Lies, Half Truths and Manipulations, Message from the Hathors Channeled by Tom Kenyon

Lies, half truths and manipulations:

A Planetary Message from the Hathors through Tom Kenyon

We want to talk to you about the dangerous and treacherous passage you are about to enter. In our last communication, when we discuss the issue of the "Chaos Nodes" we already talk about this.

From our point of view they are getting closer to the manifestation of this chaos.

There are several reasons for this which we want to explore with you. But first we want to re-affirm our belief in the sovereignty of human consciousness. We are convinced that you can, both individually and collectively, change your destinies, even as they unfold in front of you.

So this message is not about a condemnation but a call to the presence and spiritual mastery.

As we see it, the H1N1 virus commonly called "swine influenza virus" has been created by genetic engineering. It is not a natural mutation. It is a conscious attempt by the hidden forces behind their governments to control and manipulate them. It is a social experiment, which if it succeeds, will be fatal consequences.

The lies, half truths and manipulations of the information concerning the virus are extremely complex. However whatever the result, it is very clear to us that, this was originated by human consciousness.

And it is also very clear to us that this can only be undone by humans. The fear of survival is one of the greatest tactics used to manipulate, and the dark forces will use all the means at their disposal to ensure that the fear in the population increases during the next months (they will not even be years).

As spiritual teachers they are, their mission is to transcend and go beyond collective mind control and find their own way to get through the chaos that will ensue. There are no specific guidelines that tell how to accomplish this. It totally depends on you and your own capacity for discernment. From our perspective, it will seem as if a crack in the mere structure of your social conscience was opened, torn apart.

There are those who will side with fear and insist that radical actions be taken including inoculations and certainly not only be limited to this. Each and every one of you will have to make your own decisions regarding this, because it is you who live in bodies and it is you who will be the most affected.

However, we have to tell you, from our point of view, that these inoculations are highly suspicious. Vaccines are contaminated. They will not protect. What they will do, in fact, will be to harm the health of many, in addition to containing vulgar mind control devices, formulated from the scientific field that you only have in diapers, called “nano technology”.

We reiterate that we cannot, nor will we, advise you about what you should do or not do about this situation. It is your sovereign choice. We only report what we see and how we see that situation.

Your economic problems are not over. Some elements of its economy have been stabilized through furtive actions and created, behind closed doors, by those who have the reins of economic power. But the system is being riddled with time bombs and the stress that is generated by the growing economic anguish will add to the chaos.

There are many other elements that will escalate as they get closer to what we have identified as nodes of chaos. However, the main objective of this statement is to present you with an alternative way to cross this deceitful and dangerous transition that is already upon you.

These are not auspicious moments for the faint of heart. These are moments that call to have great reserves of courage, vision and intuition.

Our words are addressed to those who can perceive the truth of the moment. If what we say here seems too exaggerated for your imagination, then there is no reason to continue reading.

Our words are addressed to those of you who know that it is already time, that the need for true mastery has arrived, and despite the fears that may inhabit your minds and hearts, you know that courage will grow within you, since all life depends on your choices.

As fear will increase through massive mental control, it is vital, and indeed mandatory, that they transcend it; that go beyond all the misinformation that will appear where they turn to see, both through the media and through social pressure and through possible government interactions and interventions.

In many previous releases we have talked about various methods to achieve transcendence. We refer you to previous messages: Ecstasy and the Heart ( "Ecstasy and the Heart"); The Holon of Balance ("The" Holon of Balance ") and especially Holon of Ascension

* See at the end the links for the pages on the site, both in Spanish and English.

These are techniques, internal technologies for the mind. With them you can, and will help you, transcend mind control.

We also want to tell you that there are much simpler methods that you can practice. They are aspects of their nature.

This "secret of secrets" simply refers to the fact that you are creative beings (both human and divine). This knowledge about your nature has remained hidden from you and has been hidden on purpose by your religions and some of your philosophies.

Of course, these secrets are like forbidden fruits since if you took them or assumed them as part of you, you would gain the wisdom of your own divinity, despite living in materiality. You will gain the knowledge to know that you are creating your future at this very moment and in all the moments of your life: through your thoughts and your feelings, and for what you choose to think about of yourselves and among each of you.

The secret secrets free them from the human prison of limitation. It frees you from the bonds of your time, place and circumstance. This happens by opening the door of your mind, freeing you from the mental jail projected towards you by those forces that have slowed and manipulated the destiny of humanity for the benefit of your own interests.

The Secret Secrets has four aspects.

The first aspect is the ability you have to achieve a broad spiritual vision, for example: see through the lies that are projected on you and see the `` good way '' despite of the great darkness that exists.

The second is the ability they have to feel. This is the essence of secrets. It is his greatest treasure although, on the other hand, it is also his greatest dilemma. Those who want to control and manipulate them know very well, with the exception of low-spectrum emotions, that if they freeze or paralyze their ability to feel, it will serve them perfect to achieve their goal.

The third aspect is the ability to tell its truth. For many of you, the time to come will require you to tell your truth clearly, even when it is diametrically opposed to the people around you.

And the fourth aspect is the ability they have to take action.

These four aspects are rooted together and are the very source of your freedom.

Within the nature of his heart is his ability to feel and this is the deepest secret of all; since this allows them to change their vibrational field being the key to transcending and going beyond mass mind control.

Although this sounds ridiculously simplistic, the essential truth of these secrets lies in what you call joy, recognition and gratitude . Discover the things of your life; situations, people, their own thoughts and feelings, whatever; that gave them reasons to be happy, to appreciate and feel gratitude. Cultivate this as you would cultivate a beautiful garden amid poisonous herbs, so that later, this garden grows and provides sustenance.

Paradoxically on several levels (not only emotionally and psychologically but spiritually and even physically) when the power of joy, recognition and gratitude reaches a certain extent or strength, it can literally cause manifestations in physical reality. And so, even in the moments of greatest darkness, if you maintain the mastery that gives spiritual mastery to transcend fears and cultivate joy, recognition and gratitude, you will manifest, before you and without waiting for it, favorable moments and situations. .

Finally, we want to make it clear that these dark times can be your greatest hours. You keep within yourself the Secret of Secrets. Use them. Transfer the veil to the New world that awaits you. And may your path to this new dimension be sown with enormous blessings

The Hathors

August 10, 2009

Visit the site

Links for messages in Spanish:

Ecstasy and the heart ( "Ecstasy and the Heart");

The Holon of Balance (“The“ Holon of Balance ”)

Holon of Ascension ( )

Links for messages in English:

Ecstasy and the Heart
The Holon of Balance
The Holon of Ascension

Lies, Half-Truths and Manipulations

© 2009 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved.
You may make copies of this message, share and distribute it in any media so long as you credit the author, include
this copyright notice, do not charge for it, and do not alter its content in any way.

Translation to Spanish
Ana de la Macorra

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