The force of the chaos of consumerism. Learn to detect it and fight it from yourself

  • 2017
Don't let consumerism turn you into a barcode

Hello warriors of light ! As always, it makes me happy to have the opportunity to greet you every week. On this occasion, I would like to continue addressing an issue that has already become recurring in my articles for brotherhood. Consumerism and how we are exposed to this harmful force . Day by day.

Unless we have the luck or misfortune to live far from civilization. Advertising bombards us minute by minute. And the simple fact that you have internet and are reading this, also fills your life with ads. I have often referred to consumerism as one of the destructive forces of the world.

This is because consumerism takes us away from the true path to our being of light

Not only that, it also fills us with things we don't need. It affects our economy, diverting our income from the things that really matter. In addition, it erodes the resources of mother earth with tremendous rapidity. That is why this time I share five practical steps for you, as a warrior of light, to support you in making wise decisions on the products you consume day by day.

How do I know if I really need it?

1: Marketing is designed to trigger false feelings of need. It is easy to get carried away by the deception of the things that shine. But remember that not everything that glitters is gold. If you really need it, this is probably not manifested through a sudden and sudden desire. We all know what we need to live comfortably, and it is valid to acquire them. But you have to make blind eyes to invitations to buy things that are not part of our routine.

2: Identify what the need is really selling the product to. For example, you might want a car of the year, even if yours works well. Try to be honest with yourself. Do you need it, or do you need to show off or prove something? You will never acquire anything based on wanting to prove anything. Marketing usually points to our frustrations and insecurities to sell their products. You do not need a beauty cream to be beautiful. If you feel this way, the problem is that there is a lack of security or self-esteem . Incidentally, learning to detect what desires are mobilizing advertising in us is a great form of self-knowledge.

There is no product that can heal your inner wounds.

3: Anticipate the consequences of not acquiring a product:

If the consequences impact your basic needs, then it is something you need. If you fail to find any transcendent consequence, it is probably just a whim .

4: Think if what you want to acquire has a negative impact on mother earth: We have to accept that it is not always possible to acquire 100% green products. Either because of our economy or because the market simply doesn't have them. But much of what we buy is full of unnecessary packaging. It generates a lot of garbage. Or it promotes an unsustainable abuse of natural resources. From a soda to a cell phone. Think about the entire industry behind and how you can help Gaia.

A warrior of light is not fooled by a beautiful package.

5: Remember that you are NOT what you buy: You are surrounded by a system that will try to convince you that it is. You're worth less if you don't have fashion products. But you are a warrior of light, and you know that this is a vile and vulgar lie. You know how to detect the harmful energy forces of consumerism in the world. And you know that you can fight for the forces of light in every little action. Including everything you put in the supermarket cart.

May the light always be with you, beloved brothers!

AUTHOR: Kikio. Editor of the big family

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