Fragment of the March 2010 Swell Report by Solara - Navigating the null zones

  • 2010

Since many people are currently experiencing internal and external Null Zones,
It seems useful to understand what is really happening.

This month we will do something different by making available for free
the entire section about the Null Zones of the March 2010 Swell Report.


A Null Zone occurs when suddenly, the energies collapse on themselves,
totally breaking old patterns and demolishing old structures in thousands of fragments
They can't come back together as they were before.

The Conclusion Times always bring deep purifications and redesign on a massive scale. Knowing this, we should not be surprised that there are many Null Zones happening during this time. Null Zones are shocking events that always happen without warning, when we least expect it. An invisible trigger that activates suddenly blocks everything around us and sometimes within us, sending shock waves in multiple directions.

Null Zones break irrevocably with long-established guidelines, entrenched belief systems and basic behaviors. Old structures, both physical and non-physical, can be demolished in an instant. Our interior or exterior landscape is dramatically reconfigured. Many of these things are, to a large extent, the ones we identify with - because they define who we are and the world we live in. It was the pillars of our old world, which kept us locked in the world of duality. These include the old roles we felt that defined who we are, the work we do, the physical environment in which we live and our normal pattern of daily activities and social interactions ...

Every time a Null Zone occurs, our old way of being is shattered so completely that we cannot put it back in the previous position. It's like breaking a delicate glass sculpture against a concrete floor, it breaks into multiple pieces and fragments that are simply impossible to glue together again. Nor can we collect and place the elements of a Null Zone in their old positions. Old patterns will often be completely removed from our personal matrix or planetary matrix, by the mere force that the Null Zone produces. Some things have to receive the effect of a Null Zone, since they are too entrenched to be eliminated by other means and it is the only way to eradicate them completely.

Null Zones are always painful to experience since they collide with the core of our being, but they are also super effective irrevocably breaking old patterns in an instant. This is currently happening on a massive scale, which takes place at both levels, the internal staff and large-scale externally, affecting a large number of people.

However, Null Zones serve an important purpose. Not only do they break old patterns and deepen our compassion, they also create a more fertile ground for the birth of the New. Through the demolition of the old, they create open space so that we can expand our beliefs and allow the entry of totally new elements, and “off the map”. Like a ship that is stranded on a sandbar, the Null Zones free us from a blow from any stuck old place. For example, if we are caught in a limiting belief that makes us unhappy, then the Null Zone can shake us so that we get rid of it.

Null Zones are often followed by a huge creative impulse. Elements that for a long time were repressed, restricted or detained by old structures or old beliefs, are now released to expand in completely new directions.

All Null Zones create immeasurable deepening


As we emerge more like the True ones, there are many elements that must be removed from our personal matrix. These include old stuck patterns, emotional residue from the past, long-rooted misconceptions, limiting behaviors, old resistances, blockages and distorted energies. This release process often takes the form of a Null Zone. A Null Zone feels similar to a bomb that explodes within us, which triggers a massive internal explosion that affects every cell of our being and radiates outward.

Perfect Storms often create the ideal conditions for Null Zones, however, we can be in the middle of a Perfect Storm, and not necessarily suffer a Null Zone. Perfect Storms are extremely difficult, but not as painful as a Null Zone. They can temporarily crush us, but they don't usually destroy our inner landscape. Perfect Storms are not going to demolish things, but they do put everything on the line, reorder things and clear the old energy. We are very transformed from a Perfect Storm, but the world around us often looks the same. We are not forced to create new basic blocks of our being. Our exterior landscape has not been totally destroyed.

When an internal Null Zone takes place within us, our outer landscape remains the same, but we do not. This is because our interior landscape has been profoundly altered. There has been an inner rupture of our inner world that now forces us to learn new approaches to everything we do.

Internal Null Zones are usually caused by external events. Some of these are obviously shocking, while others are more subtle. Obvious examples of triggers in a Null Zone would be: suddenly losing our job, our partner leaves us, someone close to us dies unexpectedly, discovering that we have a serious illness, extreme depression or finding a new truth that it annuls a substantial part of something we believed in.

Some examples of triggers of more subtle Null Zones are: a long-cherished dream or expectation that fades, an old belief is broken, or we are paralyzed by our fears and enter a panic attack, or we feel overwhelmed by the profusion of elements that we have to address and all the worlds that we have been maintaining collapse on us or our confidence in ourselves is shaken to the marrow. All these possible scenarios lead us to the question What is the I that is being destroyed? It is all of me only a part of which Is it me?

It is when we realize that the Null Zone is not happening to all our Self, is that our True Being can come to our rescue. When we vibrate like a True, we can suddenly see that we are infinitely larger than the part of us that is suffering the Null Zone, and the Null Zone immediately begins to diminish.

This is why although they feel intensely and deeply overwhelming, the inner Null Zones that occur within us are not as devastating as they used to be. They can break us into millions of pieces, however, now we recover from them with surprising speed. We no longer need weeks or months to reconfigure ourselves. Internal Null Zones can often last a few days or if we are lucky, a few hours. This is because as we emerge as True, we are infinitely more vast beings. When we cross a Null Zone, only part of us is affected, more than our whole being. Being a True rescues us from our inner Null Zone.

This helps us greatly to become aware of it, when we are in a Null Zone. Once we realize that this is what has happened, we are halfway to recovery. We simply cannot wait for our inner landscape to be the same as before. We have changed immensely for the experience. We have deepened and become more true. Although our exterior landscape may seem the same, it is not. Our experience of Null Zone forces us to make some deep adjustments.

When we are in the middle of a Null Zone, we feel lost. We cannot see any progress or the positive benefits of our experience. Everything seems useless. We may feel that we want to run and hide, but there is nowhere to take refuge; the Null Zone pushed us towards a dead end where there is no exit.

This is when we have to analyze with total honesty the issues that the Null Zone has raised. We have to face the strong emotions we are feeling and give an honest look at the rubble of what has been shattered. Do not try to avoid anything, even if it is something within ourselves that is raw and very painful to look at. It takes tremendous courage to do this, but this is exactly what is needed.

Once we do this, a change occurs, as when the Sun slowly returns to warming an icy landscape. Suddenly, we can begin to feel the profound changes that have occurred in our inner landscape. Love returns… We no longer feel alone and openly vulnerable. Confidence returns ... The conviction returns that everything is happening with perfect timing ...

After experiencing a Null Zone, everything must be completely redesigned. We do not have the option of returning to the way things used to be. We can feel the waves on waves that leave us in all directions, the uprooting of everything, from its former positions and giving a total turnaround, like a large forest of fallen trees in a single, massive explosion. After having experienced an internal Null Zone, it is important that we be super soft with ourselves. We still feel fragmented and highly sensitive. Everything inside of us has been totally reconfigured and we have to give ourselves the necessary peace of mind so that these profound changes settle before we jump back into action.

The golfer, Tiger Woods is a good example of someone who has recently experienced an internal Null Zone caused by its impact with a Perfect Storm. All of his old world has collapsed, and it is impossible for him to return to The Way Things Used to Be. When the Perfect Storm struck him, if he had honestly faced the problems it brought to light, I would not have had a Null Zone. But as he decided to seclude himself, avoiding his lessons and without honestly communicating his problems, this only made things worse for him. Now, he has the opportunity to make the necessary internal and external adjustments to be more honest, more complete and true. Then you can go out and recreate a totally new life in the ruins of your old landscape.

Null Zones are terrible experiences, however, they are a natural phenomenon of this time. Its consequences force a major remodeling, however, the possibilities of mega advances always come after the Null Zones. We free ourselves in ways we can't even imagine.


Null Zones External Zones are much more powerful and powerful. They usually take the form of catastrophes such as intense storms, floods, snowstorms, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, the fall of governments and financial systems, the breakdown of social order, revolutions, acts of terrorism, or others. Unexpected major disorders

Several large outdoor Null Zones have recently occurred across the globe. Some of the most notable include the 8.8-point earthquake in Chile on February 27, the devastating earthquake in Haiti, and the massive flood damage that took place in the Sacred Valley near Cuzco, Peru, which destroyed numerous villages and the 80 % of their crops.

Whenever these extremely shocking events occur, it is important that you do not get caught up in what feed the constant progress of the news or fear. But don't avoid looking at them either. This is part of the delicate dance we do on this planet of Walking to the Razor's Edge. The best way to deal with these Null Zones is to unite even stronger than before, as a Unique Being and strengthen the resonance of the LOVE OF PURE HEART. Be aware of what is happening, but do not remain immersed in fear and drama, embody the LOVE OF PURE HEART and embrace everyone in the affected area with the strength of our presence as a True.

When an external Null Zone occurs, everyone and everything in that area is affected. External Null Zones simultaneously create internal Null Zones for all who experience them. As an example, there is the devastating earthquake that occurred recently in Chile. A large section of the central zone of Chile felt the earthquake. Everyone who was there went through the horrible experience together. It didn't matter if they were rich or poor, young or old, spiritually evolved or unconscious. Everyone felt the earthquake, both internally and externally. All animals and birds felt it. All physical structures experienced the violent jolt. All nature felt it. This is a powerful shared experience ...

In a few minutes, everything was irrevocably changed. The old landscape was demolished. The old priorities were destroyed immediately. All superficial distractions were removed and attention was turned to what is most important - finding and hugging our loved ones and basic survival.

All who lived this experience have deepened beyond the measurable. This deepening will be with them for the rest of their lives. Here I transcribe a moving comment from the administrator of the Todo Chile Forum: “The thing to keep seeing in all Chileans everywhere, the way their eyes have changed. It is in the eyes of Chileans from the President of Chile, in the girls in my office, even in the guy who cuts the grass. There is some sadness and fear, but now, there is also something else. There's no age. I would say that it is somehow similar to the eyes of ancient Native Americans, but very different. Chileans, young and old, rich and poor, all have that look of sadness and pain, but with determination. ”

What he sees in everyone's eyes is a great deepening. A sudden rearrangement of priorities that took place in an instant ... I have noticed this many times in the eyes of those who have been through traumatic events. And this massive deepening will only serve for the rebirth of Chile. Or Haiti. Or The Sacred Valley in Peru. Or where the next Null Zone occurs.

Following a Null Zone, there is an increase in creativity and action. At the beginning it is at the basic level of survival - in search of food and water, in search of loved ones, rescuing survivors, setting up a temporary shelter out of what can be found. Survivors unite and help each other. What always excites me is when ordinary people fill their vehicles with blankets, food and water and go to the affected areas to give all the help they can. This is the Unique Being In Action. It is about taking responsibility and the Master Service to do whatever it takes, when necessary.

As the waves of a large Null Zone spread throughout the world, volunteer mobilization and fundraising take place to help survivors. Unfortunately, very little of the financial aid that is so generously delivered reaches the people who need it most. This is why people continue to live in tents and makeshift shelters in Haiti, while more than $ 100, 000, 000 was raised to help them. Or that Peru's top priority was to rescue tourists from Machu Pichu, instead of helping the tens of thousands of indigenous people who have lost absolutely everything. This is just another sign that we have to find new ways to help, new ways of taking responsibility for the well-being of our One Being. We cannot rely on old methods or on governments and established organizations to do it for us.

While the basic survival needs are being met, we make contact with new people, so we turn our attention to deciding what to do and where to live, now that our old life has disappeared. Next, the sowing of the New will begin, amidst the chaos and devastation. I just heard a story about how musicians sat and played their music in the ruins of the bombings in Germany after World War II. This is the sowing of the New ...

Then, our creativity expands to the areas of creation of totally new structures instead of simply duplicating the old ones that have been destroyed. We have to do this, even when there are forces that are trying hard to recreate the past. On the contrary, we must seize the golden opportunity of a Null Zone to apply new ways of doing things and the birth of new paradigms.

Each outer Null Zone has profound, powerful effects that spread across the planet. Our hearts open more and we experience a deepening of our compassion. Some Null Zones remove the hardened knots of the ancient magic of the planetary matrix. Others, such as volcanic eruptions can affect the climate around the world. The earthquake in Chile broke two tectonic plates that were stuck together and this has shortened the duration of each day through the enormous displacement of physical mass.

I always pay close attention to the places of the external Null Zones, because those are the most significant places in the future where the New can flourish without the restrictions of the old patterns.

It is important for us to understand the true nature of the Null Zones. We cannot allow balance to be lost due to them. The Null Zones call our Unique Being to Action. We have to be able to navigate through Null Zones as True to be able to help those in need, since every person who can help others during a Null Zone can have a huge effect.


Translation by Patricia Bueno

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