Harmony in response to violence. (First and second part)

  • 2010

While we continue with our daily activities, in the world violence spreads without truce.

That same violence that we read in the newspapers, that we see in the news on television, that which clouds our day for an instant, and from which we recover in a matter of seconds, because “luckily, these things do not happen here” or simply because "why get bitter if I just can't change anything".

The violence that causes wars, killings and massacres, is not something distant or something that we only watch on TV, it is part of our reality.

The good news is that WE CAN CHANGE THAT Exchange!

Although it may seem like a beautiful fantasy, in which our little grain of sand would change the world ... it is more real than we can imagine.

All human beings are energy that vibrates at various frequencies.

Violence is a type of energy frequency that we collectively generate the people who inhabit this planet, as well as other types of vibration.

At different times the massive vibration varies, the higher the individual energy vibrates the higher the collective frequency will be ... therefore peace begins not only at home, but in each one as an individual.

When the general vibrational frequency is high, we get closer to feelings of well-being, health, peace, love and harmony of humanity and all living beings, and that includes the health of the planet that harbors us.

In general, we go through life without becoming aware of the energy we emanate and the consequences that it brings to our near and distant environment ...

Suppose we woke up in the morning in a bad mood for some cause (we slept badly, something hurts, or we just needed more sleep). That bad mood leads us to argue with someone we live with (mother, father, brothers, couple, children, friends, etc.)

Our partner, who perhaps had a better mood than ours at the beginning of the day, passes after the discussion to vibrate at our low energy frequency and goes out. A few blocks away that vibration dips into another passer-by with whom he tripped and instead of apologizing, he got angry with him making him responsible for the encounter. Then, said passer-by, he goes to buy the newspaper and discusses with the merchant (dragging the bad mood generated by the encounter with our partner). In turn, the merchant discusses with his supplier; After a heated exchange of words and not reaching any agreement, the supplier returns to his vehicle and drives angry, nervous, makes a bad maneuver to hurry to win the time lost in the discussion and collides with another vehicle, goes down and takes punching with the other driver who responds to his violence with more violence.

But this does not end there ... because of the crash a traffic bottleneck is generated, endless rows of drivers who go to their jobs are grumpy by delay and anxiety (there are already thousands who vibrate in your low morning energy frequency). Then there are more and more incidents (honking, insults, small chain crashes, more people fighting), the traffic police intervene in different focuses and also discuss fines with passers-by and drivers who want to pass over each other. Many people leave their vehicles and venture into the subway to be able to arrive on time to their jobs. Imagine the humor of all those people piled under the pavement, pushing not to be taken out of the car at each station by those who want to ascend and descend (although this fact is current currency, let's not forget that the number of passengers doubled today, because of the traffic jam in much of the city).

And so we could continue to describe a massive low vibration in the chain, in offices, schools, shops, buses, buses, streets, avenues and even in homes when returning at night.

Consider how much violence could have caused something as daily and simple as a small morning discussion, just because we would have liked to sleep half an hour more ...

Now let's think about the same situation, but vice versa: we wake up in the morning in an excellent mood. Before leaving home we show affectionate and share a pleasant breakfast with the person we live with. In turn, our partner lives in the street and stumbling upon another passerby, apologizes with a smile receiving another in return. That other passer-by, goes to buy the newspaper and thanks his usual merchant for always reserving a copy, giving him another smile. The merchant receives his supplier saying good morning and when he notices that he is somewhat discouraged, he transmits his good mood and energy with a word of encouragement and a joke, and so on ...

Good morning humor not only gave us a better day for ourselves, but it also prevented accidents, punches, insults, violence in general and contributed greatly to a whole city vibrating at a higher energy level throughout the day.

Imagining how that energy chain extends, we can assure that it could have affected neighboring cities and these to others, and thus to a large part of the country and thus to other countries ... In short, from that perspective we can really see how our behavior affects the whole world.

While it is clear that we are human, with highs and lows, that we cannot load good humor on a hard disk as if we were automatons, it is also clear that we are free to choose not to be slaves of low energies (either their own or others ).

We have a much better option in the face of this dilemma: the possibility of choosing at what energy frequency we want to vibrate at each step.

We must be aware of the energy that we dump in our environment and in each being with which we interact, we must be responsible for the way we use the energy that we are and the one we emit to the planet in which we live.

Every day when we wake up let's think that our smile can change the world.

Not responding to violence with more violence is not a sign of weakness, but of Wisdom.

S the change you want to see in the world

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Harmony in response to violence

(Second part)

You must be thinking that it sounds nice, and that it is easy to say, but how to achieve it ?!

Sometimes the simplest things are the ones that are most complicated for us

If we consider the examples we imagined earlier (in the First part of this message), we can reach the conclusion that any frequency of energy vibration, whether low or high, is easily propagated. We could say that there is a kind of contagio generating a chain reaction; therefore, if there is a possibility that a person who vibrates in what commonly called negative energy, can make thousands of others vibrate in the same frequency in question of seconds, then reverse action is absolutely possible.

When we begin to try to practice responding harmoniously to violence, the most common mistake we make is to appear not to feel affected thereby falling into an attitude of sumisi n . This happens because our first action when we want to remain in harmony is to show ourselves to the outside, without taking care of modifying the imbalance that inevitably is generated as a reaction inside us.

If in the face of an aggression we remain immutable as if we were Zen monks - people with a lifetime of spiritual training and introspective path, which is clearly not our case - we are most likely to be accepting the leave energy of the other, making it our own and by keeping it inside, sooner or later we end up turning it against a third party or cause an implosion harmful to our health (which is the cause of what we know as stress And then it can degenerate into serious diseases).

Nor is the way to try to impose ourselves physically or verbally because we would also be violent, lowering our vibrational frequency, affecting ourselves and our surroundings, even though that was not ours. intention.

In our daily social relationships, we can find ourselves in varied situations in the face of low vibratory frequencies.

We already know that the first step is our own choice to remain in inner harmony, then we will have to transmit that choice to whom we have in front of us according to how circumstances are given.

If it is someone from our closest social environment (family, friends, coworkers, etc.), it will be enough to express from our inner harmony that we do not choose to discuss. Showing us empirical with what happens to him would be a great first step, both for our interlocutor - who will lower his guard when he feels understood and not attacked - and for ourselves - since when understanding the origin of the reactions of others, we immediately assume that it is not something personal towards us, but with oneself - thus maintaining our balance more easily. Then we can offer as an alternative, the possibility of making that exchange when he is in a position to achieve it in a harmonious way, clearly communicating in a neutral but firm tone looking directly into the eyes, that we want to hear what he poses but we propose to postpone it for when We can both speak in peace of mind to achieve greater understanding and we prefer to enjoy your company without discussions that can resent the relationship.

When the low vibration comes from a stranger, it is even easier not to be affected, since it clearly cannot be personal because the other does not even know who we are. Perhaps wish you good morning in a cheerful tone, give you a broad smile, an apology (although it is not for us to offer it), or a practical solution to the problem raised ... not only allows us to preserve our harmonic state, but may encourage the other to vibrate in our high frequency for the rest of the day, since generally kindness in the people we treat inspires us to take the same step.

If we generate that low vibration energy in our center, the challenge of changing it is greater, but not impossible. In all orders of life our strongest adversary is ourselves, but also our most powerful ally.

The easiest way to vibrate high is to make immediate contact with something that fills us with love or joy, such as our favorite music, watching the smile of a child or a pet playing, listening to the voice of someone who loves us, receiving a hug ... Connecting with something pure, no matter how angry, furious or sad we are, will open our hearts, and that is the most direct path to high energy vibrations.

So, now that we are aware of what low energy produces in ourselves and in our environment, we are able to provide a balm against it as soon as it arises.

In general when something affects us negatively and puts us in a bad mood, what we do is see everything that happens to us as something negative, it is as if we put on dark glasses and even if the sun shines outside, for us a storm is coming.

It is likely that in those moments we do not want to seek to change our energy frequency, since we will be invaded by it, but ... we also know our power to achieve it, it is a matter of re-educating ourselves.

Just as when we suffer a burn, the first reaction is to take the affected area with one hand complaining, the truth is that we immediately ran away and applied fresh water seeking relief.

Let's incorporate first aid for our energy; each one knows what things move him or make him very happy, each one knows what is his inner path to harmony, so ... it is as simple as resorting instinctively to it when the situation requires it.

Sometimes it is enough to imagine that we look at our own face in a pond of calm and calm waters, ask ourselves if the image that is reflected is that of the Being that we really want to be, breathe deeply and enter into harmony with the Universe, with the perfection of the nature, recycle ourselves as she does, and transform that self-image that we don't like in something bright, full of light, transform that image into the reflection of the best we have inside. Thus we will be changing the world.

Every time we change our personal Universe for good, we are changing the world and turning it into that ideal place we want to live in, just as we have dreamed for ourselves and for all those we love.

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