The Importance of good nutrition for our body and brain

  • 2016

Good nutrition and nutrition contribute to good physical and emotional stability, strengthen our memory, keep us younger and physically and mentally, have a more agile mind, prevent and improve many of our diseases, gain quality of life, and a long etc. .., this is how important our daily diet is.

A good and proper diet should be varied, with all kinds of food and take into account every need at different stages of life from childhood to old age.

The need to consume food is a priority and basic

The need to consume food is a priority and basic in all human beings.

Our body's use of food is a process that goes beyond chewing and swallowing. That is why feeding and nourishing ourselves are always united, both actions being equally important in order to lead a healthy life.

Nourishing and eating properly are the pillars of physical and mental health and contribute to our good development in every way.

In people of all ages, and at all stages of our lives, a good diet allows us to strengthen the immune system, protects us to prevent contracting diseases and helps us enjoy good health in every way physically and mentally .

A good nutrition is of vital importance to our health

Keeping our body in perfect health is of vital importance in helping to maintain a proper health of our mind.

Our brain consumes about a quarter of the oxygen our body receives. This is the organ that consumes the most oxygen, and for that a good diet is necessary

If our lungs lose a good part of their ability to transfer oxygen, and if the arteries that are responsible for transporting oxygenated blood to the brain are blocked or hardened for long years of bad eating habits the result is to be a fast and dangerous mental deterioration.

Good and correct feeding are a priority if we want to reach an advanced age, with a good quality and mental agility, which can be in a totally optimal state.

Some essential and vitally important nutrients

Some essential nutrients that can help us to keep our mind at a high level of functioning are:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Beans, grains, seeds, brewer's yeast, liver.
Magnesium nuts, peas.
Potassium Spinach, raisins, dates, citrus fruits, broccoli, avocado, beans
Vitamin B3 (niacin) milk, fish, peas, sunflower and sesame seeds, whole grains, brewer's yeast.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) liver, soybeans, tuna, beans, brewer's yeast
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) liver, oysters, fish, egg yolk, dairy products.
Vitamin C citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, green vegetables.
Copper seafood, nuts, seeds, cherries, strawberries, honey.
Zinc dates, figs, egg yolk, fish, oysters, carrots, peas, oats and wheat germ.
Tryptophan milk.
Tyrosine beans, pumpkin seeds

Hill - tofu, egg yolk, oatmeal, cauliflower, cabbage. Choline is the precursor of acetylcholine, one of the main neurotransmitters in the brain. There are studies that indicate that it can help in some cases of deficiency or loss of memory in older people. A simple way to supplement the diet with choline is using lecithin or Phosphatidylcholine.

Phosphatidylserine - It is one of the nutrients that has aroused most interest in recent years.

PS is essential for the functioning of all body cells, but where it is most concentrated is in the brain.

Phosphatidylserine is a special class of fatty substance used by the body to, among other things, maintain the health of nerve cells. Brain cells contain a large amount of this substance, especially in the cell membrane, but its concentration decreases with age.

If we consider that the cell membrane has very important functions that range from regulating the substances that enter and leave the cell and their internal composition, we can begin to suspect that phosphatidylserine is of great relevance for brain activity.

A good and proper diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, nuts, lean meats, fish and in priority of ecological and integral origin, to achieve a complete and good quality of nutrients necessary for proper health in every way physical and mental.

In kinesiology, in food deficiencies, or poor assimilation of nutrients we prove that foods are more appropriate in each case and we advise the ideal diet in each case and to be able to have a good quality of life and good physical and mental health.

AUTHOR: M. Carmen Hernández- Kinesióloga - naturopata- professional, editor of the family

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