The 7 rules of paracelsus

  • 2015

Luck does not exist and destiny depends on one's actions and thoughts

1.- The first thing is to improve health.

To do this you have to breathe as often as possible, deep and rhythmic, filling your lungs well, outdoors or looking out a window. Drink daily in small sips, two liters of water, eat lots of fruits, chew food as perfectly as possible, avoid alcohol, tobacco and medicines, unless you were for some serious cause subjected to a treatment. Bathing daily is a habit that you owe to your own dignity.

2.- Banish absolutely from your mood, for more reasons that exist, any idea of ​​pessimism, resentment, hatred, boredom, sadness, revenge and poverty.

To flee as from the plague of every occasion to treat cursed, vicious, ruinous, murmuring, indolent, gossiping, vain or vulgar people and inferior by natural lowness of understanding or by sensualistic topics that form the basis of their speeches or occupations. The observance of this rule is of decisive importance: it is about changing the spiritual contexture of your soul. It is the only way to change your destiny, because this depends on our actions and thoughts. Chance does not exist.

3.- Do all the good possible.

Help all unfortunates whenever you can, but never have weaknesses for any person. You must take care of your own energies and run away from all sentimentality.

4 .- We must forget all offense, even more: strive to think well of your greatest enemy.

Your soul is a temple that should never be desecrated by hate. All great beings have been guided by that soft inner voice, but I will not speak to you like that suddenly, you have to prepare for a while; destroy the superimposed layers of old habits, thoughts and mistakes that weigh on your spirit, which is divine and perfect in itself, but impotent because of the imperfect vehicle you offer today to manifest, thin flesh.

5.- You must pick yourself up every day where no one can disturb you, even for half an hour, sit as comfortably as possible with half-closed eyes and not think about anything.

This fortifies you strongly and puts you in touch with good influences. In this state of recollection and silence, sometimes luminous ideas often occur to us, capable of changing an entire existence. In time all the problems that arise will be solved victoriously by an inner voice that will guide you in such moments of silence, alone with your conscience. That is the daimon that Socrates talks about.

6.- You must keep absolute silence of all your personal affairs.

Refrain, as if you had made a solemn oath, to refer to others, even your most intimate everything you think, hear, know, learn, suspect or discover. For a long time you should at least be like a walled house or sealed garden. It's a very important rule.

7 .- Never fear men or inspire you startle tomorrow.

Keep your soul strong and clean and everything will work out for you. Never believe yourself alone or weak, because there are powerful armies behind you, which you do not even conceive of in dreams. If you raise your spirit there will be no harm that I can touch you. The only enemy you should fear is yourself. Fear and distrust in the future are dire mothers of all failures, attract bad influences and with them disaster. If you study the people of good luck carefully, you will see that intuitively, they observe much of the above rules. Many of those who bring great wealth, it is very true that they are not at all good people, in the right sense, but they have many virtues mentioned above. On the other hand, wealth is not synonymous with bliss; it may be one of the factors that leads to it, by the power it gives us to exercise great and noble works; but the most lasting happiness is only achieved in other ways; where selfishness never prevails. Never complain about anything, dominate your senses; he flees from both humility and vanity, humility subtracts strength and vanity paralyzes them.


The 7 rules of paracelsus

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