Archangel Gabriel: "Reception of the gifts of the spirit for this season"

  • 2015

Dear friends:

I think this is a beautiful Christmas gift.

Thank you for being there, on the other side of the monitor, in this network that we knit for a long time and grows day by day as the love of our hearts.

A hug in the Light and congratulations.


Archangel Gabriel: "Reception of the gifts of the spirit for this season"

Can you hear what I hear? Open to receive the gifts of this Holy Season Dear. The Herald Angels are singing Can you hear the voices of the angels? They are inviting you to be in their midst. The Angels are asking you to rejoice in Divine Love and the transmission of light to the planet during this special time called Christmas.

Can you hear the angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your entire being to be receptive to these divine messengers who have seen much of you during the existence of your soul. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of ​​unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, with those who offer them the gifts of the Divine Light and a love beyond their understanding. Receive in your heart and shine this blessed light in the world.

Be receptive now and let divine grace fill your being. This is one of the Angelic gifts that are offered to you right now. Grace is necessary to sanctify the Earth and to achieve greater coherence, respect and a tribute to the gifts that the Earth supplies in abundance. It is time for people to offer themselves and their planetary home the upbringing needed to sustain life. When human beings honor Earth, they also honor the elements of themselves that make up the Earth.

Your Birth Right

In fact, it is your birthright to live in harmony with the earth, to feel the Divine Love in your being and the power of the force of life emerging through you in ever greater waves. Let the spark of every cell in your body increase the love in your being. When you do this, they shine like a radiant light. You shine and become the light for the world that the earth needs right now. It is an option that you can make at any time, and it only requires the creation of an intention to receive the harmony you want in your life, and a mental click to the switch within your thoughts to create it.

Becoming a light to the world is not being arrogant. When one carries the consciousness of the Higher Truth, it becomes his duty. Since the apparent darkness of chaos and fear are so obvious, what might you need other than the Light? In this holy time the Light of the energy of Christ is more accessible than ever. This blessing brings the energy of Divine Love to your heart and to the world.

Feel this light in you that possesses the divine qualities of wisdom and love, and share it with others. Radiate light to your government and world leaders. Send it to the areas of chaos in the world, as well as to those who work hard to alleviate the suffering in those places. It transmits Divine Light to the environment and to all living beings that are not human on this beautiful planet. Do not forget to shine the light of healing on yourself and your family. This active energy reconfigures the power that inspires you in the Divine Right Action. It is a way to bring harmony and overcome despair within yourself and the world.

And there are also the angels

When celebrating the gifts of this Christmas season, there are many who remember Angels during this time more than at any other time of the year.

Legions of Angels are gathering closer and closer to the earth now, called by the prayers and thoughts of many people. This is a great blessing that opens your heart to receive more love and allows your mind to receive a higher level of Grace. It is a good time to honor and connect with your angelic guides. Ask for personal help in all areas of your life and listen - really listen - how the angels whisper in your heart. They want you to follow the message of your heart and feel the guidance at your disposal of the spiritual realms.

There is an angelic representation by the Soul of the Earth and the Heavenly Realms. Your guardian angel can work with these angelic beings to bring more harmony within you so that you feel more connection with your Spiritual Source and more inner balance.

Your Guardian Angel

Your guardian angel has been given the duty to help you live in line with your goals and intentions for this life. Through your personal guardian angel you can learn to live in greater peace with yourself, as a prerequisite for peace on Earth. This Angel is also offering you the ability to feel Uniqueness and Union with your most Divine Being.

Since you've grown to become an adult, your Guardian Angel expects you to ask for help. Keep in mind that now is the time to ask. Your Guardian Angel has been with your soul since your incarnation, offering guidance and protection so that you can find your Divinity and fulfill your spiritual destiny. This dear angel has intervened on your behalf to relieve your karma and wants nothing more than the fulfillment of the imperatives of your soul.

Take the time to feel gratitude for this Divine Messenger who lovingly cares for you and has watched over you all his life.

The Gabriel Gabriel and the Kingdom of the Angels

In this holy time of the year, there is also a greater awareness of the Angels. The Gabriel Gabriel sustains the empowerment for the winter season, and stories of his intervention abound over the centuries in the darkest nights. The Angels are in charge of Divine to all communities, nations and seasons. During the 12 Sacred Nights as of December 24, the Angels freely erase the boundaries between nations and factions. The Light of true peace prevails in heavenly places, and it can be activated successively on Earth.

Join the angelic host to spread this Light through your own life and pray for the healing of all nations and families. Use this penetrating light of the Angels to achieve greater awareness that manifests through you and all beings on earth. This energy can make a real difference, bringing peace within all hearts. The kingdoms of the angels are available as never before during this beautiful time window.

The 12 Christmas Nights

There is a stillness this season that permeates the northern hemispheres while the earth sleeps in the darkest time of the year. People know that sunlight will return, and it is the same with spiritual realms. With faith, believe that in the darkest times, divine light will prevail.

There are ancient traditions that honor the return of light after the solstice. While you allow your soul to rest in the depth of darkness, you can symbolically enter the clarity of light and receive a much-needed gift as the creation of a personal ritual for this meaningful time for you. Consider the beauty of the symbols within the Twelve Christmas Nights. You can use the time from December 24 to January 5 as an inner journey to give birth to the sunlight in your being, and to illuminate the darkness within and around you . Like the Angels, use this powerful time to end the separation, create an opportunity for true world peace when empowering energy focuses on peaceful coexistence.

The Twelve Christmas Nights acted as windows for the purpose of your soul and can empower your new year. Many traditions light a different color light for each night. The twelve nights can be used as an opportunity to return through the 12 months of your year and honor your accomplishments and lessons learned. Each night they can be characterized by a spiritual hierarchy and a virtue that they would like to bring into your life in the New Year. It is a special time to pay attention to your dreams, as they could be very prophetic during the twelve nights. There is also an opening for the clear light of understanding and knowledge of the Angels that can work through you.

Some Christian traditions honor night 13, January 6, such as the Epiphany. As the twelve nights progress, you can set a goal for true clarity and wisdom to penetrate your mind and heart during the twelve nights. Isn't it appropriate for you to receive a clear epiphany about your life too?

Give and it will be given to you

It is a wonderful tradition to give freely during this Holy Season. Your generosity of spirit and willingness to give opens the energy centers within your body so that you will experience God's infinite love. This divine love is unconditional and flows freely, everyone is blessed by his presence. When hearts and minds are touched in this way, there is healing. You will never be the same. You can keep this feeling of gratitude and willingness to give within yourself throughout the year by setting the goal of lovingly doing it.

Peace on earth and will prevail

By creating your personal traditions and rituals for this Holy Season, you can use the spiritual support that is available to you. With this support and your clear intentions, you can experience a transformation within your being and receive greater blessings in your life. Do not let the material world dominate the beauty and depth that exists during this special time.

Remember that the Angels are available in this Holy Season and be grateful for their presence. Once again, these messengers from God tell them: “Rejoice! Wake up to the birth of the Light of Christ within you, and praise God for the abundant gifts and blessings available to all. ”

May this Divine Light fill you now. Let it enlighten your mind, your heart, every cell and fiber of your being. Your will and the acceptance of opening your heart to this Divine Love bless your body, mind and spirit. Receive this gift and allow the light of Christ to be born within you this Holy Season.

Let this light shine in front of you so that it can truly be Peace on earth and good will among all beings.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel To Archangel Gabriel

Source :

Archangel Gabriel: "Reception of the gifts of the spirit for this season"

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