All about Colloidal Silver

  • 2011


It has been known since the beginning of the last century that no bacteria, viruses, fungus, yeast or microbe can live in a liquid in which there is only one silver particle. This metal annihilates them to the contact in just minutes. Hence, colloidal silver obtained by electrolysis of pure silver in distilled water is considered one of the most potent and effective natural germicides known and is given the name of superantibiotic.

No adverse side effects at appropriate doses, without interacting with other medications and without causing rejection or allergic reactions. Hence, because of its great efficiency, the speed with which it acts and its safety, this ancient remedy is considered today as a kind of second immune system that the human body can dispose of.

Despite the research and specialization capacity of the pharmaceutical industry, experience shows that microorganisms end up developing resistance to their sophisticated and expensive antibiotics, which reduces or even cancels their effectiveness. And given this reality, a growing number of experts advocate the return to a germicide considered infallible, a classic of natural medicine whose use was gradually abandoned in the middle of the last century by the push of modern antibiotics, economically more lucrative but of Questionable efficacy in many cases.

We talk about colloidal silver that after decades of oblivion is being rescued as an incredibly effective remedy in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Your endorsements? Its unique germicidal capacity against more than 650 species of pathogenic microorganisms and the proven fact that in the presence of any microbe is eliminated so quickly that it is impossible to generate resistance mechanisms. It is, in short, an effective, natural remedy, without side effects at the right and affordable doses that can help us prevent numerous infectious diseases and recover health.


The antibiotic use of silver dates from civilizations as old as Greek and Roman that also used this metal to make kitchen utensils or containers to store and serve water. This is what the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus (484-425 BC) - considered "the father of History" - who in his writings narrates that, wherever he went, King Cyrus of Persia carried with him a mule carrying containers of Silver filled with boiled water and I only drank from them. And, it seems, they already knew that silver inhibits the growth of microorganisms that spoil food, drinks ... and the body of humans and animals.

That is also the explanation of the custom of the first settlers of the American West who introduced a silver dollar into the containers with milk to facilitate its conservation and prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. In fact, today we continue to rely on the ability of colloidal silver to eliminate a wide range of pathogenic organisms, which makes it unique to add it to food and improve its conservation. Even to purify the water. A property that has turned it into a tool for - permit us the xtraterrestrial license - as the Russians use it to sterilize the recycled water on board the space stations and NASA chose a water treatment system based on colloidal silver for the space aerial bridge.

Regarding its therapeutic use, it is recorded that both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine have used silver - well alone, well combined with other substances - as a remedy to prevent and treat infections and as a rejuvenating tonic for patients weakened by any ailment or simply by age. For this last medical tradition, silver is very

effective in the treatment of liver conditions and also use it to “refresh the mind, emotions and body in conditions such as neuritis and neuralgia, inflammations of the mucous membranes, diseases of the reproductive and mental system. It is also aphrodisiac and useful in cases of weakness. ”

With regard to the West until the 40s of the last century, it was common among doctors to use colloidal silver for the treatment of dozens of diseases that originated from viruses, bacteria or fungi (see the Colloidal Silver Indications in the separate box) as well as to help heal wounds and burns. However, the price increase of the

Silver and production costs as well as the development of other types of more profitable antibiotics would lead to this natural germicide to a forgotten corner of which for about forty years they have tried to rescue it doctors and health professionals from around the world. And thanks to them, colloidal silver begins to occupy again the place that it should never have lost as a reference antibiotic. Now, the road is not easy because its return faces the almighty establishment of the pharmaceutical industry, nothing interested in a product so economical, effective and easy to use is at everyone's reach


Research carried out in recent decades has revealed that while in the past the human body obtained an elementary and necessary amount of silver through the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables today the overexploitation of soils and degradation of their minerals - in percentages that even exceed 80% - has caused us to lack this essential metal. But, beware, because it is not the mere lack of a nutrient: experts point out that silver deficiency is one of the factors that have drastically increased the disorders of the human immune system in the last years.

Hence, the need to take silver in its colloidal form is postulated to meet that deficit and prevent numerous ailments, especially those caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

But what is colloidal silver? Well, in a nutshell, silver and water. More specifically, lowercase

electrically charged silver particles that are in suspension (we remind the reader here that the most important liquids in the human body are colloidal, that is, composed of parts Ultrafine suspended particles) and are obtained by electrolysis of pure silver in distilled water (it is essential that the silver is 100% pure and the distilled water because if not, the mixture could lead to adverse effects such as ulcers or skin discoloration). In this way, icroscopic silver particles are released that remain in suspension thanks to the tiny electric charge of each of them.

Experts say that this tiny size greatly increases the reactivity of silver with unicellular organisms with which it comes into contact so that these - be they bacteria, irus, etc. - are They swallowed the silver particles, something that - as we will explain later - ends up promoting their elimination in just a few minutes. And also its extremely small size (between 0.01 and 0.001 microns in diameter) must be able to penetrate more easily into any tissue and travel along the body multiplying its therapeutic efficacy.

Of course, it is clear - also for doctors who still confuse them - that at all times we talk about the colloid of silver (obtained by a physicochemical method) and not about the trace element silver (which is obtained by chemical methods). The latter is the one that, due to overdosing, can cause argyria or dark gray spots that permanently stain the skin and the ucous membranes.

As for colloidal silver, there are no known side effects when it is made in the appropriate concentration, no cases of interaction with other substances have been described, it does not produce addiction or intolerance and studies show that it is not deposited under the skin but passes through the digestive tract until it is completely eliminated through feces.

The only thing that should be taken into account - in addition to other indications that may be given by the health professional you consult before starting treatment - is that the consumption of colloidal silver can induce a deficiency of selenium which, in any case, will be Easy to correct by introducing in the diet foods rich in this mineral such as wheat, nuts or sunflower seeds. For the rest, colloidal silver is tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding and can even be used topically to wash the eyes or nostrils of babies.


Recent research carried out in universities and research centers around the world have been able to confirm the findings of our ancestors and even expand the list of their benefits and indications. And so, today it is considered that colloidal silver:

-It is a potent broad spectrum germicide.

Already in 1914, The Lancet magazine published the results of a study carried out by Dr. Henry Crookes with colloidal silver that showed that it is highly germicidal and harmless to the human body. In that article, the American researcher stated: “I do not know of any microbe that could not be eliminated in the laboratory with colloidal silver in a period of 6 minutes. No negative side effects even using the highest concentrations. ”

Well, recent research conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, United States) confirms that those 6 minutes - sometimes less - from contact with colloidal silver are enough for the germ to die. What colloidal silver does is inactivate the enzymes that bacteria, fungi, viruses, yeasts and other microorganisms use for their oxygen metabolism; that is to say, it manages to disable the chemical lung of said parasites and their pleomorphic or mutant forms and eliminate them even in their egg stage. For this reason, contrary to what happens with inthetic antibiotics, the microorganism cannot develop resistance mechanisms or any type of mutation that allows it to escape the germicidal action of silver.

Then the cells of the reticuloendothelial system - which is part of the immune system - manage to expel the dead germs from the body. Therefore, colloidal silver works as a catalyst since its presence alone makes many microorganisms causing infectious diseases unable to breathe and die asphyxiated. And it does it with about 650 different types of germs! Among them, as demonstrated in 1988 by Dr. Larry C. Ford - researcher of the School of Medicine of the aforementioned Californian university -, streptococcus pyogenes, staphylococcus aureus, neisseria gonorrhea, garnerella vaginalis, salmonella typhi and other enteric pathogenic microbes as well as Candida albicans, candida globata and malassezia furfur to name just a few.

Hence, Dr. Harry Margraf - biochemist and researcher at the University of Saint Louis (United States), a collaborator at the University of Washington and a pioneer in silver research - came to affirm: “Colloidal silver is, without a doubt, the best and most versatile germ fighter we have. ”

In addition, unlike synthetic antibiotics - which destroy beneficial enzymes and bacteria - colloidal silver causes no harm to enzymes or any other component of the human body. And that's because it only attacks the enzymes of unicellular life forms that are radically different from those of multicellular organisms. Not forgetting that within the human body colloidal silver does not form toxic compounds or react with anything other than the oxygen metabolizing enzyme of a single-celled germ. Therefore, it cannot cause rejections or allergies of any kind.

-Constitutes a second system of defenses.

Colloidal silver not only eliminates viruses, bacteria and other germs capable of making us sick but also strengthens our immune system and helps us prevent numerous ailments, especially those of an infectious type.

This was already stated at the end of the 70s of last century Dr. Robert O. Becker - orthopedic surgeon researcher in Medicine for more than 30 years and considered one of the parents of Electromedicine and Electrochemistry as well as one of the pioneers in the resurgence of silver in medical applications - which found a correlation between low values ​​of silver in the body and disease states and was the first to state that "silver deficiency is responsible for the incorrect functioning of the immune system."

In 1978 Becker would publish a study in which one could read: “Thanks to 'open-minded' research, colloidal silver is emerging as a marvel of modern medicine. An antibiotic can kill perhaps a dozen different pathogenic organisms but silver kills around 650 and without causing resistant mutations. Moreover, in addition to ending the microorganisms that cause dozens of diseases, colloidal silver greatly stimulates the defense system of the human body. ”

And, as they have corroborated later research, taken daily colloidal silver provides, for its great effectiveness and the speed with which it acts, a true “second system of defenses” that produces energy, vitality and vigor, reduces toxins from body (by increasing the fluid and lymphatic drainage which improves oxygenation, the regeneration of cells and the flow of energy in the body), causes a significant elevation of white blood cells in the blood and generates a quick sense of relief. It has also been found that it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the large intestine because colloidal silver - in normal doses - is absorbed in the first meters of the small intestine.

And because it does not interact with any substance in the body, it cannot cause allergy or rejection. Moreover, according to research from Brigham Young University (Utah, USA), colloidal silver eliminates HIV, the suspected virus that causes AIDS. And although the US FDA does not yet allow the use of the silver colloid to treat this disease, it has already authorized its use in those derived from active HIV.

-Help eliminate tumor cells.

Dr. Bjorn Nordestrom - from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden) - has been using colloidal silver for cancer treatment for decades with surprising results. In fact, he has published several cases of rapid remission in evicted patients. Worse luck was the attempt of the aforementioned Dr. Becker who in the early 80s of the last century began to investigate the possible ability of colloidal silver to inhibit the mutation of cancer cells and immediately stopped receiving public subsidies until Finally, he was forced to close his laboratory without concluding his investigations. Others, such as Dr. Gary Smith - a pioneer in cancer research - came to affirm after years of study that “when silver is present, cancer cells are differentiated and the body is restored. Hence, possibly a silver deficiency is one of the many reasons that cancer exists and that it increases so rapidly. ”

-Promotes the healing of wounds and burns.

In fact, it is used in the burn units of the main hospitals because it is considered a powerful antiseptic and an effective tissue repair. And it has been proven that prevents infection, accelerates the healing process and attenuates scars or marks after wounds or burns.

-Stimulates bone growth.

At the end of the 70s of the last century, the aforementioned Dr. Robert O. Becker discovered, while studying the regeneration capacity of human tissues, that colloidal silver promotes bone growth. And he observed that it also eliminated surrounding infections without damaging healthy tissues and reduced convalescence by 50% in cases of fractures.

- Supposes an aid during pregnancy and for the fetus.

It has been proven that colloidal silver favors the growth and health of the fetus and makes delivery and recovery of the mother easier and faster.

To all that has been said, it should be added that it helps relieve inflammation, improves digestion and is a general economist of the organism. In fact, many people who take it every day claim to feel younger. The explanation is, according to experts, that the body, thanks to the preventive and immunopotentiating properties of colloidal silver, can use its energies for other tasks than to constantly fight against the disease .

In sum, colloidal silver is a completely natural, safe, cheap, effective alternative with no side effects; and it is also effective against microbial strains that are resistant to conventional antibiotics.


As for the possibilities of application, colloidal silver is especially versatile. Thus, it can be ingested, used to make rinses (in order to prevent or treat oral infections) or gargles, to clean wounds or burns (unlike other antiseptics does not produce pain when applied to cuts or abrasions), to typically treat the skin in case of acne, warts, athlete's foot, etc., or to wash the eyes (even those of babies) in cases of conjunctivitis and other forms of inflammation An eye infection. It can also be used vaginally or anally, atomized by the nose (thus colloidal silver reaches the infectious center more quickly when bronchitis or lung infections are suffered), vaporized or as a deodorant since the major part of the bad smell of feet or armpits is caused by bacteria that metabolize substances excreted by sweat glands and colloidal silver completely eliminates them.

As for the dose, the most appropriate is to be established by a health professional, taking into account the particularities of the person and discriminating whether the use is as a preventive or for the treatment of any specific ailment. In any case, the advice in an adult is to take 10 drops with an eyedropper - it is essential that both this and the container that contains it are made of glass because the plastic does not keep the silver in suspension when canceling with its electrostatic charge that of colloidal silver- and let them act under the tongue for a minute. It is recommended to do it in the morning - on an empty stomach - and wait 5 minutes before eating food or drinks.

As we have already mentioned, there are no known side effects or cases of rejection or allergy to the use of silver colloids but it is normal that during the first days of treatment fatigue, headache or diarrhea occur that are reactions of the detoxification process It starts up by following the treatment.

And one last recommendation: if you decide to take colloidal silver, know that several books and numerous Internet pages explain how to make it at home in a simple way. But keep in mind that it is not a simple “chemistry game”: you have to know how to do it well, in the right concentration and using only pure silver and distilled water so that the preparation only produces the positive effects mentioned in the text. Of course, whether you make colloidal silver at home or if you buy it in a herbalist or specialized store, store it in a cool and dark place - but not in the refrigerator - and consume it within 6 months.

Anyway, if we add to its therapeutic effectiveness the simplicity of its use, the versatility of its applications, the fact that it can be used even by pregnant women and babies and the affordable price we predict a promising rebirth of this exceptional germicide. It is natural that, according to its defenders, this time - and despite the zancadillas of the synthetic drug industry - "come back to stay."

Laura Jimeno


Colloidal silver, according to various studies carried out mainly during the last century, is useful in the treatment of more than 650 different conditions among which are:












Infections of eyes, ears, mouth and throat.

Nasal congestion.



Diabetes caused by an infection.




Blood poisoning.


Scarlet fever.

Chronic fatigue


Fever in general. - Boils.

Gastritis (even those caused by Helicobacter Pylori).



Stomach flu

Open wounds.

Herpes simplex

Herpes zoster.


Infections in general.

Inflammation of the bladder

Throat irritation










Purulent ophthalmia.

Parasites in the blood.

Athlete's foot.



Thyroid problems

Problems with streptococci and staphylococci.


Anal itching


Pneumonia (viral, fungal or bacterial).



Common cold.












Stomach ulcers


Properties of colloidal silver

Colloidal Silver ...

... is a powerful germicide against viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and other pathogenic parasites.

... naturally protects against infections.

... quickly relieves inflammations.

... is a very powerful antiseptic.

... is successfully used in the treatment of more than 650 different ailments.

…Improves digestion.

... reduces toxins in the body.

... stimulates lymphatic drainage.

... improves oxygenation of cells.

... increases the flow of energy in the body.

... strengthens the immune system and is a kind of second system of defenses for the body.

... helps eliminate tumor cells.

... stimulates bone growth.

... promotes healing of wounds and burns.

... accelerates healing processes.

... regenerates tissues quickly and effectively.

... is beneficial during pregnancy and for the fetus.

... is a general restorative of the organism.

It is also non-toxic, does not cause adverse side effects, does not interact or react with other medications and can be consumed by anyone.

(See original article in DISCOVERYSALUD)

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