Introduction to the interpretation of dreams

For many years, the human being has lived worried about his dreams, about the images that form in his mind while he sleeps. In this section you have a brief description of what dreaming means with a series of specific objects. We warn that, each person is a world and that, for example, it is not the same to dream that one witnesses a car accident (when he has been through it in real life) than when he has not suffered such incident. Write down in detail everything you remember when you woke up and what feelings you had (fear, joy, feeling like a spectator )

We can classify dreams into several groups:

PHYSIOLOGICAL OR PHYSIOPATHOLOGICAL DREAMS: These are those that are caused by physiological and pathological conditions or stimuli. They may be caused by poor sleep posture, a copious dinner or breathing difficulties, intestinal dysfunctions, etc ..; They are also caused by declared or incipient diseases such as nervous disorders, cardiovascular conditions, febrile conditions. We must also not forget that, excessive heat or cold in the bedroom, poor ventilation or noise coming from abroad also affect. Ex .: You know that an animal bites your leg or that it has been trapped somewhere. In this case, having the leg tangled in the sheets while sleeping and not being able to release it naturally could be causing this dream.

Parapsychological, paranormal or divination dreams: They are all those that warn of collective accidents, disasters, calamities or simply, they are dreamlike visions of things that have to happen as they dream, in that events are not disfigured by symbols. These are divided into several groups: clairvoyants: in which future events are known, usually personal and family; Telepathic: the dreamer captures things that have just happened or are developing at the same moment (usually, they are personal and family events, so he receives thoughts or situations that are n in the minds of the protagonists); retrocognitive: facts from the past, usually referred to, are captured to loved ones. They can refer to the causes of disappearance, ignored death, murder, etc .; of warning or anticipatory: future events or situations related to personal, family or professional issues are seen and that, usually, the results can be altered or the dreamer can avoid the dangers thanks to the warning, such as the suspension of a trip, finding the solution to a problem, avoiding a sentimental conflict, etc .; extracorporeal (astral projection): these are the dreams of astral travel, in which the astral body leaves its physical body and travels long distances, glimpsing facts and situations that they appear as dreams; of survival or spiritual communication: they are the dreams of communication with others there or with the spirits of the deceased; of reincarnation: they are unusual dreams, in which the dreamer seems to live historical experiences or events of past times, but who knows nothing in waking state, that is, events that he knew nothing about and nobody had explained to him, could be anguishing or traumatic dreams, or pleasant and pleasant dreams; double dream or double vision: those dreams that are captured or had at the same time by two or more people.

PSYCHOLOGICAL OR PSYCHOANALYTIC DREAMS (of psychic regulation): The majority of dreams of the human being belong to this group and are the symbolic expressions of the unconscious. It contains those dream images of the type that analyzed the famous neuropsychiatrist Sigmund Freud. They can be classified as follows ... Dreams of compensation, wish fulfillment, memories and diurnal waste: those that express unconscious desires, memories of past situations and, in particular, tensions of the waking state, residues of everyday life ( they have no prophetic meaning); symbolic dreams of the development of destiny and personality: it is the most common subtype, the one that is most subject to archetypes of the collective unconscious, as well as personal symbols, with a predominance of sexual ones; Matalic dreams: they are those dreams in which mandalas appear and represent an evolution of the personality at a much higher level; dreams that express complexes and neuroses: those with sick people or undergoing psychoanalytic treatment, usually because of sexual conflicts; traumatic (reactive) dreams: those caused by psychological trauma, according to the bitter experiences, in the latter case, it can also be framed in the concept of physiological dreams.

Lucid Dreams: Are those dreams in which the subject is able to direct their attention and decide acts of free will, that is, we can manipulate events and direct our own thoughts as if we were awake.

MIXED OR MIXED DREAMS: Those very long and incomprehensible dreams, in which dreams of various types are interwoven or occur in chain, mixing the most real with the most fanciful, as if a film with images of several films of different themes had been prepared .

As you can see, it is not easy to interpret a dream, since any symbol can be part of one type or another of dreams. Therefore, it is very important not to have any preconceived idea when it comes to deciphering it and trying to find an explanation for the various elements that it contains.

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