Archangel Jofiel: The Time of Self-Harvest

  • 2014

Ah my dear beloved hearts - hello! I greet you with all the softness of Love that your amazing hearts are unfolding in these Moments of Now, as the I really begins to seriously unfold consciously in all of you. Can you feel it? As if all around had a kind of magical quality that his mind cannot quantify, not even really describe, and yet is tangible and his heart and innate self are nourished by him.

We laugh with joy my dear hearts ! Because this is exactly what is happening, exactly what you are invoking, exactly what you are manifesting. That is why everything suddenly seems to slow down, calm down, even when time seems to sometimes accelerate to incredible rhythms! That is why suddenly you feel much more aware and present in such a clear and peaceful way. That is why they are experiencing a more intimate and personalized approach at this time, and why - although they have not consciously noticed any or none of these things yet - they will recognize the feelings we are talking about now because this is welcome to Casa .

Dear ones, there is no prescribed way for this. This is new! That is why it is you who are unfolding because there is no longer any guide or map to follow. That's why everything feels so mysterious in so many ways, because it is! And yet, you know - each one of you - how to do it because you are, so we are working with you now much more intimately, much more consciously from your perspective because there is much more of you coming into your physical presence, and consequently the collaboration becomes much more something from within its conscious human presence. That is why his feelings are so different in such subtle and indescribable ways .

Ah, dear hearts, can you feel the joy that I, that we are feeling for and with you and all of Creation now as this unfolds ? We invite you to open your hearts even more to this if you feel this way, for really everything that you have been working for is coming now. And that's why we come to talk specifically about the harvest, because this is what is beginning to happen in full flow. This is the time that all of you have been waiting for and for which you have been preparing because it is when you receive yourselves in full joy and begin to create again all that you and we and Gaia and the Creation have dreamed, and beyond.

This time of transition is truly magical because it is when you as human Beings in the bodies are triumphing in being more than you have ever been before, you are triumphing in truly becoming you in the physical. And this is the time when from your human perspectives you are able to experience this transition consciously . Dear ones, this is what has excited you the most because even when it is coming it will be very happy, beyond your most incredible dreams - and it will be! - This time was what this great experiment was focused more intensely because it is something so new and daring. My dear ones, like the most daring sparks of Creation, that is why you were so excited to come, of course, to be the pioneers of this so stunning display of Creation that you have ever seen . Becoming homo luminous, the New Humans.

So, my dear ones, I come to offer you this joyful and expansive perspective of love for our mutual enthusiasm and celebration, but also to confirm and comfort any of you who are reading this, and thinking: “ Oh my God, why What am I not feeling this? “My very precious and dear hearts, if you are wondering this, that is perfect. And I am very happy to be able to expand to explain why!

Dear ones, open your hearts and receive my loving appreciation because you are Masters-in-the-form, and nothing that is happening in your worlds right now is without a perfectly orchestrated purpose. You know it, and in many ways you have been aware of it for a long time. And yet, I will tell you with great respect and reverence that whatever you might be going through that you consider unpleasant and that continues to happen, be it physical circumstances, emotional releases , mental confusion and resistance, Relationships changes or a vacuum simply, is due to this time of the harvest . You know this too, but let me expand more specifically to support your conscious transition through this intense new time.

This time it's about you. It has always been about you, and will continue to be about you. And yet, this is the time when you will return to know that you are the whole, literally and tangibly . Everything in your experience flows from and is created by you. And yet you have been freeing yourself from the constructs and restrictions that have told you otherwise. So this time of awakening, of remembering, has been very similar to a wave that retracts into the ocean because you have needed to literally recalibrate your understanding from within these constructs and literally clarify them to move forward through s time, while experiencing it as linear humans. Consequently, this time has been amazing, to receive more and more of your nonlinear nature in the spaces that you have created impressive and diligently clearing and purifying so that your pure you could assist in this change of feedback. External and the unconscious creation of self-unfolding from the internal knowledge of the I as everything.

You are currently in the final stages of this desexternalization, so to speak; the point where the wave is pulled back to the source from which it started in order to start over. That is why things have intensified in some areas, indeed in many areas where these structures continue to manifest. Know, dear ones, that is why we have been pouring so much Love, encouragement, and praise on you because you have done the seemingly impossible and have remembered your true yo from within the structures that were based on your forgetfulness.

So at this time what is happening becomes something completely and totally personal for you. Because as this collective movement becomes more unified thanks to its continued ability to receive more love what it is and which has always been in unity with the All that is so Those places that continue to manifest from the structures of separation feel and become more obviously obvious in unique ways to you because of the very fact that they are surrounded and overwhelmed by nature. unified of your love that is filling your human perspective and leading you all to be born in a very new experience of the New Earth.

And yet, this is not just a consequence of the process, dear ones! At this point you already know it! This particular part of the process is of a very unique beauty because it returns to you that from which you created the separation in the process, holding you literally under the proverbial waters of separation until you can truly see what you have created. As each of you reaches the point where you are reborn in a new interaction platform, you become more aware of yourself . And in these moments where they literally feel as if they could not continue further, as if they had nothing left and cannot understand why this is still happening, and they give up and do not know if they will ever reach the other side, They cannot believe that there is still more to work on or what to expect, that is when the alchemy of this last stage happens.

Dear ones, as everyone is discovering now, this is about trust. Not trust in the Divine, not trust on Earth or trust in something greater or wiser than you. This is about trusting themselves . And in these moments of final exposure to that belief in separation that has kept them captive for so long they come to know this. Whatever persists, whatever you can't seemingly change, that will push you beyond the edges of what you think is reasonable or acceptable with this same purpose in mind. Because right now you offer yourself a choice, dear ones, a sacred opportunity.

In these moments you are so vulnerable to pain and confusion that you have always emerged from feeling so trapped and helpless and unable to consciously create and be all those things that we have been talking about for so long . Those attractive things that have made all this work worthwhile. In these moments you can feel so alone and helpless and as if you had never had anything to say on the matter, even if you have changed so dramatically and continue to do so. How is this possible to keep happening?

So right now their beautiful and loving "I" whispers a question, which is: "Can you trust yourself ?" When they think they have failed, they have not been able to achieve what everyone else you are apparently achieving, when you seem to be totally unable to move beyond these circumstances, when you seem to be totally unable to maintain any countenance of peace or joy and you feel that at this point you should really be able to do it, can you trust yourself? same as the Creators that you know you are, and let go ?

My dear ones, that's why this is the life of your own harvest, because it brings you back to you through the final illusion, which is that no matter how much you focus on this path of remembrance, your physical life - in which circumstances They just happen to you no matter what they do - she is the real thing, and it will always hinder her ability to go home themselves because they are not able to change her . This is the barrier of separation that you all established for yourself all those eons ago when you chose to enter this great experiment and forgot your creative powers; and this is how they will return to them, letting go of the need for those creative powers to control what is happening to them and trusting that you are perfect as they are.

Trust in these moments of being stuck that this is not somehow to remember how to have a conscious control of your life to continue choosing from a need for things to be a certain way; this is about trusting your own love to flow into the new - which has no need at all - with ease and grace to return those powers themselves to yourself, from the center of who you are; from trust, from total love for yourself, from full permission to be simply you .

Not trying, not having the intention or pushing or forcing, but simply being and allowing what arises to be what it is to be loved by your brave hearts, and knowing that no matter how these moments come what you are returning to yourself They themselves are their self-confidence through these circumstances, through this opportunity to surrender themselves, and this is where they will truly begin to create consciously. Trusting that the mind does not know and cannot know how to reach the new to what you are getting, and therefore, only surrendering to what remains to happen is how you will allow your heart to take you to the love that awaits you on the other side. of this final stage. Not because they should, because Archangel Jofiel told you (winks), but because you are creating it and trusting in the perfection of what will set you free .

And this does not require thinking, my dear ones! It requires only a full allow. Love whatever comes, my dear ones ! Love her like you manifesting your freedom! Recognize your perfection, and above all, admit all your feelings about it, whatever they are! Allow and allow and allow, and let Peace come . For this is already happening, and will continue to happen because you have created such an expanding flow of Light that you are taking yourself through this last threshold with ease and grace, no matter how it seems to be for your still human mind right now. And as such, my brave and dear hearts, That is the reason why there is nothing to do! Start now trusting that, and if it seems impossible, you will know why! Allow this! And they will come to know that those moments have arrived.

And if you have already arrived, you have begun to know the freedom that they bring you.

So, wherever you are and wherever this process is being revealed to you right now, I will tell you that it is perfect. And that we are so admired of what they are achieving, my dearest humans! Well this is the final ingredient, the last barrier to your total freedom. And you have planned it so that your own Love for yourselves will take you across the threshold to your newly 'married life' Divine! Where your Divine masculine and feminine balance and merge, where your humanity and your Divinity balance and merge, and where you bring all the love of all that is to exert an effect on the planet known as Earth, as Gaia, and you together are beginning to create what was dreamed so long ago. And that is now insured. For you, dear ones, the bravest Creators, for you.

And that is why we continue to express to you a Love beyond all description in your magnificence, for words can never describe or communicate the mastery with which you are unfolding and creating this transition. It is truly magnificent, and we will continue to spray you with our loving joy as we work with you to support you and facilitate and amplify the wonder that you are all creating. For you will get to know it while taking yourself to cross this 'finish line' - which, as with all endings, is only an eternal beginning - just what you have achieved and are achieving. And you take yourself to the new so effortlessly, so peacefully, so beautifully and with such poise, in a perfectly unique way that is right for you.

Dear hearts, feel the permission that is coming from within you now to be all that you are, to be perfect as you are, to trust that whatever is presented to you in each and every moment is your perfect vehicle for freedom, Well, it's like that. And at every moment you can choose this gently and lovingly, consciously allow this transition to emerge with greater ease, with greater grace and with greater Love than last time. And with this allow you are cultivating your self-confidence that will finally open the floodgates to your freedom to be you, to be new. And that is why we wanted so much to bring you this message today, to support this clarity and understanding so that you can align more than ever consciously with your masterful and beautiful display, and receive and reap every last drop-nectar of this truly wonderful event ever contemplated. on this planet

This is yours to enjoy, my dear hearts, as is ours. Merge with us through your hearts, my dear ones, ask for anything you feel to receive our Love in every way you can open it . We are with you and we will always remain that way. I am Archangel Jofiel.

Archangel Jophiel and the Time of Self-Harvest

Arc ngel Jofiel: The Time of Self-Harvest

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