Basic Notions of Reiki and Birth of Reiki Heiwa AI ®

  • 2015



Reiki is a Japanese word that designates a natural healing system developed by Mikao Usui based on the Divine Light energy, which has applications for both healing and spiritual development.

The Japanese term Reiki is formed by two kanji or ideograms: Rei (divine, spirit, soul, supernatural, miraculous, ethereal, ...) and Ki (light, air, energy, breathing, atmosphere, ...).

Thus, Reiki can be translated as Divine Light energy, spiritual energy, life energy, ... This Divine Light energy is called in many ways: Ki in Japanese, Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit, Pneuma in Greek, and so on.

Heiwa to Ai literally means Peace and Love and is pronounced "jeiva to ai". The "h" is like an aspirated "j", very soft.

Reiki Heiwa to Ai® - HAR - is the Reiki healing system used by the NGO HAO.

Reiki Heiwa to Ai® - HAR - is based on the extensive experience of its founder in Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy therapies and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, as well as transpersonal experiences guided by the Venerable Lama Dainzin Cering.

HAR's teaching material is very extensive, of high quality and very complete, and represents a very valuable contribution for those who wish to acquire new professional skills in the field of health.


Many of the Reiki Heiwa to Ai ® techniques (hand positions, Verbotherapy, distance healing, ...) can be applied to:

  • People: yourself, and people present and absent.
  • Animals.
  • The plants.
  • The things: to the earth, to the water, to the food, to the house, to the car, to the devices, to the machines, …
  • All kinds of events.

Reiki Heiwa to Ai ® also uses the (mental-emotional) intention to heal all beings, all things and all situations.

When applying Reiki, thought is propelled by the feeling of love. This transfer of energy constitutes a balm for all beings.


More and more people are practicing this healing art. There are currently millions of people applying Reiki.

In all the great hospitals of the western world, there are nurses and doctors who practice Reiki.

Reiki has been introduced in thousands of health centers (hospitals, clinics, ...) in the USA, Europe (United Kingdom, Spain, ...) and Japan.

In U.S.A. They use Reiki in emergencies.

In the United Kingdom, Reiki is used in Public Health.

In Spain it is practiced, for example, at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital. They apply to patients of all ages and their families.

A patient from the Ramón y Cajal Hospital who could not receive a bone marrow transplant because of the low defenses, after a few Reiki sessions, the defenses went up and the transplant could be performed.


After receiving Reiki Heiwa to Ai, patients experience the following changes:

  • A deep state of relaxation (some patients fall asleep).
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety.
  • Increase in defenses (a stronger immune system).
  • Comfort, relief of suffering.
  • A better mood.
  • Decreased side effects of drugs.
  • Enhancement of the beneficial effects of some drugs.
  • Greater satisfaction and improvement in the quality of life.

These therapeutic results are what make more and more hospitals that offer Reiki as a therapy that complements the medical treatment of some patients.

The Institute of Neurological Sciences of the University of South Glasgow Hospital published a pilot study on the changes of the autonomic nervous system during a Reiki treatment. This study showed that Reiki is effective for:

  • Calm anxiety.
  • Reduce pain
  • Increase hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Increase hematocrit levels.
  • Reduce free radical levels.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Improve the quality of life in terminal patients.
  • Improve the growth of bacterial cultures.

Heart rate and diastolic blood pressure were significantly reduced in the Reiki group (performed by a Reiki master) compared to the placebo groups (performed by a person with no knowledge of Reiki imitating to the teacher) and control (people who received no Reiki treatment).


Reiki is not a religious practice but a spiritual path. It is currently practiced by religious, atheistic and agnostic people.

In U.S.A. There are Catholic parishes that offer Reiki workshops.

In Mexico, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Brazil, there are many Catholic people who practice it.

In Spain, there are Catholic nuns who practice it.

In England and Germany, many Protestant people use it.

In short, to apply Reiki you only need to want to do good to your neighbor (and to yourself).


The effective channeling of the Divine Light energy requires certain conditions:

  • Use a clean and tidy room that offers privacy and tranquility.
  • Avoid noise and interruptions.
  • Dim lighting, but without giving the impression of darkness.
  • Use soft and relaxing music.
  • Nice smells. If incense is lit, ask beforehand if the patient likes it.

Before treatment we must consider the following:

  • Notify the patient to come to the office with comfortable clothes.
  • The patient may be lying on a stretcher, mat, ... or sitting on a chair. If you are lying down, you should be on your back (supine) and another time on your stomach (in prone). Pregnant women, instead of adopting the upside down posture, should be placed on their side (in lateral recumbency).
  • At the beginning of the treatment, ask the patient if he is hot, cold, thirsty ... If a blanket is to be placed on the patient, do it gently, from head to toe, without raising air.
  • You have to adapt to the needs of the patient. Some need to talk, others reject physical contact, ... Each patient has its peculiarities.

So that you can transmit peace to your patients and to all the people around you, it is essential that you be at peace. Therefore, before starting to perform a Heiwa to Ai ® Reiki treatment you should be very relaxed and calm, only in this way can Heiwa to Ai (Peace and Love) energy vibrate in you.

And during the Reiki treatment you must continue in that state Mindfulness, mindfulness, peace and love, present and aware of everything you do. That vibratory state causes all your energy channels to open.

Remember that your mind cannot accommodate both thoughts at the same time. If in your mind there is a thought of love, at that moment there can be no thought of fear.

When there is only peace and love inside you, your body becomes a pure channel of the Divine Light energy.


When applying Reiki the following steps will be performed:

• Wash your hands with cold water.

• Dry bath (Kenyoku). See the manual “Japanese first degree techniques of Reiki Heiwa to Ai ®”.

• Reiki shower. See the manual “Energy cleaning in Reiki Heiwa to Ai®”.

Ask permission. Patient permission is requested. If it is not present, the patient's Higher Self is mentally requested.

• Gassho and gassho rei: Position gassho (palms of the hands together before the chest) for about three minutes to calm the mind and focus on the heart. In this position, breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, bringing your attention to the Tanden (below the navel and inward) until you are comfortable. And then gassho rei (bow your head forward with the palms of your hands together before your chest as a sign of respect and gratitude to the Divine).

• Heart-centered: You put your hands crossed over the chest, at the height of the heart and mentally say: "I open my channel to the Light!".

• Invocation: Next you ask permission from your Inner Being (and the Divine Entities that you want) to make Reiki Heiwa to Ai® to that person, saying his or her first and last name (or surnames). For example, you can say mentally: “Beloved Presence in me, use me to transmit Your Light.

Beloved Beings of Light, Angels and Spiritual Masters of Wisdom, Love and Compassion, I request your support, protection and guidance, to perform this healing to (say here the name of the patient). Thank you. So is". Then, feel how a beam of spiritual light enters your Crown Chakra and how your Heart Chakra shines brightly.

That Divine Light, luminous and loving energy, come down by your hands and out by your palms.

• Opening of energy centers.

• Symbols about the therapist. This step is done from the second grade.

• Symbols about the patient. This step is also done from the second grade. • Smooth the aura. 3 passes are made.

• Reiki hands positions. Each position is maintained for about 3 minutes, but that time may vary, since you have to get carried away by intuition.

• Smooth the aura. At the end of the Reiki Heiwa to Ai ® treatment 3 passes are made.

• Seal the treatment.

• Gassho laughed as thanks (bow his head forward with the palms of his hands clasped before his chest as a sign of respect and gratitude to the Divine).

• Wash your hands with cold water.

• Drink a glass of water. At the end of the treatment it is usually convenient to drink a glass of water. This applies to both the therapist and the patient.

This is done to facilitate the expulsion of toxins.


The standard Reiki treatment is done twice a week.

In acute conditions the treatment is usually performed once or twice a day, while in chronic diseases it is usually done once a week for several months

Reiki treatment is usually done by a person to a patient, but it can also be done by a group of people, the latter is called suchu.

During Reiki treatment, it should be noted that the therapist must always keep a hand in contact with the patient's body.

That is, they don't have to raise both hands at the same time. First one hand is raised, which is placed in another place, and then the other hand is raised.

In the following image, the therapist has two hands at the patient's navel.

To change to the next position, in the lower belly, the therapist keeps his left hand (I) fixed, without moving it, while moving the right hand (D) a little lower. Then he will set the right hand and change the left hand position; and so on.

Scroll text number 42 Heiwa to Ai


The self-treatment consists of applying Reikiuno to itself, remaining in each position for at least three minutes, until the most part of the body is covered comfortably.

From beginners to Reiki Heiwa to Ai ® teachers, everyone should do self-treatment regularly. This practice should be a habit such as brushing your teeth after each meal.

To perform a self-treatment of Reiki Heiwa to Ai ®, the ideal is to do it in the Burmese position (See the manual “Meditation in Reiki Heiwa to Ai”) or sitting in a chair, taking into account in the latter case that to perform position 14 you have to raise each foot on the opposite thigh, first one foot and then the other.

Self-treatment can also be done lying on your back in bed. In this case, to perform some positions, you must change your position (flex your legs sitting on the edge of the bed).


Verbotherapy uses speech as an element of healing. They are mental verbal expressions of healing character directed to the patient during the Reiki Heiwa to Ai session.

It consists of speaking (giving precise instructions) to the patient's body, to his organs, to his diseased areas, to his wounds, to his immune system, to his medications, to his treatments, etc.

This technique is based on the fact that everything that exists has the capacity to perceive the impressions of the environment. For example, if you are happy, that state has a positive impact on your body (organs, cells, ), on the people around, in the environment, in your car, in your home and In all your world.

Verbotherapy can also be used when applying Reiki Heiwa to Ai from a distance.

Verbotherapy can be Free or Causal. Free Verbotherapy is to say verbally or mentally to the patient what we intuitively believe will do well for healing. On the other hand, Causal Verbotherapy gives precise orders to correct the pattern that has caused the disease.

Work with Causal Verbotherapy should not be considered superior to that performed with Free Verbotherapy. You must not forget that the verb is creator. The only difference is that Causal Verbotherapy is oriented to the psychological, emotional or metaphysical cause of the disease. Both are necessary.

Free Verbotherapy is applied as follows:

Talk verbally or mentally with the patient. Tell him what you intuit that he will do well for his healing.

Talk verbally or mentally with your physical body and tell him that he will heal.

You must keep in mind that the body is an autonomous organism with its own intelligence.

Speak verbally or mentally with your affected organ or diseased or injured area. Tell her that you are very sorry, that you are sorry, that you love her. Explain that he will receive medicine and healing treatment, and that he will get well. And then, in the end, thank him.

Talk verbally or mentally with the T and B cells of your immune system and tell them that you want them to work, to fight effectively and efficiently all the pathogens and everything that is not working well.

Then thank them. You should keep in mind that these cells produce the same chemicals that the brain produces when it thinks.

Speak verbally or mentally with the patient's Divine Light (Ki) energy and tell him to heal and purify his entire body.

Tell the patient's energy to flow harmoniously to free him from all blockages, stagnations, insufficiencies, excesses and energy imbalances. In the end, thank him.

• Speak verbally or mentally with the chakras, acupuncture channels, ...

Talk to the affected chakras and tell them to harmonize. Do the same with meridians that are in imbalance. And thank them.

• Talk verbally or mentally with each patient's medication. Tell them that you appreciate the work they do, also tell them to work well to heal the patient. In the end, thank them.

For example, to treat circulatory diseases, you can use Free Verbotherapy by speaking verbally or mentally to the patient's body, saying things like the following: Your heart beats calm and strong. Your coronaries carry blood to every corner of your heart. All arteries fulfill their mission.

Blood circulates by bathing every tissue, every bone, every muscle, every tendon, every nerve, every gland, every cell. Blood circulates balancing everything and filling your body with Light, Energy and Life. Thank you, Divine Light and Energies, here and now manifested in this Being, giving you perfect health, peace and divine delicacy.

The Divine Light energy after passing through the heart, emanates from the fingers of the hands, but especially from the center of the palm, which is where the Lao Gong energy vortex is located (point of the palm where the yolk of the hand touches middle finger when closing the fist).

Regarding the distance that the hands have to be maintained with respect to the patient's body we must take into account the following:

  • Generally in Reiki Heiwa to Ai ® face-to-face the hands are usually in contact with the patient's body, on his skin or on his clothes.
  • In certain areas, the hands are usually about 2 or 3 centimeters away from the patient's body. This is usually done when treating the throat, genitals and chest (in women).
  • When treating the eyes, the hands should be kept a few millimeters away, as if they were autumn leaves floating over a pond.
  • To work the energy field, the hands are usually at a distance of 25 centimeters or up to a meter or more.
  • In any case, the appropriate distance will be dictated by our intuition. It all depends on what the therapist feels energetically. Your perceptions will indicate the appropriate distance, as well as the application time.

The time that the hands have to be on an area of ​​the body does not have a fixed norm.

Reiki Heiwa to Ai ® recommends staying in each area for at least 3 minutes, except in certain pathologies and in some places where it recommends a minimum time of 5 minutes. They sell 60-minute music CDs that are prepared for Reiki treatments, so that every three minutes a bell is heard to remember the change of hand position.

However, once the hand positions are known and experienced, it is best to get carried away by intuition, both for time and for hand locations.

Source: NGO HAO. Author Ricard López.

Reiki Master Heiwa to Ai Renée Muchen

Representative in Argentina of Reiki Heiwa to Ai, collaborator of the NGO HAO.-

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