Main Errors when practicing HO'OPONOPONO by Mª José Cabanillas

  • 2013

Ho´oponopono if practiced in the correct way works ALWAYS, we will see what are the most common mistakes in the practice of ho'oponopono, which can hinder the noticeable positive results.

It is important to practice everything you can during the day, it is not necessary to be twelve hours a day but do practice regularly, maybe one day you practice three hours, another day six ...

another day five ... the important thing is to acquire the habit of practicing every day.

Remember, that any time is good to repeat the words of ho'oponopono mentally, you can go walking and mentally repeat the word or words you choose; in the subway, the bus, at home ... the more you practice the more memories you erase, the more you will change your point of attraction and therefore, the more positive changes you will see in your life.

What will not help much, is to practice 10 minutes a day and the rest of the day be worrying about your problems and giving them even more strength to enter your reality. It is necessary to quiet the mind, many of our thoughts are negative and not only make us suffer, but; What you fear, do not hesitate, will materialize in your reality.

The practice of ho oponopono

The practice of ho´oponopono is very simple and if you repeat with constancy there will come a time that you will do it automatically, it will leave alone, without effort, it will be a habit for you, the best habit you can acquire. Ho´oponopono is the key to connecting you with peace of mind, joy, harmony and things that now you can't imagine will enter your life, I feel more and more impressed every day how I constantly attract miracles to my life, I can't understand them From the logic, I know that it is because of that connection with the Divine, for that opening to the field of infinite possibilities and for my healing at the subconscious level, which is my point of attraction, simply magical

Objectives and expectations

Another of the big mistakes are the expectations of a specific result and in a certain time.

The goal of ho´oponopono is NOT that you get a specific job, the money you want, the couple you want, God is not your servant !!!

We believe we know what is best for us, how and when things should happen, we know nothing, our logical mind only sees limited solutions to a problem, there are infinite !!!!, open yourself to the magic of life .

If you have a problem do not doubt that if you practice ho´oponopono, the solution to the problem will come, but at the right time and in the best way for you.

Trust that something will happen because it will be, but do not become obsessed with a specific result, do not visualize anything, it will not work, just "erase", the universe knows what your problem is and its solution.

Cleaning must be done and have no expectations, only Divinity knows what is right and perfect. What I can tell you is that if you are willing to take responsibility for your memories and choose to clean and release ... Divinity is doing its part, erasing and transmuting memories to zero, creating a vacuum and in this state of emptiness is when answers and solutions arrive without the least effort, since in zero or empty it is where God resides. Perhaps, the solutions do not arrive as you expected them, or in a certain time, but they always arrive, so it is very important to do the cleaning, release and trust that something is being deleted even if we don't realize,

The law of detachment is one of the laws included in the ho'oponopono technique, have goals and objectives, start the path you really want to take, be brave and do it, follow the call of your soul, but "erase" in the Walk and open to miracles.

You think you know what the solution to the problem is, what is the right person to be your partner, what is the best job for you ... and; Is there anything better waiting for you? To stick too much to a concrete result is to show that you do not trust God, leave it in your hands, He knows best.

When you feel very hooked on expectations, for a concrete result, tell the Divinity:

"Divinity I leave in your hands, you know what is most suitable for me"

This or something similar, it is not about faith, you just have to be aware that what you are doing is very powerful and trust that something will happen, if you do not believe that using this technique can be good for your life or you will not ...

There is a universal intelligence that knows what is most suitable for you, and it will be more than you expect, because the human being when he asks for something he does from conformism, awareness of unworthiness and scarcity, so do not ask for any results concrete with the practice of ho´oponopono is positive, because in reality, the surprises will be greater than if you focus on a specific result. We have forgotten who we are, the power we have and asking big time.

Nothing that is negative for you can come into your life practicing ho´oponopono, so surrender to the universe and connect with it

Give up ... does it sound like cowardice?, Why do you insist on fighting so much? Perhaps because they told you that in life everything is achieved based on effort and struggle ..., FALSE, you have to do almost nothing, everything can happen easily, of course it will be an action is necessary but an action without joining it to the connotation of effort, a cheerful, fluid and singing action.

Surrender and life will be on your side, it will be your ally, surrender ... and feel the PEACE of the UNIVERSE

M.josé Cabanillas (Author of the book; “Ho´oponopono, Connect with Miracles” Ed Edaf)

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