The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy - November 2013

  • 2013

The Inner Voice Eileen Caddy

November, 1

There is no stress or effort in nature. A seed goes through a complete cycle; You don't have to do anything, just let everything happen. All you have to do is allow everything to happen. Why don't you let yourself transform into a glorious butterfly? Get out of your chrysalis, get out of that confinement, get out of the restrictions of your mind and deadly ideas. When a snake changes its skin, it slowly leaves its old skin and leaves it behind until it dries and disintegrates. A crab comes out of its shell as it grows and expands, to give way to the new crab, bigger and more beautiful. A bird breaks its shell and leaves it completely transformed. It is free, free, free! That is what awaits you. A new freedom and joy and a whole new world are waiting to open for you when you are willing to get out of those old ways, thoughts and restrictive ideas, and be transformed.

November 2nd

When you are learning to do something for the first time, to drive, for example, or to swim, to play a musical instrument, at first you are very aware of each of the movements, of each thing you do. You make mistakes but keep going. You correct the mistakes and continue until you have mastered what you have begun to learn. Then you don't have to think about every movement; You do it automatically, you let yourself go and enjoy it because it no longer involves you. So also with this spiritual life. As it is part of you, you no longer need to remind yourself that you must consciously realize Me and My divine presence, because you are aware of it. You no longer have to tune in, because you are already in tune. You find it as natural as your breath. In that state, you know that I AM in you, and that you are in Me, and that we are one.

November, 3

Start this day with a heart overflowing with love, bliss and gratitude, with a happy heart for being alive, for doing what you are doing, for being where you are; and see how the perfection of this day sprouts. Blessed are souls who can see beauty, joy and harmony around them and those who know how to appreciate them to the fullest, as well as souls that recognize Me in all things and in all people and give thanks for everything. The jubilation is like a stone thrown in the middle of a pond; the waves expand to the farthest ends of the pond and then return to the center, bringing joy to everything they come into contact with on their way. Love is like a healing balm that heals all wounds, all damages, all sorrows; therefore, love with My divine love; love what can be loved and what seems impossible to love; love souls who do not know the meaning of love; Love those who believe your enemies. When your heart is full of love, you will not know enemies. Love is the basis of this spiritual life.

November, 4

Keep your eyes open and always be alert. Contemplate My hand in everything and give eternal thanks. If you're not awake, you could miss a good part of what's right in front of you or even inside you. Many souls go through life blind to the wonders that surround them, unable to see the miracles of nature, then ignorant of the miracles of life. When you are aware of the beauty, harmony, peace and serenity hidden by the small things that surround you, you will see how that awareness grows until all life becomes a wonder and you walk through it as a child, With eyes wide open to everything that happens. There won't be a single moment of boredom in your life. You will not take anything for granted but, rather, give thanks for everything. Gratitude keeps the door wide open so that there are more and more wonders in your life; So, never stop giving thanks.

November, 5

Accept your unity with a lifetime; Accept your Unit with me. Do not reject it, believing that you are unworthy to accept our Unity. That impression of being unworthy is what separates the individuals from Me, their creator. For a long time people have been told that they are miserable sinners and that they do not deserve to walk and walk with me. They have been separated from Me for too long, until they have stopped knowing me and no longer realize that I AM in them. Banish those false conceptions about Me from you. Accept with joy and amazement our Unity. Accept it in the same way as a small creature, and don't waste your time trying to understand it with the mind. If you intend to approach this life in an intellectual way, you are wasting your time and stop seeing its simplicity. My paths are very simple; Stop making it complicated for you.

November, 6

These are not ordinary times. Behold the unfolding of My vast and glorious plan. Now is the time for the most wonderful changes to occur, so be prepared for anything at all times. There is nothing casual or fortuitous about the souls that are being attracted to each other at this time for the immense work that awaits. A very defined plan is being deployed; walk along with him. Do not lodge any concern; end all fear. Recognize My hand in everything, contemplate its perfection and thank it eternally. Stay prepared and be willing to take responsibility. This life is not for lazy people or for souls who are afraid of taking responsibility. The New Age calls for strength, courage and dedication, as well as unwavering faith and belief. It is a wonderful adventure, and therefore an adventure spirit is required to enter it and be part of it. Walk to the rhythm of everything that is happening, quietly and peacefully, without the slightest tension, because everything is very, very good.

November, 7

Have you found how you can contribute to the whole? Can you feel yourself melting with him, or does he give you the impression of being separated, looking inward and wondering what your place is? Why not go inside and, in doing so, find that special place more quickly? Once you feel part of the set, you will want to do your best. That process is similar to a clock with its many parts. All parts are necessary for the clock to mark the time correctly. When each of the parts is in place, performing its specific function, the greatest precision is achieved to mark the time. All souls yearn to be loved, needed. When you feel that you are needed, you begin to grow, to flourish, to bear fruit and to offer the best of you. Always remember that I need you. Renew your offer to Me every day so that I can use you as I want, and grow in strength and stature.

November, 8

Why accept limitations in any area of ​​your life? Feel yourself expanding in awareness day after day. Expect the new to develop in you and before you, and if it requires changes on your part, be willing to change without hesitation. If you want to change a radio program, you have to move the control until you find the new channel. Then, you have to be very careful to tune the channel until you get a clear reception and there are no distortions that spoil the program. When your desire to get out of the old is big enough, you will not leave stone unturned until you have achieved it. You will move all the controls until you are in tune with the new and receive it with an audible volume and clearly. Once you have achieved a clear reception, then you will have to be still and listen; and once you have absorbed everything that is transmitted to you, the next thing will be to take action and do something about it. Why wait just one more day? Tune in now.

November, 9

Have a firm and unwavering faith. Faith must be lived and demonstrated; We must not talk about her. By using it constantly it becomes stronger and stronger. It is not something that is taken from the shelf from time to time, to be stored again once used until it is needed next time. As you learn to live according to faith, you will learn to see me in all people and in everything that is happening, and you will realize that there is no place where I cannot find myself. It is an internal awareness that all the best of life springs from within. When you realize that you have everything inside you, you will abandon that eternal search. You will stop fighting and strive to achieve the impossible, and in a quiet and confident way you will find that warehouse overflowing with unspeakable treasures. Now is the time to live by faith, not tomorrow or some other day when you feel stronger and have more confidence. Put it into practice right now and see how it works great.

November, 10

Day after day you realize the new developments inside and outside. You are absorbing new forms and ideas. Your consciousness expands and is able to accept more and more. Some people learn faster than others; therefore, entering the New Age will not be the same for everyone. Some souls will be able to jump into it. Others will enter in a slow way, making sure each of the steps they take as they move inside. Others will crawl in, and each step will be painful because they show resistance to the changes that are happening. They resent the new forms and ideas and will want to be left alone to continue living as before, with the attitude that what was good enough for their parents and their mothers is also good for them. The answer to that attitude is to stop fighting all this and, instead, tune in and flow with life. Times are changing and they are doing it very quickly, and unless you change with them, you will be left behind.

November 11

Everything you need is inside you, waiting to be recognized, developed, and manifested. An acorn keeps within itself a strong oak. You have a huge potential inside. Just as the acorn has to be planted and taken care of so that it grows and transforms into that strong oak, also what is inside you has to be recognized before it can manifest itself and be used to the fullest; otherwise, stay dormant inside. What happens to many souls is that this tremendous potential never develops in this life and is often charged with it from life to life. How unnecessary is that process! Now is the time to manifest and use everything you keep inside. You should know that you can do all things because I AM strengthening and guiding each of your movements and decisions, until that acorn that you contain breaks beyond your limits and you are free to grow until you become a strong oak.

Nov. 12

Never waste your time having the impression that you have a long way to go in this spiritual life. Instead, feel encouraged and strengthened by realizing everything you've been through, and give eternal thanks for it. Realize how much you have to thank. Surround yourself with beautiful thoughts, beautiful things, beautiful people. See the light of truth shine in all things and people. May your light shine from the depths of your being. You should know that nothing from outside can extinguish it and that only your negativity can do it. Therefore, keep a positive attitude at all times. Always choose the path of light and ignore the darkness, thereby preventing it from gaining consistency. More and more light is needed, because the hunger for spiritual food in the world is greater, so keep your light shining. Be light and radiate light from you, causing darkness to recede. Be love and let love flow from you freely, and help meet that immense need in the world.

November, 13

When you expect the best of life, you attract him to you; Start now, then, to expect the best of all things and all people, and see how the best happens. Hope each of your needs is satisfied. Wait for the answer to each of your problems. Expect abundance at all levels. Expect to grow spiritually. Do not accept limitations in your life; You just have to know and accept that all My good and perfect gifts are yours to the extent that you learn to have a straight scale of values ​​and put the priority first in your life. Expect to increase in stature, grow in beauty, wisdom and understanding. It expects to be used as a channel for My love and divine light to flow in you and through you. Accept that I can use you for My work. Do it all with absolute faith and confidence, and contemplate how My glories and wonders occur, not only from time to time but at all times, so that your whole life is truly a song of joy and gratitude.

November, 14

How many times have I told you that I need you free to do everything that has to be done?

When will you learn to abandon yourself and be

free?. You will not know the meaning of freedom until you are willing to let go, to trust that you can do it and to take those few initial difficult steps. Only you can do it; No one else can do it for you. Are you afraid of what you can find around the corner? Are you afraid of the future? Where are your faith and trust? Why do you not learn to live fully and gloriously in the everlasting now, and do you consent that I take charge of your future? I have wonderful things waiting for you when you are free and stop clinging to what you already have because you fear losing everything. Be willing to lose everything to gain something greater, incomparably greater. Everything is in My hands, and it is very, very good.

November, 15

Life is simple! Why would you complicate it? Why choose a tortuous route when you have the right path before you? Let life develop for you, and don't try to force its development. You cannot force the opening of a flower, because if you try, you will destroy the beauty and perfection of that flower due to your impatience. There is a precise time for everything, why not, then, to keep up with the rhythm of life, flow with it and contemplate how My wonders and My glories unfold with authentic perfection. n? When something is done outside of its time, the result is that it is delayed instead of happening at the right speed. Therefore, wait in Me quietly and confidently, and never rush to do something before your time has come. At the same time, never let yourself creep losing precious time. Realize that there is a glorious design and plan in everything you are doing, and give eternal thanks.

November, 16

The most important lesson to learn in life is love. Love is so strong that it is unwavering and yet it is intangible. You can know it, you can feel it, and yet you cannot catch it, for as soon as you try it it will slip like mercury. Love cannot be possessed; It is free like the wind and moves where it wants. Move with him. Love is unity and totality. Love knows no limitations or barriers. With love comes freedom. It is fear that binds and limits a soul; It is love that releases and cuts ties. Love opens all doors, changes entire lives and softens the hardest hearts. Love is creative; build, creating beauty, harmony and unity. Work for everything, not against anything. Love brings such joy that it cannot be contained. Dance and sing through life. Is there love in your heart? Do you love each other? Love begins in you and expands more and more outside.

November, 17

Do you feel part of the new? Do you think you can merge with the totality in perfect harmony, or do you feel uncomfortable and unfit? If so, it is much better to go out and find another way. Only the souls that are in harmony with the new, that are willing to leave everything old behind them without regretting it and that have a spirit of adventure, are ready for the new and will be able to go inside freely. If you still want to cling to the old conventional and orthodox forms and ideas, that means you are not yet ready for the new. It takes courage, strength, determination and a deep inner knowledge that what you are doing is correct. When you place your faith and your trust in Me and know that I AM guiding and directing you, you will be able to do everything that is to be done with the deepest love and joy.

November, 18

Use everything you have for everyone's benefit. Do not try to accumulate or store it, better share it, because as you share it will increase, while if you try to own something or hold on to someone, you will surely lose it. That is the law and, by living it, you will see it working around you. If you have some seed envelopes and leave them forgotten in the closet, nothing will happen to them and they will stay there. But if you take the seeds, the plants on the ground and take care of them, they will not only grow but will accumulate and produce more and more. So also with everything you have; Never try to hold on to it, but share it with joy and see how it increases in quantity and quality. When your attitude is straight, you know that all your needs will be covered in a wonderful way, and that everything I have is yours.

November, 19

You don't need to try to solve things or do everything yourself. All you have to do is, in a quiet and confident way, follow My instructions, which you will receive in stillness and silence. Some souls will hear My voice in a clear way; others will act intuitively; other souls will be taken to take action. I work in many ways, but everyone will know when I am in charge, for the signs of love and truth will go through all things. As My instructions are obeyed, you will see one wonder after another and the work of My hand in all things happen. You will realize that you alone could not produce those wonders and that it is I, indeed, by working in you, and you will give Me eternal honor, glory and gratitude. Recognize at all times where your wisdom, your love and your understanding come from, where life itself comes from. I AM the All in all things, and your life is hidden in Me. You and I are one.

November, 20

Have peace and rest in My love. You have heard these words many times, and you wonder why they should be repeated. They are like water: very slowly, and in silence, they wear away the old and open a new step. They will continue to be recorded slowly inside you until you realize that they have become part of you. They are no longer, then, mere words, but they live and move and have their being in you, and you discover yourself living them and in perfect peace, resting in My love.

Never regret the repetition but,

rather, give eternal thanks because My love is so great that I AM willing to continue with patience and persistence and I will never let you go.

I have placed My hand on you and I need you.

You have a very special place throughout My vast plan, and I am waiting to reveal it to you when you are ready.

November 21 st

You will never know if something works unless you try it. You will never know if the electricity is connected if you don't put your hand on the light switch and turn it on; You have to take some action to verify that it works. It is the same with faith. It is useless to just sit and talk about faith if you do not live according to it and if nobody sees what it means to you. It is useless to talk about living according to faith if your security is placed in the bank balance, and you know that you can go to it when you decide to do so. Only when you have nothing and can take a step beyond the deepest abyss and do the seemingly impossible because your faith and your security are rooted in Me, can you speak of living according to faith and be a living demonstration of it. Go ahead, test your faith and see what happens!

November 22

Always look at the brightest face in life. Wait only for the best to happen, and you will see that it will be so. Never blame anyone for the negative state you are in. You are your own owner; it is up to you to turn the situation around and see what the other side hides. If you choose to see the dark face of life, do not expect to attract to you souls who know the bliss of true freedom, because the same attracts the same; you will only attract to you souls that are in the same state. When you are at the top and your love flows freely, you will attract all people to you, because everyone is attracted to a joyful soul. Learn to lift a person's mood or situation and never allow yourself to sink into the deepest despair because of anyone's attitude. You are here to create peace, harmony, beauty and perfection, all the best of life, so go ahead and do something about it!

November, 23

When I tell you to love each other that does not mean that you have to tolerate each other, or that you have to make an enormous effort. But you will find, by opening your heart and if you can fill it with thoughts of love and beauty, that you will want to love the souls with whom you come into contact, whoever they may be. It is about the free flow of My universal love that knows no discrimination, and does not choose who to love and who does not. My love is the same for each and every one of you. It depends on you how much you are willing to accept. Do not be afraid to give expression to this love. It is beyond personality; It belongs to the highest. Learn to have your heart in full bloom, and never be ashamed to show the love you profess. Love is the greatest unifying factor in the entire universe, so love, love, love!

November, 24

"By their fruits you will know them"; you will know if they are with me or are against Me, if they are on the side of light or darkness. Open your eyes and you will know without the slightest uncertainty. Go to your interior and your heart will speak to you. Make your own evaluation and do not listen to everything that comes from abroad; For if you listen to the multiple chatter and the rumors of the outside, you will fall into such confusion that you will not know what is and what is not the truth, and you will lose your way. All souls can find the truth within them, but that implies that they must take the time to enter. They have to think for themselves and find their own way, and many souls are too lazy to do such a thing. They find it much easier to give credit and do what others say without going inside. Be still and you will find the truth; and the truth will set you free.

November, 25

Suffering is not necessary in the New Age. For souls who go into the New, there will be no more suffering. If you still believe that suffering is necessary, you do not belong to the new but are firmly clinging to the old. There you will stay, attracting the suffering towards you until of your own will you go ahead and accept that it no longer exists. Focus on the wonders and joy of this life, and accept the best, which is your true heritage. It's not about being like an ostrich, afraid to face life. It's about seeing the reality of this glorious life that is yours and, in doing so, helping to realize it. The more clearly you see it, the faster it will occur. Accept the vision of the new heaven and the new earth and keep it firmly in your conscience, for it is not an unattainable dream. It is reality, and you are part of it.

November, 26

There is a great need for serious and stable souls, souls that are at all times in the right place at the right time, doing what must be done. There is a need for souls that live in such a way that nothing contrasts them, because they are in total control of each situation and live and act from that inner center of peace and quiet. Your security is in Me; therefore, nothing can unbalance them. They know what they are doing and why they are doing it, and they have a real sense of responsibility. They can be entrusted with a task of any kind, with the assurance that it will lead to a good term, and that it will be perfected. Inquire in your heart.

Can you trust you? Do you have such a sense of responsibility that you carry every task? Are you always in the right place at the right time? It is important that you take time to check what you are stopping to do and see what you can do to rectify it.

November, 27

Love and trust each other, because love and trust in a soul allows it to flourish and develop, to be able to assume responsibilities and grow in strength and stature. You cannot expect a child to grow if everything is done. He has to be taught to think for himself, to make his own decisions and not to trust that his parents will do everything for him. It is not easy to see that the people we love make a wrong decision, and yet sometimes you have to consent to learn certain lessons. Sometimes the lessons can be learned in an easy way, but it often happens that if they are learned in a hard way they will never be forgotten. Therefore, never be overprotective; Learn to let go of the souls in your care, whoever they are or how old they are. Let them assume their responsibilities and, what is more, enjoy them doing it, and help each other to grow that way.

November, 28

Today is a new day, and what you do with it depends on you. Your first thoughts upon waking can stain all day. They can be happy and positive thoughts, or they can be mean and negative thoughts. Never let yourself be influenced by external conditions such as time. It may be pouring rain, but if your heart is full of love and gratitude, your whole attitude will speak of the sun and a blue sky.

Do you see the enormous responsibility you carry on your shoulders? Life is what is made of it, so never blame anyone for finding you this way or that way; realize, on the contrary, that it is your own manufacture. Change your attitude and it will change all your behavior. Adopt a constructive attitude towards life. Build the best from everything you see around you and ignore the rest; Do not give it vital consistency and it will disappear. Wait on Me during this day in silence and confidence, knowing that this day has My blessings.

November, 29

What are your values ​​in life? If it is simply about material values, those that are today and tomorrow are gone, you can spend your life circling like a caged squirrel without getting anywhere. But if you pursue the ways of the Spirit, you need to search within yourself to find them, and that can only be done by remaining still and extracting those priceless treasures that are at the bottom of your being. You will not find them outside of you, because you keep everything that matters in life inside. You are free to make your own choice when it comes to things that really matter. No one is going to try to influence you, because all souls have free will. It is up to you to make your life end up being a mess or a success. The light is there, why not follow it? The love is there

Why not accept it? You are not denied anything if you look for it with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength.

November, 30

You will not be able to start undertaking larger works if you have not previously resolved the problems of your relationships, and you can walk with love and peace, with harmony between you, without holding resentment or ill will. Weeds must be removed from the ground before they spoil the plants that grow there. Start all the weeds of your life now, before they firmly establish themselves and drown the beautiful plants that grow inside you. You cannot grow and expand spiritually when you harbor some form of hate, jealousy, disgust, intolerance or misunderstanding in your heart. Quickly resolve your differences and make love continue to flow. Never expect the other person to take the initiative. There will always be something you can do about it, so why not do it and why not do it now? Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today. There is much waiting to be deployed, but it has to develop in the right environment: the environment of love, more and more and more love.

The Inner Voice by Eileen Caddy - November 2013

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