Turquoise Frequency and the awakening of Lemurian Memory by KAI

  • 2011

The frequency of the turquoise ray carries for us the codes of Light necessary for the awakening of our cosmic memories, these codes of Light do not necessarily have form and geometry, they are sonic, nameless and formless frequencies that resonate in our DNA by awakening and decoding the Memories of Unity and Freedom.

These turquoise rays remain radiated through the galactic center and resonate deep within the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.

As the collective frequency of the Earth has increased in its vibration, we have also increased our vibration and become aware of the Unity and LOVE that prevails in each of our hearts. (If we have not yet become aware, it is enough to manifest the Intention, since the Frequency is already on the Planet high enough for it). When we meet again with the Love and Sacred Mastery of our heart, all barriers of fear and ego are broken down, we allow ourselves to link our hands and hearts together to establish the Age of Unity on Planet Earth through joint work and cooperation.

It is necessary that we Unify as Humanity in the same pulse and purpose. All together working to improve our environment in every way. It doesn't matter if we believe in the new energies or not, no matter what we believe in, we all want the unification of our world and the return to the era of Unity through the restoration of Peace, equality and justice. In that way the old systems based on fear and repression can be transformed and collapsed through the unification of our purposes as a collective, acting in the Now, recovering our Mastery and Power.

It is time to retake our Power and Unify, honoring the Earth and all its Living Beings.

The Turquoise frequency pulses for Freedom and Unification and is beating deeply in our hearts at every moment, there in the deepest part of our crystalline heart. Allowing us to embrace our Freedom will take us back to Unity and to reunite with the Memory of MU.

the awakening of Lemurian Memory

Resounding deep in our DNA is the ancient memory of Mu. Memory that resurfaces in the now, as we allow ourselves to release the old limitations of pain and separation, embracing our freedom and inner autonomy.

Mu is the beating of the Earth, it is the cosmic imprint that Mother Earth has printed on her cellular memory. Mu is the memory of the origin, of the true essence of the Earth and of Humanity.

Just as in the Universe there are thousands of civilizations that are now known to us by their collective footprints, (Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, etc.) And each group has a collective energy imprint that represents them as a Unit; thus the Earth and its Humanity would be known and welcomed in cosmic brotherhoods, such as the Land of MU, the Human Beings would be known as the Lemurians.

This is the memory that has resurfaced. From the Hand of the Turquoise Ray and the Consciousness of the Cetaceans, whose energy carries the living memory for the awakening of the ancient Lemurian Memory. That memory that strikes a Unified civilization without borders in the same language.

The Beloved Cetaceans have guarded these memories deeply in the Akashikos records of the Earth, as well as in the cellular genetic memory of our DNA. And little by little, as time passed and as the Earth receives and anchors the solar cosmic rays that carry the new energies, the Beloved Cetaceans found the necessary opening to awaken in our DNA the Delfinic Filaments and continue with the awakening in our DNA of the Light Codes carrying the ancestral Memory of our cosmic origin and in that way our Lemurian memory has been reactivated!

Once our consciousness remembers and wakes up, so our DNA also awakens and activates, resonating within it the Ascension Codes that allow us to remember and reconnect all our subtle bodies to our body of Light. That way our DNA is repaired, healed and the multidimensional strands of Light are reactivated, allowing more information and light to travel through the energy roads that make up our magnetic and energy framework.

We are Light, we are Energy. Our DNA is a cosmic road of Light and information, once we allow ourselves to free ourselves from the memories of pain by becoming aware of our Divinity, the cosmic memories of Unity and Freedom are automatically awakened. That is the awakening of the Cosmic Memory, the Lemurian Memory that has resurfaced from the depths of our DNA.

I would like to share this message that I received in one of my meditations in which I was next to the Mother Whale . She is an immense Whale that carries the energy of the Divine Mother and, in turn, is a wonderful guide to Cetacean Consciousness:

“It is necessary that each one of you is taking his posts, aligning himself with his heart and recovering the fragments of memories scattered throughout the earth. These memories will be returned to you, either visiting places on earth where your hearts resonate, but also connecting and connecting from the heart with those places of power that call you. Each of you will recover your ancestral memories, so that you can begin to serve the divine plan from the Inner Unity.

the hosts of the Earth are Uniting, animals, birds, elementals, crystals, Water, air, fire and earth ... only the Human Being is missing ... from the southern waters we radiate Love and Light reminding them of the true meaning of Unity ... New humanity is brewing in the bosom of Mother Earth.

The anchoring of the turquoise light on Earth has begun and with it the rebirth of Lemurian Memory… ”

Let us invoke the Mother Whale to receive her guidance and Love. She next to the Southern Right Whales are messengers of MU who lead us to the Holy Land wrapped in spirals of turquoise light.

We are approaching the Unification of all races in One. The return of the Age of Unity!

The rebirth of Lemuria

We were water. We are water

We went air. We are air

We were fire. We are fire

We were Earth. We are earth

We are We are just.

Crystal feelings. Unified thoughts.

Your memories are my memories.

Crystal clear waters and gleaming waterfalls. I remember .

I breathe, I feel.

I feel alive

I live, I am reborn.

The shining memory of a transparent Earth is alive in every cell.

Lemuria reborn!

In your colors and in my colors.

In your Waters and in our Waters.

On our Earth and in our body.

Lemuria reborn!

Crystallizing in our dreams, as the same Unified Earth!

We are blessed in Love and Joy!

Copyright 2004 Material protected by Copyright, Copyright KAI You are free to disseminate this material as long as you RESPECT THE COPYRIGHT. naming the AUTHOR and placing a link to this BLOG: http // kaipekoppon.blogspot.com, I also ask that you DO NOT ALTER THE WRITINGS AND THEIR CONTENT. Let's continue to co-create and sustain the diffusion of the Light in Love and Respect.

LOVE is the recognition in Humility of Unity and Divinity in everything around us. Love is Respect, compassion, Joy ... when we love deeply, without attachments and without fear we can go beyond our barriers to enter the sacred space of Unity. Love is the seed and the fertile field where Life germinates ..

KAI | SYRIO light



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