are ways to determine if that has happened to us, and the best way is to examine the content of the communication.

Although it is rare, if we ever find a coercive or abusive Automatic Writing, the situation must be adequately addressed.

Such writings are easy to distinguish, since their main purpose is clearly to harm us or others. Communications that try to force us to do something against our will or our ethics, or that lower us or degrade us, should be closed immediately.

A harmful message is the first sign that we are not receiving communication from a loved one or highly evolved, and it would be dangerous to continue playing with a possibly malicious force.

This is our advice: close the channel immediately!

Vulgar or rude language is also a rare thing to find, and is not a good sign. But in reality it may be a different matter. Although language may be considered obscene and inappropriate, the words that are not harmful cause themselves and do not have to come from an evil entity, but simply from an ordinary spirit.

For example, if we try to make contact with the spirit of an old braggy uncle who, in life, could not utter a complete sentence without offending someone, then it is highly likely that he will use the same ways to communicate after death. Remember that being dead does not necessarily elevate our ideals or our morals. If you do not like to receive a message dotted with colorful phrases, you can request that the entity be repressed to write in that way, ask you to communicate with someone else, or stop the process without further ado.

Remember that in Automatic Writing, you always have control.

Signs that you have made contact with a negative energy or entity:

- The phrases are erratic and confusing to the point of looking strange.

- The drawings that you feel compelled to draw contain violent images or disturbances.

- The language is abusive, threatening or demanding.

- They make demands for you to spend large amounts of time with Automatic Writing.

- There is an obvious attempt at coercion or threat to continue these negative contacts.

- You are asked to do something that you do not want to do, or that is declared against your personal ethics.

- They play with your greatest fears, as a means of forcing you to go against their wishes.

- There is evidence of tactics of guilt and emotional blackmail.

- Your personal deities, religion and ethics are repeatedly denigrated or vilified.

- Extreme cruelty is part of the communication. For example, they may falsely say that a loved one has just died.

These negative cases remain exceptions . The vast majority of experiences with Automatic Writing are pleasant and very enriching spiritually.

Do you dare to try?

In a second article we will see how to practice Automatic Writing and how to interpret it.

That article will be published under the title: Automatic Writing 2: Channeling through Writing. Practice and Interpretation

A hug in the light.

MORE INFORMATION in: “ How to practice Automatic Writing ” by Edain McCoy.

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