María Magdalena channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 2 3 4 María Magdalena channeled by Natalie Glasson

I present myself with the seeds of Love of my Soul to honor your Divine and Sacred Being, bathing with all that is your Truth while you recognize it within yourself and within my presence. Your Divine Truth and your Sacred Self are everywhere and can be recognized in each and every person. You are never alone or separated from the Creator, for not only can you see the appearance of the Creator within yourself, but you can recognize it in everything around you. This recognition and familiarity produce the greatest understanding and experience of Oneness, even in a reality where separation is dominant. With the consciousness and perspective of Oneness, that is, with the recognition of the Creator within yourself and everyone, you allow yourself to experience high levels of awakening and an important fusion with the Creator. The experience process of merging with the Creator helps you go through numerous levels of activations, dimensional changes, awakenings; and release of old energy patterns; in such a way that you realize yourself and become the Great Lighthouse of Light that you are.

In this New Age you and your Soul have given permission to your body and your whole Being to fully awaken and experience the radiance, power, Love and Light of your Being and your Divine Self. This means that you are allowing the Creator to get closer, becoming fully present within your Being.

The Creator is closer to your Being to be fully manifested both within and around you, in all aspects of your creation. With your greater acceptance of the presence of the Creator and the permission you have given yourself to awaken, you allow your entire Being, but especially your body, to enter a rapid and powerful process of change, liberation and activation. The physical body and the energy bodies begin to expel unnecessary energies, patterns and perspectives, as if they were old layers of skin that are no longer needed. Powerful alchemical changes and awakenings occur in your Soul and in your body, which open all energy systems to be used by the vibration and energy of the Creator. Alchemy and the transformation of the physical body lead him to divine power, health and harmony with everything that is the Creator. The particles of Light not only form but erupt inside the body, causing greater reinforcement of the presence of the Light. Energetic keys to awaken many skills, abilities and consciences produce a flood from the Soul and from its memories, which can be activated by walking on the main energy points or familiar paths of the Soul on Earth.

Vibratory codes are constantly released towards the physical and energetic bodies, for more knowledge and understanding, as well as to raise the vibrations of inner Love, Truth, Light and Wisdom. Because of all these energy releases to the body and the energy system, what no longer serves you emotionally, mentally or physically, will be brought to the surface for complete release and healing.

You may notice that at this time your liberation and healing processes are more dramatic and that when they arise they dominate the interior of your Being and your reality; This is due to the intention that your Soul has to complete the healing of many problems, pains and emotional blockages. Complete healing means a completion of many areas of liberation in which you have been working for many years and perhaps even many lives. As if the final page of the story was being surfaced for release and for review, to have more experience of freedom.

With these powerful processes of liberation, healing and vibratory changes, your physical and energetic bodies are constantly changing between and through numerous dimensions of Light, energy and consciousness. This constant fluctuation between dimensions allows you to collect vibratory frequencies and anchor them deep within your Being, thus allowing your entire Being to naturally rise to higher and faster frequencies of Light. Your body and your Soul begin to evaluate which vibration and dimension of Light is more appropriate and nutritious for you, in relation to different moments of your spiritual Ascension. Naturally, your Being can go out in search of a dimension with a powerful approach to healing to which you would automatically pass when healing is required. On other occasions, your Being can look for a dimension of magnification or amplification, or even certain necessary qualities and connections. Your Being can jump between the dimensions because of the speed of your spiritual acceleration, the need to obtain certain frequencies, the intention of integration and Uniqueness; but also due to the constantly increasing pulsation of your energy that causes a fluttering effect, which can be stabilized when you allow your Truth to be more present within your Being.

Do not be surprised if in one moment you feel connected with extremely fast vibrations and in the next you feel heavy; your body and your whole Being are beginning to merge into Oneness, not only with the Creator's aspects on Earth, but also with the Creator's aspects known as the energy dimensions or levels throughout the Creator's Universe. Each dimension represents an existence of integration with the Creator, as well as specific qualities and aspects of the Creator. You don't really need to understand the dimensions with your mind, but you can experience and feel them energetically, especially in meditation, simply asking to experience the most appropriate vibrations for you in each dimension or in as many as you feel appropriate, whether you ask to experience them individually as energy levels, or as a single vast source of Light. Even perceiving without knowledge or understanding can produce a stabilization in your whole Being that will allow your spiritual Ascension to flow more easily.

At this time the automatic fluctuation between many dimensions and the connection with them is necessary, because gradually all the dimensions of the Creator will become One within your Being and your Soul, which means a deep acceptance of the Creator, internal and external. At this time the process can make you feel uprooted or bring to the surface powerful release processes. It is as if you are being shaken so that you become active and wake up more, experiencing profound change and purification of everything you know and understand. You simply need to be aware of this process that is often happening without your knowledge; With your recognition you can become aware of any rise or fall in your energy and vibration, which allows you to experience them; and also to the dimensional energies that must be obtained to bring you back to the vibration of the Soul. The Soul is always evolving, but it has stable vibration, frequency and connection with a dimension of Light; and consequently what seems to the body a great length of time, is a root point for your complete Being. The Soul is the vibratory dimension of Light that your whole Being wants to obtain. As you go through different dimensions, especially within your Body of Light, you can reach different aspects of your Soul and have access to them. By then, turning your attention to your Soul, you can root these aspects of your Soul, unifying numerous of its aspects as a powerful vibration and experience of your Soul in your present moment, thus experiencing a deeper Oneness with the Creator. The vibration of your Soul is constituted by the unified vibrations of all dimensions, but now is the time to explore these aspects of your Soul to recognize all that is the Creator in and around you.

You might want to say out loud:

With the presence of Mary Magdalene and the support of my Guides and my Soul, I now allow myself to experience a deeper absolute Oneness with the Creator in my current life and in my present moment . I am aware of the dimensional changes that my whole Being is going through now, while I automatically connect with different dimensions, appropriate to serve my Ascension and to a deeper understanding of my Soul . As I fluctuate and move through different energies and dimensional levels of the Creator's Universe, I allow myself to collect and raise within me everything that is necessary, while allowing me to constantly return to the no. Central energy core of my Soul, thus experiencing uniqueness and deep integration with all that is my Soul and the Creator. So be it.

With Love and blessed blessings,

Mary Magdalene.

Translated: Jairo Rodr guez R.

Maria Magdalena channeled by Natalie Glasson

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