Mastay, the Alchemy of the Reunion by Marc Torra (Urus)

  • 2012

Mastay's prophecy predicts the future advent of an era of light and harmony; of a day that will begin illuminated by a new Sun. That day will begin with the reintegration between "the people of the four directions."

The purpose of the book is to facilitate this reunion and discover what can happen then. For this, the first four chapters narrate a significant fragment of the life of four characters, where each represents an element, direction and one of the following civilizations: First Nations, Islam, East and West .

In the fifth chapter the four characters have a conversation. They debate what we have in common and what complements us, in order to incite the long-awaited reunion. In the sixth, the author summarizes the spiritual paths drawn by each of the characters and tries to communicate what the future holds. While the seventh chapter seeks to transcend words through a call to “solidarity action, ” a call that allows us to stop identifying with who we were, to do so with those we are becoming.

Book website: By Marc Torra (Urus) for

Mastay - Spanish - Marc Torra (Urus)

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