WINGS August 13, 2009 ~ ARRIVING THROUGH THE DOOR ~ by Karen Bishop

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From The Ascension Companion:


“I don't know what's happening to me lately. It seems that I hardly care about anything anymore. ”“ I seem to have lost all interest in participating in the things I used to participate in. ”“ I don't care what happens. ”If you've had any of these thoughts or feelings lately, you know that they are a regular part of the ascension process and have a clear and perfect purpose. Sometimes, we can feel as if we are out there "acting" throughout our daily lives. We are simply not present, because our lives do not have the meaning they used to have. We don't seem to be in alignment with what we have created in the past. And besides, feeling exhausted from going through all the trials and tribulations that ascension can bring, you can return it to a very apathetic one. We are too tired to get involved or care about anything. "Let the pieces fall where they fall, " it becomes our general course of action (or in-action). "I have no desire to be aware of everything."

But apathy has a gold nugget inside it. Being apathetic actually puts us in a space of greater vibration. Support our ongoing process of letting go of attachments. When we don't care about anything, then we 'deinterlace' a lot. We are then in a space of "no space", and this is the space of the higher realms. We are then much more at the moment. When we don't care much, we're not filling our thoughts and emotions with things that aren't really "real." And we are much more out of our own way.

In the higher realms, there are no agendas or plans. Without attachments, with a good connection to the Source, with great confidence, and a certainty that everything is always in proper divine order, nothing really matters anyway. Being much more connected to the Source continuously keeps us even more balanced. There are not so many ups and downs. And when we realize that things really are not a big deal because we can create something fresh and New at any given time, apathy then fits perfectly.

To be able to create successfully, we have to have no attachments. It is always precisely when we no longer care to have something that arrives. And we really don't want to create from our ego or I disconnected, anyway. Then, as we move through the ascension process, and we get used to things not going as we want, or in the way we had imagined, we are placed right in the middle of a space of greater vibration. These experiences force us to let go. Isn't it strange that the areas of our lives we don't have strong opinions about seem to always go well?

I had a web designer who decided that she was going to retire from computer work and web design. The problems and tribulations that her work brought her were no longer worth it to her. The minute she gave herself up and gave up everything, she immediately began receiving large amounts of business, and the new clients were the type she had always wanted. It was when she no longer cared about web design, because she felt really burned, that her company really took off. (She retired anyway!)

When things do not go as we want, it is often because we do not come from our "connected" self. We can come from a desperate or analytical self that is trying to solve a problem in a way that seems possible to us ... even if we are not even particularly crazy about our own idea. If we looked back, we would generally discover that we are glad that this or that thing has never happened. Being in a state of apathy, caused because it seems that we never get what we want, among other things, puts us in that space of neutrality where we can create almost anything. When we realize that nothing really matters much, for what we thought was important came from our disconnected self, it is then that we are successfully reaching the higher realms. Being happy where we truly are, always brings the next step of creation to our door.

When we have to have things in a certain way, we are basically strangling the energy. It is when we can be content with simply being, that all our needs are met. Passion is an apparent contradiction for this scenario, because passion is a very strong connection, because we know that what we are passionate about is in perfect alignment in every way with our higher self. Therefore, there is a clear difference in terms of passion. We usually experience apathy when we are releasing desires that arise from our disconnected self. We didn't need them anyway.

If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to honor your state of apathy, and to realize that apathy is a condition of the higher realms. It is an indication that you are vibrating higher and becoming a higher level being. Feeling apathetic is simply a great training for a higher level way of being. Congratulations, because you are learning the detached state of neutrality.


~ Arriving Through the Door ~

August 13, 2009

by Karen Bishop


As we begin to re-align with our new spaces, some themes may always be present. This time, physical symptoms are more frequent than what could be manifesting in our outer realities, but this is only because we are aligning and settling, and this phase has to come first.

On August 11, as often happens on the 11th, we open ourselves more fully to the new and greater vibrations in which we will now be residing. Through the doors of this portal 11, an immense amount of energy arrived. The most common reaction was heart palpitations. Our hearts need to adjust to this energy of greater vibration, and since it vibrates higher than what we are used to, we can overload ourselves with these new frequencies and our physical bodies begin to move on Direct trying to accommodate them. We can also feel as if we are hyperventilating.

Feeling nervous and agitated are also symptoms that follow. Physically, we are accelerating due to energy, and the symptoms they produce are similar to the physical symptoms of anxiety, stress, panic, and similar things, so our bodies tend to tell our brain that something is indeed happening, and could interpret this as anxiety and fear or stress, when in reality we are only processing energy Top.

During this time around day 11, other strange symptoms could also be felt. Feeling as if one was drugged, wading through quicksand, exhaustion and heaviness can be experienced, as density is congregating within us before leaving. An inability to concentrate, focus, or stand still, also occurs when we are bombarded by a higher energy, since we have recently opened to higher frequencies through the portal of the day. to 11.

These energies are trying to align ourselves with something we have not yet experienced. Because anything of less vibration cannot exist in a reality of greater vibration, it is then expelled. Therefore, diarrhea, frequent trips to the bathroom, and a general feeling of hunger can also occur, since we feel that we need more fuel than normal for this re-alignment. n, even if we don't consciously know why.

Then comes the old and familiar pain in the upper back. Our new angel wings are continually sprouting, and the area between our shoulders and lower neck can feel very painful at certain times, without logical explanation. The energy there is pulsing and moving up and out, preparing to explode in the formation of an aspect and vehicle of greater vibration for our expansion and ascending spiritual movement.

Intermittently, we can also feel unwell. Maybe knowing that we have to accomplish certain things, but finding that we cannot gather the energy to do them. Therefore, we could get up to start something, and almost immediately we will see ourselves fall back to the couch, with a strong sense of apathy, or we just don't feel like doing anything! By wandering around like a zombie, without any real sense of direction, or the remote ability to find something that seems to fit us, we are simply adjusting to the new energies of our new space. And we could also feel a little dizzy.

Apathy states always indicate a new phase of re-initiation in regard to ascension. We have been "unplugged, " while being re-aligned before we can move forward again. And this is happening now.

After these interesting phases, then we move on to one of my favorites, which is the Merkabah experience. I love this experience, since it always validates for me that something, absolutely and without a doubt, is happening when it comes to reaching a new space. The Merkabah experience manifests itself as a sensation of spinning or vertigo, and is often accompanied by nausea. Our Merkabah light bodies are rotating to help us reach a space of greater vibration. They are the vehicles that take us where we have to be.

Our dreams (while we sleep, not our desires) are also helping. We can find that we have strange dreams or even nightmares during this time. We are releasing our fears. Just another aspect of preparing for our new spaces on the ascension stairs.

Then, there are the wonderful states of grace that seem to be continuous and increasingly permanent these days. If we allow ourselves to simply stand still and be, we can feel them almost 24 hours (when we are not spinning or having palpitations!). When leaving in the "other world", we can find that our interactions with others now come from a very loving state, instead of the mortification that we could have felt in times past with energies of less vibration. A kind gesture to a stranger, an affectionate comment, or even a declaration of thanks, can serve to connect us with those who are ready to receive this new and loving high vibration energy that we now possess.

And as mentioned in the ALAS publication of August 7, if we are in positions to create something new that will be part of our new reality on the other side, anyone who is a necessary part of these creations will easily connect with the energies of greater vibration that they possess and will be instantly transformed and razed into them, thus creating the human angels that will come to our aid. We are really being supported in new and very special ways.

This atmosphere of grace, gratitude and love for all mankind will continue, as it will be a pillar of our new residence and experiences as angels of the new earth. So then, when we visit the old world for brief periods of time, this will be our natural state of being. Staying in the old world for long periods of time can be much more difficult, since darkness and density can be suffocating at times. But now that we have reached very new levels, the old world and reality actually feel so far away, and certainly belong to someone else and somewhere else, since we are no longer connected to them in any way.

If you have been feeling lost, without a helm, that you are not connected to anything at the moment, and insecure about your new path, know that things are going to clear up in the times to come. These feelings are sure indicators that you have left all your bags behind and are ready for the new reality. As we begin to see each other, connect with each other and support each other more and more, our new reality will begin to take shape.

If they are feeling very stuck in the old world, with commitments that still retain them and responsibilities with which they feel they must remain, this can be challenging at times. Many will choose to simply leave, no matter what it costs (I am not proposing that they do this, since these will in fact be individual decisions). We really have to move forward if we are now aligned to a new reality, even if our old spaces have not yet been filled. The "plan" did not manifest itself as expected, since many are not yet willing to wake up and make internal and external changes, but this is no longer going to stop us.

Again, as indicated in greater detail in the previous ALAS publication of August 7, connecting with each other will create a magnificent new grid, will maintain and sustain the higher energies, and will make us feel very good again. This is the key. Higher energies are going to hold through ourselves. The Way of Heaven also examines in detail the ways to keep us successfully separated from the old world, while interacting with the energies of less vibration with which we choose to do so.

Therefore, although it might seem as if nothing is happening right now, or that we are not yet moving forward, we are in effect re-calibrating ourselves inside, re-aligning ourselves inside, and with all certainty, re-structuring ourselves in this way. as to our new offers. Since the restructuring of the new rungs of the ascension ladder has been completed, these higher energies have now leaked into us physically, and have then created these symptoms mentioned here, as well as the need to restructure large part of our new offers and the way we are going to offer them.

Now we are restructuring greatly, much of what exists in our physical world. We are beginning to put in place the things that will support our new spaces and new roles and offerings. And much of this implies a new group energy, since we can no longer exist as individuals and alone. Group energy vibrates higher, and the individual functioning on their own is no longer an option.

Part of the ascension process implies a requirement of not being afraid to be alone. In this way, we were placed in situations where we had to be alone, in order to have this experience. After we complete this experience, we then move on to group energy. This is because we cannot enter group energy from the fear of being alone. We have to enter the group energy from the need for greater vibration and knowledge that each component is necessary to understand a whole. We can't wear all hats and do everything ourselves. We have reached the end of the spectrum with this, and that is why many of the precursors are absolutely exhausted from doing it all themselves, and certainly very tired of loneliness, since they have already completed this process and have been ready for it. group already for a while. This format of being alone and doing everything ourselves will no longer be present ... NEVER.

So again, although sometimes it may feel as if nothing is happening at the moment, I can assure you that things are really happening. And just wait to see how things feel when we start our new connections with each other!

With much love and gratitude,

Thanks Margarita López !!!

Translation: Margarita López

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"

All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

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