The Energies February 2014, by Jennifer Hoffman

  • 2014

There is much happening this month energetically speaking, and much that will happen internally. Before they moan: not again!, be encouraged because it will not be the arduous internal work of the past years, this will be much more light and it will flow, although I will not use the word m sf cil because not only would it be subjective but it would also imply a comparison n that cannot be used. Everyone has their own version of easy and difficult, flowing and stuck, and what is a problem versus an opportunity. This month will be full of opportunities that could be disguised as problems, but whatever the way they assume, there will be solutions as well.

There are three major energy events this month. The first is that Venus has become direct, so the planet of Love and beauty is moving forward and any such issue that is stuck could be resolved now. If you have had any relationship that has not been thriving or have been choosing your relationships, you may see that these situations are going to be resolved now.

The second major event is Mercury retrograde in Pisces / Aquarius, it begins on February 6 ending on February 20. The usual retrograde Mercury warnings apply here : don't sign any contracts, or start any new business (unless it's something that was planned before the retro), reconfirm your communications, back up your computer with a backup, think two times before choosing, and as my 'handyman' says: 'measure twice, cut once.'

This retrograde Mercury is at the beginning of Pisces, which is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac. It is also set with Neptune in its station, which gives it an extra strong spiritual signature. Mercury is the ruler of two signs, Gemini and Virgo. In Gemini, he is like a little two-year-old boy who runs across the street as soon as he releases his hand. In Virgo he is the child who agonizes for every decision. In Pisces he reasons more because he has to do it, not always because he wants to do it. When you take time, consider more options and then choose the one that is more aligned with your intention, and progress in a more balanced and sustainable way. Think about the last time you made a quick decision and then decided, after living the results for a while, that you did not like the result and had to choose again.

This period of retrograde Mercury is good to make sure that each election is taken from a point that is for our greatest good and that serves us. It is good to set intentions in a more conscious, awake, and spiritual way. Mercury rules the mind and sometimes we have to use the mind a little less so that we can allow the Light of Being to shine. He is going to corner himself with Aquarius, an air sign, which underlines the need to reflect more consciously on what we do instead of moving forward blindly, hoping that everything goes well once we reach the end. He will leave the retrograde on March 21.

The third major event in February is the North Lunar Node advancing to Libra (and the South Node in Aries) on February 18. The Lunar Nodes change signs every two years and have been in Scorpio / Taurus since August 30, 2012. Do you want to know who to blame for all your problems you have had since 2012? The Lunar Node in Scorpio / Taurus is partially responsible. All the water signs have been lit since then and it has been like having a hidden water leak in your house and not knowing about it until the floor sinks when you step on it (this is what happened to me in my house and I had to redo the entire bathroom to fix the floor hole).

In Libra / Aries the Nodes emphasize the balance that creates harmony and structure and acting intentionally. Where your life has been taken out of balance you will need to create a new center emphasizing the "new." Anything from the past that no longer serves them for their intention of having Joy, Love, Peace, Harmony, Abundance and Success no longer have it available. You can now create something new and be supported by this, but if you try to resurface the old and reestablish it in your life now it could cause you problems.

A constant lesson in the coming months is to learn to see ourselves first as energetic beings, and then as physical beings, while creating a balance with these two aspects. We tend to be so seated in the physical body that we forget the energy flows , which is how we function at each level . What we feel as delays are really attempts to make us see ourselves in this new way. When we have to slow down, that is a key to making sure that we are using our totality, mind and spirit in every situation. Our energy source is inside us, not outside of us. Whatever happens in the outside world is a reflection of what is happening inside and a mirror of how we use energy.

This month we also have Mars in the retrograde shadow, it becomes retrograde on March 1, and direct on May 20, leaving completely out of the retrograde on July 22. That is a long time of action being in retrograde, but it serves a purpose: it allows us to slow down to consider our options as soul, and then take that action that serves our intention in the highest possible way. The good news is that Venus is now in direct motion so we have the support of the planet of Love and Beauty. The key word of this month is to be recent, to find that new center of yours where you live in Love, Peace and Joy and moderate your rhythm, there is enough time to act once you are clear about what you want and give your energy I the opportunity of participating in the action.

Have a wonderful month.

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Copyright (c) 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman.

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The Energies February 2014, by Jennifer Hoffman

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