We need your financial help to continue

  • 2012

Dear readers,
From the team of volunteers that form the “Virtual City of the Great White Brotherhood” project, we ask for your financial help to be able to defray the monthly costs of the hermandadblanca.org portal, because we currently do not have enough funds each month. The hermandadblanca.org project began in 2006, and at the beginning of 2010 it was established as a non-profit organization called: "Association Servants of the Light in the Great White Brotherhood". This entity has been supported from the beginning with funds from the volunteer team, donations received from members and partners of the association, and donations from sponsors and readers. In the following URLs you can read more about us and the non-profit association: https://hermandadblanca.org/acerca-de/el-origen-del-proyecto-del-portal/ https://hermandadblanca.org/acerca -de / Asociacion-servers-de-la-luz / However, not enough donations are currently received to support the high maintenance costs of servers on the Internet, which allow more than 600, 000 visits to be received each month and to date More than 4, 200, 000 people from all over the world have met us. These are statistics registered through google analytics, and are available to anyone who requests them. We need, please, that the people who wish to collaborate in this project move forward, help us by contributing a small amount every month, surely we all get it easily. These are the different lines of income that we currently have: 1) Bank receipt of receipts only in Spain 2) Transfer to national and international bank account 3) Entry with VISA / MASTERCARD card through paypal 4) Direct entry through Paypal 5 ) Direct entry through moneybookers We have also changed the dissemination policies of the portal, allowing more spaces for sponsors, and also publish activities in the top box on the home page. Anyone who wishes to sponsor us can contact us. ———————————————- 1) Direct debit of receipts only in Spain What we would most like is for you to become members of the “Association Servants of the Light in the Great White Brotherhood ”, Thus making our big family grow, and for this we attach an affiliation form that you can return with your personal data. You can download the membership form from the following URL and return it completed: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/104319932/ghb_form_nuevos_miembros.pdf CLICK HERE TO MAKE A MEMBER OF OUR ASSOCIATION WITHOUT ANIMUM OF FIGHTING AND COLLABORATE IN THE PROJECTS ! 2) Transfer to international bank account: This is the account number for transfers from Spain: Holder: ASSOCIATION SERVERS OF LIGHT IN THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD NIF G-85852283 Bank: (BOX SPAIN 2096 -0
538-42-3418483304) Concept: DONATION Within the concept of the transfer indicate that it is a donation. This is the account number for transfers from outside Spain (IBAN): Holder: ASSOCIATION SERVERS OF LIGHT IN THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD NIF G-85852283 Bank: (BOX ESPA A ES38-2096- 0538-4234-1848-3304) Concept: DONATION 3) Entry with VISA / MASTERCARD card through paypal: You can make an entry through VISA or MASTERCARD card from the following link: https: // www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=36WDG925XN576 4) Direct entry through Paypal: It is possible to make an entry through paypal.com. Our paypal user is: 5) Direct entry through moneybookers: It is possible to make an income through moneybookers.com. Our moneybookers user is: ———————————————- All funds received will be managed through the non-profit entity, being used for maintenance costs and the projects that are coordinated through hermandadblanca.org. We also encourage you to collaborate more actively as part of the team of the portal hermanaddblanca.org, in this URL you can review the different tasks in which we need help: https://hermandadblanca.org/contacto/colabora-con-nosotros/ Many thanks to All for your trust, for us it is an honor and a great responsibility to be able to coordinate so much information and projects, help people connect with each other, answer so many questions, disseminate channels, interesting articles, coordinate balance meditations, events, energy services, triangles networks, books, interviews, music, etc ... we hope to contribute our grain of sand in these moments of great change. A big hug in the Light, The team of the Virtual City portal of the Great White Brotherhood https://hermandadblanca.org

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