What have you been told about Helicobacter Pylori?

  • 2014

Specialists say that, in developing countries, the population affected by the Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria is 70-80%, meaning that most people are infected. And, although for many it is an asymptomatic disease, others suffer from heartburn, nausea, dyspepsia or indigestion, abdominal pain, among other symptoms.

According to doctors, Helicobacter Pylori is an extremely dangerous bacterium because it causes deficiencies in nutrient absorption, and has been identified as the causative agent of gastritis, ulcers and gastric cancer.

In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Drs. Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren " for his discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease ."

It is believed that the H. Pylori bacteria spread through contaminated food and water.

The common treatment, indicated by Gastroenterologists, is a combination of several antibiotics, plus a " proton pump inhibitor ." The goal of medical treatment? Remove the bacteria

Our Testimony

There are many people who have asked me about my experience with this bacterium, and so many requests for help that I have found in the different forums that I have entered looking for information, that I have decided to share my experience in writing so that - hopefully - it will serve It helps many and can overcome such awkward affliction. January 2012, I was diagnosed " Acute Chronic Gastropathy D / C Helicobacter Pylori", and they indicated a treatment of two antibiotics, plus an inhibitor. Since they told me about taking two antibiotics for 14 days, my Intuition rejected it. Only a few months ago I had a hysterectomy and I knew that my immune system was weakened, because that operation was precisely looking to end the cause of many years suffering from anemias, which - in my case - had been a constant weakness in my life .

I was warned about the danger of having that bacterium in my stomach and that it should be eliminated as soon as possible, because it could degenerate into cancer. I was at a crossroads.

Thank God, and a co-worker, I met a renowned Naturopathic Doctor who explained the following:

The root cause of the infection of this bacterium in the stomach is a Heavy Metal Poisoning. This happens when your body is full of toxins, so it becomes acidic .

- What caused the heavy metal poisoning was dehydration, chronic constipation, lack of exercise (non-sweating to lead a sedentary life, since I have worked sitting at a desk most of my days, for almost 25 years), chemicals in blood pressure medications, plus the chemicals that most of the foods we eat have.

- Helicobacter Pylori is the bacteria that is responsible for eating our body, when our body dies. Everything is planned within us and if this bacterium did not eat our meat in the process of rotting, the world would be full of polluting decomposing human remains.

- Helicobacter Pylori normally lives behind the Pylorus, which is the valve that connects the stomach with the Duodenum (the beginning of the small intestine). This area is alkaline, but it becomes acidic when the body is so acidic that the Pylorus opens. While, to compensate for the acidity of the body, the stomach stops producing acid and becomes an alkaline zone, so this bacteria can stay there, while these conditions occur.

- If the body was not acid -toxic (or poisoned, because the toxin is poison) - the bacteria would remain in place, without causing discomfort .

- Then, the goal should not be to kill the bacteria, as conventional doctors claim, but to eliminate toxins from the body, so that its acid-alkaline balance is restored. When this happens, the bacteria withdraws from the stomach and returns to its place, at the beginning of the Duodenum. To achieve this it is essential to adopt an alkaline diet.

- The acid-alkaline balance of the organism can be measured by the pH of the urine, which, in optimal health circumstances, should be between 6.50 - 6.80. " A pH below 6.5 may develop: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arteriosclerosis, Arterial Hypertension, Arthritis, Osteoporosis ... A person with an acidic organism continually becomes ill and it is very difficult to restore their health."

- A state of acidity less than 6.5 is caused by: An unbalanced diet (poor nutrition), Environmental Pollution (toxic substances), stress, lack of exercise and intoxication of the body (by medicines and chemicals in food).

- When the body is intoxicated, it is demineralized, because the body uses minerals to balance itself. This causes the Thyroid, the "starter" of the body, to work forced, because it is with minerals that work. This demineralization then degenerates into a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is compensated by the intake of minerals and adequate food.

The Interstitium ( Interstitial ), area where the food goes so that the cells eliminate the toxins that they have, and, with what is left, the organism acquires material for its cellular regeneration, can be filled with the accumulated toxins that are not being eliminated by intoxication, and then there is no room or material left for the birth of new cells. This causes that what should be new and healthy cells, are being created using as material the corpses or debris of the old cells. That is to say, that the organism is gradually becoming a great dump of toxins, a step away from cancer.

This was the level of dehydration and intoxication of my organism, when I was diagnosed with Helicobacter Pylori. (Green is normal, yellow below or above normal, orange is alert, deteriorating and red is a very hard working organism, on maximum alert). The pH of my urine was 5.73. That is, my body was very acidic. And, the rate of toxin elimination was well below normal (138, when normal is 180-220).

The kidneys, due to lack of water with which to work in the elimination of toxins, could not fulfill their function and were working forced (a person must drink, daily, 1 liter of water per every 50 pounds of weight, I barely drank some water a day, because I rarely felt thirsty).

This is the graphic representation of how my organs were working, when I was diagnosed with Helicobacter Pylori. The Lymphatic System, in charge of collecting garbage from the body and producing its defense, was working very hard, as was the Circulatory System and the Liver. The Energy Triangle, consisting of the Thyroid, Mitochondria and Adrenal Gland, was deteriorating. The Digestive System, the Immune and Minerals, were below normal.


* Cleaning of the intestines, and mineralization of the body. (The Naturopath indicated a combination that when I took it I felt it was a gift from Heaven. It consisted of Colon Care (product for cleaning the Colon), Aloe Vera Juice (Aloe Vera), Liquid Chlorophyll and Mineral-Chi Tonic (supplement of minerals).

* Hydration (drink 1 liter of water for every 50 pounds of weight). For several weeks we were in the water taking a supplement called "Kidney Drainage" that helps the functioning of the kidneys.

* Magnesium Complex. It is an essential mineral that alkalizes and restores the health of muscles and bones, and is important for the function of each cell in the body. The Brain, Heart and Kidneys need an adequate level of magnesium to function properly.

* Limphomax. Herbal supplement to help clean the lymphatic system, essential for detoxification.

* Urinary Maintenance. Provides renal support, as it works as a diuretic effective

* Food Enzymes (Digestive Enzymes), for the key digestive system and balance the Ph. Systematically supports the body's immune defenses.

* Take sauna baths and exercise to eliminate toxins through sweat.


* Do not eat starch, because when the body is acidic it does not assimilate starches. Starches are mostly contained in foods that contain flour, such as: Bread, rice, beans, pasta, food.

* My diet happened to be based on Proteins, Vegetables, Vegetables, Vegetables and Fruits (mainly Coconut, Milky, Avocado, Soursop, Pear, Apple, Kiwi, Almond and Lemon, which - although it is an acidic fruit - inside the body is alkaline because “ the minerals that it leaves in the body after digestion help eliminate hydrogen ions and decrease the acidity of the body ”).

* Eat something every two to three hours (small portions of food).

* Our food must be 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. On the Internet there are Alkaline and Acid Food Tables.

* Example of alkaline foods: Tomato, Asparagus, cabbage, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, lettuce, artichoke, celery, cucumber, eggplant, leek, peppers, seaweed, spinach, watercress, beet, goat cheese, garlic, onion, olive oil, ginger tea, etc.

* Take on an empty stomach, a juice of: 1 Molondrón, half cucumber and a little ginger. Also, the juice of: Celery, Carrot and Cucumber). Llantén tea, Horsetail and Parsley.

* Take several times a day, a cup of Gazpacho Andaluz (Ingredients: 2 ¼ Lib. Of Tomatoes, 1 Green Pepper, ¼ Lib. Garlic, 1 Cucumber, ½ Onion, 3 ½ ounces of Olive Oil, 4 ounces of juice of sour lemon Preparation: Wash, peel and chop the tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, onion and garlic, mix everything and season with the Olive Oil, go through the blender and then through the strainer (serve cold).

This was the level of hydration and intoxication of the organism, ten months later .
(Green is normal, yellow below or above normal, orange is alert, deteriorating and red is a very hard working organism, on maximum alert).

(The Doctor had warned me that a heavy metal poisoning could take up to several years to eradicate it, but thanks to God, to natural medicine, with Will, Love for Life and Discipline, I was able to overcome it earlier than planned).
Urine pH rose from 5.73 to 6.68 (Optimal is 6.50-6.80).
Saliva pH rose from 6.62 to 6.76. (Optimal is 6.50-6.75)

The toxin removal rate rose from 138 to 216 (normal is 180-220).

I hope this Testimony helps you in your efforts to restore your Health if you have lost it
and keep it, if you already have it.


Melba Grullón Ubiñas


Sources consulted:

Helicobacter Pylori Infection -Realities and Myths-


Nobel Prize in Medicine 2005: Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer













What have you been told about Helicobacter Pylori?

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