Meditation for the Equinox

  • 2011

Activating our Kundalini and GAIA by Arwen

Meditation for the autumn equinox (northern hemisphere)

Spring Equinox (Southern Hemisphere)

Activating our Kundalini and Earth's by Arwen

Many will wonder what is the Kundalini?

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that refers to the Divine energy or sacred fire that flows in our BEING, is dormida and coiled in our root chakra Muladhara (first of the 7 centers energy of our body) located in the perineum area. It is represented as a snake or a dragon that contains the divine fire of each human being and rises through our body along the spine when we allow our energy to flow through our 7 energy bodies to connect with the Divinity. I always refer to him as my cord of light that awakens and ascends along my spine allowing my light being to rise again and connect with the Divinity through my coronary chakra.

Why do we now hear so much about Kundalini?

We have become aware that the human being is more than what is seen, our physical body is only a container of our true body .. our body of light (energy), so we now know that the Earth is a living Being that like that we and by becoming aware of it understand that he also has his body of light that seeks to transcend this dimension of 3D towards a superior; so it is necessary that we work on the activation of our energy centers and assist GAIA in the activation of theirs in order to be able to perform together this activation of our light bodies that will open the way for us to make the connection that It will allow us to continue our ascent.

This meditation was guided in love by my beloved Angels who have entrusted me to capture it and share it with those who feel identified with it.


Arwen (Antonella Weisson E.)


Comfortable clothes

A white quartz

A white candle

Incense aroma you like best

A cup with ¾ parts of water

Ambient music (optional)

Place yourself in a place facing east, inhale and exhale a couple of times until you feel totally relaxed and calm .. visualize how in front of you descends a column of white light from where you will inhale the pure air that brings the column perceiving as clean your body and fill you with its light .. do it several times until you see yourself glow ..

See how in the column a large golden door is drawn that opens before you inviting you to enter ... you do it slowly and immediately you visualize yourself on the top of a beautiful green mountain ... you can observe the life of nature in its entirety and perceive the essence of love in everything around you .. take your time admiring the landscape that will transmit your wonderful energy of LOVE ...

Visualize in the grass in the lotus position .. place your palm joined hands with palm at the height of your heart and observing the landscape in front of you you will pronounce the word NAMASTE three times ** .. this is where you greet to the Light that lives in Mother GAIA asking permission for the work that we are going to do ... it is time that you feel the pleasure of the Goddess who manifests her LOVE (you can feel a run of energy in your body at this time) ... It is here where you must visualize the presence of your guide or your Guardian Angel to assist you in this work .. observe it in front of you smiling and assisting you are his beautiful energy .. we are ready to begin our work in our kundalini and that of GAIA ...

We watched the five-pointed gold star draw under us will be our anchor to the earth, we immediately see how it turns on and begins to rotate in the form of the hands of the clock our first chakra, the root chakra of a beautiful bright red .. and We visualize how on Mount Shasta-California USA (the first chakra of the Earth) the presence of the Archangel Sandalphol is manifested by bathing it with a red ray… it takes a few moments between to see the harmonization and activation of the energy centers….

Visualize the Sacral chakra (2nd Chakra) that is located under your belly button, visualize a bright orange wheel and turning in the shape of the hands of the clock .. The presence of the Archangel Uriel on Lake Titicaca-Peru will be manifested emanating a beautiful orange ray… watch your chakra rotate and the light that GAIA receives on its face ..

Now the third chakra, the solar plexus, visualizes a green wheel spinning in total harmony of light and speed spinning and spinning with your other chakras already activated. The presence of the Archangel Raphael is manifested by bathing with his Green color beam the Mount Uluru-Australia .. take your time to observe the brightness of your chakras and the light with which each of the Archangels bathe the earth ...

We continue with the cardiac chakra, observe a beautiful pink wheel turning in the shape of the clock hands, shining and spinning, in total and perfect harmony .. the presence of the Archangel Chamuel who bathes with his pink ray is now manifested Glastonbury and Shaftesbury - England where the cardiac chakra of the earth is found, observe how the pink ray completely covers these sites and how the peace and harmony that LOVE brings Chamuel to GAIA is perceived ...

We ascend to the laryngeal chakra where we see a blue wheel that joins the dance of light that the chakras are performing and we see how the Archangel Michael manifests his beautiful blue ray on the Great Pyramid of Giza-Egypt ..

We visualize now how the sixth chakra is activated, a violet wheel located in our eyebrows rotates and rotates in the form of the hands of the fence emitting bright flashes ... it is now that we see the presence of Archangel Raziel, who brings with him wisdom and divine secrets .. this chakra is mobile and changes its place of agreement where the wisdom of the earth must be activated, we will visualize it bathing Argentina and Chile, where the Kundalini is currently mobilized ... it will be the light that will wake the sleeping Angels to begin the work of the new world ...

.. Finally we visualize the 7th Charkra, located in the crown, of white glowing with golden and violet sparkles, it is there where you can observe all your activated chakras shining and turning ... The presence of the Archangel Metatron is manifested by bathing with golden white light the Tibet area .. now you see how the Goddess's kundalini shines and takes a position by being quiet .. this list just like us for the next step, the connection .. the ascension ... is there when we will observe the presence of the Archangel Gabriel carrying among his hands a beautiful golden key on a glowing white lotus .. the smiling one offers us the key and shows us a big glowing golden door indicating that we must open it with it .. it is the door that will allow us to connect with the Divine, the entrance and exit of our body our way to the ascent and also that of GAIA .. we take the key in our hands and open the door where we can see a wonderful rainbow appear to lead to the great golden sun .. GOD FATHER MOTHER .. .. we have activated our body of light and now we are shown the way back home we thank the Angels and our angel or guide .. we take the key and place it on our hearts, observing that everything around us shines in a wonderful way, you feel the joy of Mother Earth expressing her complacency for the work we have done, putting our hands back to the height of the heart we will say three times NAMASTE ** and proceed to return to the golden door until we stand in front of the column inhaling and exhaling once and again until returning to the here and now happy for the work done.


Arwen (Antonella Weisson E.) ** The literal meaning of namaste: I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides. I honor the place within you of love and light, really, and peace. I honor the place within you where when you are at that point of yours, and I am at that point of mine, we are only One Copyright (C) 2011 by World of Angels and Fairies, Guayaquil-Ecuador. All rights reserved. This material can be freely distributed in its entirety, as long as the author's name is included.

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