Message from the Arcturian Group: The world is waking up towards self-empowerment

  • 2016

Greetings, dear. They would be happily surprised at how much light is now leaking progressively from many different locations on Earth. The eyes are beginning to open, and the ears are beginning to listen. It may seem as if nothing new is happening, as if the world is going backwards, but it is not.

Much of the corruption they are becoming aware of was previously kept hidden by the majority within an energy system that helped it, and anyone looking to expose these activities was simply removed . There is no more corruption today, it is simply that through modern technology and an evolving world consciousness these things are coming to light.

The world is waking up towards self-empowerment and the understanding that they have the ability to choose for themselves. This is manifesting externally in the political scene of the United States.

This is how evolution works in the third dimension. Throughout history, very evolved mystics and incarnated teachers with the purpose of "sowing" world consciousness with spiritual truths because the human mind (mind conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation) is only able to access what is already present. In the world consciousness.

These teachers were usually considered heretics or worse and many were killed by their teachings. At that time these truths were so new, that very few people were sufficiently evolved to reach their consciousness, but because the teachings of these Lightworkers became part of the world consciousness, they are now available to anyone Be ready and open to receive them.

There comes a point in the evolutionary journey where they will begin to receive any information or truth needed from within, bypassing the conditioned human mind. This is the source of true creativity. Deeply talented artists from all walks of life do not create what they already know, but allow something totally new to flow outward from a deeper level.

Climate chaos is the way Gaia cleans the dense energies of the past and present that need to be removed as part of her ascension process. While Humanity continues to pollute and create discordant and inferior energies of war and separation, it will be forced to do its own cleaning.

We talk today about forgiveness, a facet of unconditional Love that is proven not only very difficult, but has become a blockage for many when trying to move towards unconditional love. Many of you have had experiences that hurt you deeply at all levels of your life as well as past lives. As a result, they still carry emotions of resentment, hatred, anger, shame, guilt, fear, etc., in the cellular as well as in conscious memory.

Because they are now spiritually ready, those energies that need to be recognized and cleansed are making their appearance. Unchained by some person or situation they often appear when they least expect it, surprising and embarrassing the individual. The stored cellular memory triggered by some event is the root of driving fury, panic attacks, excessive fears, as well as many other human conditions.

Regardless of denying them or how deeply buried they are, the old energy resonates and influences an individual's belief and choice system. Many have come to believe that they can never forgive a certain person or people even if they wish. For some, watering to forgive is a conscious choice, but for those of you along your spiritual path, choosing forgiveness for yourself as well as others indicates a willingness for the next step.

It must be understood that each Soul creates a pre-natal plan before incarnating. A plan that involves all the major players needed for any lesson or lessons has been chosen as necessary for spiritual growth. These players are usually from the same soul group and have experienced many other lives together in various roles, even occasionally volunteering to be the "bad guys in the movie . "

In many moments within their many terrestrial stays, some or many have harmed them emotionally, or mentally. This is true for everyone. The stores of cellular memory of these experiences and until they are cleared, are taken to each new incarnation. They rarely manifest fully in each incarnation unless it is part of the individual soul plan. Cellular memory is the reason why you can react to a certain person with contempt or fear when you don't even really know them.

There are some who spend their lives living and proudly identifying themselves as victims, building their total identity around past events. This state of consciousness can provide a first step towards self-empowerment for someone living totally in the three-dimensional belief system, but you are ready to see and act from a higher level - one that does not resist, conceal or claim any trauma as being personally yours You are ready to "place the ax on the root."

It is valuable to examine deeply those situations that still hold them in slavery because they understandably would not relive painful emotions reflecting their state of consciousness at that time. No matter how deeply they may have tried to bury these experiences, the accompanying anger, shame, fear, etc. It must be recognized as a part of your energy field. Embracing each personal emotion or thought with respect, not resistance, and even love for the lessons provided, is an extremely important part of love being / BEING.

Hindre yourselves and your emotions, never looking for any way to avoid or eliminate them without examination in the belief that they are not part of true spirituality. Do not fight to achieve any concept of forgiveness or use it to nullify the emotions of anger, fear, shame, resentment, etc. that will arise when seeking forgiveness. The recognition and respect for all facets of the Being, even the parts that do not like them, is necessary because the being can never be excluded from the ONE.

When I'm ready, you wonder? What did you learn from this experience? Is the interpretation that I maintain, based on the three-dimensional concepts presented as a belief system of duality and separation, and I am not allowing myself to see this experience with my new eyes based on truth?

For example, in the human scene, abuse in childhood often results in multiple problems for the adult. However, understand that child abuse is frequently chosen as part of the pre-natal soul plan. He is often chosen by a Soul who feels that he is now sufficiently evolved and ready to learn self-empowerment, to move beyond the search for the validation of others, and clean the old abusive cellular memory still maintained from other lives.

Understand that no Soul is allowed to plan a life experience that is beyond its evolutionary ability to learn from it. Each one is always being lovingly guided by their Personal Guides as well as by other Beings of Light but since most humans are still unable to see these helpers of higher dimensions with human eyes, they believe they are alone, without help, and They are victims.

The darkest moments of life are often turning points necessary to grow beyond the old state of consciousness. For the individual, these dark moments are not perceived as positive, but they will be understood at a later time (even years) when the emotions have quieted and there is receptivity to a deeper perception. Trust the process, knowing that once you choose to evolve, you will have whatever experience is necessary.

Forgiveness never means that whoever caused your pain should now become your best friend, nor does it mean that you forget what happened. Forgiveness is not denial, but a state of consciousness reached that sees the greater image and knows that nothing is random. Understand that all situations have been created either to solve and complete something from another life, or to present those opportunities necessary to reach a higher state of consciousness.

Never forget that you are not human Beings, you are spiritual Beings who chose to experience separation as a facet of your journey towards the memory of who and what they are. The dominant energy of duality and separation on Earth often allows those who are ready for a deeper consciousness, to face as many times as necessary until they can say, "There must be a better way, " opening them to plus.

Karmic situations of past lives often enter into the ability to forgive even when evolving Souls know that they are ready to solve and clean up all the old and finished. Karma is a balance of energy and not a punishment as many believe.

Once recognized, Karma can be resolved and cleaned even if others involved are not ready or able to cooperate at a higher level. It is a matter of going inside, recognizing the innate divinity of the other or others, removing any remaining energy cord (declare your intention and ask for help if you do not know how to remove energy cords) and then simply moving knowing that it is finished.

As the state of consciousness evolves more deeply into the truth, the remaining karmic energies dissolve automatically without effort or even without knowledge because karma is no longer part of that consciousness. Karma is more an active issue for those still heavily conditioned with three-dimensional beliefs.

Forgiveness is a matter of intention, a choice, the request for help to understand more deeply and allow the process to unfold while living in the highest state of consciousness. Efforts made to get rid of negativity or guilt for past actions are unnecessary because the higher frequencies automatically replace the lower ones, simply dissolving them to the nothing they are. This is the most evolved form of "self-improvement."

You are entering into more difficult tasks of evolution by cleaning remnants of remains - sweeping the corners of your belief system and solving long ignored or buried matters. The years of internal work they have done is now shining in everything they still need to clean or understand from a higher level. Forgiveness is a component of this.

It's as if they chose to go watch a movie. They make the choice and pay to see the story. They get involved and often experience anger, fear, sadness, pity, etc. as the story unfolds. They experience emotional highs and lows of any action that is taking place. Everything feels very real. Then the curtain goes down, the credits pass, and they leave the theater in full awareness that they were an observer. They do not personally claim history as being a reality. This is the Earth school.

Unconditional Consciousness and ONE that you are does not contain dreams of separation.

We are the Arcturian Group

AUTHOR: Marilyn Rafaelle


VOICES: Arcturus and Andromeda


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