Interior development, forgiving the past

  • 2015

"A big mistake is to ruin the present, carrying a past that has no future."

Each and every human being is growing, maturing and developing according to our experiences, good or bad. However, many people cling to a past experience, and carry it for the rest of their life, making it an unnecessary torture. It is because of the above that we must learn to forgive the past and decide to be happy.

The past is directly related to the feelings and emotions we retain. Anger, guilt, resentment and resentment are just an example of some of these feelings that we keep over time, and that impair our way of seeing the present and future world. These feelings must be recognized, lest in the aforementioned future, they mold our body or manifest even in diseases, which bring with it much pain.

Now, what does it mean to forgive the past? Many people have experienced discouraging moments in which they suffered from a heartbreak, from the loss of a loved one, from an accident or from discussions that were left unfinished. Likewise, we can suffer from our own mistakes, and every time we remember them we feel pain again . In other words, we relive the moment again, as if we were stuck in that moment. The latter is why our inner development is affected and unable to live the present. We get to feel lifeless, without light, chased by a shadow that weighs and punishes us. The slave is the spirit itself drowning for truths that overwhelm it, truths to which we turn our backs.

So, forgiving the past means precisely accepting it . Accept that heartbreak, that loss, that bad moment that marked us, those mistakes we made and that made us better people. Forgiving is an act of love with ourselves and with others. It is to free the slave who lives within our body and who does not let us live here and now.

Forgiving the past means precisely accepting it.

Our inner development is based on experiences and how we decided to travel them. Therefore, it is necessary to face that shadow that persecutes us and steals our peace. For this we must understand and accept that and that we deserve new opportunities and blessings. Today we are more alive than ever and without that past we were not what we are: human beings worthy and full of light.

Er Forgive your shadow and be free again.


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