The Earth Guardian Chronicles Tahoe - Violet Flame Vortex

Issue No. 35 - August 2009

Lake Tahoe is twenty-two miles long and twelve miles wide. Its average depth is 1, 645 feet. It is the second deepest lake in North America, the third largest lake in North America and the eighth largest lake in the world. It formed two million years ago when volcanic eruptions sealed two gorges in what was called the Sierra Nevada mountains. Then a glacial flow filled the deep canyon, and Lake Tahoe was born. Sixty-three streams and rivers continued to fill it. It is almost a clear crystal, with a visibility of its depth of 50 feet and sovereignly beautiful. The natives consider it sacred and the home of the Legendary Bluebird, as well as a creature like that of Loch Ness Loch Ness that has been seen throughout history in its vast waters. - Nevada Tourism Press

“The Crystal use of the Violet Flame is a purification crucible. It serves as a final treatment of those obstacles that prevent the seeker from moving to the crystalline MerKiVah of non-polarity. ”A. Metatron

Violet Flame Vortex

Archangel Metatron Via J. Tyberonn

“Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and greetings to all of you within this precise vector of eternal space. I hug you in unconditional love.

Dear Beings, Humanity is at a crucial point. Those who have brought the Ascension Light to this point have really done their job, but more of you is now required.

You will see; There are large numbers of people of the human race who are undecided, doubtful where to go, and in this way large numbers in numbers are taking a step back rather than forward. And we tell you, this cannot be allowed to happen.

And so we speak to those of you who carry the light. Because many of you are now in an apparent "impasse." And some of you don't even recognize your immobility. Teachers, being undecided is no longer a possibility for those who have heard the clarion call of the Planetary Ascension.

So why the pause, why the indecision?

It is because there is a final stage of purification that is required on the planet and within yourself.

The crystalline crucible

You observe the 999 guides in the Crystalline Era, and with that the transformation to the Crystal MerKiVah. However, this transformation requires that the last wastage of imbalance, of obstacles, be removed from its field.

The thing is that what was easy to remove, has been removed and what remains is more difficult to remove, as if it were swept under the carpet of the place. But the Earth itself is mobilizing to assist them in that liberation. Certain points of the vertex inside the earth are now designed, since the arrival of the Cosmic Trigger to allow the release into the crystalline energy. That is called the Violet Crystalline Flame, really a crucible of sacred purification.

The Violet Flame Crystalline application is a purification crucible. It serves as the final process of those obstacles that prevent the seeker from moving towards the non-polarity of the crystalline MerKiVah. It is available with intention and course of action, but is amplified, generated and disseminated from specific points of the vertex on the planet.

The Earth and Humanity are indeed in a moment of Push, of Advance, of Decisive Impulse and this is no longer adequate, nor is it enough to rest on their laurels. It takes more. The sacred seal has been opened and the transformation calls. A new program presents itself and is the Crystalline Awakening towards the zero field and with it the transformation towards the new Crystalline MerKaBa and the MerKivah. A system that is not polar, has no gender.

Forward movement

The Earth's magnifiers and electros are being completed and finding a fulcrum of balance. Didn't the Master of Magnetics, Kryon, of Miguel's Family complete the adjustment of the magnitudes to make room for the crystalline grid? Certainly, it is.

The electric polar field electrics now give rise to the Crystalline Emergency inside the zero field. It is an opening whose time has come, it is a point of Re-Creation. And that Re-Creation is the return to the Crystalline Essence from which you come.

The Elemental Fulcrum

And so within the present flow, there is a certain moment, a turning point of the Universal Truth that is opening like a lotus flower. It unfolds within the new paradigm of the Rising Earth, and it does so within what is termed as Elements of the Earth . That of Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Ether.

Certainly there are points on Earth that are equivalent to deployment and they offer themselves in an alignment of purposeful transformation.

And in this way we talk about the sacred waters. Teachers there is a unique and symbiotic relationship between human physical resonance and that of the "Earth-Element" of water. The frequency footprint of the human body is in special resonance with the five sacred elements of Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Ether. However, it is the resonance of water that establishes a mutual relationship to the essential creation or projections of the imprint of the human form. If you take into account that the human body has approximately 70% water, there is an easy logic to understand at the beginning of this premise.

The Violet Flame of the Crystal Waters

There are certain points of water on Earth that have a single crystalline lens and amplification of what is called the Violet Flame. The three largest form a triangle and are: Lake Baikal in Siberia, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Lake Tahoe in the United States. The first two are currently recognized, the last one just now.

In truth the three have always been sacred. How might such powerful bodies of water have no pristine energies? Pause for a moment to consider what is in common in all three. Each has its vast and deep bodies of pristine waters. Each one is surrounded by an envelope of volcanic mountains and rich valleys in electro-magnetic and crystalline fields forming ovoid lenses. As such all the vortex swirl matrix ingredients are present and embellished with a supra-potent field of natural plasma energy.

Now we tell you that bodies of clear, pure and fresh water contained in firmly established deep formations are capable of flowing unusual crystalline properties. This is a different form of crystallization that occurs in the colloidal suspension silica waters of Banff and Torres del Paine, since they are not colloidal but Newton's fluid. Its academics and physicists still do not fully recognize that the specific properties of impurity-free waters have the ability of crystalline physicochemical properties when they are condensed at specific depths, becoming 'dense' liquid crystals.

In essence, deep clear water lakes such as Lake Tahoe, Lake Baikal and Lake Titicaca develop layers of crystalline liquid energy that distill great energy and amplify the conscious projection of living waters.

The praised studies of Japanese researcher Dr. Emoto have shown that conscious water can exude pseudo crystalline forms when they are influenced by positive energy emissions. We tell you that unparalleled waters, such as those of Tahoe, Baikal, Ouachita and Titicaca, are also accentuated by the geometric vibrations of crystalline and noble metals in the interior of the living earth, particularly at deep levels. Its academics believe that water cannot be compressed, but we tell you that it exists in compressed states under specific conditions and in these places, it creates a huge energy field.

Tahoe's Mega Vortex

One of the most powerful vortex portal complexes in the Americas has been recognized by many metaphysicians in the past four decades. It is Lake Tahoe in Northwest Nevada, on the border of California. However, some of their renowned leaders and teachers, such as Ronna Herman and Jim Self were attracted to live in their neighborhood as moorings. Many others are being attracted now. However, in truth, the waters of Tahoe have been recognized for their stunning beauty and tranquility for millennia. But Masters, this water offers more than this. Those who spend their time near the waters soon find deeper tranquility. And yet they find incredibly deep moments of self-analysis, liberation and re-prioritization.

This attribute is not a fortuitous event, and its function is greatly amplified in the crystallization of the Violet Flame.

A Land of Golden Energy

Its geologists realize that there are vast deposits of gold and silver in the Tahoe Vortex. Both noble metals offer incredible frequency attributes in the waters of Tahoe and the Vortex that are extremely beneficial.

(* Writer's Note - More than three quarters of the gold taken from mines in the United States comes from Nevada, it is also the second largest producer of silver).

Vast amounts of these metals are in the carbonate formations inside the Tahoe Vortex and certainly embellish the energy of this place. There are also crystals that naturally arise in braids of pegmatites (crystalline granite) in the igneous rock that surrounds the sea and through the Sierra Nevada. Opals, citrines, amethyst, ametrines, garnet, jasper, turquoise, chaldonacy and other varieties of quartz in the area. Some acquaintances, others unknown, despite their powerful energies are added to the energy of the place in a great way.

Many of you are inclined to think of Nevada for your gambling and assume that it is not high vibration. Nevertheless we tell you that the northwest portions of Nevada are of a vastly different energy from the game mecca that you call Las Vegas. That is why they are attracted to the area between Lake Tahoe and Yosemite. We tell you that between the nodes of Yosemite and Tahoe is a pristine energy that carries great energy of superior dimension.

Within that energy the lower vibrations of human greed are filtered and purified from the highest fields that abound there. That is the reason why the Indians and certainly the Atlanteans before them recognized and came to the energies of the Tahoe Vortex.

The area of ​​Lake Tahoe has been recognized as sacred for eons. Attached in this vast complex of the vortex is a collection of unique energies that add to your immaculate energy. Within its field are satellites that are added to its frequency power. The areas known as Pyramid Lake and Grimes Point (Cave of the Spirit) are actually part of the energy of the mega system of the Tahoe Lake vortex portal.

Tahoe is also an anchor to a second energy matrix that includes Mount Shasta, and the Yosemite and Grand Teton National Parks. All are precursors of the Violet Ray of Saint Germain. Each one represents the Violet Flame in an elementary context, Shasta is fire, Tahoe is water, Yosemite is Earth and The Tetons are air.

We are ready for your questions.

Ask Metatron: Ronna Herman has recently channeled Archangel Michael about the vast amethyst crystals that exist beneath Lake Tahoe. Can you tell us about this?

AA Metatron: What this beloved Messenger has revealed is the anchoring of the frequency of vibrational creation called Violet Ray. The Archangel Michael has shared with you that the Crystalline Pattern of what is called the Violet Flame carries the vibration patterns of the Divine Cell of God. It was anchored and divided within the duality into a masculine and feminine aspect, the first in Mt. Shasta, the last under Tahoe, both in an octahedron-shaped matrix.

The Octahedron format sustained the non-duality of the crystalline matrix and emitted its dual aspects towards the polarity aspects of masculine-feminine. We have shared with you before, that the octahedron is the sacred geometric format of servers as energy transducers and portals to the higher dimensions. Hence, as above it is below.

Ask Metatron : And the amethyst crystal that Archangel Michael speaks to us that is below Lake Tahoe, is it etheric or physical?

AA Metatron: In both. In the truest sense all crystals that manifest in the physical also manifest in etheric form as well as in matter / antimatter format. This is an axiom of crystalline physics that must still be rediscovered, but that discovery is not very far in linear time.

The Amethyst Crystal that is dimensionally below Lake Tahoe is not of Atlantean origin, as are the massifs of the Master crystals of Arkansas and Brazil. It precedes both Atlantis and Lemuria although the wise men of both were aware of both the violet amethysts in Shasta and Tahoe. These crystals were patterns of what you call Elohim Masters of the Upper Archangelic Kingdom in tandem with the elite of the Arturian Crystal Masters.

Consequently, existing in the etheric realm and becoming physical after placement, the Arthurian Masters became what they call guardians and guardians of the crystals, forming an ovoid of antimatter around them and working the transductions of duality. One of these is really what you call Saint Germain. The ovoid is what we call the Crystal Creation Cave.

Ask Metatron: Can you talk about the activation of the Tahoe Vortex?

Arc Metatron: Better say transformation. By the way it has been incredibly active for eons. The Tahoe Vortex Portal is being transformed with the entry of the Crystalline Era. Amethyst Crystals are moving from an octahedron-like mechanism to the star-shaped Icosahedron in both Tahoe and Shasta. The transformation is an aspect of the Cosmic Trigger and the 999 transformations of and inside the Earth in the Unified Crystal Field.

Lake Tahoe is then one of the many centers on Earth that will assist the transformation in a specific role of feeding the energy and the frequency trace of the Violet Ray on Earth, but in a non-dual crystalline aspect. It will be amplified by the waters of amethyst (feminine) energies of Lake Tahoe and will disseminate these energies to a vast region of the North American continent. This is only beginning now, but really the same elevation of this area will keep you above the invasive seawater of the land that is being transformed in the centuries and millennia to come. This will not be the case for the areas of the southern lowest elevations.

And so what we tell you will be available in Tahoe after 999, is a release of the final obstacles that need to be released to achieve the new Crystal MerKiVah. There are other areas including Banff, Titicaca and Baikal.

The unparalleled pattern of Tahoe lies in the differentiated frequencies of the vast content of gold and silver within the deep waters, which really facilitated the placement of the almighty Ovoid Crystal Amethyst below them.

Ask Metatron: You previously shared that Grimes Point is part of the Tahoe Vortex-Portal System. Can you change the direction of the Grimes Point Time Portal aspect?

AA Metatron: Yes. As we have shared, this is a very exclusive and contributing point that accompanies the energy of the Tahoe system. It is anyway a different function entirely from the function of the Crystal Violet Ray of Lake Tahoe, but the specific Time Portal that occurs at Grimes Point could not happen without the synergy of the contributing energy matrix that is being projected by the crystalline waters compacted in the depths of Lake Tahoe.

At the closure:

Dear Beings, the living earth is your ally in graduation in the Ascended Earth and the emergence towards the non-polarity of the Crystalline Era.

The crystalline aspect of the crucible energies of the Violet Flame will amplify and boil towards the surface of the remaining adverse vibration frequencies within its energy field to clear the path for the crystalline MerKiVah.

This is exponentially easier to achieve within certain nodes of conscious energy, such as Titicaca, Baikal, Banff and Tahoe. But it can be achieved at any time, anywhere with an appropriate objective.

Dear Beings, this is a requirement.

Teachers, As you go with love and project the Crystal Irradiation of your own Divinity, you change the world, changing yourself. The Ascension takes place, one heart at a time.

Respect and nurture one another and remember to love yourself, because you are the Light of GOD. I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS.

Done is


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Spanish translation sharing the Light: Alicia Virelli,



Guardians of the Violet Flame

Beloved teachers, humanity is in a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Violet Flame of transformation and purification through the irradiation of the beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, under the direction of St. Germain along with his Twin Flame, Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice, is being shed on Earth and humanity to assist you in these unprecedented ascension / evolution times.

The patterns of purifying vibrations of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more advanced Souls learn how to use and project their magical transformation properties. The Seventh Ray of the ceremonial order, freedom, redemption, purification and organization will be the Ray that Illuminates Everything for these next 2000 years while the Earth spirals inwards from a more intimate orbit in relation to the sun of this solar system .

The First Ray of Divine Will / Power / Purpose will be the second most important and active Ray for the next 2000 year cycle. The Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray will accelerate the transformation process by returning the discordant vibration patterns to the neutral Light substance so that through their conscious and loving intention they can return to balance and harmony within their physical, emotional, mental and physical bodies. etheric Once this is done you will become more true co-creators of beauty, abundance, joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth.

They must seek personal ascension; yet they must also help their brothers and sisters and the Earth to evolve and ascend as well.

Beloved Jesus was the director of the cycle of the last 2, 000 years while Archangel Uriel and Lady Grace super-Illuminated the Earth with the qualities and attributes of the Sixth Ray: mercy, grace and forgiveness. This is also the Ray of Peace, tranquility and fervent worship and it is the Ray that the beloved Jeshua / Jesus anchored on Earth incarnating in a physical container in preparation for the ascension of humanity and the Earth.

Your beautiful and loving Essence that Alumbra is always present to assist humanity in these times of great change. He is, like us, to assist them in their journey towards totality (holiness); for the ascension to the Light and to the return to a higher level of the Consciousness of God, which is the ultimate goal of each Human Being whether he or she knows it or not.

At the turn of the TWENTY CENTURY a Divine dispensation was declared and the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, St. Germain was allowed to reveal the mystery teachings of the Seventh Ray / Violet Flame. Before this time, similarly as advanced teachings; We are now giving birth to the masses the knowledge of the Violet Flame and its Divine Alchemical properties were reserved for the Ascended Masters and their chosen disciples.

Advanced Souls called "Chelas" were recruited and the I AM Teachings were transmitted to qualified teachers. Invocations / decrees were taught to the students who expressed interest and for several years the number of devotees grew, however they could not sustain the momentum and the interest in decreeing gradually decreased until they completely vanished from everyone's consciousness, with The exception of believers.

What was called "decree" in the past is now called "affirmations !. However, the results are more dramatic, because they have been given more teachings of advanced Holy Wisdom. When you have the ability to attract (or magnetize) the Adamantine Particles of the Creator's Consciousness, of which the Violet Flame is a component, you have at your disposal the Full Spectrum of the components of the Light of manifestation.

When you give birth to a powerful thought form through affirmations and inhale / radiate that thought outward into the world of form, you magnetize towards you the elements necessary to manifest that thought form in its material expression.

The Violet Flame will also accelerate the vibration frequencies of the components of any discordant thought pattern so that they can be displaced and purified by the Sacred Flame. Faith, perseverance and forgiveness of yourself and others are an important part of the transformation process. Beloved, you will be doing a great service if you do a practice to consciously see this blessed energy igniting from beneath your feet around you and then radiating outward in a circle that always widens as you join other Souls dedicated to help raise humanity's consciousness back to the frequencies of Love / Light. As you attract and radiate the Divine Essence of the Creator, you will help spread this wonderful Light of transformation that will facilitate the healing of the Earth and Humanity.

If they have been following our teachings for some time, they know that before they began their journey outward to the Universe, they were given a Divine Mission. That mission included an assortment of minor tasks or missions and they were also offered many other opportunities while acquiring experience in augmented manifestation and becoming accustomed to great diversity in form and expression.

As Star Seed, those of you who answered the clarion touch, which ultimately placed you in a physical body on Earth at this time, were taken to a star system in a galaxy that is composed of Amethyst Crystalline Energy of the VIOLET FLAME.

There in the Hall of the Heavenly Amethyst and from the Amethyst Throne, Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst accepted their vote to become a GUARDIAN OF THE VIOLET FLAME. An Atom Seed containing the vibrational frequencies of the Violet Flame was placed inside your Sacred Heart. The Violet Flame contains the vibration patterns of the love and compassion of our Mother God, as well as the frequencies of forgiveness and transformation. It also contains Adamantine Love / Light Particles that are offered as a gift, a Divine dispensation, however they must be activated by the frequencies of a loving and compassionate heart.

While this Seed Atom is activated, the Facet of the God Cell of its Diamond Core that carries the vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will glow in its auric field and increase the activation of its Rising Light Vehicle MER-KI-VAH.

As a Violet Flame Guardian you are also going to actively create the Violet Flame gift for those you must attend, as well as outwardly in the world freely. The MER-KI-VAH Light Vehicle and the Violet Flame are instruments in the ascent process. The Violet Flame removes the jarring vibration patterns so that your MER-KI-VAH Light Vehicle can expand rapidly and grow in splendor.

As I explained to you during some of the visits to this Sacred Site in the past, when mankind first inhabited the Earth, Lake Tahoe was not filled with water, it was an inverted Pyramid with a cluster of quartz crystal giant at the base. This inverted Pyramid was / is Super-Illuminated by the vibration frequencies of our Mother God and was / is a receiver of Love / Light Energy. Some of the structures of this exquisite cluster stretched several hundred feet into the air, because they were programmed to be recipients of information from the higher realms.

Mt Shasta was / is Super-Illuminated by the masculine attributes of our Father God and was / is a transporter of information and energy coming from Earth and back to the Realms of Light.

There was a wonderful Crystal cave on the north edge of the inverted Pyramid and inside this cave was a huge cluster of Amethyst. At the center of this beautiful cluster was a fountain that contained one of the most magnificent Violet Flames on Earth. Many Star Seeds (old souls) that came to Earth during the early residence time were the Guardians of that Violet Flame Temple.

The Crystal cluster is still there, as it is the Amethyst cluster, while the Violet Flame is placed in a protected sphere of God's Light. There is also a large protection sphere around the large cluster of Cristal as well as above the entrance to the cave and everything is buried under many feet of sediment and rocks.

Beloved, the time has come for you to spread more about the complex design of the universe so that you can better understand the magnificence of your home among the stars. No, you do not have a specific home, because you are citizens of the Universe. You, the Star Stars have helped create many wonderful planets and galaxies and that is the reason why you have been given such an important role to play in the future expansion of this Universe. You have often heard the sayings: As above, it is also below, and The microcosm is the representative of the Macrocosm. We have spoken before about the new Golden Galaxy that is in the formative stages; however, we have not explained in detail about the Lightning Galaxies and their function in this Universe.

A galaxy was created specifically for each of the twelve Rays of the Consciousness of God; and although the frequencies and colors of the other eleven Rays are also represented within each galactic structure, the colors and frequencies of each galaxy are predominantly those of the Ray they represent. The Galaxy of the Seventh Ray is mainly composed of Amethyst Crystals from the deepest purple to the most violet violet.

It is the home base of the Arc ngel Zadkiel and the Lady Amethyst Archangel and its Amethyst Throne inside the Great Celestial Amethyst Hall, they send their great Refracted Rays of the Creator's Light to the crowd of the Great Central Suns throughout the Universe. These galaxies are the chakra system for the universe and contain a high concentration of the vibration frequencies that each Ray represents. These galaxies could be called universal warehouses of the Creator's Divine Light.

When it is time for a particular Ray to adopt a predominant role in a particular quadrant of the Universe, our Father / Mother God radiates a greater amount of that Ray to his Galactic Center so that the Archangels of that Ray can radiate more of the attributes, qualities, and virtues of the Consciousness of God to the designated galaxies, to the solar systems, to the planets and to you and all Living Beings.

Beloved, we know that some of the concepts we convey to you can be very confusing. However, as you expand in consciousness and wisdom, Your Sacred Mind will open the flow of the source of wisdom that you have in reserve, and you will remember and understand. I am with you always.



A Personal Note from Ronna:

Queridísimos amigos: Mientras estaba preparando el volante para el evento del mes de Octubre del 2009 en el Lago Tahoe, como frecuentemente lo hace, el Arcángel Miguel me dio el título para el seminario: MANDAMIENTO PROVENIENTE DEL SALON AMATISTA CELESTIAL. Y como lo hago ocasionalmente le protesté, “Pero la gente no comprenderá lo que significa.” El contestó, “Ellos lo harán a su debido tiempo.” De mi experiencia pasada supe que él me daría el resto de la información en el momento debido y pronto olvidé el tema.

La mayoría de ustedes estará de acuerdo que estos meses pasados han sido muy interesantes. Un momento estamos experimentando una “Levedad de Espíritu y gozo en ascenso, ” y poco tiempo después podemos sentir como que nuestros cuerpos físicos están tan densos que apenas podemos caminar. Estamos sobre una montaña rusa emocional y el tiempo está volando tan rápidamente que podemos apenas sostenernos. Conscientemente regresando al Centro y al Aliento Infinito, éstas han sido las herramientas más valiosas junto con permitir un sentimiento de gratitud por llenar mi centro corazón a lo largo del día y entonces siento que el amor penetra mi Ser y Yo estoy en paz.

Hace una semana, el Arcángel Miguel me dijo, “El mensaje mensual para Septiembre será titulado UN LLAMADO DE CLARIN A LOS GUARDIANES DE LA FLAMA VIOLETA, y también será el subtítulo para su seminario en Octubre ” Yo siempre pido ratificación luego de recibir la importante e inusual información proveniente del Arcángel Miguel y en este tiempo incluso me asombré de cuán rápidamente lo que él me había transmitido, me fuera confirmado.

Primero, Tyberon me llamó justo antes que él dejara su seminario en Banff, Alberta, Canadá. Él quería decirme sobre alguna nueva información que él estaba recibiendo de Metatrón, no obstante tenía solamente unos pocos minutos antes que me fuera para una cita. El me manifestó brevemente que se le estaba bajando mucha información nueva, información detallada sobre el MerKaBa y el MerKiVah. Parte de su seminario en Canadá era prepararse para activar el Vehículo de Luz de Ascensión, el MerKiVah. Nos prometimos charlar luego de su regreso y lo dej con ese comentario. Sé que estaremos combinando la información que hemos recibido y la presentaremos juntos en nuestro evento de Octubre.

El Arcángel Miguel luego me dijo que el delinearía una ceremonia que debemos realizar en el evento de Octubre que activará el Átomo Semilla de la Flama Violeta dentro de nuestra Célula de Dios del Centro Diamante y también comenzar el proceso de aclimatarnos a nuestro Vehículo de Luz MerKiVah. El Arcángel Miguel también nos llevará en nuestros cuerpos etéricos hacia el Templo de la Flama Violeta Cristalina dentro de la Cueva Cristal por debajo de las aguas del hermoso Lago Tahoe.

No me ha dicho exactamente qué ocurrirá en ese momento, de todos modos sé que será una experiencia increíble. Verdaderamente nos estamos poniendo en movimiento hacia el acelerado proceso de ascensión, hacia un ambiente de quinta dimensión. El tiempo por el que hemos estado esperando está sobre nosotros. Por favor únanse para este extraordinario acontecimiento si el Espíritu les da un empujón para que lo hagan. Coloquen su intención en su Pirámide de Luz y pidan el mejor resultado. Ustedes pueden sorprenderse de qué fácilmente todo desciende a su lugar y el sendero es abierto para que concurran si tienen la intención de unirse a nosotros.

Para aquellos de ustedes que no puedan concurrir, estamos creando una Pirámide con un grupo especial que contendrá una fuente de la Flama Violeta radiante donde ustedes puedan unirse con nosotros en meditación el 10, 11 ó 12 de Octubre del 2009.

Amor, Luz y bendiciones abundantes, Ronna

Traducción al español compartiendo la Luz: Alicia Virelli,

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