Heavy metal poisoning and its elimination through natural remedies

  • 2014

Heavy metals and other toxins increasingly threaten our health. Recent studies have shown that today we have 400 to 1, 000 times more lead, bone lead than 400 years ago. This has serious effects on the brain and mental evolution of children, especially in the formation of intelligence.

"Look for the origin of the disease"
"Don't cover the symptoms with medication"
"Consider the patient as a whole"
"Better to pay for health conservation, than to cure the disease"

Heavy metals and other toxins increasingly threaten our health. Recent studies have shown that today we have 400 to 1, 000 times more lead, bone lead than 400 years ago.

This has serious effects on the brain and mental evolution of children, especially in the formation of intelligence. Among many other symptoms lead poisoning causes a disturbance of blood formation and thus leukemia and anemias, kidney failure and neurological diseases.

Among the heavy metals, the most important in health are mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel and zinc. Some intermediate elements such as arsenic and aluminum, which are very relevant from the toxicological point of view, are usually studied alongside heavy metals.

The sources of heavy metals

The main sources of mercury are as follows: fish (because of the pollution of the seas); insecticides (which normally contain one or two heavy metals, which slip into the food chain); 'drinking' water (we have to assume that all water contains toxins unless it has been proven by analysis to the contrary); some medications (especially those that regulate high blood pressure and the tetanus vaccine); and air polluted by industry and cars (by combustion technology).

Another very important source of mercury is the transfer of the mother to the fetus through the placenta and the baby through breast milk by hormonal processes. Through these processes the mother transfers 40 to 60% of her load to the child.

But the largest amount enters our bodies through tooth fillings. The amalgam used in these normally contains 50% mercury.

How does mercury enter our body and where does it stay?

Mercury is the only volatile metal; absorbed by the lungs and skin. Of the inhaled mercury the body absorbs 82%, depositing a large part in the nervous system, while the ingested only accumulates about 7%. That is why inhalation is the most dangerous source.

It is known that after eating the level of mercury in the blood rises in people who have fillings with amalgam, because mercury ions are released. These are first absorbed by saliva and through the digestive system reach the blood, where they can be measured. If this saliva were water, its consumption would be prohibited.

Many times, at least two hours after eating, people with 8 fillings have 100 to 200 times more mercury in the exhalation air than is allowed in industrial facilities. These vapors are partially ingested through the respiratory tract.

Thus they also pass into the bloodstream, where a part of mercury vapor is transformed into mercury oxide, a form of mercury even more toxic than steam. And since organs such as the liver, bile, heart and kidney work as a blood filter, it is here that toxic metal is mainly stored.

In addition, these mercury vapors easily cross the blood brain barrier and thus reach the brain directly, disrupting this barrier in their path, which facilitates the entry of other toxins, which normally cannot enter. These toxins cause their own symptoms that have nothing to do with mercury poisoning, but that this indirectly facilitates.

Almost all known nervous system diseases are not caused primarily by mercury in the brain, but by the poisons and secondary infections that reach the brain from the defective blood brain barrier. That means that to treat neurological diseases it is essential to remove the mercury to stabilize the functioning of the blood brain barrier, thus inhibiting the entry of pathogenic substances.

In studies, fillings marked with radioactive substances have been applied to sheep and monkeys to see where the mercury stays. After 4 weeks this metal was found in the kidneys, liver, renal glands, digestive tract, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, limbic system, thyroid, spinal ganglia, spinal cord and brain.

After 6 months the functioning of the kidneys had been reduced by 60%. A year later the mercury load had not been reduced, on the contrary, it had increased. After removing the fillings, the amount was not reduced either. This means: once poisoned - always poisoned.

When we chew, amalgam particles are released in their still little harmless metal form, which they swallow. Natural intestinal flora transforms these particles and mercury vapor into the most dangerous form of metal: methyl mercury (50 times more poisonous). This process is called methylation. Numerous experiments and studies confirm this process; Even so it is denied by many dentists and dentists. From the intestine, methyl mercury passes to the bloodstream and finally to the organs and nerves.

A lot of mercury is also fixed in the bones and joints. Mercury also spreads through the gums, dental roots and jaw to the central nervous system and the brain (in 48 hours). The trigeminal nerve of dead with fillings is full of mercury, silver and tin (causes teeth grinding).

Diseases related or caused by mercury

The renowned professor of chemistry Dr. Alfred Stock, director of the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin, demonstrated in several experiments that mercury comes out of amalgam fillings and can be received by the body. He said: There is no doubt that many symptoms, including fatigue, depression, irritability, dizziness, amnesia, oral inflammation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, chronic colds (mucosal inflammation) are often caused by mercury to which the body is exposed by its amalgam fillings, in small but continuous amounts.

Doctors should pay serious attention to this fact. Then, it is probably proven that the carefree use of amalgam as a dental filling has been a serious crime against humanity. (1926)

The main and first symptoms of mercury poisoning are the following: mild depressions, tremors in the hands, feet and cold hands, sleep disturbances, numbness, high cholesterol, loss of memory, fatigue, joint problems. There are many more.

The following symptoms are extracted from the book: Mercury and its effects on environment and biology by Astrid & Helmut Sigel

-Physical effects:

Anxiety, emotional instability, shyness, fatigue syndrome (chronic), decreased memory, impaired sleep, depression, suicidality, loss of confidence in itself, negativity, nervousness, lack of stimuli, lack of energy, passivity, addictions, indecision, excitability, epilepsy, hyperactivity of children, autism, decreased Reaction capacity, multiple sclerosis, parkinson, Alzheimer

-Physical effects:

Cold hands and feet, sweat at night, chronic pain, headaches, loss of appetite, high & low weight, herpes (not without Hg.), Alzheimer's (Hg. + Al.), fertility disturbances, constipation, joint problems (pain), hair loss, impotence, arthritis, metallic taste in the mouth, general weakness, resistance to antibiotics, anemia, asthma, high blood pressure, skin eczema, hormonal disturbances, high cholesterol, hearing problems, vision problems, susceptibility to infections, liver diseases (limited functioning ), kidney diseases (limited functioning), dyslexia, palpitations of the mouth, neurodermitis, backaches, weakness of the immune system, hand tremor, bleeding gums, ulcers in the mouth, glaucoma, bowel diseases, stomach diseases, cardiac arrhythmia, eat sensitivity tibles, viral diseases, fungal diseases, candida, lupus, allergies, disturbances in thyroid functioning, vertigo, heavy perspiration, sciatica (constant pain), lumbago, colitis, cancer, diseases of the adrenal glands, rheumatism, teeth grinding, crohn

Because heavy metals function as antennas for electromagnetic pollution, Dr. Klinghardt advises living in cases of diseases caused by heavy metals in places where there is little or no radiation (where mobile phones do not have coverage).

As we have seen, mercury is fixed in different parts of the human body. It mainly affects organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart, causing different alterations in them. But it also affects the joints, the intestinal tract, the bones, the blood and especially the entire nervous system including the brain. There are many symptoms that are related to mercury but not directly caused by it, due to the disturbance of the blood brain barrier.

In nerve cells, mercury is responsible for the partial destruction of microtubules, thus inhibiting proper axial transport. Thus these cells cannot get rid of other neurotoxins and other residues. This causes emotional changes (limbic system), disturbances of the auditory and visual system and other symptoms of the nervous system, not always caused by mercury itself. In the intracellular space, mercury causes damage to mitochondria, our energy factories (fatigue).

In some studies (Vimy and Lorscheider) it could be seen that microorganisms that are constantly in contact with mercury in the mouth not only develop resistance against it, but also against antibiotics. The mechanisms of how this process works are not yet known. In addition, these microorganisms give off plasmids, extracellular DNA, which leave through expiration in the air, causing the same resistance in other living things. Antibiotic resistance is one of the great obstacles in modern medicine today.

The transfer of mercury from the mother to the fetus and the baby causes delayed growth of nerve tissue, a smaller brain, less body weight and an incomplete immune system. That means that the genetic potential of babies growing under these conditions is less likely to evolve (it also seems related to autism). Thanks to detoxification methods this delay can be recovered in the first year of life.

Among the scientists who are dedicated to these issues there is the hypothesis that many cancers and infectious diseases are an attempt of the body to immobilize the neurotoxins that we all have in our body (Yoshiaki Omura). High concentrations of neurotoxins, especially mercury, have been detected in the center of many tumors.

Also diseases caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, candida and herpes are related to heavy metal poisoning. It seems that many cures or improvements of these pathologies through heavy metal detoxification are corroborating these claims.

Diagnosis and detoxification

The amounts of mercury in the body cannot be measured by blood or hair tests. Mercury is quickly fixed in the different parts of our body mentioned above, and there it stays; It is not evacuated spontaneously. That is why six weeks after putting amalgam fillings, the high levels of this metal produced by this treatment have almost completely disappeared and no large amounts are seen in the stool or urine, blood or hair.

To measure mercury it is necessary to use substances that mobilize and discard it from the body. Some pharmaceutical products such as DMSA and DMPS are used for this task, which mobilize and pour large amounts of heavy metals from different parts of the body through the urine.

The big disadvantages are the side effects that only release the metals from the tissues but not from the nervous system. In addition there is the great danger of reabsorption because these substances release more toxins than they release from the body.

In the detoxification with natural remedies the chlorella seaweed, the coriander and the wild garlic are used.

Also the symptoms mentioned above, such as decreased short-term memory, teach possible heavy metal poisoning. Especially the cholesterol level is elevated, when the body treats with mercury. Another possibility of diagnosis is given by kinesiology.

Chlorella has two effects: it mobilizes heavy and radioactive metals and other toxins, such as p. ex. dioxin, especially in the extracellular spaces, to throw them after the body with feces. Coriander is able to mobilize many toxins from the intracellular space, especially nerve cells and bones.

Recent animal studies show that coriander makes rapid mobilization of aluminum and lead, lead and skeletal lead, superior than with any other remedy. Although the animal was constantly poisoned with aluminum, the content of this metal in the bones decreased significantly during the observation period.

For the elimination of toxins mobilized by coriander, it is essential to also take chlorella in sufficient quantities to inhibit a reabsorption of the released substances.

Wild garlic protects red and white blood cells against oxidation damage, caused by heavy metals on their way out.

It also has detoxification properties. In addition, wild garlic contains the most important mineral in the protection against the toxicity of mercury: bioactive selenium.
It is very important to dose these products correctly to inhibit the reabsorption of toxins, which can cause a worsening of different pathologies.

Warning: Only toxin-free chlorella and fish oil should be used (producer warranty).

To repair the damage caused by toxins in the nervous system it is necessary to take fish oil in sufficient quantities.

This article is based on the studies and lectures of the doctor Dietrich Klinghardt MD, Ph.D., who has been researching these issues for many years, also relying on the nearly 10, 000 studies related to the toxicity of mercury. Dr. Klinghardt has studied medicine and psychology.

He also has training in classical homeopathy and acupuncture. He has run a clinic for patients with chronic pain in the United States for 12 years. Dr. Klinghardt was often disappointed with natural treatments, because its effectiveness in many cases was poor.

After detoxifying the patients, to their own surprise, all natural treatments worked much better, due to the elimination of pockets of toxins which directly or indirectly cause a pathogenic environment around them.

According to Dr. Klinghardt all ailments that last more than six weeks are related to poisoning by heavy metals or other toxins.

A detoxification is much cheaper than buying medicines for a lifetime.

These researchers have already cured many cases of Alzheimer's, parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, autism and other serious diseases with which the pharmaceutical industry earns many millions of euros in treatments.

By Doctor Ulf Laubstein

Published in Logicaecológica by Econsumo

Heavy metal poisoning and its elimination through natural remedies

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