Coming revelations a message from their guides ~ March 18, 2016

  • 2016

My Dear Ones:

We come with great pleasure on this day to inform you that you are in the process of going through important changes - astrological events, geological disturbances, and all kinds of evolutionary changes that are happening on your planet and throughout the human species. None of these changes are good or bad in themselves. All of them are relative to their interaction with the whole. To the extent that humanity chooses what supports love and light, the consequence of those choices will be greater love and light manifested throughout the kingdom of the Earth.

We hope you receive this information with the intention with which it was sent - to help you know how powerful your choices are and how powerfully your choices affect the whole. The whole is moving and changing rapidly, accelerated by the aforementioned cosmological factors, along with the disintegration of time itself. Although this may seem unlikely, many of you are well aware that time is a very malleable dimension - so much so that some branches of your sciences do not support that you refer to time as a measurable dimension at all. We would like to postulate you that just as you have believed in time in terms of history and programming and such, if you adopted the idea that time is not, in fact, a 'true dimension', would this not allow you to further expand your minds concerning what is 'real' or 'true' and what is not? If, in fact, time does not exist, except as you interpret it, would that not mean that there could then be other 'realities' that exist or do not exist, no matter what your direct experience of these other' realities is?

For example, if you had never seen or heard of a 'ghost', you might still believe in them because the 'ghost phenomena' are part of your cultural experience through their tales and legends of ghosts, haunted houses, inns, etc.

If they take stories of aliens, and UFOs, and that sort of thing, there is a lot of defamation on the part of society to perpetuate these stories, even if they are at least as prevalent as ghost stories. His government and his media have put great efforts to discredit people who present stories that have anything to do with the extraterrestrial kingdom. However, stories abound of ship sightings, sightings of aliens and unexplained lights in the sky, as well as many other phenomena such as crop circles. Anything can be explained or verified, depending on who is doing the verification or discredit.

We share this not to convince them of the existence of ghosts or aliens, but to encourage them to expand their minds more than they are used to, as more and more information will surface and challenge their beliefs. We can unequivocally tell you that what they have been taught to believe is a mere fraction of what exists, and that what has been covered up about their history, their science, their government, their religions, the DNA, the ancient civilizations, and many other issues is much more than what you perceive or believe is recorded history. We want to make it very clear - your story and much of what you think is true about your world is a massive disguise of what it really is. The reason we are telling you this right now is because the revelations are beginning.

The end times, Armageddon, and the prophecies in the Book of Revelations are not about the end of the world; They are about the revelation of the world that has been hidden from you. As they learn about their true history, they will be able to take their place as informed and empowered enlightened beings, who are really ready to live lives of free will in Cooperation with their Creator and all who have worked for countless eons of time to safeguard them. of his own destruction.

The prevalence of myths that you believe is your reality will take some time to collapse, unless you simply suspend judgments about new truths and consider whether they are at least as plausible as what you have been told to date. When you consider that much of what you believe is not very plausible compared to what will be revealed, many of you will realize that there is simply no good reason to remain attached to the old stories. This could make it easier for many of you to consider at least the possibility that the new stories are true. Having said that, we always encourage you to question everything and do your best to feel what is true in your heart. The heart does not lie. The mind does it frequently. Train your mind to think about alignment with the heart, and you will be able to discern the truth.

The truth will be revealed, and most of you will think that it is more strange than fiction, until it is corroborated in many ways, including carbon dating, verifiable records, and many other ways that had previously been disregarded or quickly discredited. The reason why some of the newly disclosed data will not be disregarded or discredited is because as you go through this process you will gain many ways to remember and understand memories Individuals from past lives and collective cultural memories that will become very common. Some people will also be adept at remembering their lives between lives, the reasons why they came to certain lives and those with whom they had contracts to complete. All these ways of remembering will corroborate the new stories that will be revealed. As you remember these things and honor yourself, more pieces of the puzzle will fit into place.

It will be as if you had been working with the same old puzzle piece throughout your life, just to find that most of the pieces have been hidden from you. Once you realize that you have many more pieces, life in general will become much easier because you will have much more accurate information to work with.

Dear ones, we look forward to you waking up to the true reality of who you are and what you are capable of.

And so it is.

Always with a great love,

The Collective of the Guides

AUTHOR: Salena Migeot

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