The origin

  • 2016

The human being always looks for the whys of everything he sees, feels or happens in and around him, is curious by nature, this leads him to try to decipher, find out and know the origin of everything he sees, feel, surround you and happen

The life of homo-sapiens has changed and evolved drastically, since we have proof of its existence. Thanks to his curiosity, man has managed to make his material life more pleasant and easy. But there is yet to decipher a great deal of information and knowledge.

It is not easy to go back and find out the origins of existence, man has always sought the evidence and material causes of his life and existence throughout his history.

The brain is the part of the most unknown man, its functioning is still a great enigma ...

But ... is life as we think we know it the Origin of existence or is existence the origin of life ...?

For there to be life, or rather for life to happen ..., whatever the form, it is necessary that there be a series of elements that must be conjugated in a certain way, and under certain conditions, for life to be generated before there has to be "something", an energy, a movement that produces it ... that is, it needs a "raw material", some elements that in optimal conditions of place to that movement, that grouping of "energy in motion" who believes that life, whatever type it is ...

Life and everything that contains life, both lively and inanimate is ... "pure energy in motion", sometimes these movements are very dense and imperceptible to the human eye, others and through research and study we have deciphered the causes that produce lives simpler and less complex than those of the human being. Sometimes the movement is very slow and it is difficult to perceive it, other times it is so fast that it is difficult to realize it, it escapes our vision.

The movement is life ... and life is creation ...

If there is an origin, it was that before there was something else ..., that is, the Origin is not the First ... but the effect of a Cause ... perhaps earlier and not visible ... or tangible, which resulted in something concrete and real in this dimension and in others.

Life in this dimension is the concretization ... of energy, but the human being is not yet prepared to see energy as it is ..., to handle it with knowledge, with wisdom and humility ...

Man can feel the most subtle energy, but he has not yet learned or knows the vital aspect, the energetic aspect and the Consciousness of life ... because Life is Consciousness ... rather than form, it is Consciousness rather than vibration and movement.

The human being has not yet admitted that consciousness is the generator ... that revolutionizes energy, and matter.

Consciousness is the Origin and cause, and Life is the effect of Consciousness. Without Consciousness there is no life ...

But not all consciences have the same level of perception, vibration or sense of their existence.

The conscious human being begins to wake up and know who he is, to find out and study his conscience, but he cannot base his study on tangible and palpable matter, but on internal energy movements ...

Man has needed to see and feel to understand and accept ... Fortunately we are increasingly sensitive to energy and movements, we are learning to observe that we create with our thoughts, emotions, intentions and will and that we have not been aware for a long time of this. We have erroneously used the sense of consciousness, as a feeling of guilt, of inferiority, of contempt for ourselves and others, nothing is further from reality ..., Consciousness is the ability to see, feel, live and be beyond shape ... of space ... and even of energy ...

The new human being listens to his Heart ..., feels what his emotions, his feelings tell him and is increasingly aware of his life ..., is increasingly awake to the power of his mind, his heart and his conscience.

The origin of every man, of all life is not in what we know as matter, it is in something subtle, something indescribable, sovereign and beyond what they tell us, because man is not only matter in motion, but it is energy subtle, it is a vital force and this cannot be caused solely by matter, or by a series of elements conjugated, there must be an energy spark, an adamantine spark that links matter with consciousness or motive force, that ignites that flame generating life.

What does origin mean? phenomenon or fact that is the principle, cause or motive of another phenomenon or fact.

What was there before the origin?

What was the cause that gave rise to the origin, why and for what? Of course it is if we think that there is an origin, we also think that there is an end, that is how the three-dimensional or fourth-dimensional mind works.

The matter is perennial, it has an expiration date or at least a date for its transformation ...

The cells are always in continuous movement, undergo mutations, changes, alterations but in our hidden DNA and called garbage, we have the key to who we are, who we are, and what we are made of. In our DNA is inscribed the origin, cause and effect of the creation of worlds, space, earth and life

Each time we get closer to our authentic origin, to our true lineage, to the root of our Truth, to our conscience and to Universal Consciousness.

Origin is Consciousness and Consciousness is Origin .

Awareness is conscious knowledge of something or someone.

But the origin of what?

After life, of existence, of creation ?.

There is no origin, only Consciousness is the Beginning, the End and what is between these two points, it encompasses everything, it is Everything: any life is of the type whatever, the stars, the planets, the galaxies; subtle and dense energies, movements: energetic, electric, magnetic and of any kind; the rhythms of the movements, the individual and collective consciences, the universes and the Creation, when we speak of the Universal Consciousness or Source

On the other hand, if we talk about the tiny and caged conscience of man, we associate it with a place or space, or moment where the creation of material life was generated, then, the origin goes back to the moment where Matter began to be generated with awareness or conscious knowledge. Then, we seek from when we have knowledge of our existence and the existence of matter or form, in this origin we seek the causality, consequences, effects and reactions of energy movements, life ... and its evolution ...

AUTHOR: Mª José Lancho, editor of the great family of

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