Human Movie, the guide to learn to be

  • 2015

In the cinematographic world we can find a great variety of films, of different genres, with a lot or little budget and even with a small cast. And in the fantastic world of cinema, everything is wonderful. It is a great means of communication and a great challenge to be able to transmit a lot in a short time, so one of the main challenges is to know what you want to communicate to later question the best ways to do it. Making the message clear is a great challenge, especially if we take into account that each person has their own perception of what they see.

Being a director and writer in this fascinating world is not easy, especially when you are aware of how many people you can reach with your production, it is much more important to know what and how to get your message, that the purpose of the film is clear to the audience. Films abound, from the genre of romance, comedy, terror, and those that have lately gained strength, in terms of being box office, are those related to the end of the world and even the zombie apocalypse.

And within the great wonders and treasures that we can find throughout the film productions is the movie " Human ." This documentary allows the public to undertake a trip with the protagonists of the story, during which they will live very intense personal experiences, which will even generate debate among the audience about the great discoveries that this film shows us.

Human, narrates the journey of a young man to the Andes, (which in real life is a magical and mysterious place related to Lemuria, an ancient civilization full of wisdom ; it is also considered to be the headquarters of the Brotherhood Monastery of the seven rays). Within the depth of these mountains, in the middle of beautiful and mystical landscapes, the protagonist aims to find the reasons for their existence as well as the true origin of man . This trip is not done alone, it is done in the company of Placido an Andean priest, a character that is of great importance, because it is he who gives him the tools to discover an invisible world, within the plane we know.

It is a journey that takes us through physical places but also turns out to be a great and strong introspective tour. Where, in addition to discovering the origin of the Human being on Earth, they will first learn to be really Human, through keys that allow to open, break and expand the consciousness, of the protagonists, as of the audience.

If you have ever felt the need to make a spiritual journey or to find yourself again, get away from the world and ask yourself in the middle of the "nothing" what you do in this world; If you have had the feeling of escaping everything you know to go looking for you or go looking for answers that no one else has been able to answer, this movie is definitely for you, dear Human reader .

More than a travel and adventure film, it is a film whose protagonist, with only a quarter of a life, 25 years old, decides to embark on a path that leads him to find reasons for his existence and why to live . Without imagining that at that moment he begins a journey towards the depths of the unconscious .

It is worth mentioning that for the Human film , no scripts were used, nor much budget, it is a documentary, filmed in three months, where the protagonist and the director are the same person, Alan Stivelman. Being guided only by the heart, the questions and the great collaboration of an Andean paqo ( shaman ).

And if after watching the movie, you feel the desire to go somewhere apart, to make the great trip of your life, never forget to bring your notebook and your camera, then share your personal experience, because maybe in that trip not only finds the answer to your question, it may find the solution to all the questions that as Humans we have asked ourselves and maybe, maybe maybe, it is the living experience of what to be Human, is to be beyond what we know.

“I bring a notebook full of questions with me. I have no return date, no certainty of a return. I go alone, my eyes and my camera are my only witnesses. ”


AUTHOR: Daniela Navarro, editor of the great family of


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