Archangel Raphael: I am the Consciousness that will allow you to understand and leave behind your condition of duality, in order to lead you to the Door of Unity

  • 2013

I am Rafael Arcángel. Human Souls in incarnation, I convey my greetings, I convey my Love. I come to you to clarify, perhaps, a number of concepts in relation to my function and what I am, within this world, in this period. I have been called Archangel of healing. As for the Archangel of healing, I am the Consciousness that will allow them to understand and leave behind your condition of duality, in order to lead them to the door of Unity. Your path is often defined in this density, as an alternation. I will speak, if they want to do so in terms of my competence. Often, Human Beings call me to move from discomfort to well-being. And as you know, in this world, everything alternates and it is difficult to maintain your life during discomfort. And you oscillate between malaise and well-being. Between good and bad. Between health and absence of health. Health is an important problem, rather greater, in your density. Duality participates, in its very constitution and in its separation in this density in which they live, of the principle of alternation, of malaise and well-being. And so, there cannot be two durable things. In all dimensions, but particularly in your dissociated dimension, the only way to find and live lasting well-being is to get out of this condition of duality, to get out of the ephemeral, to enter into Eternity. Eternity is movement and, like Archangel, I intervene essentially in the vibratory sphere, connected to what you have the tendency to call ego or astral. My Radiation is green, the color of balance and healing.

You can find and live the absence of discomfort, definitively, finding well-being, but establishing your Consciousness beyond this alternation. So, is that complicated? The answer in the first place is yes, because even extremely evolved beings have suffered. I do not speak of sufferings taken from others, by mystic phenomena of Karma, as some souls have been able to manifest. The human being frequently looks for the existing relationship, in relation to a discomfort to identify, either in the matter itself, but also at the level of subtle, emotional, mental and physiological functioning, the cause of an upset, within the same This dissociated duality. You are dissociated from Unity, from La Fuente, but you are not dissociated from others, and from the environment. By what you call astral or emotions, you bathe in a Vibratory bath participating in the alteration and discomfort. Then, look for, according to your beliefs, your perceptions, and your intuitions, the remedies for discomfort. And you find it. For a given complaint, a given rate corresponds, and a restoration comes. This is how it is established in the usual way in the development of your lives.

Because of the Grace of the Source and the Grace of our Conclave, today they have the real possibility of leaving behind the malaise-well-being alternation. What I suggested by "being freed from the contingencies of matter" does not, of course, mean abandoning this matter for the moment, but transcending it, leaving it behind, being here and now. In other words, Consciousness must be placed elsewhere, keeping this body and this Spirit in this density, corresponding point by point to what Christ said: "You are in this world, but you are not of this world." Today the Truth is offered to you and therefore the cessation of the alternation between malaise and well-being. How? Ceasing to play the game of duality. Currently, man rediscovers, in all sectors of his life, that he has no need of anything outside. That is valid in the spiritual worlds. It is valid, even if you are independent, in all spheres of your life. As regards your own intimacy, that body they inhabit, that Spirit and the soul they manifest, must also find their Unity, in order to escape the contingencies and conditioning of this matter, within the principle of dissociated duality, making alternate, by force of resistance, the principle of well-being of discomfort. The Source, beyond your well-being, or discomfort, which seeks a different state of this alternation, is the state of Being. Within the personality, they literally need to unblock your beliefs in order to free them, so as not to be below the influence of these. At the level of your being, in relation to well-being or discomfort, in short, everything is belief. If they believe and biologically that can be, that they are intolerant of a type of product, that will manifest. Obviously, it is not enough not to believe that so that the intolerance disappears, since that would be to give even proof of duality. In the functioning of the body, in which this soul and this Spirit evolve, they must pass, change Vibration and Consciousness, in order to benefit this body inhabited by this soul and this Spirit, in another state. They have been accustomed, in this and in multiple lives, to fight or deal with. They have been accustomed to oppose the disease, even by adopting techniques called sweets, strengthening the body, vitality, soul or Spirit, in order not to fight more, they must rise above. This is in a good way, but she is not enough. Invulnerability and incorruptibility can be found, now and in the future, in this density. She needs to elevate them in the belief that governs this body, this soul and this Spirit, in this body and in this life. Obviously, the limitations of duality cannot be erased in a minute. They are erased in a minute at the level of the soul and the Spirit, but it takes some time to manifest at the level of the body. However, the path and the Consciousness on this path must be undertaken. In your French language, they have rightly, assimilated disease, with bad-to-say. "Maladie-disease" "bad-à-dire". That has been fair, however, it is not enough to leave the principle of illness and health. That was a path, the same as Vibration medicines, through magnetism, and homeopathy and many other techniques and medicines, they have made a path allowing them to face the last revolution that is, fundamentally, the body, the soul and the Spirit that is and is incorruptible.

Within the very heart of the Illusion and the matrix of this world, the body reveals a perfection, since each of its parts, each of its organs, each of its existing functions, come from a plane far superior to this, in a way, it is an emanation of a causal principle, escaping duality and yet manifesting itself, in this duality. On the physiological and psychological level, disease and disease-well-being alternation, is connected to the insufficiency of reconnection with the Unity of the Self, carried out in two places: linked to the solar plexus (astral force) and cardiac plexus (force of Love), with what you call atrophied thymus, in adulthood, because of your departure from the Source. When the Yes is in Unity, when they understand the Unity of the Yes, being in this personality, there can be no disease or well-being. There is Being. Every dual notion disappears. All of you, without exception make the temporary experience of this particular state where no interrogation of the body, of the soul and this Spirit, in the body; It manifests to consciousness. There is no discomfort in the body, in the soul and the Spirit, in the unfolding of your Life, even of this density. These moments are privileged moments that, evidently you have noticed. These are moments where you are in the Being, which are destined to develop and become everyday, if you have suppressed the opposite beliefs, not by the will to understand, but rather, as an act of transcendence and overcoming. I work in a little particular way, on this planet, for two years, in order to favor in you in a very silent way, the access to this state. I am the Consciousness that has sustained and sustains the passage of separation to Unity, from ego to Heart. Then, if you want, we will vibrate together in the frequency of Unity, in the frequency of the passage from the ego to the Heart, from the duality to the Unity, from the well-being alternation, to the Self. Here are the few phrases that I wanted to deposit in Your Being, in order to make them modify your paradigms regarding the disease. The immune system of mankind, the resistance of the human being, despite the chemical substances that you ingest every day, without knowing it, failed to hinder the progression towards your Being, since that is your destiny, that is your path, in this end of the cycle, which is to find a state beyond well-being and discomfort. Certainly some of you still have difficult periods. In fact, spaces of resolution are opened, sometimes being able to take the sharpness of strong pain and acute awareness, of what needs to be changed, in the body, in the soul and in the Spirit that inhabit it. . The disease is part of this plane, by the very fact of the game of Shadow and Light. From the moment the Shadow is dissolved, reaching the Unified worlds, the disease ceases on its own. I propose to make a vibratory space together. I thank you for paying attention to these words. I ask you now to pay attention to the Vibration.

Efusion of energy

I thank you for your attention and your welcome. Receive peace. And I tell you later, in the bosom of the Conclave and the Archangelic Radiation, gathered together.

Reminder of May 31, 2013, published by: Les Trasformations 2013.

Translated: June 1, 2013: EN

Original in French:

Channeled by: Jean Luc Ayoun. Transcription: V ronique Loriot

Angel Rafael RAFAEL

October 8, 2009

Angel Rafael: I am the Consciousness that will allow you to understand and leave behind your condition of duality, in order to lead you to the Door of Unity

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