I noticed that the crystal had the answer, by Luis Aubele

Grace Arguelles' hands play with an oval crystal of strange shine. Account that it is an obsidian rainbow, known in the East as the eye of the Buddha . “Although our ego believes otherwise, we would have to accept that when we choose a stone, in reality, it is the stone that chooses us. Because that stone contains the energy we need to restore our inner balance, ”he smiles mysteriously.

“I remember something that happened to me a while ago. One afternoon I entered a business where they sold stones, with the idea of ​​giving me a glass because my birthday was approaching. At some point, and without realizing it, I took one and pressed it against me while choosing. I was looking for a long time indecisively, and although there was one that attracted me especially, he did not quite convince me. Finally, somewhat surprised to discover that he still had in his hand the one he had taken when he entered, I left him and left the business. ”

Arg elles has just returned from a journey that takes her every year through Spain, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Costa Rica, where she gives courses and applies her research and Crystal therapy studies to cure.

One week later of my visit to that stone business, my students asked me what crystal I liked the most, because they wanted to give it to me for the birthday os. I indicated to them the one who had especially attracted me, but upon arriving at the premises the owner told them that this was not the one I wanted. What then?, my disciples asked in amazement. This one! exclaimed the manager, showing the one that I had unconsciously carried in my hand while my stay in the business lasted. Of course, that was the gift and I still have it. I understood that my way of taking it was only unconscious in appearance. I think that as soon as I entered the premises a subtle contact was established between my crystal and me. As we would say, a love at first sight.

- Why?

-It was that there was something in me that needed him, his energy. And I, at my deepest levels of consciousness, perceived that the crystal had the answer. In nature everything is interrelated, it is the famous law of synchronicity that Carl Gustav Jung was talking about. We are never alone, but, curiously, we have developed a culture that does not allow us to enjoy that wonderful reality. And that always ends up getting sick because, although we have forgotten, we are an inescapable part of nature.

- What do we not see?

-The theoreticians of the new physics, the quantum, argue that everything around us or we can imagine is energy information. And it's true! We see it in the simplest things. We live giving and taking energy. We receive energy with the left hand and give it with the right hand. If we are left-handed, it is the other way around. Even all our gestural language is based on giving and taking energy: pats on the back, handshakes, caresses ... When we greet with the outstretched arm and shaking the hand of someone we discover walking in the opposite direction on the sidewalk in front, or to a friend who leaves on a ship or on a train, what are we doing? Sending you energy! Gift that he, in turn, gives back by extending his arm and giving us his energy. Everything is a dialogue, a fabulous and dynamic exchange that we are not aware of. Among other things, the distant attitude also affects our relationship with one of the most important kingdoms on the planet: the mineral. However, there is a desire deep within us to restore communication.

-How do we know?

-There are clues! For example, when we go on vacation to the Cordoba mountains, we suddenly feel a particular joy. Because the landscape has something new, it is populated with stones! We can take them; observe them; caress its rough surface with rare textures in which spectra of novel minerals appear; Feel your heat Take them to our homes and distribute them in visible places to renew an opaque and predictable environment.

-What is crystal therapy?

-A very ancient and powerful healing art that operates subtly. The crystals on the affected energy centers are arranged on the patient's body until their vibration is restored and the correct functioning is harmonized. In our DNA there are crystals, so it is possible that the vibrations of healing minerals cure our body.

-How do you talk with a crystal?

-To dialogue with a crystal we must, first of all, calm or set aside our mind. Because it is a dialogue without words, a dialogue of tactile, visual, thermal perceptions, etc. Close your eyes, caress the glass, feel its heat, its texture, and the images will reveal its secrets, its healing virtues. At first it may be something close to science fiction, but do not be discouraged. Take the test!

Luis Aubele
Programming a Crystal

1. To program a crystal, the ideal is to choose a crystalline, transparent quartz.
2. Clean it by soaking it in sea salt, water and leaving it in the sun.
3. Leave your glass close while you enter meditation
4. Once you have entered a deep state, take the crystal and place it with your right hand on the third eye. With the left continues to absorb energy.
5. Visualize what you want to program. Visualize it with all the details you can.
6. Watch how this visualization enters the glass. Fill the glass with your message, your thought
7. Once you feel that the message has been heavily engraved, you remove the glass by thanking it and leave it by your side.
8. You close the meditation as usual.

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