The Path of Grace; Transcending Life

  • 2011

DEC 24, 2011


This path has taught me that there are two ways of living life on this planet, the path of instinct and the path of grace, you have to choose which one to follow.

Grace does not try to satisfy itself, it accepts to be snubbed, forgotten, despised, it accepts insults and wounds, because it knows that humility and transparency, allows everything to pass through you.

The instinct only wants to satisfy itself, and makes others also satisfy it, likes to be arrogant to others, get away with it, likes to be recognized for what it has and does.

Find reasons to be unhappy, when everyone shines around you and love is smiling over all things, this path has taught me, that no one who loves the path of grace will be unfortunate.

Grace leads you to the narrow path of the gates of heaven, where somewhere, all the children of God will pass, through our transparency, through humility and through which we will say, EVERYTHING IS CONSUMED, that will be the moment of true individual ascension of all the children of God.

I will be faithful to you, no matter what comes.



Life is an upward spiral that takes you or leads to who we really are, a spirit of God, that small part of the whole, in the midst of the infinity of the universe, when we have long forgotten who we are, it is hard to believe that we do not belong to this beautiful place called earth, because in reality we are this place.

Together with the spirit of the earth, we all form this little place that we commonly call our home, but in reality it is only a small stop, on our evolutionary path.

When we realize this, it is when the desires of the soul cease for the first time in many lives, we do not understand this easily, since we have never felt it, and that is when for the first time in all our way, we begin to be simpler, more humble, more loving, and when you don't want anything, you accept everything, it's a great paradox, since you feel that having nothing in reality you have everything, and that is because First time in a long time you begin to live in unity, in a state of grace, where nothing matters anymore, because you know that you are light and light does not need more than light, in that moment you become your own light, you actually take your body of light that leads you to unity, to the source that the being gave you.

That is what some souls will live in the next few days.

Miguel D az Morlet

December 18, 2011

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