What is the Ascension of the Human Being?… December 22, 2012

  • 2010

THE ASCENT, is the Exact Response to the events, situations, changes, fluctuations and stages, that the Earth, the Human Being and everything that inhabits it, are FEELING and perceiving today.

The Ascension is NOT Mysticism, nor Esotericism, nor Shamanism, nor Witchcraft, nor anything religious (whatever your religion), nor something complex, neither scientific, nor historical, and much LESS, Prophetic, neither is it divine or non-divine punishment, It is not even something fortuitous, nor miraculous, nor chaotic, nor experimental, and finally, IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT CAN BE STOPPED, IT IS NOT SOMETHING TO FEAR AND IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT IS MANDATORY, when you have Free Will.

The Ascension is a COSMIC CYCLE, which happens and is always represented, in each Region, Place, Space, Time and Part determined part of the UNIVERSE ... ... NOTHING ESCAPES TO THE ASCENT, neither Beings, Creatures, Objects, or Energies Various, it is an Upward Spiral Cyclic Movement, based on Harmonic Octaves and Light Sequences of Light and Love.

The Ascension is a Way of Ascending Change, which step by step brings you closer to GOD, whatever name you give to your God, for the Ascension for nothing sees colors, races, creeds, religions, status, sizes, or ages .

The Ascension WILL NOT START in the year 2012, nor in its Winter Solstice on December 22 of that year, since the Ascension PRESENT, Here and Now, on Earth, BEGAN since Life was Managed here on Earth, and the Ascension is Composed of infinite Spiral movements, and each movement, culminates its cycle in its previous Spiral, which ends its TRAVEL, every 26, 000 years or so, at least the Ascension that CORRESPONDS US, in this SMALL PART of our Galaxy, where our Solar System, almost ends its Present Spiral Movement, through the twelve Zodiacal constellations, and that is when a NEW Evolutionary Spiral is configured, which is a sequence of the previous one, only in a octave (like the musical scales: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si) of Higher Vibratory frequency, that is, of more Consciousness Awakens in the Beings and Creatures that we currently experience Life here.

Ascension is not the same as a New Ascending Spiral, since Ascension is the SUM of the Total of all Ascending Spirals, so this Ascension of the almost 7, 000 million human beings that we currently live on Earth, began thousands of years ago. millions of years, and every 26, 000 years, a new Ascending Spiral has formed.

The New Ascending Spiral, belonging to our Ascension, will begin in 2012, on December 21, when the entire Solar System as a whole, reaches the end of its previous 26, 000 year journey and our Sun, along with its Planets, be placed in A PERFECT LINE, with the SuperSol of the Pleiadas, called ALCIONE and with the Galactic Center, where there is a Black Hole, which emits Gamma Rays, and so they will be in a Perfect Line: The Black Hole of the Center of the Galaxy - The Sun Alcione belonging to the Pleiadas - The Sun of us and its Planets.- Thus a new Galactic tour will begin, starting at the AQUARIUS Constellation, because we are leaving the Pisces Constellation (in fact, we are already traveling between two Constellations), and here, please, let's not think that we are talking about Astrology or anything about esoteric or exoteric sciences, nor about mysticism or shamanism, we are talking about Cosmic CYCLES only, and a Cycle is a RETURN through something, and if we add the word Ascension, then it becomes an ASCENDING CYCLE, which will form a New Spiral, “upward”, just that, and if its movement is “upward ”, So that is why a spiral is formed, because it is a circle that returns to its origin, but more“ up ”than where it began, and that is what is called the Upper Eighth.

200, 000 years or so ago, we were Neardental, in our current Evolutionary Spiral, belonging to this Ascension that began billions of years ago, perhaps, about 4, 500 million years ago.- Then, more or less 40, 000 years ago, WE EVOLVED The Cromagnon race, later, a few thousand years ago, we were Homo Sapiens, and then, very quickly, we evolved to Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

Then, because so much excitement for this new Evolutionary Spiral that approaches December 22, 2012 ?, simply because each time, the TIMES are more SHORT in that the Human Being, EVOLUTION NA from one Stage to another, and always much better in Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual aspects, every time you do it.

And it is that now, it is not a STEP from one evolutionary stage to another, but, that it is a JUMP of Dimension to another, for that reason it is called QUANTICO Jump, because in the previous evolutionary changes of the Human Being, it always remained with its DNA based on the Carbon Element, and in this Third Dimension, and now comes the change of its DNA to the SILICON Element, that is the BASE of the Quartz CRYSTAL, that is the Crystal DNA, and if they are fixed in a Periodic Table of the Elements Chemists, you will see that from the Carbon Element to the Silicon element, there are, yes, EIGHT STEPS, that is ONE HIGHER EIGHTH … .. coincidence ?, NO, the coincidences DO NOT exist, there are the Causities, and this is a Causality, because it has its Cause and its Effect, remember Newton's Law: "Every Action is followed by a Reaction, of the Same Intensity, but in the opposite sense ... ... ... and exponentialized (and yes, maybe 7 times 7)."

A Quantum Leap happens when the atom undergoes a Modification, due to “external” Forces, which “force” it to Mutate internally, and therefore, MODIFY it structurally, changing its morphology towards other elements.- The particles of Light, called Photons, will be the cause of this Change in the Atom of the third Dimension matter, “moving it” towards a more Subtle Dimension and of greater Frequencies, where they find their Resonance.- Therefore, the morphology of the human being, will change towards the Silicon element, base of the Crystal, which is a highly intelligent element, but, let's ask ourselves that all the Chips that move all the computers in the world are made, another coincidence ?, no, a Quantum Frequency Leap, in a FIBONACCI Spiral, which is the basis of the Genetics of the Human Being formed by crystalline structures.

Jump, because the Mutation and Change of DNA, does not pass from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th, but, to the FIFTH, then it is a Third Jump to the Fifth Dimension.

Finally, in the Mystical Philosophy, the word CHRIST, means a Most High Spiritual Level, a Christian Being, a level that is beyond the common level of Human Being, and draws attention that DNA mutates towards Silicon, leaving to be Carbon, and if the silicon is the base of the Crystal, then the level of each atom that will conform to the New Human Being will be Crystal (not to be confused with the common crystal we know), it will be a Christian Being, that is to say Christ Level… ..he will merge with his Christian Being, to reach the EVOLUTIONARY level of HOMO SAPIENS CRISTICO, the Christian Sage Human in the Staircase of the ASCENTION towards GOD, Starting on December 22, 2012.

PD- Just to tell you, that the World, WILL NOT BE ENDED in that year or on that Day of December 22, 2012, because it has, nothing more and nothing less, than 4, 500 million years of Life even .so, let us no longer give Dissonant Energy to the religious and social Apocalyptic Fears of a society in TOTAL SPIRITUAL DECADENCE, which has Exalted Materiality, as the axis of his superfluous and ANACRONIC life, where he has raised the flags of money, social status, race and skin colors, and fanatic religiosity, which he has made of Spiritual Freedom, an Iron Chain, where the Human Being is a TITERE to which Fear of God is infused, as if realizing the priests, priests, prelates and pastors, had the MORAL AND SPIRITUAL STATURE to judge the Undeniable, and that is that unfortunately, religions and their Apostates, They will ALWAYS Dominate and Emotionally Attack human beings, for that Energy of CONTRO L, called FEAR.

The long-awaited end of the world will NOT happen in 2012 and it is true, We have Free Will to Choose .

Here is a video where they explain to us the true meaning of the word ascension in English:


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