Cassava and its health properties

  • 2013

One of the most consumed foods in South America is cassava, this tuber is frequently included in most meals, as it is the favorite of many people for its delicious flavor.

Despite being such a well-known food in many parts of the world, its properties and health benefits are not yet widespread.

For this reason it is very important that you be attentive to the guidelines that we will give you below, so that you learn to know some important benefits that can be obtained by consuming cassava.

What benefits can we get by consuming cassava?
Cassava (also known as cassava or tapioca) is a tuber rich in starches, it is an edible root very popular with its delicious flavor, it is similar to potato, yam, malanga and banana; It is rich in carbohydrates, these are components that provide up to 80 percent of energy to the body.

This food is ideal for those who eat a diet to reduce weight, since it is extremely low in fat, it also has a large amount of protein, much greater than that of other tubers, thus helping those who consume it to lower the blood cholesterol levels

  • Due to its high content of dietary fiber, it helps lower triglyceride levels, thus contributing to the body functioning properly.
  • It is really beneficial for the nervous system, reduces anxiety and is also the best way to combat the discomfort caused by the irritable bowel.
  • This food has among its components large amounts of vitamin K, which contributes to the formation of bone mass and fights osteoporosis; It is also used in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's.
  • It is also a source of vitamins B, B-6, also has very good amounts of folates, thiamine, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. It is ideal for hair care and to end acne scars.
  • Cassava also contains minerals such as zinc, magnesium and copper, which provide energy to people who consume it. It is a good source of potassium, which is important in the production of cellular fluids, it is also an important regulator of heart rate and blood pressure.

It is recommended in the treatment of diarrhea, influenza, some inflammations and conjunctivitis.
As you can see this is a really healthy root and also very easy preparation.

How should we prepare cassava?

A very common and easy way to prepare cassava is boiled or cooked, to do it correctly you must first peel, wash and in an appropriate amount of water let it boil until it is soft.
You can also fry, which can be done by cutting the cassava in sticks and frying them in enough oil, preferably olive,

As you can see this delicious food is really very important, not only for its nutritional and energy contribution, but also for the benefits and properties that contribute to improve the health of those who consume it regularly.

Cassava and its health properties

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