Bearer of Divine thoughts by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2012

All contemporary people must have basic, correct understandings about life. Things must be understood in their primary manifestation, just as God has tried them. This means that these are observed in your reality.

I ask: What does the water we drink represent? What does the air we breathe represent? What does the land we live on represent? Under current conditions, just as man is created, his existence on Earth without air, without water and without land is unthinkable. Water is the connection, an intermediary between air and earth, that is, between earth and light. So, five elements are necessary for life on Earth: land, water, air, light and heat.

The most important element, with which we must deal with the current conditions of life, is air. Every man who wants to rise, who wants to acquire a strong thought, who wants to become powerful within himself to overcome all difficulties, he must without fail understand the laws to which the air is subjected. That truly the air is a necessary element for life is seen by this, that man without food can spend 40 days, but without air in any way can. Even the most advanced adherents in India can pass without air for at most 20 minutes. More than 20 minutes they can't stop breathing. Some great people can stop their breathing for just 1 to 10 minutes. I say: the air is the carrier of Divine thoughts, which first pass through the respiratory system where they are processed, transformed, and from there through the blood they go to the brain. Then, man cannot perceive Divine thoughts directly through the brain. From the air, through breathing, they go to the lungs and then to the brain of man, who dresses them in forms and expresses them outward, so that they become visible. When someone says that some thought has come from outside, he is right only in this sense, that he has truly perceived the thought, but the path by which it has passed, he does not know. Thoughts do not pass directly through the skull. Air is the main carrier of thoughts. If in the current conditions of life we ​​take the air away, man could not perceive any thoughts. In this sense a sacred thing is breathing. Here is why man must breathe correctly, so that he can receive Divine thoughts correctly from the air, and then transmit them to the brain.

I talk about the essence of air and not as you understand it. I do not speak of air as a mixture, in which there are 4/5 of nitrogen and 1/5 of oxygen plus 1 series of mixtures and sediments, but I speak of it as that primordial element, as that primordial essence, which serves today to man as a means, as a condition for life. Here is why when man breathes his conscience must be awake. Why? Because the thoughts that are transported through the air, after passing along with the air through the lungs, will be perceived by consciousness. The movement of air, then, is known through moisture, through clouds.

We have come to this high mountain site, to this pure air, to perceive the sacred thoughts of it. Everyone can perceive these thoughts, but he must have an open soul. If he opens his soul, man will free himself from all doubts and suspicions that torture him. If one doubts something, he must observe this doubt, see how and where it came from: each doubt has its beginning and end. In addition to this, you must stop over the doubt, what do you see if it can bring you some benefit or not: if it gives you profit, keep it within you, but if not It will bring no benefit, put it aside, somewhere far away from you. If you cannot remove a doubt from your soul, where is your strength then? You should take your doubt as well as the father sometimes takes his son by the ear and holds him: he pulls himself, goes forward and the father goes behind him. Some small children, on their breasts, when their mothers breastfeed them, they bite them. However, the prudent mother immediately educates her son: she takes him by the ear and he stops biting.

And you do the same with the doubt: take it out of your ear and keep it out. She must submit. You are stronger than any doubt, any suspicion, any disease, all obstacles that may occur in life. You are stronger than they are, because they were born after you. Without you, they could not exist. Today they live behind your back. When you get rich some disease comes to you, he throws you in bed, steals them here and there, and when he sees that there is nothing more to take, he leaves. As soon as you recover a little from the disease, doubt comes to you: thin, skinny wants to correct itself. It oppresses you, it takes something from you, and when it sees that you have become impoverished, it leaves you. As soon as you get up from the fight with doubt, behold, there comes the pale incredulity, dry like a hook. And she wants to drink something from you. It sits somewhere in you until you become impoverished and then forsakes you.

You must look carefully at these questions! When some parasites are attacked on your head, only with scratching can you take them out? These parasites are something similar to doubt, disbelief, suspicion, and man must look for a way to free himself from them. When someone scratches his head, this shows that he thinks something, looks for some way to free himself from some difficulty. How are you going to free yourself from parasites? Take a fine comb and put it through your head. When the parasites are between these teeth, they can no longer avoid the narrow door. Once they fall there, there is no salvation for them: they are rich, fat visitors, they cannot be saved through this narrow gate. Someone says: I do not know how to manage it with doubt, I can not invent any way against it. I say: C praté a fine and strong comb And the question is going to be solved easily. Every doubt in this sense represents a parasite, an alien consciousness, from which you have to free yourself.

We have come here, at a height of 2230 meters, to free ourselves a little from our ordinary thoughts, as well as those of other people. In the low places, where many people and animals live, the air is full of ordinary thoughts, inferior thoughts, from which we have to free ourselves. Now you must use pure air, so that you receive pure divine thoughts from it. For a few days the workers of the invisible world started up their cleaners: storms, winds, rain, snow, depressions. In this way they purified the air at a distant distance. They covered all the channels where impure thoughts could come from. Thanks to your care, today you are glad of a clear and sunny day, of a pure and healthy air. And if in this position something tortures you, the cause hides in yourselves. You have in yourself discs of doubt, and from time to time you put one or the other of them. You say: "Wait for me to play one of these records so he can see what he is going to play." What are you going to play? - Always the old song of doubt. So your doubts today do not come from the air, but come from within, from you. You say: "What do I have to do with this disc of doubt?" - Take it out, and instead of it, put one of the discs of Love, Wisdom, Truth, Freedom, Music, Music arts, knowledge, health, etc. If you get sick put on your gramophone one of the health records and turn the key - let it touch.

And so, now you must study, that you deal with the other things, and with the air, as with an internal life-giving force. Until the point that your consciousness is awake and your eye is pure, to such an extent you can take advantage of the energy of the air. If you will take advantage of it correctly, you will be externally and internally strong, with a well-organized organism, with harmonic thoughts and feelings, with great knowledge and with a vast space in life. In this way, you will be connected with many creatures that you will help, and they will help you. We do not want to be alone in life. According to hidden science, only the advanced creatures that have completed their development on Earth can remain, in this situation they can already converse with God and with Nature. All creatures that are not ready for the Divine world, when they enter there, they feel alone, abandoned, because they do not have a radio with the help of which they could enter into connection with the societies of this world, nor can they perceive Divine thoughts In sequence of this, these people call the deformed Divine world. This is true for ordinary people, but for advanced creatures in the Divine world there is such beauty and harmony that no human eye can see, that no human mind can imagine, that no human heart can feel.

I say: there are thoughts for ordinary people, there are thoughts for the talented, there are thoughts and for the great people, and finally, there are thoughts and for the Masters. If the creatures of these categories change their places, then these of them who are on a lower step will not understand the thoughts and lives of those more advanced than they are, and they will say that the world in which they live is deformed . The Divine world is not deformed. The creatures there live distant distances from each other - it seems that each creature is alone. However, it is enough that they only think of each other, and they are immediately together. For example, if the heart of any man on Earth is filled with sublime and noble feelings, it is enough that he thinks of an angel and the angel will be at his side. If he has no such heart, no angel would leave his place for him. It is a law: no angel, no advanced creature, performs an act of which it will have more losses than gains. And Christ came for a great gain to Earth. If He had thought that He would have a greater loss than gain, He would never have come to Earth. He came and bore all the sufferings, because he knew that the gain, the achievements he would have one day, would be at least ten times more than the losses and expenses that were made. So do the same and you. Do this that will bring you a profit ten times greater. This is divine. The question now is not that you try to acquire the new for the future, but you must know what it is that can bring you the new even today, that you know the gains you can expect. Someone says: "New ideas will be sown in the young generation." This is another matter, but every man must work in such a way that he satisfies and longs for his soul.

Someone says: "Material life is one thing, spiritual life - another." The material and the spiritual are the same thing - these are just two different phases of Universal Life. If you cannot understand material life, you cannot understand and spiritual life. If you don't believe in the man you see and touch, how will you believe in the spiritual? The reality of things can be reached through the material. In man there is an external, apparent side, but there is also an essential, internal side. When the spiritual man touches the hand of a sick or a dead man, he can immediately know if the sick will heal or if the dead will rise. And how is this known? For the essential, for the immutable in man, that, even when he is sick or dead, remains unchanged in him.

In 1905, Schlatter * appeared in America, where he began to cure patients in a specific way. Different patients came to him. It was enough to touch someone by the hand, so that he would heal immediately. Others healed harder. What does this depend on? The cause is profound, but Schlatter knew immediately which of the men would heal and which could not. He recognized the good people of the bad, of the criminals. One day, at a meeting of 17, 000 people, he saw a criminal and turned to him with the words: "You are a bandit, a criminal, get out!" When I talk to you like that, I don't understand that man should take criminals and deal with them. This example has only a scientific value. You say: “What will happen to the criminals? - They must repent, that they abandon their old ways. - "What will happen to sinners?" - And for them the question is solved: they must repent, purify their hearts and minds of all evil thoughts and desires, abandon old life and turn to God. However, if the sinner thinks that the forces and goods, which are given to him, should be used for evil, for crimes, such teaching does not exist.

You say: "How is the world going to be saved?" - The world can be saved in one day. "How?" - When all sinners, when all bad people abandon their old ways and turn to God. Today, the world has many teachers: one teaches one thing, another - another, third - third teaching. I say: there will come a day when the opinions of all teachers will be agreed, there will be unity in people's convictions, and then they will not be credulous. In this position of things, will there be a need for sermons? Someone comes and brings me a basket of cherries. Is there any sense that this man tells me what type these cherries are, how and under what conditions they have grown, when they are in sight? It would make sense for him to tell me all this while the cherries had not matured. Once he brings them ripe, his sermon is already plenty. I taste the cherries and say: “Listen friend, I am a specialist in the understanding of the fruits. All eloquence about your cherries fails. Take these cherries to another place - these are not for me, I can't take them. It was not necessary for you to recommend them to me so much. ”Therefore, each man is able, in a given case, to check whether a thought is right or not.

If a thought reaches the situation of being recommended by others, it is not in place. And then you will find yourself in the position of those young boys who were looking for work, but only through the recommendation of influential external people. An American millionaire was looking for an employee for his company. Around 20 to 30 people appeared in front of him, all of them young people, with different letters of recommendation from prominent people, of high position. Just by looking at them, his attention did not stop at any of them, and that is why he told each one: “I will keep you in mind.” Finally, a young, modest boy arrived at his office, and as soon as he entered, he saw on the floor a small piece of paper thrown, bent down and picked it up. After this he turned to the head of the company and said: “Sir, I have learned that you are looking for a person to work in your company. I offer my job, but I have no recommendation from anyone. "" - You carry the recommendation itself. This piece of paper, which you picked up from the ground, recommended you very well. ”A wise man was this rich American. He understood that the young man, who had a sense of order and purity, would be a good worker. In the same way and God observes you, to see if you will lift the piece of paper that is lying on the ground and that hinders people in their path.

Frequently, small things bring great goods into the life of man. A philosopher called in great despair, was disappointed in something, as a result of which he lost the meaning of life. One day, when he walked through the streets, with his head bowed down, he saw a small piece of paper lying on the ground, bent down to lift it and saw that there was something written on it. I cleansed him of the dust and law: God is Love. He loved the world so much that he sacrificed for him his Only Begotten Son, so that no one who believes in He . Until now, this philosopher was busy with big things, he didn't pay attention to small things and he never looked at the earth. But now, when he found this piece of paper on the floor, he began to think deeply about the meaning of the verses written in it, and said: tiempo For as long as I seek the Truth and He would have to find her in this little, dusty little paper. He took the paper with him and put it in a frame. From this day on he changed his life, saying: Well, as God is Love, there is a sense of living! Today, all people suffer, put who have lost the most important sheet of the book of their life. This is the lost key that everyone seeks. Until man understands Love as it manifests today, and not as it has manifested in the past, nor as it will manifest in the future, he cannot find the lost key. If man has not understood Love as he has manifested in the past, he cannot understand and is in the present; if he does not understand Love as it manifests in the present, he will never understand and Love in the future. If you understand the manifestations of Love today, you have understood its manifestations in the past, and from here you will understand its manifestations in the future. If you have positive views on Love, you will build upon them and your scientific facts.

Contemporary science is a means to sustain life. For example, a contemporary phrenologist can know what talents, what gifts are hidden in man, but cannot give methods for their development. If he sees a child, he will tell the mother what gifts there are in the child, but he cannot recommend methods with which his gifts will develop. Why? Because he has no deep knowledge about phrenology. The majority of contemporary scientists are in the same situation: many things they know, but mainly theoretical. If we come to practice, to the application of things, they go back. For example, contemporary naturalists study zoology, botany, but do not know how and where to apply knowledge about animals and plants within education. These sciences have their educational influence on people. Some man feels hate towards another, but wants to free himself from this feeling in himself. He prays to God, makes different attempts, but hate does not abandon him. I say: there is a practical way to get rid of this feeling. Go to a forest, where there are bears, and when you find a bear, stroke it a few times in the back. From this moment the hate disappears. There is no creature that remembers evil as much as the bear. Therefore, when you touch him you will free yourself from hatred. Who dares to touch a bear without his heart trembling? Is the situation of the aviator, who flies with an airplane through the air, is it easier? It is recommended that the man find a bear and caress him in the back, that board an airplane that at any time can be damaged. It is easier to manage with a bear in the forest, than to get on a broken airplane. A great fearlessness is required of the man who climbs into an airplane. I ask: just as in the world there are tamers of evil, and you, can you not be such?

An Indian walked through India to search for certain species of snakes, and took them to his home where he tamed them. He ordinarily kept them in two barrels. One night, negligently, he forgot the open barrels and all the snakes went outside, crawling around the room. In the morning, when he woke up, the Indian was horrified when he saw himself wrapped entirely with snakes. He did not dare to move. The smaller movement on his part would cost him his life, because the snakes were one of the most dangerous. In the morning, when the servant entered the room and saw his master wrapped in snakes, he immediately boiled a large kettle with milk, and then took her to the room. The snakes, attracted by the smell of fresh milk, began one by one to head for the milk. When the Indian was completely freed from snakes, he got up from his bed and put all the snakes into the barrels. Here the servant saved his master. With what? - With the milk. In the same way and your servant must give them verbal milk so that you can free yourself from the mistakes of his life. Nowadays all people need verbal milk.

And so, it all depends on the understandings. Someone says: "I want to be a scientist." Man can always be a scientist, but science does not solve the issues. "I want to be a holy man." Man can always be holy, it depends on him. "I want to be strong." Man can always be strong. "I want to be honorable." Man can always be honorable. That man is scientific, holy, strong, honorable, these are results that he can always acquire.

Now I am going to read chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew:

See that you don't give your alms in front

of men to be seen by them;

otherwise, you will have no reward from your Father

That is in heaven. (verse 1)

This means: do not become scientists, good because of the people. Be good for God who created you. Be good to God, so that He will see that you value the goodness He has given you. Show your knowledge before God - that He sees and understands that you value the gifts he has placed on you. Whatever you do, do it for God and not for people. If you do everything for God, then people will understand that you are a scientist, well. And when people need your help, they will find you.

When, then, give alms, do not blow the trumpet before you,

as hypocrites do in synagogues and on the streets

to be praised by men; Truly I tell you that

They already have their reward. (verse 2)

When it comes to mercy, man must be such again for God and not for people.

But when you give alms,

don't know your left

what your right does. (verse 3)

The right hand of man represents his mind. The mind of man has two currents: one is ascending, called "superior mind"; the other is descending, "lower mind." Therefore, when man gives alms, he must hide this from his lower mind. So, what your superior mind does, that the inferior does not know. If you give your alms in front of people, you give them in front of your lower mind; if you give them before God, you give them and in front of your higher mind. In this aspect, the left hand is the inferior of the man, and the right hand - the superior. Therefore, what the superior does in man, that the inferior does not know.

To be your alms in secret;

and your Father, who sees in secret,

It will reward you in public. (verse 4)

God will answer you from within.

And when you pray, don't be like hypocrites,

because they like to pray standing

in the synagogues and street corners

to be seen by men;

I really tell you that they already have their reward. (verse 5)

But you, when you pray, enter your room

and shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret;

and your Father, who sees in secret,

It will reward you in public. (verse 6)

This verse refers to the inner life of man, to his conscience. In his inner life, man must start with God and end with people. If he starts with people and ends with God, he will achieve nothing.

And when praying, don't use vain repetitions,

Like the Gentiles, who think

that they will be heard for their talk. (verse 7)

If you go to God, don't use many words. Few words say, but let them be with content.

You, then, will pray like this:

Our father who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name. (verse 9)

I recognize that You are the only Father in the world. And in Heaven you are only You - apart from You, there is no other. There is no other Heaven founded on Your base. Where is God, there is Heaven. Heaven understands God. May Your Name be sanctified in my mind, in my heart, in my will - in all my life.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done, as in heaven,

So also on earth. (verse 10)

Your kingdom that comes in me; that I live in You and that You live in me. May my will serve Yours, and that which occurs above in You, that occurs and below in Me.

Give us today our daily bread. (verse 11)

The bread represents the Living Word. If man acquires the Living Word, he will have and ordinary bread in abundance. If you feed yourself with the Divine Word, the other things will come by themselves.

Many want to see miracles. Imagine that a large and deep snowfall falls on the mountain, and any connection with people outside is cut off, the same with vehicles, and you are exposed to pass 4 or 5 days without bread. You will be scared, you will think that you are going to starve to death. There is a way by which bread can be supplied. This will be a great miracle, but this should not be done by believers. Miracles make sense to unbelievers, so that their faith in God is strengthened. In this, the believer himself must work miracles. If you let others do miracles, he will begin to doubt them. When a miracle has to happen and the bread will come. How? You will see that within the campaign of each one there is a hot bread, or you will see how a loaded donkey, without being accompanied by any man, comes with the bread to you. This may seem like a thousand and one night story, as a distraction. And this is possible, but in miracles there is a great reality. What great miracles do you want the tiny seed or the bones of some fruit, that lying on the ground, to extract only the juices necessary for it, and that after two or three years do you see it as a large grown tree? This matter, which wheat and all other plants extract from the earth and then work in your body, the adept who understands the laws of Nature, can take it from the air, compress it and form it all what you wish. When he extracts from the air all the elements that are necessary for the growth of wheat, from them he can, in a short time, prepare as much bread as he wants. In this aspect all the mountains represent warehouses of different elements. Energy can be transformed, change its type, but the laws through which this transformation occurs must be known. In order for matter to become fit to eat, she must first pass through the stones, then through the plants, and finally be received by man.

And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive too

to our debtors. (verse 12)

If we want God to forgive our debts, and we must forgive our debtors.

And don't let us fall into temptation,

But deliver us from evil; (verse 13)

There is the following law: man falls into temptations when he does not do the Divine Will. While he does the Divine Will, no temptation can reach him.

Now I will explain my thinking with the following example: Imagine that a man carries behind him a safe full of gold. If that man finds someone who, like him, carries a safe full of gold, will he be tempted of his gold? - He won't be tempted. However, if the first's box were empty, he would immediately be tempted of the second's gold, and say to himself: "I wish I could take something from this man's box!" Therefore, when the man is penetrated by Divine ideas itself, and when his faith is strong, his box is full of gold and he cannot be tempted. If man's faith is weak, if he has no aspiration for the great in the world, his box is empty, and for him temptation will inevitably come. Wherever man is, whether in the garden of Paradise or outside of it, when he does not do the Divine Will, temptation will come. Then temptation comes for the only cause that God's Will is not fulfilled.

Because yours is the kingdom,

and power and glory,

forever and ever.

Amen. (verse 13)

Because if you forgive men their trespasses,

Your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (verse 14)

Because if you do not forgive men their offenses,

neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (verse 15)

You must forgive men for their mistakes, because all people have left God. We observe man in his primary manifestation. Therefore, and you observe man as a soul that has come from God. Si no podéis perdonar al hombre como un alma, por causa de Dios, vosotros cortaréis vuestra conexión con Dios, y con esto y la gracia Divina hacia vosotros. Por lo tanto, el hombre debe perdonar, puesto que todos vivimos en Dios y nos alegramos en Él. Cualquier cosa que hagamos, para Él debemos de hacerla, además internamente y no delante de los hombres.

No os hagáis tesoros en la tierra,

donde la polilla y el orín corrompen,

y donde ladrones minan y hurtan; (vers.19)

sino haceos tesoros en el cielo,

donde ni la polilla ni el orín corrompen,

y donde ladrones no minan ni hurtan. (vers.20)

Porque donde esté vuestro tesoro,

allí estará también vuestro corazón. (vers.21)

Entonces, la cuestión de la riqueza está solucionada con anticipación. El hombre de todas maneras debe poner algo en alguna parte, que se haga tesoros.

La lámpara del cuerpo es el ojo;

así que, si tu ojo es puro,

todo tu cuerpo estará lleno de luz. (vers.22)

Si externamente no ves correctamente, claramente, y en tu conciencia habrá algún defecto, alguna obscuridad. Si externamente ves claro, y en tu conciencia habrá luz. Y el proceso contrario es cierto: si en tu conciencia es obscuro, y tu ojo no va a ver claramente; si en tu conciencia hay luz, y el ojo externamente verá claro.

Mas si tu ojo es astuto,

todo tu cuerpo será tenebroso.

Así que, si la luz que hay en ti es tinieblas,

¿cuán grandes no serán las tinieblas? (vers.23)

Ninguno puede servir a dos señores. (vers.24)

Cuando el hombre sirve al mismo tiempo a dos amos, él se divide. Que sirva a dos sitios – esto sobreentiende que se divide en su Amor y esto es imposible -. El Amor no puede servir a dos amos. El hombre puede amar al mismo tiempo a dos personas, pero no puede servirles al mismo tiempo, porque cada uno querrá que se cumpla su voluntad como él comprende. Esto, pues, va a despersonalizar a aquel que se encarga de servir a los dos.

Por tanto os digo:

No os afanéis por vuestra vida,

qué habéis de comer o qué habéis de beber;

ni por vuestro cuerpo, qué habéis de vestir.

¿No es la vida más que el alimento

y el cuerpo más que el vestido? (vers.25)

La comida por si misma vendrá. Lo importante es que el hombre cumpla la Voluntad Divina – y todo lo demás se va a ordenar.

Estos son los pensamientos sobre los cuales debéis reflexionar. Lean todo el capítulo, y apliquen en su vida los principios que se dan en él. Trabajen sobre ellos, para que creéis en vosotros puntos de vista nuevos. Las raíces del árbol trabajan para sí, las hojas trabajan para sí, las ramas trabajan para sí. Sin embargo, finalmente todos trabajan solitariamente para el bienestar común del árbol. De la misma manera, y cada hombre trabaja como un miembro del gran Árbol de la Vida. Cada uno trabaja para su auto-perfeccionamiento. De esta manera se fortalece la conexión con Dios.

Cristo dice:

Si tuvierais fe como un grano de mostaza,

Podríais mover bosques y montañas.

Entonces, hay una fe mecánica y hay una fe orgánica. ¿Qué fe es esta, en la cual el hombre confía en Dios solo cuando es rico, sano y fuerte? El hombre debe poner su fe sobre algo. Él está en el camino recto solo entonces, cuando pone su fe en Dios Quien está vivo y Quien trabaja incesantemente en el mundo. Que pongas tu fe en Dios – ésta es la única fe viva que mueve bosques y montañas.

19 de Agosto, 9.00 horas, la fuentecita del Segundo lago de Rila.

* F. Schlatter apareció en América, tal y como lo dice el Maestro, pero en ningún lugar fue registrada su fecha de nacimiento, sus padres, su fecha de partida de la Tierra, etc. Eso no quiere decir que esta persona no ha existido, sino lo contrario. Schlatter realmente hizo muchas reuniones en América, donde curaba hasta 15 000 personas al día, con tan solo tocarlas. A simple vista se ve que Schlatter no era un hombre ordinario, y es por eso que la gente le llamaba “El Ángel Curador”, lo cual no está nada lejos de la verdad. Schlatter realmente fue un Ángel de Dios, que decidió materializarse en un cuerpo humano para ayudar a la gente, y después de que terminó su misión, tal y como vino, desapareci . Otras fuentes cuentan que por el d a, Schlatter descargaba toda su energ a en la curaci n de la gente, y por la noche funcionaba como una bater a que acumulaba energ a Divina por medio de oraciones, comunicaciones y citas con Dios, y los Seres Ascendidos de la Luz. (nota del tr.)

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