The Door of Beauty

  • 2016

A contemplative one month practice

Text: Barbara Meneses

The Door of Beauty is a one-month practice that I developed when I learned about the existence of a sociological study conducted in the United Kingdom. In it they observed all the people who for a month entered a building with two doors. In one of them a sign read: BEAUTY and in the other door the sign indicated: ORDINARY. The study concluded that, during that period, most people crossed through the ORDINARY gate. After a personality analysis, sociologists discovered that the minority who dared to cross through the door of Beauty was composed of people who defined themselves as artists, free spirits, entrepreneurs, independent.

This practice we do seeks to awaken in us all the natural qualities of BEAUTY that we all have in our own right.


The Divine Mother is the natural bearer of the codes of Beauty and Harmony. Under his auspices and blessings we begin this practice. She will accompany us in the subtle plane activating, remembing, reminding us what our true essence is.

In this post you will find all the practice broken down day by day, and at the end of this text you can download the entire document. We invite you to read one of the contemplations of this practice every day, for thirty days, activating and meditating on the meaning of the message and how we can integrate it into your daily life. The more you actively participate in this process, the more beneficial it will be.

To further anchor this idea in your lives, you can place a paper with the word BEAUTY on the door of your house that you cross more frequently. Thus, whenever you cross that threshold, you will be crossing your Door of Beauty.

We invite you to walk with us crossing the Beauty Gate for thirty days. After this practice, we will have integrated into us a new awareness about the Beauty of our own Being, allowing us to accept ourselves as we are, natural bearers of that original purity that is our own.
Let's get started!


The Door of Beauty / Day 1

Sandro Botticelli

Today I cross the threshold of Beauty ... I open to receive the codes of Harmony inside me. I accept that I am a natural carrier-carrier of organic perfection. Everything is perfect in me, even my delicious imperfection. I AM the Beauty of all forms, forms of my beliefs, thoughts, emotions, attitudes, behaviors. I am the Beauty of my feeling, of my living, of my expressing. I open myself to free my expression, my natural creativity so that it reflects Who I Am and what my sacred creations are. Beauty ... Everything in me is beautiful ... everything in me radiates the radiance of beauty and harmony that are perfect for me. Practice: keep in your conscience this affirmation of the supreme Truth. Hold it in your heart. Let the Light of your Being bathe this expression of truth, your truth.

The Door of Beauty / Day 2

Those who wish to continue this practice for a month, here is today's proposal. I invite you to choose something that in your life you have judged something less than beautiful, something that you dislike about yourselves can be a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual aspect an action that you have done in the past and that you carry even more, a belief that you know that in the end you dislike a habit for example. Imagine now the Door of Beauty in front of you. Imagine it in an exalted way, with every detail luxury a voluptuous door, luxurious in details of great beauty and harmony, a door that attracts you for its beautiful qualities Now embrace that aspect of you that you judge something less than beautiful, and walk towards the door, slowly, feeling every step you take in the direction of beauty and harmony that you are in essence, for that is what you are. Walk with love, with love, with respect for yourself, with DIGNITY Look at the image we have chosen today, the dignity of the African spirit. Walk like this in your honor, in your truth. Cross the door hugging that aspect of you and pass through the other side of the Door, where the total and resplendent Beauty awaits you. Once there, allow Beauty to transform that aspect of you that you disliked. During the day you can practice as many times as you feel necessary. From the Kingdom of Light they will be helping us in this process. Practical Summary: Select an aspect of you that you don't like, or that you judge as ne negative, ugly, not beneficial. Embrace it with your love, your truth, your dignity. Cross the Door of Beauty and allow on the other side, in the dimension of yourself where you recognize your full beauty and harmony, that aspect of you is transformed. Divine Mother: If you could see yourself as I do, you will not hesitate for a moment to feel the deep beauty that you are. Nothing makes me more happy that you walk in the direction of that recognition. In doing so, you remember little by little your essence and the deep love with which you were blessed with the life force that lives in you. I love you You are my beloved children. I will never leave you. I repeat. I will never leave you. I am always with you. When you recognize your beauty and that of your brothers, you can feel me closer to you, you can open to me, because together we drink from the same Source. Do not forget that you are the beauty and purity of your Innocence. I bless you and I transmit to you all my Love. Happy practice! NOTE If you were late for this practice, IT DOESN'T MATTER. You can join her at any time. Simply read the information from the previous days and with your intention, embrace everything we have practiced before and follow us from the day you decide ...
Happy walking!

The Door of Beauty / Day 3

Today, I rest in my beauty ... I inhale and exhale softening all my features, letting all my tensions dissolve. I rest in my beauty. That beauty that inhabits me and gives Life has the capacity to welcome me into its bosom. He receives me, loving, free of judgment. He welcomes me, like a Mother in myself. Inhale deeply and with your exhale dissolve and all the tensions of the week, exhaling and gently falling into the arms of your Beauty. Today is a good day to place on top of one of the doors of our house, door that we cross daily, a small sign with the word "BEAUTY" written. Starting today, every time we cross your threshold, we invite ourselves to become aware that, indeed, we are choosing beauty in all its forms in our lives, for ourselves and others, for the greatest common good. We can repeat the mantra of the first day under the door, as an aid to remember why we are doing it. “Today I cross the threshold of Beauty… I open myself to receive the codes of Harmony inside me. I accept that I am a natural carrier-carrier of organic perfection. Everything is perfect in me, even my delicious imperfection. I AM the Beauty of all forms, forms of my beliefs, thoughts, emotions, attitudes, behaviors. I am the Beauty of my feeling, of my living, of my expressing. I open myself to free my expression, my natural creativity so that it reflects Who I Am and what my sacred creations are. Beauty ... Everything in me is beautiful ... everything in me radiates the glow of beauty and harmony that are perfect for me. ”Have a wonderfully beautiful day in all its expressions! Keep waiting expectantly for beauty to show you its best angles!

The Door of Beauty / Day 4

Today I cross the door of Beauty and fully embrace that divine quality, beauty. Immersed in a world that is my natural home, I walk over a stream that welcomes my bare feet with warmth. Everything in the landscape around me encourages me to feel infinitely beautiful-beautiful, loved, loved. It is so that little by little, I feel that by the soles of my feet, I begin to gently release… I release discordant energies, I release memories, memories, thoughts, beliefs, limiting programs, I release the false, which does not fit with the Divine Truth, the truth of my innocence, of my Beauty, of my Divinity. I keep walking and every time I do it I loose more and more layers of density, of falsehood. As I go deeper into this creek, and walk through the forest that surrounds me with love, I recharge myself with a crystalline, pure, clean energy ... Prakriti, Mother Nature walks beside me and hugs me with her vital sap. I feel more and more full of pure life. I take a deep breath and hug everything my eyes see. Everything around me is of immaculate beauty ... included-or myself-or ... When I feel that it is no longer necessary to let go, I leave the creek that says goodbye lovingly to me. I can always return to him, to dive full body if necessary, to remember Who I am and what my true essence is. I inhale and exhale deeply and return to my room ... to my house ... my space ... Today, I know that I am the full presence of my radiant beauty. And that will be the mantra for today: "Today I know that I am the Full Presence of my radiant Beauty."

The Door of Beauty / Day 5

Today I walk in confidence, knowing that everything in my reality lies in the Beauty I Am. I know that the experiences of my day, even when I judge them as everything but beautiful, hide the Truth in the background. I acknowledge that although my mind judges something as less than beautiful, it is only an illusion, for my real and authentic Being, that which I AM in essence, knows that everything I live is impregnated with exquisite Beauty and Harmony. I just have to calm down for a few moments and throughout the day, descend from the head to the heart, where this truth is recognized by my Being. Softening my attention in the heart, I can recognize that what bothers me is born, arises and fades in the ocean of the Beauty of my Being and as such, I am not to fear it, judge it, condemn it. I can see it, love it and let it go again in the infinite sea of ​​my Being. Invitation to practice today: Today, I open myself to recognize the Beauty that hides behind the illusions that I judge and condemn and thus release them and free myself with them . I love myself fully from my Beauty. Throughout the day, I take a moment to "lower" my attention from the thinking head to the heart, where I rest recognizing the Beauty that underlies all the things that bother me in my reality.

The Door of Beauty / Day 6

Illustration Gorman RC

Today we cross the door of Beauty allowing us to enter into communion with Mother Earth, Mother Nature in her day. We honor the Living Being who welcomes us so lovingly in his bosom by observing how, from the judgment-free gaze, everything in Nature enjoys and emanates supreme beauty. Even death, putrefaction and transforming processes, when not judged by our thinking heads, emanate the same beauty that flowers, radiant greenery fields, pinkish and orange sunsets emanate. Today, we commune with the elegant simplicity of Mother Earth that does not need more ornaments than Yes to emanate Divine Grace in all its forms. She and we are ONE, then we emanate, when we allow it, the same scent of Beauty in Freedom as she does. Today's practice: Today I commune with Mother Earth in all its splendor, which is mine. Together, we radiate Natural Beauty in all our forms. Happy day, Mother Earth! We honor you with today's practice Bless you!

The Door of Beauty / Day 7

Illustration Gorman RC

Today I invite you to become aware of your Serious, or Your Serious ... that character that sometimes looks at you when you look in the mirror ... character that occupies the driving seat of your life and wants to dictate how to be, how to feel and how to act in a preconceived and squared life. Take a moment to feel Doña Seria or Don Serio inside. In doing so, you will see and feel a complex network of orders, guidelines and obligations that you must fulfill at a low table so that everything is SAFE and safe inside. Well, Don Serio and Doña Seria work closely with the Controller / Internal Controller. Did your stroke tighten? Was your frown frowned, were spontaneous wrinkles born as a result of the worry and excessive importance with which Don Serio / Doña Seria want to invest in your life? How do you feel now that they dominate the scene? ... Where has your side been playful your side of wild woman, wild and free man? ... At least, trapped in the maze of rules and regulations with which Don Serio Doña Seria want Live your life ... and that is NOT life! Look in the mirror again and tell Don Serio / Doña Seria to let go of the pilot's seat and the steering wheel. They are NOT in command. You are Take a deep breath and take your place ... From that new space of freedom, call your Wild Man, your Wild and playful Woman ... Give him permission to enter your life, to be and be in you and with you ... Tell him you want to hear his call and offer you the right place inside you. That you open to explore from your freedom, free of internal judgments ... that you want to fly naked through the starry sky, plunge into the ocean of your being without more clothing than your Essence ... Free ... perfectly Free ... FREE OF GUILT. Exhale ... feel the freedom of your Wild Woman, your wild Man ... Feel the beauty that emanates from Your Freedom. Today's practice: Look in the mirror and scrutinize who is really watching you. If you discover that it is Don Serio / Doña Seria, tell them to leave that position and take your place. Invite your wild side to accompany you for today ... feeling and embracing the freedom that your presence gives you. Dance, sing, express your wild side ... your freedom. In it your beauty will emerge, radiant, alive, pulsating with Existence.

The Door of Beauty / Day 8

Illustration Gorman RC

Today I embrace my total and full Unity. I know that I have inside me the total fullness of my Being and in that space, Night and Day, matter and the subtle, the dense and the light coexist. I recognize that I can house denser and darker aspects of me and at the same time, I can express myself from the most splendid Light. Both form who I am, in Unity. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the duality and non-duality, the Shadow and the Light. Everything is One when I open myself to flourish to the Truth of my Being. Today, on the eighth day of this practice, I contemplate myself in Fullness. Full or full of myself, but not from my smallness but from the totality that I am. Without judging myself, without condemning myself, without closing parts or fragments of my Being. I Embrace Everything, because I embrace everything. I'm everything. And in that lies my beauty. The beauty that I can be everything without justifying who I am before anyone. I am self-evident! The Life that by my pulse embraces it and accepts everything and that Life is what I am in Essence. Today I accept myself in all my fragments and parts and in that love and acceptance, everything that I exiled from my heart can return, knowing that I am loved. Today I flourish in Fullness and all Nature honors that which is my Truth. Today's practice: Feeling in Unity, Plenary, I inhale attracting and embracing all aspects of my Being, loving them and allowing them, with my exhalation, to return to the Unity and Fullness that I Am.

The Door of Beauty / Day 9

Illustration Gorman RC

Today I embrace my beauty through others. I look at myself and discover myself in others, feeling how my reflection is shown to me through my relationships. So I can understand how much I love myself or on the contrary, how much I disapprove. Look in the eyes of your relatives, friends, of your relationships. What do you see in them ...? Sink your gaze into his and let the impressions that emerge in you speak to you about how you see yourself. Do you judge ?, Do you condemn ?, or do you just not understand? ... What do you see of yourself reflected in those eyes that look at you? ... You can do this practice imagining that in front of you is a friend, or a family member ... First choose someone with whom you have a very good relationship and let your eyes come together and the message of your relationship be revealed to you. What do you say in that look? ... When you have heard the gift that look has for you, take a deep breath and let go of the relationship, release the visualization and now choose a person with whom you have a more challenging relationship. Focus on your heart and gently invite the image of that person to stand in front of you and look into your eyes ... breathe for a moment receiving that person ... receiving yourself in that look. What message does that relationship bring? ... Can you accept the reflection that shows you? ... Keep breathing gently centered in the heart ... Can you get to allow love to flow between you? ... Yes? ... Breathe ... breathe all that love ... Let the stories that separate you be diluted in the ocean of that love ... Feel the beauty of that person, feel your beauty reflected in that person. Happy practice!

The Door of Beauty / Day 10

Illustration Gorman RC

Today I open to feel how beauty encompasses everything. I open myself to perceive how the snowflakes that glide smoothly through the branches of the pines are also found in my own clothes, in my clothes. I understand that how it is outside is inside and that in it lies the Magic of Life. Today I open myself to accept the Magic of the Moment, the magic of the Mystery with the deep beauty it contains. Today I open myself to being in everything that surrounds me. To feel part of the All and in It, to feel One and Multiple at the same time. I am the Beauty of all forms and not forms. In me I contain Everything and from that space of deep knowledge, I extend my Love to all Creation. Blessed be the Beauty that radiates in you, blessed be the Beauty that radiates in me. We are One in Her. Live from your Unit.

The Door of Beauty / Day 11

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today, on the day of Mama Killa Mother Moon, I open myself to accept my Divine nature, my essence. Accepting myself fully as I am, I embrace my own inner mastery, my inner light, my guide. That centers me and positions me in my right place in time and space as well as in Eternity. Knowing who I am, recognizing my essence and my place, everything flows with Grace and softness. In this lies the beauty of my life, of my processes, of my journey through Existence. to the cycles of Life, to my inner light, a reflection of the Great Light that encompasses everything, extending the beauty that I am to my daily activities. My internal mastery and my beauty rubbing shoulders with my pots, pans, the dust of my furniture, the feverish activity of my profession, my career, my relationships. Today, Everything in my reality is enveloped with the scent of Beauty that emanates from this understanding.

The Door of Beauty / Day 12

Illustration Gorman RC

Today I hug my tender, my tender aspect of my that is tender to the gestures of love that life presents us. I embrace those tears that flow down my face embellished by a beautiful story of heroism and salvation. I embrace the tender emotions that sometimes I dare not feel in the fear of seeing and perceiving myself as vulnerable ... Oh ... if you knew how you are when you just allow your vulnerability to move you, motivate you, inspire you! My tender-inside fills me with sensitivity, floods my senses of ambrosia, of nectar for the Soul. My tender-heart fully opens me to the world of the Spirit, tunes me to the loving pulse of Life, connects me to you, to others. My tenderness brings me softness, it helps me relax by understanding that I am not to be perfect here and now. That simply appreciating this moment from my tenderness, everything receives permission to Be. Today I understand that in my tenderness I find my Beauty because in it, I find the Peace I Am.

The Door of Beauty / day 13

Illustration Gorman RC

Today I open to thank Mother Life for everything she offers me daily. I open myself to the quality of receptivity, a feminine gift par excellence. Today I open like a flower, grateful for the sun's rays that penetrate me, offering me the activation of the vital sap that I need to live. I open myself to Mother Nature that my body gave me, so that I could enjoy material existence, while maintaining my spiritual connection awake, lucid, conscious. Today I open myself to the receptivity and with gratitude in my heart, I cross the door of Beauty in the understanding that if I loose resistance and fears of Being, everything is given to me from the deep Love with which I was close the cycle, my multidimensionality is reactivated. I feel embraced by the Cosmic Mother, Mother Earth and my own Divine Feminine. Open, receptive and grateful, the flows of Life, Light and Love for me can circulate again in Peace.

The Door of Beauty / Day 14

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I open myself to contemplate my inner temple, that space in which I honor the Sacred and from which, I extend my love towards the rest of creation. Today I understand that everything is a temple ... Inside, outside, they are only concepts because nothing is really separate. My beauty, your beauty, is one and the same. We radiate it all when we allow ourselves to be and be in our temple, in the divine and sacred space that we are. The skirt of a woman symbolizes precisely this sacred space, the circle that adopts the skirt with its flight, a circle that extends, wanting to embrace everything with its feminine divine energy. In the center of the skirt, the pillar of the Human Being, connected to Heaven and Earth, stable holding the movement, the flight of the skirt. As I sit on the floor with my skirt, I anchor the inner sacred with the sacred of the earth and we recognize ourselves in Unity. Isis, the Great Mother Goddess, is represented with a dot in the center of a circle. Our feminine essence, in the center of her temple, radiating her light and her love to all creation. Beauty is thus completed.

The Door of Beauty / Day 15

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I open to contemplate how the Door of Beauty is the Door of Mystery, a door that I can cross and that penetrates me more deeply into the heart of my where the Harmony codes dance around me awakening my senses with ancient melodies, distant intoxicating perfumes of aromas that I left in oblivion, eternal dances in the sky of my inner vision, openings to a dream world that nevertheless has the colors of Truth marked with the fire of my passion, a fire even farther away and that I seek to rekindle my life breath that through me flows, today, before the Door of Beauty, I claim my inheritance as son-daughter of Life, son-daughter of Love, son-daughter of Light, son-daughter of Truth. Today, at the door of Life, I plant my feet with firm roots like the Sacred Tree that I am and declare: I am the Beauty. I am the Perfection of my Being, Here and Now, Free. I am! Today I open to receive my inheritance. Call and it will open to you. Ask and it will be given to you. Today, open to receive

the Door of Beauty / Day 16

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I embrace simplicity in all its forms, understanding that I don't need anything to feel The simple opens the hands and the heart to embrace the All, it does it from the "Nothing", the Nothing that trusts to be filled by the Love embrace of the All and thus the circle of Life is completed, thus the duality of forms and forms is not resolved, of the beautiful and the ugly, the pleasant, the unpleasant. Everything, in simplicity, is. In it lies the beauty that surrounds us, the beauty that we are. Today, in the simplicity of my open hands to receive, I find my fullness. Let today, the elegant simplicity of your movements, your gaze, your thoughts, emotions, actions take you to that space inside you where you feel the fullness of your Being, where the Spirit is permanently filling you with the Nectar of Love, the Nectar of Light. Let yourself be Loved, in the simplicity of your open and confident heart.

The Door of Beauty / Day 17

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I embrace motherhood in all its forms. I embrace my mothers, all those who nurtured me with hugs, gestures, words, understanding looks, advice, comforts with their conscious presence in my life. Today I embrace my Inner Mother, the one who silently reminds me that I am so that without me, the entire Creation would be in mourning looking for me to complete the Great Mandala of Existence. Today I open to discover the supreme Beauty that is manifested in the act of giving Light, giving Life. How of the most absolute vulnerability, of the fertile receptivity, the most powerful of the creative forces is manifested to push a new Being, a new project of the pregnant blackness towards the illuminated exhalation. Today more than ever I feel that I am part of the Mystery of the Mysteries ... the Mystery of Life and that inside me, I move thanks to the most powerful forces of creation and that everything from the beating of my heart to the pulse of My intuition is the result of that creative dance that animates my spirit, inflames my soul and ecstasy my heart. Today, I bow to Life recognizing myself in Her, as her and I give Thanks for Being who I Am.

The Door of Beauty / Day 18

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I open myself to discover my responsibility to beauty, how are my eyes, my gaze impregnated with beauty which allows everything I see to be stained with the aroma, the texture of beauty. On the contrary, when the waters of my kindly perception recede in the coldness of my judgments and condemnations, everything around me is covered with the mantle of the frigid ice. Thus, I discover that, like the Moon, in its humble simplicity it reflects the Light of the Sun. Thus, the entire Universe comes to reflect the quality of my gaze. Thus, the Beautiful, the Ugly, the friendly, the unpleasant come guests to my table as soon as my inner chef chooses the ingredients with which I will eat my reality. May your banquet, today, be covered with rose petals, multicolored flowers, harmonious shapes and textures that remind you of the natural rhythm of everything in Love, It is.

The Door of Beauty / Day 19

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I cross the Door of Beauty to meet my sister La Libertad. Today I open myself to understand how the beautiful flies inseparable from the free, like what in my shining cannot be captured, seized, trapped…. as if I try, the beautiful in me and in others fades away, escapes from my hands, like water, slippery, returning to its source. Today I understand that it is releasing my ideas about Beauty and attachment to my own image as I really allow beauty to nest in me. It is having the door open as the bird of freedom can return once and a hundred times to me bringing beauty to my Being. It is opening that I am Free, it is receiving the Beautiful that I can finally embody. Today I open myself to understand that everything in my life requires this attitude of confident openness. I have to let go of my relationships so that they can be, in elegance, in simplicity in beauty. Clinging to them I affect them, suffocate them in rigid structures as they should be. It is releasing my that I finally find myself. Today I loose, without expecting anything in return, without strategy and in that release, I find the Beauty of the moment, when the bird of my freedom finally takes flight.

The Door of Beauty / Day 20

Illustration: RC Gorman

Today I am aware of the path traveled, in these 20 days crossing the Door of Beauty daily, opening to recognize it in me and in others. Today I can perhaps taste the first ripe fruits of my practice I observe myself and look for how Beauty has made an appearance in my life, with my recognition, my appreciation, my assessment n. I discover perhaps that my eyes rest more than before before the beautiful and that my internal smile is more prolonged when contemplating moments, situations, people, spaces and silences impregnated with beauty. Today I congratulate myself because my conscience has allowed new paths to be built inside me, furrows through which the river of Beauty can flow from now on with renewed vigor in my Being. Today I observe how, If I allow myself, I can make every moment impregnated by that luminous quality of beauty, caught with the essence of harmony nourishing my travel, all my creations. Today I taste the flower of my practice and I congratulate myself on the busy process. I walk in Beauty, recognizing myself on the path, in my footsteps and my gaze in everything that reflects my innocence.

The Door of Beauty / Day 21

Illustration Gorman RC

Today we celebrate that beauty is a form of community and that when, we have felt so deeply thinking that we were not part of the circle, the most horrible ugliness loomed over our souls, just departing from that that was going to heal us: the love of the sisters and brothers who embody the Beauty of Being. Today we remember the times in which we had to separate from each other, separate from our beliefs, our Unity with Life, with Love, with the All, to survive in an increasingly closed and reluctant world. Today we remember that it was in Beauty, how we hide many of the memories that one day would make us wake up. Sabíamos que si mirábamos ciertos cuadros, ciertas sonrisas, ciertos patrones de telares tejidos por manos iniciadas, ciertas vasijas pintadas con “el toque”, podríamos recordar, re-membrarnos nuevamente en el Tapiz de la Existencia. Hoy honramos a la Belleza como la Estrella que iluminó nuestro camino en los tiempos de la Oscuridad…Hoy celebramos que por fin, esos días quedaron atrás y que ya no es necesario ocultarse, esconderse, desconectarse, temer ser vistas y vistos. Que nuestra radiante esencia puede de nuevo volver a brillar en armonía, en comunidad… de nuevo al Círculo!

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 22

Ilustración RC Gorman

Hoy me abro aa aceptar la Belleza que se esconde bajo aquellos ciclos de mi vida, de mis proyectos, de mis células, de mis emociones, pensamientos, creencias e identidades que se hallan en el otoño de su existencia. Hoy me abro a contemplar que quien yo creía ser, se muere, se muere con tanta seguridad como que después del atardecer viene la Noche y tras ella el amanecer. Hoy me abro a aceptar los ciclos, los ritmos, las fases, los procesos, los tiempos. Los acepto no porque sepa que son reales, sino porque aún sabiendo que NO lo son, no me dejo atrapar en ninguno de ellos y puedo descansar, aún en el otoño de mi vida y mis proyectos, en el río de la Eternidad, ese que siempre me sostiene aún cuando el péndulo de mi existencia oscila y se tambalea.

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 23

RC Gorman

Hoy cruzamos la Puerta de la Belleza con el néctar de la alegría. Ese manjar que nuestro querido colibrí se afana por cosechar cada mañana para hacer honor a lo que instintivamente sabe: Que somos hijos hijas del Espíritu, que somos la Pureza del Espíritu y que nuestra herencia natural es vivir el reflejo de esa Verdad en esta dimensión, desde la Libertad, desde la Plenitud, desde la Inocencia, desde la Alegría, desde la Abundancia, desde la Belleza y Perfección de todas las formas y no formas, incluida nuestra deliciosa Imperfección!.. Hoy cruzamos la Puerta de la Belleza acompañados por la alegría del colibrí, que con su medicina nos recuerda de nuevo cuál es nuestra esencia y cuál es nuestra herencia! Happy day!

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 24

Ilustración RC Gorman

Hoy me abro a amar a la Madre Tierra que me nutre y me sostiene incondicionalmente. Si puedo, me tumbo sobre ella y en posición magnética femenina, me abro a recibir su cálido amor por mi. La tierra recibe mi “hucha” la densa negatividad que he ido acumulando en mi sistema desde hace años, semanas, días. Para ella, es alimento que es capaz de reciclar. Regalo la “hucha” que llevo conmigo a la Madre tierra y así, me descargo y me libero de lo denso, lo que me pesa, me agobia. sobre la Tierra, me permito recibir el Amor y la Luz que me ofrece esta Madre generosa. Me recargo, me lleno, me reunifico en el círculo sagrado de la Vida. Comprendo que formo parte, que soy con la Vida. Aquellos pensamientos que se apoderan de mi y que me separan del amor, de la Vida, son vistos, comprendidos y abandonados por ser falsos. Hoy reclamo mi poder y mi fuerza tocando Tierra, anclando mi decisión de ser libre, y Hoy me abro a permitir que sea la Tierra quien apoye esta decisión de regresar al corazón de mi, al corazón de la Vida, y en ello encuentro la sublime Belleza de todo cuanto ya Es. A las voces que en mi interior me hablan de todo menos de mi VERDAD, de mi fortaleza, de mi libertad, les digo: “Hucha…eres solo eso…sólo densidad… te suelto sobre la tierra… te libero a ti también para que puedas ser transformada y retornes al círculo de la Unidad”.

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 25

Ilustraci n: RC Gorman

Una de las causas por las que muchas personas no reconocen su esencia ni mucho menos la belleza que sta destila es que en lo m s profundo de si mismos, en un espacio donde apenas si se permiten llegar con la luz de su conciencia, esconden una de las heridas m s primordiales del ser humano: la sensaci n de impureza, de suciedad. Muchos de nosotros apesar de la belleza aparente de nuestras formas, nos sentimos sucios, impuros. Sentimos que algo nos falta y nos impide brillar con la luz de nuestro Esp ritu. En algunos casos las nociones de pecado original fomentadas por algunas religiones, creencias limitantes heredadas desde tiempos inmemoriales en el inconsciente colectivo de toda la Humanidad. Sea como fuere, una sensaci n ltima de suciedad, de fealdad con tintes inminentemente sexuales, nos impide cruzar plenamente de una vez por todas la Puerta de la Belleza, la Puerta del reconocimiento final de quienes Somos. Os invitamos a que deposit is en una c ntara que visualic is enfrente vuestro, como la que tiene la mujer de la pintura de RC Gorman, esa creencia falsa acerca de vuestra impureza, de vuestra suciedad. Soltadla en esa c ntara imaginaria observando o sintiendo c mo todos los hilos, filamentos, matrices que esa creencia teji alrededor vuestro, salen de vuestro campo urico y caen desplomadas por el peso de su falsedad en esa c ntara Algunos de vosotros carga s con heridas sexuales profundas motivadas por abusos, encuentros sexuales desafortunados en los que las heridas de ambos fomentaron experiencias traum ticas que ahora hab is envuelto bajo el manto de la suciedad. Soltadlas en la c ntara. Si sent s que carg is con mucha sensaci n de impureza o suciedad, continuad soltando y visualizando c mo la c ntara va recogiendo toda esa densidad al tiempo que os v is sintiendo m s ligeros de peso y se produce un cambio a nivel vibracional en vuestro sistema. Respirad desde vuestra Pureza original. Inhalad la Luz de vuestro Ser en su total perfecci n. El espacio dejado por toda la densidad que se encuentra en la c ntara es rellenado con inhalaciones de pureza, de luz, de paz, de armon a, de belleza. Somos puros, somos inocentes. En nosotros no hay fealdad. La nica fealdad que existe es aquella fruto de nuestros juicios y nuestra mirada condenatoria. Recordad quienes Sois! Vivid desde vuestra Esencia! desde Vuestro Esp ritu Inmaculado y Puro! Cuando est s, pide al Universo que recicle el contenido de esa c ntara e imagina c mo se eleva en el cielo y estalla en mil pedazos transform ndose en luz blanca. Cruzad la Puerta de la Belleza y no mir is hacia atr s pues todo lo que all qued rezuma el olor de la falsedad. No cargu is con m s peso innecesario!

La Puerta de la Belleza/D a 26

Ilustración RC Gorman

Hoy me levanto y con mi falda y mi melena al viento le grito a todas las mujeres que BASTA YA de caer presas de la falsa Belleza. Basta Ya! de caer en manos de la industria cosmética, de la moda dañina, no aquella que honra la creatividad, sino aquella que de modo consciente busca acomplejar, limitar, dividir y disminuir a la Mujer convirtiéndola en Mujer-florero, Mujer-Fatal, Mujer-desconectada, Mujer-perdida. Hoy camino cruzando la Puerta de la Belleza con toda la fuerza de mi Ser, usando mi enfado como una cualidad divina, guerrera, sin miedo, reivindicando lo que Se es Verdad. Hoy reclamo mi Libertad y la de todas mis hermanas que cayeron presas de la falsa belleza. Hoy me libero y las libero a todas ellas con el poder de Mi Gesto divino, pues me reconozco poderosa, despierta, libre! Hoy apago las luces de neón de lo falso y dejo que la Luz verdadera se nos muestre presente aquí, acompañándonos a cada paso que damos, descubriendo los muchos velos que nos mantuvieron retenidas en falsas matrices…ocupadas en lo insustancial, distraídas de lo más importante: Quienes Somos y nuestras capacidades innatas de transformar nuestra realidad para nuestro mayor bien y el de todos. hoy cruzo la Puerta de la Belleza con toda mi FUERZA anclando firmemente con mis empoderadas pisadas, la VERDAD que bulle en mi interior, la verdad de mi plenitud, de mi total unión con el Cielo y con la Tierra en libertad y en armonía. Que el peso de la Verdad corra los últimos velos que me separan ilusoriamente de mi auténtica naturaleza y que mis pisadas despierten a todas mis hermanas y hermanos en la Luz.

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 27

Ilustración: RC Gorman

Hoy cruzo la Puerta de la Belleza comprendiendo que todo en mi existencia forma un tapiz perfectamente tejido por manos expertas y amorosas. Puede que no vea o comprenda exactamente ciertos acontecimientos de mi vida, que los vea como parches mal colocados en mi hermoso tapiz, puede que haya nebulosas en mi comprensión, puntos oscuros, áreas donde me confieso haber caído en alguna forma de ceguera. Pero a pesar de ello, hoy decido cruzar la Puerta de la Belleza desde la confianza de que todo en mi realidad responde a algo que necesito comprender, integrar, resolver, liberar, soltar, perdonar… Hoy cruzo la Puerta de la Belleza acompañada por la Luz, esa Gran Luz que me guía desde el inicio de los tiempos y que, atravesando el tapiz multicolor de la existencia, me anima a seguir profundizando más y más en el Amor que Yo Soy… en la Belleza que Yo Soy. Hoy contemplo el tapiz de mi existencia desde la Luz que me conoce y reconoce como lo que Soy: Un Ser Puro, Libre y Pleno en el Amor. En la Paz de esa comprensión, mi tapiz se completa, las áreas oscuras o nebulosas se iluminan con la Verdad. Hoy Soy! Simplemente Soy!…

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 28

Ilustración: RC Gorman

Hoy me abro a escuchar lo que la Vida tiene que decirme, lo que el Universo en su infinita Plenitud tiene que mostrarme… Hoy me abro a estar en comunicación con aquello que me Reconoce, con aquello que me Ama tan profundamente que las dudas y los miedos acerca de Quien Soy, desaparecen con el cálido abrazo de esta escucha atenta, viva e inteligente. Hoy me abro a escuchar, lo que los pájaros, las conchas, el latir de la Vida tienen que decirme. Hoy me abro a escuchar lo que el Gran Espíritu, Dios, la Fuente, el Todo me susurran constantemente. Hoy escucho, comprendiendo, que si tan sólo hiciera caso al Amor tan inconmensurable con el que se me está nutriendo, apoyando, dando forma y Vida, toda mi existencia se transformaría en Pura Dicha, Pura Alegría de saberme tan Hoy escucho lo que la Vida tiene que decirme sobre la Belleza que Yo Soy. Escucho plenamente, sin emitir juicios que me disminuyan, ni limiten el mensaje que recibo. Hoy escucho y recibo, a la única comunicación que realmente está produciéndose en toda la Existencia: El Amor Es. Tu Eres ese Amor y por ello, eres total y absolutamente. Suelta lo falso y camina en esa Verdad, en esa comprensión. He ahí tu Belleza…Cruza la Puerta en esa realización…

La Puerta de la Belleza/Día 29

Ilustración: RC Gorman

Hoy cruzo la puerta de la Belleza con la seguridad que me brinda el reconocerme a mi ya todos los demás hermanos y hermanas en mi verdadera esencia. Hoy reconozco que soy, que sin m, el gran tapiz de la existencia queda incompleto. Hoy ocupo mi lugar en este concierto de armon as que formamos parte todos nosotros. Hoy ocupo mi espacio, en el Amor, en la Belleza, en la Verdad. Por ello, mi c ntaro ahora apunta hacia el Cielo, recibiendo las bendiciones que desde lo m s alto de mi Ser, descienden, amorosas, a nutrir mi presente aqu en la Tierra. 29 d as caminando, cruzando la Puerta de la Belleza, a punto de finalizar mi andadura, hoy contemplo todo cuanto he transitado estos d as, contemplando, remembrando, activando, reavivando. Hoy mi c ntaro est libre, libre para abrazar la Plenitud de mi Ser que recojo y recibo Hoy estoy nada me falta por la Vida Hoy me abro a recibir el fruto de mi pr ctica, cruzando La Puerta de la Belleza Ma ana despediremos esta pr ctica y el regalo que nos ha supuesto caminar juntos todos estos d as.

La Puerta de la Belleza/D a 30

Ilustraci n: RC Gorman

Hoy cruzo por ltima vez la Puerta de la Belleza dando por terminada esta pr ctica por la que he transitado 30 d as acompa de mis hermanos y hermanas que conmigo cruzaron este umbral de comprensi ny realizaci n. Hoy cruzo la Puerta de la Belleza, sintiendo que nunca m s necesitar cruzar por ella, pues Hoy encarno plenamente la Belleza que Yo Soy, libre de lo falso, libre de lo impuesto, libre de lo manipulado. Me he ofrecido un ciclo de un mes para recuperar mi poder, mi capacidad de encarnar la belleza y la armon a en la forma que me es nica, aut ntica y viva. Hoy camino de Belleza pues eso es lo que emano, eso es lo que soy, eso es a lo que doy vida, con mis pisadas, el latido de mi coraz n, el h lito vital que me anima y me impulsa hacia nuevos horizontes del Ser. Hoy he despertado ese saber primordial de Quien Soy con tal fuerza, que aunque la vida vuelva a zarandearme en lo falso, las historias y dramas con las que la Mente a menudo busca separarnos de nuestra esencia, sé que por poco tiempo podrá cegarme, pues he corrido el velo que creí me aislaba de aquello que me da amorosamente la Vida y me anima a seguir el camino de lo Bello. Hoy cierro este ciclo por todo lo aprendido, lo vivido, lo sentido, y permito que el Amoroso Desconocido… aquello que es el Misterio de la Vida, me siga guiando con pasos certeros. Hasta pronto amigas y amigos!… Nos vemos pronto, si así lo deseáis, en una nueva Aventura del Ser!

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