Why is a new education necessary? Part I, Part II

Part I

By Náyade Figueroa P., Chile

We thank Náyade for the following arguments for an urgent change in Education. This article is written from the reality of Chile, but we believe that it represents the situation of education worldwide. Thank you Náyade for sharing.


Education is the basis of the development of society, an area where the demands are many and the offers do not always respond to existing needs or do not meet the heterogeneous expectations of the student universe. The crisis suffered by Chilean education reflects the above.

Among other consequences we have school dropout, which suggests the urgent need to create alternative instances for children and young people that do not adapt to the established school system.

A revolution in our way of teaching, learning and living

In the same way that alternatives have emerged against early pregnancy, and the scourge of the drug, we propose a space for those who need an ALTERNATIVE educational option, for reasons of emotional, social and / or adaptation. That would explain that really “these children and the new society that emerges with them, follow new patterns of learning, feeling, interacting and being, which indicates that they can hardly adapt to the educational systems of before and encourages us to promote urgently a revolution in our way of teaching, learning and living. ”(Naomi Paymal, anthropologist).

Such an approach is born in the light of the experience in the schools we have worked with and that over the years has shown a considerable increase in children with learning and adaptation problems, hyperactivity, attention deficit. Currently and unfortunately, groups of children or young people have emerged that have been damaged in some way by bulling and have had to marginalize themselves from the education system.

Children today have tremendous skills

They are normal children and young people with great potential, both emotional, emotional, cognitive, artistic, musical, with new learning patterns, some visual, auditory, kinesthetic; that they have not been able, given the conditions of the current educational systems, to POTENTIATE their tremendous abilities, their great virtues and their desire to belong; of being young and children, valued, respected by who they are, with all their POTENTIAL, who have had to hide or fall back, for various situations.

Be up to the needs of children and young people of the 21st century

The crisis that the education system is facing in Chile is being seen in other countries, which suggests that the current educational systems are obsolete and that others that meet the needs of children and young people of the 21st century are required.

The high percentage of school dropout in Chile and the world express it.

Other data that allow us to support our theory is the high percentage of children and young people with “learning difficulties” and who fail to adapt to the formal school system, or who have suffered various interruptions in their educational work.

Who has to adapt?

The children of today to the educational system of yesterday?

Or the education system for today's children?

* Sources of the foundation: interview with Noemi Paymal in the Argentine newspaper La Voz Interior

Why a new education?

Part II

By Náyade Figueroa P., Chile

We thank Náyade for the following arguments for an urgent change in Education. This article is written from the reality of Chile, but we believe that it represents the situation of education worldwide. Thank you Náyade for sharing.

Part I of this article is here

Accelerated changes

Now, children now have psycho-emotional and cognitive needs different from those of the last century. They have other modes of learning and require a different education that is not linear.

“A part of the answer is obvious: society has changed, technology, the media, overstimulation of children since the prenatal period have changed; The parents have changed. It was foreseeable that the incoming generation of children was going to change proportionally, bringing with them a formidable Transgenerational Systemic Information (IST) and Inherited Fields (CH), as explained by Ms. Angelica Olvera (Mexico, 2009) of Pedagog a Systemic. (Daily source The voice)

The anthropologists are amazed

Anthropologists and sociologists projected the arrival of more inclined children to the cutting-edge technology, to some extent more selfish, individualistic, not I don't care about anything . Perhaps in some young people some of that is observed, but in the small child, it is not so. Indeed, in children born after the year 2000, its high level of empathy, its more humanistic aspect, its high degree of perception attracts much attention And sensitivity as well as his enormous intuition. They are mostly endowed with an emotional intelligence that has been developed, as evidenced by the research carried out in Bolivia in 2006 (Noem Paymal, French anthropologist).

Is something happening more than just a generational lag?

If definitely, it is a humanity as a whole that is changing.

What are the various axes of common denominators for children today?

1. On a physical level, your metabolism is changing, as if your ATP processes more energy with less food and sleep hours. His hyperesthesia (over attention of his five senses) is higher as well.

2. Your Emotional Intelligence (IE) is more developed, as well as the activation of the frontal lobe. It draws attention to its level of empathy, its capacity for supra-observation and its capacity for associativity.

3. Some have an intuitive level out of the ordinary, what we call Energy or Intuitive Intelligence (IEI) due to the ability to be more often than adults in alpha and theta brain waves.

4. Some have the interdimensional or multidimensional or multidimensional capacity, relative to an intelligence capable of connecting with the morphic fields and to a transcendent intelligence described by Dr. Gardner and Armstrong (also called Existentialist Intelligence by some psychologists).

5. In general, they present the self-development faculties described by Dr. Abraham Maslow. That is to say they are self-taught and autonomous from an early age.

6. They learn with different multiple intelligences; the least favorite linguistic-verbal is precisely the one most often used in the school context. They present in general a great cognitive precocity and psycho-emotional maturity.

The paths of learning

Faced with this reality that we have felt in the daily practice of our profession and with the current research related to new ways of learning from children, we have concluded that these children and young people require different systems, appropriate to their needs. Every day we observe that some parents are desperate to find a school that offers what they need.

We are clear that the ministerial position regarding integrations is done in a common system but our experience has shown that these children adapt easily in the social field. The problem that we face teachers is the other way around, the difficulty that "normal" children have to accept different people and rather disrupt integration work instead of empowering it, this reality has to do with values ​​or anti-values which are practiced today, improving this situation escapes the work of teachers and rather confirms the educational crisis we are facing "warns of the disastrous state of Chilean Education" (MARIO WAISSBLUTH, engineering professor, magazine article "Que Pasa", education project 2020), and that has nothing to do with the lack of knowledge; but with the lack of wisdom and love.

That is why we have prepared the following project in Chile.

Our project “Holistic Educational Center”

The Education of Love

We want to create educational centers where all those who work in it are inspired by LOVE and also in the new learning theories, in the new technologies, in the new complementary therapies, in the new forms of communication; in the new psychological lines of the multiple intelligences, in the emotional intelligence, in the new anthropological sociological studies on the Intuitive holistic intelligences, we are inspired by the new ways of doing EDUCATION based on the deep respect for the DIGNITY of the other; Whatever that other, looking at them from the POTENTIALITY they are; more than the weaknesses that may arise. We are inspired by the creative FORCE that every human being brings; in the capacity and ability that each one has, we are inspired by the urgent need to create new beautiful, healthy, peaceful, creative places, where the construction of love is enhanced in all its forms,

We are inspired by great men and women who have dreamed of LOVE EDUCATION, with a fairer world.

We are inspired to build new places; to allow the repair and placement of children and young people who have the total right to access “educational” instances that allow them to develop and develop harmoniously in all areas, spiritual, physical, emotional, psychic, psychological, artistic, cognitive, psychomotor. body Allowing in this way to RELEASE all those children and young people who cannot compete in traditional educational systems by opening a door that welcomes them and leads them to meet their abilities, their potentials, to reunite with who they are, from there to serve themselves, to others, with others.

You must attend the minimum hours required by the MINEDUC, to pass the mandatory minimum content (CMO) in the four basic sub-sectors according to the academic level to be taken, with the corresponding registration to the MINEDUC.

The Center will offer its disciples the possibility of developing all the areas that make up the human being: SPIRIT, MIND and BODY through work areas, which you can voluntarily carry out in order to continue with a “RE-ENCOURAGEMENT” plan of your potential, sleeping or hidden skills, through intuitive knowledge therapy, with their internal growth workshops leading them to meet who they are; with the support of a multidisciplinary team; And of the COMPLEMENTARY therapies (Bach flowers, aromatherapy, music therapy, biomagnetism, massage therapy, etc.).

Special early stimulation plan

In this Holistic Educational Center there is a special plan for early stimulation for babies as a way to help families in the processes of acceptance of children with special needs and also have a comprehensive plan to enable, rehabilitate brain and sensory capacities and functions in children with some type of disability detected early. Offering the FOUNDATION the sensory perception room specially prepared for this purpose and with the multidisciplinary team necessary to accomplish this task, thus allowing an instance of containment, and empowerment in the first months of life so that later these children can be reinserted in the places that currently exist to educate them.

* Sources of the foundation: interview with Noemi Paymal in the Argentine newspaper La Voz Interior

By Náyade Figueroa P.

Degree in Differential Education

Biopsychoenergetic Therapy

Intuitive Knowledge Therapy

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