The evolution of the human soul - Kryon

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 2 3 The evolution of the human soul 4 The evolution of the human soul - Kryon

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

There is a pause; there always is. A tiny space of time in which my partner withdraws in a very special way; his consciousness - that is, his human part - is set aside. I use everything he has, it is what he feels as love, I use his intellect, his language, his reasoning, his logic, everything here, to interpret this message from the other side of the veil. These are the moments of difficulty, there always are, and I ask you to put a small message every day at the beginning, so that you can feel, and discern, and understand, and tolerate - or not - the channeling process.

What does it mean to you to hear this voice, and what are you really hearing? Really. You are hearing a human being with his voice, delivering an energy and a message of what is hidden from you and that is even questionable. However you have something inside you, and that something inside you, biological human being, is not biological. That piece of God that is an energy within you, is in every human being, and that is the part that will tell you whether this is correct or not.

That is the story of creation . The creation story has humanity without God, without the knowledge of light and darkness, without the seed of the Creator within itself, and then they have it. And when you have it, you start looking for God.

Again I ask you: Is it a coincidence that most of the planet seeks a higher source? On the planet, most, growing up and starting to look around, even children, seek God because he is inside. It is as part of you, waking up, perceiving that you will discover the other part. Ladies and gentlemen: I bring you that other part.

The Higher Self of the human being is a word that you have used for what would be a conduit, if not the piece of God in you, that does the search. There is a possibility of shaking hands when one party meets the other, and many of you have been there. Look how deep this is! They are recognizing a Creative Source that they cannot describe; they have done everything, they have tried to give it gender, they have given it names, they have attributed emotions, all of them human, in order to justify what is invisible, and they have even built buildings around it.

Dear ones, this is real; represents that energy of the Source of Creation that shakes the hand of that piece in you. When we shake hands, we are one. It is part of what you feel here, which is the unity of the Spirit; you are not listening to another source; You are listening to your source. You are listening to the creator in you.

I will never tell the human to do something improper that could be against the Creative Source.

It is impossible, because when I see you and when the handshake is complete, I am you. Some of you have heard my messages and cry with joy and sometimes do not even wonder why, it just happens! Why do I want you to wonder, why do I feel this way?

During these channeling, some do. Why is there such depth of emotion that causes crying? Get ready! Because I want you to answer, I want to hear your logic, and there is only one logic: because you recognize yourself as a family. That's why. That's why! Because it feels like a pair of arms that lower and embrace and support you, no matter what happens in your life. Because you are part of a broader perspective, and you begin to find common sense. You say: If that is possible, maybe I can really summon a part of me connected to the Creative Source, see the larger picture around me, maybe even rely on synchronicity, not It is logical at all. And if you are one of these and you feel it now, and if you want to take another step and talk about energy, I will tell you that once you make the connection to recognize what is here, You start to see the others. I don't come alone! (laughs)

That word, it's just not in our vocabulary. How could we have a word that means alone, without the Creative Source, if we are never alone? We are always in unity with the group, always! But you are not: you are singular, a body, a face, a soul, you think, and you wander in the singular. And we have told you that this is a three-dimensional linear aspect of humanity, that is all; it is not a reality of the Spirit ; Nor is it the reality of the piece of the Spirit that is in you.

And when you make the connection, dear hermitage, when you make that connection, it will be the best thing that will have happened to you. Because even the hermitage sitting in this chair discovered something really unusual: that when it connects with the trillions and trillions of pieces of God that exist as one, he is still yes. Only one! (laughs). Some of you understand, and others do not.

Would you like to be part of what the Universe created and has no age? It always was, always will be. Is it too much effort for the synaptic intellectual? Or can you use your heart to start understanding it? There is much more here than what you have been given to understand, and all I can tell you is that you can open your discernment and tell that piece of God in you: Yes -o No.

Is it possible that the evolving human being is letting us in more than ever before? And if that is the case, your life will change forever, if it has not already done so! Because you will never be alone! You will be part of the Great, and you will see everything.

That's what this day is about, that's what teaching is about, that's what channeling will be about. If I can tell you something that Kryon says and has said for 26 years, it would be this: We are part of you; You are part of us . The Creator is not upstairs, looking down and judging you. The Creator is within you, looking around all that you have created. You have never been anything other than magnificent. That is the message.

I know where I am; I specifically know where I am. So, tonight I want to give you more information about the soul. We will call it "The Soul in Evolution", and that is the subject of controversy. Because you have always thought that the soul was always the same. It is not, just as you are not.

Until then.

And so it is.


Description and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Source :

The Evolution of the Human Soul - Kryon

Kryon Channeling by Lee Carroll

The evolution of the human soul

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Earlier I talked to them about the energy of channeling; the human being likes things to be simple, especially when it comes to spiritual things, and in that regard, there is no real understanding of what we would call the Spirit group. In what is our reality, we are one.

And this brings us to an area of ​​study that we have already touched on before and that is probably the most difficult for you to assimilate, understand, because it goes against what is intuitive for humanity. They have such a unique attitude to everything. The same system of life is simple. For you, there is birth, there is death, there is a soul, a body, a face, a name. And if they believed that they would return - many believe in the reincarnation system - they would again have a singularity, a body, a soul, a name, a face. Therefore, with that attitude, what they see in the mirror they put to God: each angel is different, each one has a name, a different face; You even want to count them. Then you assign to God what you have, not what God has.

And when we talk about these things as we perceive them, we understand that it is difficult. Dear human being, it is difficult for you to perceive something you never saw, so that you accept and recognize and create something with an elegant system that you never experienced. So you are somewhat skewed or stuck in what you know. And what you don't know, therefore, you are not willing to project or believe. And so God is an entity, and therefore God is separated from humanity, and so on and on.

What we will give you today is elegant and complex, and it is advanced. I love. And the reason is that this information could not have been transmitted to you in the old energy. Oh, we could have! But it would not have been understood, there would be no “ajás”, the elegance and benevolence of the system would not be visible as today.

Now, for those who are listening or could read this later, I am facing Canadians. And you will see that this will intervene in this message in a few moments. There is a premise of believing that things are in a certain way, especially in the spiritual, and remain so forever. Therefore, if there is an axiom of God, or a rule of God's energy, it must be the same forever and becomes sacred. This is how God is , this is how the Spirit works, so get used to it, count on this, this is so.

Now I bring you a difference, and it is based entirely, completely and totally on the new energy. I repeat it, I have said it before, but you must hear it so that there is no controversy regarding what follows. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. But the relationship with the human being is constantly changing. Therefore, your perception of God will change . Not only that; God's system in you will change. All this relates to the human, not to the Spirit. So I want you to understand this before you start.

The theme we are talking about is an elegance of evolution, because of the new energy and your soul. Dear ones, you are going to have to get off that train that only goes in one direction, of those tracks that say: “Everything operates in only one direction.” Because it is about to change. We have given you much information about the human soul; We will not repeat it in this message. This is complex. We will give you information that we will recount and review only in the category that needs it, to give you something you might not expect.

We will start with the simple. There is a change of system in the new energy, regarding the human soul and the concept of reincarnation. This and what follows will be especially related to Canadians, because they are in the category we will talk about.

When we present ourselves in front of cultures, we know where we are. We know who is here, because we are all one. When we say we know who is here, you are family: we know who is here! (Serie). Your unity with the Spirit is a unity with me, therefore I see what an soul group would call before me and everyone has something in common, which is almost a dichotomy with one of the soul groups I was with on another continent, in A country called Turkey. If they heard that particular message, we talked about who was there, and about the reincarnation system they had and the reasons why they had it. Now we will do the same with you.

However, it will include a premise in which we begin to reveal things about reincarnation. In an older and simpler consciousness, there was a certain reincarnation system, which now begins to change. That particular system that we talked about in Turkey is a critical system that families have reincarnated over and over and over again in the same place. This was critical to build wisdom, so that eventually that place had no diversity. It would be full of ancient souls with great and great wisdom, so that when the time came, they could make a change in that land, in the consciousness of that land; And the change has come. The moment has arrived.

This particular system is the Earth system, and for thousands of years the reincarnation system never changed. That is why there was a tendency to be locked in city-states, in groups of consciousness, because that family feeling they had was not only based on what they now have, but also on their akashic record and their akashic history . They could feel it, they knew it. They tended to isolate themselves, but this was a lower system of consciousness; It should be that way to facilitate who they were and what they thought.

Now, if karma is added to that, they will see another deep system that tried to push humans in ways that would allow diversity within their karmic group; unfinished business; you feel it

My partner remembers the controversy in 1993, when my message was given to Earth, in the first book. My partner thought that book was over. Now he had made the book and it was finished. He didn't understand why I was here, nor what was going to happen, nor the beauty of what was happening. I didn't see his life changing as he changed. But he was aware of the controversy regarding what was new, because he was new. Because I gave him the information: you finished with karma.

The first time the system changed and there were those who said: No, this has been the case for thousands of years, it is the way God works with humans, it will never change. Well, dear ones: it changed, because you changed. Get used to that, because you will hear it throughout this message. They don't need karma, we already told them.

The reincarnation system that included the superimposition was beginning to change. That should have told them that the whole idea about the kind of reincarnation they had was going to change. It has done. They had to wait to cross the 2012 score so we could tell them what is beginning to happen. And here you are, many have left their karma, they did it verbalizing that they had left it. The body listened to them, the Innato agreed, and they no longer had it to push and pull them. Some saw this very clearly, because those who had entered with you, those you call family members, kept it intact, and even today you can see it in the way they react with each other, c How do you discuss the dramas in the family from which you departed; I know who are sitting here. You left your karma, they kept yours. You have literally dissipated thousands of years of overlapping unfinished business, because that was old and you had advanced.

It is not that the reincarnation began to change just now, but that long before the passage of the marker had to help facilitate what they are here for today. Suddenly, as we said, they have an entire group that has moved away from their family group. Sometimes it has been physically, that is, they have been reborn in another place, and now they know why: because they belong to another family. It became diverse. They began to see the discard of simplicity in the reincarnation system in families, to go to a diverse system that brought many from different places on Earth that were previously in their akash. Here in Canada that is deep. Deep ! And he tells them that there is an elegance in the ancient souls here in the hall, who are also Canadians.

Years ago we told you, as part of this, that you would be the guardians of the earth that was new and that you discovered hundreds of years ago how early it was, and that Portals here; that they needed to understand and recognize it and keep it pure and that it was necessary that their consciousness depart from the reincarnation family group of old energy and start a new one. That is why they are here. Almost all of you come from another place. Karma has dissipated, and when I say karma I mean the old karmic groups that developed, one from here, one from there, so that there is a diversity within their tolerance consciousness (it is e). Now we start with the understanding.

What happens when a system changes? What happens when they have diversity and reincarnation and this touches many family groups and karmic groups? They are chemically attracted to another place where they are given the absolute capacity to leave that affiliation and start over, with a new family group of diverse souls from all over the world. How is consciousness going to be? There is a similarity in the country below yours, which also explains that diversity in them, which does not follow the old world system. But here it is even more pure, as you feel it .

Here there is a level of tolerance that is bigger and even bigger than in some of the other countries we have talked about. The reason is that you are new (laughs). Do they realize the land they walk on? It is fresh; It does not affect them. The only things that affect them, Canadians, with their reincarnation group, is that they now walk on pristine portals everywhere. And these need you to keep them, and all that implies is honoring the earth here and respecting that purity, and the newness of it. Because he never had wars. It does not have centuries of old energy and death and destruction; He doesn't have the drama; It does not have a rebuilt temple on top of another for centuries, if not millennia. Here is history, but not like that of Europe.

In western Canada, specifically, there are some of the most pristine lands on the planet, guarded by the ancient souls that are here. With purpose; with a reincarnation system that has become elegant for you.

The second. Actually, it's funny . All the natives of the planet honor their ancestors (laughs). Some time ago we told you that maybe you should think about looking at the system and reactivating something that worked so well for the indigenous people; look at history and then honor the above to you, your ancestors. What do you think of that, Canadians? They don't have it (laughs). Nothing happened here! They do not have millennia. All indigenous people have it, but you don't. Not you.

Most of Canada is so new that they don't have that, that simple. So, if I tell you that it is time to honor your ancestors, who would they be? Where would they go? Can they, at this stage of their life, follow the trail back so far? Now I tell them (laughs).

Some of you have guessed. They need to honor their ancestors, and I want them to honor their Akashic ancestors. Do you agree with me that you have had many lives? If so, if you are here and say, "Yes, Kryon, I know it is like that" each of you had a mother and a father, each one had a family somewhere, again and again on this planet, that you they took care of their health, they gave them the spark of life, they taught them how to walk, they appreciated and loved them. One life after another; and you don't know who they are. I would like to tell you that they are everywhere; Some are with you, most are not. The physical does not matter.

I want you to start honoring your ancestors, the akashic, who really are your family and are still in your akash; they are the energies of love that they experienced many times, again and again from the beginning; His ancestry is enormous. Is amazing. Ancient soul, I am asking you to look at it differently; You start graduating to new kinds of thinking.

The ancestors are the akashic, which you cannot track by genealogy or by chemistry. They are those that belong to your family and previous families of this planet. Can you do that

I challenge you to begin your meditations by honoring the Akashic ancestors who led you to the wisdom you have today, to sit where you are and assume that you are in a pristine and beautiful land. It is not by accident that my partner feels affinity with the land here and west, because things have happened that he does not know. And someday they could be revealed.

We talked in Turkey, and said there was a story before the story, before that story, that they have no idea. And it is being discovered. Some of that is here, but not much. But there is no war or dramas. Not the kind of battles that prevailed so much in the cradle of civilization around the great Persia. You are different! And that means the assignment is different. What they are supposed to do is sustain the energy of a pristine, new and fresh land, because it does not abound on the planet, not really, where they can live. That affects the crystalline grid of the Earth, which affects the consciousness of the entire planet. What you do here, dear ones, affects others in other places.

The following is more difficult. Because now we go into a topic called soul sharing (NT there is no exact word to translate it. It is soul [soul] that shares [share]) and that is not in your consciousness. Again: you want to simplify everything. We told you before that there are systems in which souls intermingle and share a body during a lifetime, especially in that system that you call walk-in. They are horrified. "Well, and who is in charge?" They would say (laughs). Or, "Which of the two souls is the one who makes the decisions?" And we laugh very sincerely with you, just because you have not yet experienced the beauty of unity! There is no such thing as two souls sharing a body, it is simply more unity! That is a concept that you do not possess.

You know We find it interesting that some of humanity's best inventions are really elegant and complex. You have no problem doing complex things for humans, but you don't want to apply that to the Spirit. They have to unfold it a little for God (he laughs). Nothing too complex is allowed! This is how you think . It is not that it is really complex, it is that it is above the awareness of what they have learned.

You are part of the whole. A walk-in is described as a human soul that enters another life between the ages of 6 and 10, and is called that because it is an accelerated method of reincarnation that allows you to quickly return and skip the entire growth process. It is not necessary to learn to walk, to eat, to read. We need them faster. Then what you call death would have a situation in which the soul to be reincarnated would enter over - if you can say so - from another life. But there is no such thing as "above", and there is no such thing as "sharing." Simply one and the other are one. It is the most we can do to explain; You have no words in your language for it.

When you begin to understand what we call the multidimensional world, you will see that the multidimensional reality is much, much closer to the Physics of consciousness and to the Spirit than anything else you currently have in what you call 3D. We have told you that they lack laws of Physics - because there will be six instead of four; some of you say that there really are six now but it is not so - and you will have strong and weak multidimensional strength; That will also explain what they call dark energy and many other attributes that they are really seeing today with some instruments, but they want to force them into Newtonian science.

All those 3D masters, Kepler, Newton, would be proud to make those things that they failed to imagine were forced into their formulas (laughs). That is exactly what you have done. This will break, and eventually when it opens they will see it; and when you see it, you will also see what I mean: there is a unity in the Galaxy, in the Universe, which cannot be explained in any language you have today. They will discover it through physics and biology. It will even help explain the Triad that I talked about before.

I want to talk about the walk-ins. You will receive more from them. The reincarnation system is changing and they are being asked to accelerate wisdom on the planet. Ancient souls, many of you, will return very quickly and will also then be an "over-soul, " an overlap, whatever word you choose as "walk-in, " with another human being through an agreement with your soul. . There will be more, and more and more.

The attribute of an ancient soul with a walk-in is different. There will be a noticeable change in personality, in ability, even perhaps in what they would call their tendencies, in terms of their tastes, their talents, the things they like to see and do . Watch the change. This often happens with a child who maybe makes a trip. It is a trip perhaps to a hospital for health reasons; It can be in a comma. Or it may be something that happens at night during sleep: there will be confusion for a while, and then you wake up and it's different.

Now, I don't want you to be wrong with this. Some will look at this, dear ones, and say: It is a possession. (Laughs) You know what I mean, and it's not about that. It is so loving; it is a benevolent merger of two souls in order to achieve a higher consciousness on this planet, basically called a walk-in. Note that there will be more. I tell you this, Canadians, because you are going to see this more than the others (laughs). Diversity, tolerance, unity are all things that belong to them.

There are certain systems that cannot change, because the earth demands the same group of souls. And then there are other lands that demand a diversified group of souls. They do not have the same attributes, not even the same inclinations. Can a soul have a bias? You can, if you are bringing karma.

It is up to you to dispel it.

These are three big attributes. I can give you two more. I can give you many more! (laughs). The template is changing. It is the third message that includes the term template. The template we are talking about is the Pleiadian template of the time capsules, now contributed to you through its grid. It happens at birth. This is the template we would call of human nature, when a higher consciousness allows a larger template to be disseminated.

You might think that if you have a time capsule in your country, you could be affecting them differently; This is not how it works. Time capsules are everywhere on Earth, following a pattern that the Pleiadians know works in a special way, called multidimensional physics machine, and this is what they needed to put the templates on the magnetic and crystalline grids, which would grow according to human consciousness. In other words, human nature is allowed to change as you have a higher consciousness to allow it; One thing goes with the other. It is a pull-and-push system. This is not something that you understand; They don't need to understand. Just know that they have caused something amazing, special, benevolent and beautiful. Human nature is changing.

The templates say who you are in your DNA, and by saying `` who are you? '' I mean the percentage of DNA that will seek God; As your Innate gets closer to your consciousness that is brain survival, you become wiser. That is in the new template . It is all part of reincarnation, because new souls will have new templates; I tell you that what my partner did, any of you with grandchildren has seen it (laughs). They have seen; It's new, it's different.

And when they sleep, they can congratulate each other; Or they can do it out loud if they have the courage to make these kinds of changes and be alive to see the same children who adopt them! You don't have to wait many lives to see what you have done. They are already seeing it.

I give them the last one. It is complex . Humans reincarnate; they leave the planet, they return, one for another. But there are many new humans entering. The more they enter and live longer lives, the more they reincarnate as old souls, but there are always new humans entering. What we have never really told you, nor have we discussed, is where they come from (laughs).

Dear ones, they almost exclusively reincarnate from a time when they have done this before on other planets. There are many graduate planets, there are others that don't; "Graduates" means those like Pleiadians who have a piece of God in their soul group, and have ascended to such a degree that they are then responsible for sowing you. We have spoken of Orion, of Sirius, of Arcturus, we are talking about the lineage of planetary sowing. We talked about the millions of years that this required. We told you that you are new. But now they have crossed the bridge. They will begin to see a new type of human arrive, because the reserve from where they come begins to change. It is part of the template. The reserve where they come from. They have exponential growth on the planet. It will not always be that way. It is geometric, that is because it is a mathematical matter and continues - until consciousness assumes the fact that it can be controlled, and you will do it - and you now have seven billion. They had to come from somewhere, and now they are in progress (laughs). You will see them, they will begin to come from another place. They will know a little by their appearance, but especially by how they act. The reservation is changing, it's all I can tell you, because you don't know anything about the other places, and it wouldn't mean anything to you. Even if we describe consciousness, it would mean nothing to you. They haven't seen it yet, they don't know anything about it. They will know; They will feel it.

Children will change again, they will become wiser and smarter . You will find some amazing children on your way, in your life, and remember this message. He began to change the reserve from where the souls that are to come to Earth are collected, which has now awakened with the light.

We leave you with these words: Do not despair because it has taken so long. No miren alrededor y decidan que saben qué está sucediendo, porque quienes están a cargo de dar las noticias de lo que sucede están comprometidos en un sistema que no es lo que está sucediendo sino lo que ellos quieren hacerles creer que sucede. Quiero que sean más sabios. Quiero que miren a sus niños (se ríe).

Este es el mensaje de Kryon. Es un mensaje elevado en detalles, pero este es un grupo al que se lo quería dar.

Váyanse de este lugar con más luz que la que trajeron.

And so it is.


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Description and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

La evolución del alma humana – Kryon

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