Pallas Athena - Dress With Faith In God

  • 2013
The sword of faith is in the hands of those who have the audacity to use it. Greetings friends of the Earth, I am Athena, your ally and I join once again my channel in the intention of Love to share with you of my essence. My essence is Love, my goal is the illumination of Being and the expansion of consciousness. What do I want with you? Just realize who they are, what they can and what they are doing on Earth. You are divine beings and always, you will always read that in my messages. Because I have no other interest than to show them how much they are capable, how strong they are, and what they can experience and how much they can do when they are embedded in this truth. And only when they are embedded in the Truth of the Spirit is that they are capable of all things. Only when they discover the connection with the Self and remain in it that they are able to manifest the blessings, materialize the vibrations and break down all the barriers. In addition, the barrier that is placed before you is called "Ignorance." Yes, this is the only barrier that prevents them, whether at any level. Your ignorance about themselves is what blinds them. Every man is blind if he does not know how to look at himself. Every man is deaf if he does not know how to hear himself and every man is sick if he cannot recognize his own divine nature. And recognizing is not about convincing yourself about it, it is about assuming it, of living it day after day, at every step, in every gesture, in every word, in every action and in every thought. You are God in essence, and as bearers of the divine essence you are endowed with knowledge, wisdom and your strength. Meanwhile, they are also endowed with arbitrariness and it is that arbitrariness that gives them the right to choose the path. Arbitrariness allows them to choose the path of connection with God or the opposite path. There are thousands of years on the Earth Orb, you have lived physical experiences in order to find the essence of that Self on the other side. For many lives, you moved your heads to understand it and all the experience you lived served greatly to bring you here. And if they are here today, at this time, in front of the Transformation that now happens to them, it is because they are ready to assume their divinity. And he who does not understand himself as a divine spark, in the sense of nature and the integrity of his Being, will not be able to experience the gifts of this Truth. It is a road that many times can be long. And who will determine that is you. It can be fast, but it can be slow. Which path do you choose? How do you want to walk towards that connection with who you are? Do you want to continue in joy, in joy and in abundance? Choose like this, if you wish. But, I want you to know that every choice has its price. And if you don't want to pay for the price of an election, then don't choose anything. However, they will pay the price for the absence of choice. When you decide not to choose, in truth, you are already choosing. And it will always be like that. You choose everything. And everything comes as a result or result of your choices. The Earth is involuntarily leading them to your improvement and my orientation today is that they allow themselves to go with all that and do not need to know how all that "goes", what they need is to know how to "go" with the All. In order for them to continue in victories and successes before the new energy that surrounds them in the terrestrial globe, it will be essential that they have faith. And having faith, my friends, is not simply saying "I believe, " having faith is not saying, it is doing. Having faith is not believing what they are going to get, it is believing that they have already achieved it. The inner Christ in you is waking up every day with more vigor, with more lucidity and truth. And that lucidity will bring many of your potentials like Spirits, once numbed by your acquired limitations. Destroy the currents and ties that still bind them. There is no one tying you, except for yourselves. On this full Moon, more than words of teaching that reinforce your inner move and your progress, I want to help you in the process of action, I want to help you in the Awakening of that Divine Power, which is still, on many levels in you, inert, morbid. In front of the Light of the Full Moon of July 2013, the Moon that celebrates the second semester and that brings a new energy, more vibrant, more positive and more accelerated, stand the back of faith and tell yourself and Everything : “I wake up to my faith, once numbed by the ignorance that I embraced. No one in the Universe will deny in me, my divine essence. Everyone confirmed who I am in God. And more than all of them, I need to confirm myself as such. I break the ties of limitation to my tax. I break my fears, my demotivation. I break my union with the past, because who I was, left. I am new, different, and unique right now. I break my union with evil, because I don't want to believe in him, because if I believe in him and I fight him, I will expand him. I join what makes me good. I join my Spirit in the certainty that when I Am One with Him, I am One with the Creator who made me and delegated to me the inheritance of the best. The bonds of ignorance no longer bind me, because I broke them with my voice, with my desire, with my purest intention of positivity and faith. I have faith in all things. I have faith in me about all circumstances, especially fear, all sadness, all evil and especially the evil that comes from outside. I have faith about any difficulty, illness, limitations and lack. I have faith, absolute faith in the provision and abundance of Good and with that faith I dress, with that faith I fill myself, with that faith I complete myself. And I complete myself in me. And I complete myself in God. May my Haya be as bright as the light of the Sun, as firm as the rock, as powerful as the wood and as splendid as the Universe. May my Haya be the certainty that I carry with me every day. My Haya stands up to me, my Haya signs me, my Haya blesses me and my Haya supports me. And so be it! Thank you, friends of the Earth! I am Pallas Athena, your ally. Pallas Athena through Vin cius Francis

Pallas Athena Dress With Faith In God

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