Story of a Third Initiation, by Vicente Beltrán Anglada

“Preparations for the Wesak Festival were anticipated that year, as our Brother J. was to receive the third Initiation and Lord Maitreya had communicated it to our Master. As in the Initiation of some members of the Ashrama, we were invited to the Initiatory Ceremony. But this time the Master selected the members that we could be present very carefully, because in this Initiation the initiating Hierophant was the Lord of the World himself, the physical incarnation of the planetary Logos and the tremendously igneous radiation that came off from His Aura was excessively dangerous for the safety of our subtle bodies, although we would not have to stand before Him and receive the latent fire and receive the baptism of the living Fire that arises from the mystical entrails of the Flaming Diamond.

We would be situated - the Master reassured us - at a prudent distance from the Initiatic Triangle, so that there would be no danger that our mental and astral bodies would suffer damage, but he recommended us “to be very attentive” to the development of that transcendent experience that takes or We should perform early.

We would attend first, as usual, the annual Blessing of the Lord Buddha and then we would go to the "place" where the Initiation Ceremony should take effect.

The Master had taught us for weeks about how to behave and how to prepare for this ultimate event in our disciples' lives. First of all we should observe for a few days a specific food diet that He himself indicated for each of us, except for the day of the full moon of Wesak in which we should keep fasting, so that our physical body did not offer any resistance at the time of abandoning him.

I do not mention Wesak's date because my particular interest - and with that I continue to interpret the will of the Master - is the Act itself and not the time or place in which it should occur. There may be certain interesting astrological aspects on the date chosen by Mr. Maitreya, but on that occasion and for reasons that I completely ignore, the Master had limited himself to giving us pertinent instructions to the Mystical Ceremony of the Initiation and to our individual preparation to attend to her. I will limit myself, therefore, to recounting that experience as I perceived it and not based on what the esoteric books relate about it.

The "enclosure" where the Initiation would take place was surprisingly illuminated and a warm and thrilling dynamism was perceived everywhere, as well as an indescribable feeling of fullness. I, trying to become aware of all the peculiarities inherent in the initiatory preparations, clearly felt the vibration of my subtle astral and mental bodies, being able to perfectly differentiate one from the other. I usually feel the particular vibration of my physical body. At certain times of the past he accompanied me with such force that he really disturbed me.

I asked Master one day about that, which at first seemed to me an "anomaly, " a kind of disagreement between my dense body and the etheric vehicle. The Master reassured me by telling me that what seemed to me to be an anomaly was nothing more than the etheric response to the powerful vibration that had long gravitated on my mental body.

“The 'body workers' - he told me - are trying to adjust the powerful mental dynamism with the vibration of the etheric body and the physical brain.

The slow work of balancing the bodies sometimes produces great problems, since the process of incorporating the energies that come from the causal body and the abstract mind into the vehicle, is very slow and annoying and often - as you will have already observed - cause the feeling that the physical brain is going to explode. The maximum hatching of this process is revealed at the moment when the Initiate receives the fourth Initiation, when the energy of the Monad and the power of the Initiatic Scepter containing solar energy precipitate on the causal body of the Initiate. Both vibrations are so powerful that the mental substance that makes up such a body becomes inflamed and becomes a burning flame that consumes and disintegrates the causal body being dispersed its very fine molecular elements in space ... The precipitation of triple fire, electric, solar and Kundalini -potently stimulated-, motivates the destruction of that case of light that houses the solar Soul. If you analyze it carefully, you will see reproduced in this initiatory stage, full of vivid dramatism, the precipitation of the causal energies or of the upper Mind on the etheric body, although said vibration although it does not produce destruction, determines, however, very pronounced inconvenience."

Meanwhile, the "place or enclosure" had been filled with all the members of the Hierarchy who were to attend that transcendent Act and in accordance with certain mysteries of a universal nature, each group of Initiates was placed "geometrically" in the place that It corresponded to his spiritual hierarchy.

Serenely expectant, both my fellow Ashrama and I, were waiting for the arrival of the high spiritual Entities that should collaborate in the development of the Ceremony. Our heart - at least in a particular sense of what I felt in those moments - was deeply seized by a sweet, warm and dynamic emotion itself, for we all knew that in that initiatory Ceremony the Hierophant was the Lord of the World himself.

In the right place we saw our Master who accompanied Brother J. Both were dressed like us and all the assistants, their white robes and their gold emblems that symbolized their hierarchy within the Great Fraternity. Those of the Master revealing his degree of Adept, those of Brother J., revealing his condition of Transfigured, with the golden emblems corresponding to the third Initiation, precisely the Initiation for which he had prepared himself and whose “confirmation be him It was conferred by the Great KING through the Initiatic Scepter. It did not surprise us, however, to observe in Brother J.'s technique some golden emblems that did not correspond to him yet, for we all knew that the Initiation - Whatever it is, it is only conferred upon him who is already practically an Initiate, and our Brother J. had successfully passed the tests corresponding to the third Initiation. n.

Forming a small group apart, we saw the three great Lords, the Manu, the Bodhisattva and the Mahachohan, conversing with each other while they were waiting for the moment of the Initiation Ceremony.

Something further there we could observe the presence of some Chohanes, among them Master Morya and Master Kut-Humi, who, according to the Master had warned us, would be the Adepts that They would sponsor our Brother and should be the recipients of the Flaming Diamond energy before entering the causal body of the Initiation Candidate. Master Serapis was surrounded by a large group of angels and, apparently, he was giving them some instructions in relation to the Ceremony that they nodded reverently. Three powerful light bulbs more shining than the Light prevailing in the place (as you will realize, I am forced to express myself in terms that are not a reliable representation of what is perceived in certain higher dimensions of Space) they were moving rhythmically at a certain definite point preparing the coming of the Lord of the World. He intuitively said that it was the Lords of the Flame, the three Buddhas who seconded the creative work of Sanat Kumara and constituted the three aspects of His divine nature, Atma, Budhi and Manas, whose perception Direct does not yet correspond to my spiritual evolution.

Although, like my colleagues in Ashrama, I tried to be very attentive and expectant, I consciously knew that a large part of the details inherent in the Initiation Ceremony that was to be held would go completely unnoticed. in my view, but I also knew that the rich experience of that tremendous and decisive contact was going to be deeply useful in spiritual development within the great initiation current.

At a certain moment, and as if obeying a magical spell, the Initiate groups formed several semicircles around the area of ​​light occupied by the Flame Lords. Each group was placed in the geometric location corresponding to their spiritual hierarchy within the Great Fraternity and a tremendous, dynamic and indescribable Peace was produced shortly after. The silence that I managed to introduce into my subtle vehicles was far superior to what I had experienced until those moments. The joint meeting of the Masters of all the Ashramas and their respective groups of Initiates, the Presence of the Great Lords of the Departments of Politics, Religions and Civilization, of the Chohanes of Lightning, of the Lords of the Llama and the splendid hosts of superior Angels, created an atmosphere of powerful expectation and serene dynamism that at certain times I thought I would not be able to resist.

At a certain moment, our Master went ahead of the group he formed with other Masters and came to look for Brother J., who was in our group, and presented him to BODHISATTVA. He welcomed the candidate with a kind and kind smile and, in turn, presented him to Masters Morya and Kut-Humi, who placed him between them, shaking hands and giving him confidence. Everything was ready for the celebration of the Ceremony. The three Great LORDS OF THE FLAME then constituted an equilateral triangle, "oriented His Face toward the East and invoked the GREAT LORD, " the HIEROFANT PRESENT IN ALL INITIATIONS. There was an eternally indescribable degree of expectation in those moments. A “heavenly music” modulated by the Angels toured the entire enclosure, tearing the ethers of the environment to untold extremes. A LIGHT superior to all the lights then took over the space where the Great Fraternity was gathered and this LIGHT, the LIGHT of SANAT KUMARA, was projected as a focus of energy in the Triangle formed by the LADIES OF THE FLAME occupying the center of the same. From there and occupying the upper vertex of the Triangle constituted by Him and the Masters Morya and Kut-Humi, he invited our Brother J. to stand before His powerful Presence. In those moments began what in esoteric terms we call Initiatic Ceremony ...

A great network of transcendent spiritual energy prevented the perception of what was happening in the mystical Center of the two interlocking Triangles formed by the three LORDS OF THE FLAME and by Chohanes M. and KH. and the LORD OF THE WORLD himself, who in that arrangement occupied the Center of both Triangles.

It was only possible for me to perceive geometric shapes, that of the two intertwined Triangles and the nine-pointed Star shining extraordinarily in the center of such Triangles, which is the Emblem of the nine Initiations received by SANAT KUMARA in the Venus Scheme.

At one point, an intense Indigo blue Light, dynamic expression of the energies of the second Lightning of Love-Wisdom omnipotent in our Solar System, was perceptible to my vision and for a while I was blinded, without perceiving anything other than its bright dynamism. I understood immediately that it was the mystical radiation of the Scepter of Power, or Flaming Diamond that the LORD OF THE WORLD wielded, the wonderful contribution of the Venusian Scheme to our Earth Scheme, which at that time was applied to the causal body of our Brother J., giving it the power inherent to that Initiation that was being conferred on it…

Already, at the end of the Ceremony, I saw perfectly that the LORD OF THE WORLD was hugging our Brother J., and that moments later forming a group with the LADIES OF THE FLAME they were dissipating, merging with the Space. There were the other Masters, the Lightning Chohans and the Department Guides, the MANU, Mr. MAITREYA and the MAHACHOHAN, who approached Brother J. congratulating him on the Initiation that had just been conferred, blessing him with all love and inciting him to continue its work and acts of Service for the good of the Great Fraternity and the entire world.

The huge group gradually vanished and when there were only a few scattered members left, our Master came to us bringing Brother J .; His face shone, his aura shone brightly and everyone hugged us with all the affection emanating from his wonderful heart. We all knew then that by virtue of the Initiation that had been granted to him and the hidden knowledge and magical secrets that had been revealed to him, our Ashrama had been potently stimulated and that Brother J. would be since then, as it always was. our Brother R., a new welcome Instructor in our particular Classroom of Knowledge.

The initiatory experience to which I refer took place a few years ago, but the incidences of it and the details of the Ceremony, were living fire that has since been lit as a magical igneous Torch deep in my heart ...

Secret Diary of a Disciple, pp. 47-55 - Chapter V

Source: Google Books - Editorial Sirio


The Vicente Beltrán Anglada Association will make a compilation or a monograph with all the opinions and reflections of the Internet users who appreciate and they get “deep” the work of Vicente BA The book is for sale in bookstores, but for those who have not yet could buy, here we put Chapter V, published by Editorial Sirio in Google Books (there are other chapters available). Any thoughts or comments to share send it to: It is a great service for others to share our thoughts ...

Related links:

- The Spiritual Initiation of Human Beings

- First Hierarchical Initiation

- Second Hierarchical Initiation

- Third Hierarchical Initiation

- Fourth Hierarchical Initiation

- Fifth Hierarchical Initiation

Related books:

- Human and Solar Initiation, by Alice A. Bailey (The Tibetan)

- The Rays and the Initiations, by Alice A. Bailey (The Tibetan)

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