How to advance in the Light ", message of Archangel Zaquiel

  • 2012

Greetings My Dear Ones, I greet you in Love and Light.

This is the Arc ngel Zadkiel (Zaquiel) with a message from the Divine Light.

Today I wish to speak with you about the Light. Dear ones, there are many emanations coming from The Light. They surround them in circles, in colors, in levels and in dimensions. They surround them no matter where they are, since they are included in the Light everywhere, above and below. This allows them to move freely according to the task they are working on and also according to their vibration for a particular moment.

Going from one level to another is not an evolution to the jumps. It is a very smooth movement in which the flow from level to level or dimension dimension. It is a great mistake on the part of humanity to believe that they will make a sudden leap from one point to another. For some this may be the case. However, for the most part they will float or move slowly from level to level. This is much less damaging to the energy of the field than having sharp sudden changes in the environment in which they are subjected. We want to keep their energy field intact, because when they have very fast movements or sudden crises in field energy, this can cause interruptions in the flow of their energy. This is not useful in its ascension. Rather, it is much more useful for them to flow in a natural state. It is possible that there is a pause on one level, however, what appears as a pause for you, is actually the movement continued through either a movement from side to side or one up and down.

We are constantly making arrangements and adjustments to your energy field as you progress in the realms. These can come in the form of an idea or a push or a feeling that it is time to change a certain practice or start a certain practice. By doing this, they are incorporating more and more of the light. The light begins to increase in intensity while your human instrument adjusts to the Light that is coming. The light radiates down from our Father / Mother God to you as a step down so that it is only the exact amount of intensity you receive at any given time. Therefore, you can absorb the particular colors of the Light that you need at that moment. As the energy increases and as they go on, they may absorb different amounts of light and varying proportions of the Rays / colors emanating from the Light. This is often an unconscious process, as we are working behind the scenes to help them continue on their path. This is a bit abstract to understand for most human beings. However, there are several practical things that you can do on the earth plane to help in your progress to advance in the Light.

First, remain positive, because when they remain positive they are able to absorb more light than when they are responding in a negative way. When you have a thought that you perceive as less positive, quickly change your focus to what is positive. You may want to start the day by focusing on what is positive and establishing what your intention for the day will be. This will help soften the path of energy and create a channel in which light flows to you, and light will find you. In this way, The Light will unite with your Light, and you can flow forward and upward in your path. The more you focus on this positive path, the more energy your Being will be able to absorb. This will strengthen your entire system to lower more light and work with you in a closer way.

This is a large and extensive subject, there are many Rays of Light beyond the 12 rays of light that they have known. There are many levels of Light within each dimension. Know that you will have a growing opportunity to grow within The Light.

We want to instill that the daily practice of continuing to be positive is as important as your meditation time. Doing this daily will help you increase your progress so that there are no start-up and stop actions, as they occur in many cases. It is much harder for us to help them adjust their energy when the process starts and stops. It is much easier for us to keep your energy flowing when you work in your daily forward movement in a constant way. It is similar to starting a car. More energy is required to start the car. However, when the car arrives at a certain speed, it is much easier to keep it flowing at a constant rate. The same is true for you and your own energy field.

We want you to know that the Violet Light is available to transmute any negativity that you would like to release. This is a constant process and you can turn to it at any time to help you release what bothers you at that time or to clean and release anything you have on a subconscious level, which you are not easily aware of. By doing this, they allow us to work with you so you can clean things up before entering your awareness and manifestation awakening. This allows a smoother and faster ascent to the higher realms and larger dimensions.

There are many who are waiting to help you at each level. There are angelic and superior Beings in each level and in each dimension. They are there to help the next level, as are we, who come to you regularly are there all the way.

Know, Dear Ones, let us rejoice with your process and your progress. Know that you are very dear in the light.

I AM Archangel Zadkiel
... And I surround you with La Luz.


Channeling: Linda Robinson
All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson,

Translator: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn

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