Mark channeled by Jonette Crowley: The magic of these times

  • 2016

Time has never been as flexible and fluid as now. One of the reasons is that many Humans of the Planet are introducing multiple possibilities of Creation. This could not happen when there were only a few million or billions of people on Earth. There are more people like you who are freeing themselves from traditional belief systems, religions and cultural limitations that often go hand in hand with people's lives. So with your exploration and curiosity you are creating fluency, a possibility of recreation of Humanity that had never existed here. You are recreating not only a New Earth but a New Human and a new society. How do you do it? Being the NEW YOU, the BEST you can be. No one knows how to do better than you!

These are VERY exciting times; The speed of change will make the magic more apparent to you. The magic has always been there, but it works on a higher frequency than you normally see. When you raise your frequency, you will be reunited with magic; and you will live in magic, you will live having the possibilities and miracles that you previously thought only saints and gods could perform. Invite magic to your life more frequently; Observe it and recognize it, because it is a flow, it is a frequency. While you need to explain things, magic on the contrary does not need to know how; He just wants to know what you want. You are so busy digging up how you don't even know what you want! Knowing what you want and being open to it, is the gift that you are now asked to have. Knowing what you want is like having a plan that unlocks you, but when you move, it doesn't matter much what you wanted; because, because you are moving, what you get is much better and more fun and more fun. So if you can get moving for some reason, don't worry about the reason anymore, you're on the path of magic. You are very loved and very supported. And those who bet against Humanity, lost the bet.

Thank you.

I am Mark.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodr guez R. Energy and Spiritual Consultancy

AUTHOR: Jonette Crowley


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