The next golden age, and how to prepare for it, by Dr. Richard I. Presser

About fifteen years ago, at a time when I had many of the trappings of success in this world - a successful business, money, respect, a marriage with a beautiful, intelligent, loving, humorous woman and with three fabulous daughters, suddenly I understood that none of this filled a gap that I felt inside.

In hindsight, I came to understand that I destroyed everything built on this basis, while struggling to achieve a sense of my life.

I was born and created on a farm in Victoria, Australia. One day, while helping my father load hay, he was sitting on top of the load when suddenly a rear wheel of the car fell into a hole. This caused half a load to roll and I with it. I remember climbing blind on the bales of hay, until they and I rested on the ground. I was unharmed, apart from some straws on my neck and all the holes in my body. Recently I realized that the last fifteen years have been like that experience. I've been climbing all the way to the rock top of myself while everything seemed to fall around me and every venture I touched turned to dust. I cried the first few times I watched Conversations with God - The Movie of the Life of Neale Donald Walsch, because there are many parallels with mine.

My search has taken me to many spiritual and pseudo-spiritual places. I have tried many healing modalities, including Reiki and Seichim practical training - not to work with them, but to heal. It also led me to investigate the links between science and spirituality. Finally, I am finding a way to master these energies.

Training as an engineer, learning to listen to my intuition, it was a long and arduous journey, however it was only that that finally led me to start assembling the puzzle that is my life. For a long time I felt that we were living in a special time, a final time, which is the time to clear the past, however I had no real evidence of this - until recently.

Last year, I have come to understand that we live on the threshold of an incoming Golden Age for humanity, a time that has been predicted in many places and times and by many different people. As this understanding has emerged, I have felt how time closes as in Lara Croft -Tomb Raider, with many gears in it. The gears have finally begun to line up and I have come to realize that I am deeply connected to these coming changes.

What I have set out to do with this e-Book is to provide a link between reality as "we know it" and we live, with the underlying truth of the nature of life and the time in which we live. I know many people, who, as I was, are living in the whirlpool of life, wondering what it means and how to make sense of their lives. There is a growing concern with the road of life as we live it, with our planet struggling to supply itself, with the spiral of debtor levels in developed countries and the abject poverty and hunger in the undeveloped world. I hope that the bridge I am providing to you will help you connect with the underlying truth and join in this transition towards the coming Golden Age.

The change is accelerating and by the time they read this, the signs of these changes will be more evident. I urge you to read what follows with an open mind and a sense of compassion with what I offer you this portal.

The journey begins with an introduction to what modern science is telling us about the nature of our reality and its parallels with spiritual teachings. Then we take a step towards an introduction, towards what I have come to understand about what is being developed, followed by tangible evidence in this space / time-reality of 3-D. From there, I will share with you some steps to move forward.

Welcome and enjoy the ride. It is the ride of his life.

One last thing, you can find my style quite a point. Part of this is because in most cases, I have chosen not to spell the details behind what I specify instead I have used the power of this technology and propose a direct link to the underlying material, so they can read it firsthand. That is what I would like to do, so I give them the opportunity. It is much more effective and immediate than a compendium at the end. So if any particular point attracts you or your disbelief is triggered, just enter the link and review it.


The great revolutions in physics of the twentieth century were Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum physics. These theories together put our traditional physics (Newton) as head-on. the scientists looked at the nature of time and space in the realms of a lot of energy, tiny particles of material, tiny amounts of time and velocities that approximated the speed of light.

This work showed us that when one begins to search within the plot of our reality, one begins to look quite strange. These basic elements of material, such as electrons, are not simply particles, but waves of probability that are not limited until an observer chooses to look. And that depends on how the observer looks as much as if the electron is shown as a wave or a particle. In other words, the result or observation is inextricably linked to the observer.

For those interested in studying this in detail, I recommend you see What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole (Quantum three Disc Special edition) (What Diantres We Know and What Dianthres We Know Going Down the Rabbit Hole I do not know correct titles in Spanish). That is the best, easily absorbable discussion of what I have seen.

You can also read The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav or review some of the work of Dr. Fed Alan Wolf including Dr.Quantum Presents: A User s Guide To your Universe (Una User Guide for our Universe) and Dr. Quantum Presents: Meet the Real Creator: You (CD).

There is also a wonderful new book by Marlyse Carroll entitled Am I Going Mad? The Unsettling Phenomena of Spiritual Evolution (`` Am I Going Crazy? The destabilizing Phenomenon of Spiritual Evolution), which links the spiritual journey, psychology, shamanism and quantum physics together, woven into Marlyse's personal history.

Dr. John Demartini says: Am I going crazy? It is more than an informative and inspiring entertainment, it is a book that everyone who is ready to integrate and self-analyze their spiritual existence must read - truly a physiological, psychological and spiritual masterpiece for the good of human evolution. ”

For me, the title of Marlyse's book says it all. This journey is not one that the rational mind takes and can crush it through experience.

What modern physics does, especially when it correlates with spiritual and mystical experience, is that we understand that the real life we ​​observe every day is not what it seems. In particular, the Unified Field Theory makes us understand that we are all one.

Instead of focusing on the detail of this since it is well documented in the works listed above and many others, I will emphasize something less publicized that provides fascinating insights into the nature of our reality.


Vladimir Poponin inserted a strand of DNA into a beam of polarized light. What he found was that the light was wrapped around the DNA strand. When he removed the DNA, the light continued to show the DNA pattern.

This tells us that our basic molecules have a special relationship with light and have a powerful ability to influence our environment and reality.


A few years ago, Libet and Feinstein conducted some fascinating experiments with patients who had the scalp removed for surgical reasons and with the agreement of the patients, conducted some experiments of stimulus responses. The patients were aware during these experiments.

For example, they stimulated, say a person's finger and then looked to see how much of that stimulus was shown in the relevant area of ​​the brain in a way that produced a response. This state is called neural adequacy. They found a delay of about 500 ms before the neural adjustment was achieved. This is much longer than it takes us to take our finger off something hot. How was that? It could be explained by this type of "decision" that is made within our bodies and this seems to play a part.

However, even more interesting is that when they provided the stimulus, then they anesthetized the relevant area of ​​the brain and there was no response to the stimulus. So something was done (anesthetized) after the response that would normally occur, avoided the response that would otherwise have happened in the past.

As Fred Alan Wolf puts it: "we are in the Shaded Zone." This leads us to our fundamental perception of reality. Fred discusses this work in detail and you can download his work from his website.

More experiments were conducted by them that involved turning on a colored light and asking the person in the test to decide when they saw the light, if they liked the light or not, by pressing a button if yes, and if not, doing nothing. The subject's brain wave patterns were monitored.

What emerged was that the activity of brain waves began before the light came on. In other words, the subjects were deciding before seeing the light.


Similar experiments have been conducted using random computer images of Dean Radin. Participants were asked to press a button, knowing that five seconds later, a randomly selected image would be displayed. Participants began to respond to the image in a manner consistent with the image that was to be displayed, before it was. This response was measured by the way in which the heartbeat changes, conductance of the skin, in the brain and systematically throughout the body. It was demonstrated in hundreds of trials and repetitions done by other experimenters. Radin discusses this and other experiments in detail in What the Bleep. - Down the Rabbit Hole. (Quantum Special Edition Records)

Radin says this shows that we are intertwined with our future selves. He says that what we are most intertwined with is ourselves - our past and our future.

This work tells us that our body and brain are not working the way we think they do. He points out that our "real" being is like a mirage that is controlled in some way outside of us, a mirage that we take as real.


Bell's Theorem tells us that the effects of an action are not restricted by the immediate environment of that action, that is, they are not local. For example, if two electrons are generated at the same time and are released in different directions, they will have opposite spins. Now, until someone looks, both electrons have an equal probability of making their turn up or down. However, the moment someone looks at one of them and therefore determines their turn, the other will instantly find themselves having the opposite turn, even if they are on opposite sides of the universe. Another term for this framework was described by Schrodinger as a fundamental characteristic of quantum physics.


If our space / time reality works as our logical minds tell us what they do, this may be true. Clearly things are very different from our perceived reality. In some way there is a connection, outside our space-time that links things together. This is the phenomenon of the "fabric" I referred to earlier.


It has been said that science was established to remove the mystical, the spiritual from our physical reality and certainly the science that I was taught in the sixties and seventies was presented as such and, as I understood it, it continues to be so. The truth of the matter is that many of the great scientists of the early twentieth century clearly recognized a spiritual aspect of reality.

Below are quotes from two leading and famous scientists of this period. In case you don't know Schrodinger, he is considered by many to be the father of quantum physics. More specifically, he developed the equations that describe the wave probability of quantum mechanics.

And what if that which has suddenly taken you out of nowhere to enjoy a show for a while, remains quite indifferent towards you? The conditions for your existence are as old as the rocks. For thousands of years men have fought and suffered and been born and women have given birth to them in pain. One hundred years ago, perhaps another man - or woman - sitting in this place, like you, he watched with amazement and longing in his heart for the glaciers that disappear. Like you, he was born man and was born of a woman. He felt pain and brief bliss like you. Was he someone else? Wasn't he yourself? What is that yourself Being?


“I cannot conceive of a personal God who directly influences the actions of individuals or who directly feels to judge the creatures of his own creation. I cannot do this despite the fact that mechanical causality has, to some extent, been questioned by modern science. My religiosity consists of a humble admiration of the infinite higher spirit that reveals itself in the small thing that we, with our weak and transient understanding, can understand of reality. Morality is of the greatest importance - but for us, not for God. ”

"I can't believe that God would choose to play dice with the universe."

"Reality is simply an illusion, although a very persistent one."


Einstein's last quote illustrates that he understood what the most recent science has confirmed about the nature of our 3-D space / time reality.

Additionally, Marlyse Carroll in Am I Going Crazy? He says: “Several of the physicists who discovered quantum physics in the first half of the twentieth century had a strong interest in various esoteric matters. They hoped that science might one day be able to rationally explain what philosophers and mystics have intuitively known for thousands of years: the interconnection of all things throughout the universe.

Just to mention some of them. Erwin Schrodinger studied Hindu philosophy. Werner Heisenber, the Platonic Theory of Ancient Greece, Niels Bohr, the Tao and Chinese philosophy; Wolfgang Pauli, Kabbalah as well as psychoanalysis and archetypes.

Fred Alan Wolf also says that Kepler spent a lot of his income to protect his mother who was a witch (Dr.Quantum Presents: A Guide for the User of the Universe).

What is fascinating is that as physics has progressed, like anything that leads to its center, it inevitably has to be exposed under the underlying spiritual reality of life, just as the various spiritual traditions have done.

In a powerful illustration of this, Fred Alan Wolf, a renowned quantum physicist, has worked with shamans and spiritual elders in Central America, Australia and anywhere in his efforts to rationalize these different, apparent diverse aspects of life. An exciting and courageous job. You can find a list of Fred's books and other materials here. Marlyse Carroll has also participated in sham rituals and shares a wonderful story of that experience.


One conclusion for this work is that everything consists of energy, that physical matter is simply agglutinated energy and that that and everything else is naturally vibrational, including Coming. See this reality deeply confirmed later in this electronic book.


In 1964, Karl Pribram proposed that our brains are holographic in nature. One of the supporting pieces for this is that memory is still retained when large parts of the brain are removed. However, the sharpness of memory can be veiled, which is a characteristic of a hologram.


David Bohm sought to understand the fundamental conflicts between quantum physics and the theory of relativity, the two great physics theories of the twentieth century. Quantum mechanics requires that reality be discontinued, not causal, not local, while the theory of relativity requires that reality be continuous, causal and local. Bohm reconciled these differences by proposing that separation was an illusion and the nature of that illusion is a hologram. By linking them to Pribram's work, he proposed that our brains are a part of that hologram and as such, they contain the entire universe. This is parallel to the fact that the vision is the entire universe within us.

There is an excellent discussion of this by David S. Walonich called: A Holographic View of Reality.


Ludvik Bass (available on Fred Alan Wolf's website) shows that even when we all think we have separate minds, the only way to explain reality as we experience it, is that there is truth Only in one mind. Fred Alan Wolf illustrates this in a very easy way to follow in Dr. Quantum Presents: Meet the true Creator: T .


Dr. Candace Pert is best known for her information network, her research on the narcotic, endorphin and peptide receptor. His work is based on how the body-mind functions as a single network of psychosomatic work of molecular information that controls our health and physiology.

In Body Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (Candace Pert says that we are more like a flickering flame rather than a piece of meat . She highlights the experiments mainly conducted by Dr. Frank Putnam on individuals with multiple personality disorder. It turns out that one personality can be myopic with severe allergies, while another can have perfect eyesight and no allergy and allergy differences have been confirmed with blood tests with differences of only five minutes between them. Candace says that this shows that consciousness creates reality because it depends on what the mind is in the body, the body changes. Our mind creates our body.


This is well expressed by Bill Harris in Lesson One of the Maximum Accelerated Change Course. “For thousands of years, mystics have said that there is an energy in the universe. Hindus and Buddhists call this the Sat Principle - an energy, wherever, that does everything, always, past, present and future.

“They also say that this energy is aware of itself that is in everything and everywhere and every time, that it is aware, that it has consciousness. The mystics call this second characteristic of reality: Chit.

“There will be nothing to get, nothing that one could lack, since one has everything. There would also be no place to go, no crossing to do. You are always everything, everywhere, with nothing to be desired, nothing to fear, nowhere to go. If you were established in this awareness of who you are, you would be ... happy, peaceful, happy. So the third characteristic of reality, according to the mystics, is called Ananda, which means bliss.

The mystical explanation of reality is that reality is 'satchitananda', an energy, wherever, outside of which everything is made and everything comes, aware of itself, being everything and everywhere and every when, as a result of this conscience is happy, happy, peaceful ”.

The parallels with which modern science is telling us that we are inescapable.


We are now in a position to say that modern science has shown that the 3-D time / space environment we take as our "reality" is not a true reality. It seems very real, however science is telling us that it is not. In fact, how we experience our reality of 3-D depends greatly on us.

Time is not what it seems, and neither is matter really solid. We are part of a consciousness, a 3-D space / time hologram that we call life, the universe. And physicists are telling us that we share a mind.

Both science and spirituality are telling us that we are actors in the drama of our own lives, a drama we have written as well as acting in it.

All this leaves us having to recognize that we are all part of an energy consciousness from which everything arises. The final reality is satchitananda, of which we are all an aspect, a holographic part playing the drama on Earth.


The mystics tell us that all creation exists because God, the Source, the Final Creator, Alah, Yahweh, (the term they prefer) can only know What it is through experiencing What is not. Through the contrast. Thus creation is a great experience, a great “experiment” created from the love of the Source to know what is in contrast and what is not - Creation. Although, by definition, Creation is part of the Source. We are all an aspect of the Source. And modern science has raised the Curtain on this "mystery."


While most people in the West have been slow to recognize it, we are spiritual beings. As Stephen Covey has said: “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings in a human journey ”. It is a path that our oriental friends have long recognized, as well as the traditional cultures of North and South America, Africa and Australia. This is different from being religious: Spirituality is about our relationship with our Being. It does not refer to or depends on a formal and structured path that religion seeks to offer us.

For many, waking up to this reality can be traumatic and associated with crisis, as Marlyse Carroll so lovingly and informatively describes. Marlyse also describes how this awakening is becoming increasingly common and occurs at an earlier age (p.223). This awakening involves conscious reconnection with our highest spirituality, our soul, our Higher Self. It may also involve connecting with other spiritual beings who do not reside in our reality of space / time. If this includes being able to talk with those beings, it is known as channeling.


Channeling has spread quite a bit over the past twenty years or something and is rapidly increasing. Some well-known examples are JZ Knight that channels Ramtha and Esther Hicks that channels Abraham. Ramtha emerged to the public through the movie What The Bleep Do we Know? And Abraham through the original version of The Secret, which have become a global phenomenon.

The existence of channeling and its now widespread practice shows that there is something beyond our reality of space / time 3-D - much more! A quick look at Google on "Channeling" will illustrate my point. Now it is an extended phenomenon, which is commonly expressed by our most intuitive and connected sex - women. This and similar explosions, including a surprising range of energy healing modes, have caused me to reflect that not many years ago these wonderful individuals had been burned at the stake as witches. Many energy healers also channel entities in their healing work, in some cases totally giving their bodies to the entity to take charge of the healing.

While channeled entities can vary widely, we have met many beings who are channeled in human history - Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael and other Archangels, Buddha and many, many more. Again, if you go to Google to Channel together with any of these, you can quickly see many examples.


Can this domain be verified? There are important questions for those of us who require a clear, rational, logical and explainable path for this emerging reality (although this is not finally a crossing of the rational mind), which is the bridge that I am building here and one to which I I'll be back. However, the short answer is in some cases, yes. I have monitored many channelers for several years and there is a story that develops that I wish to share with you, which arises in part from the channeling work; However, it also comes from many other sources and for me it is irrefutable. This is what I want to share with you.

It is important to recognize that many channels are not clear or precise. Reasons for this include the channeling entity that misunderstands who they are, the interference in the channeling process by other beings and the egoic state of the channeler.

The channeling work to which I refer, I have come to respect and trust after careful observation, correlation and evaluation as well as a deep resonance within my own sense of truth.

Many who read these words do not believe in channeling. If you are one of these, I ask you to suspend your lack of credulity and look at the evidence I present on the following pages. If not, you will miss the extraordinary development that I am about to share with you.

Let it be clear that I do not ask you to suspend your skepticism or even more importantly, your discernment. I am asking you to evaluate the evidence with an open mind.


First, let me introduce you to Carolyn Evers.

I will let Caroly tell her own story.

“I am a mother of five children and now a grandmother of twelve grandchildren. I was born in 1937. Things were different then. Life was slower and families, along with the entire community, seemed closer. People had time for others.

When my children were young, I thought I should be a caretaker for them. I thought they needed me to stabilize the force in their lives and I dedicated my life to my family.

Before the children arrived, I had responsible jobs working for insurance companies and I also succeeded in part-time professional sales. After my children were of school age and their need for me was less, I decided to return to work. Finally, I obtained a degree in Investments and obtained the designation of Certified State Planner and I am currently in the process of obtaining another designation as Certified Senior Counselor. .

I have had a successful career serving people for more than twenty-five years giving advice on investments and helping them plan their financial future. I consider this as a very stable, honorable and responsible profession and I have made many friends along the way.

A crucial point in my life came when my son died in a tragic car accident when he was sixteen years old. It was one of the most difficult moments in my life. It took me a lot to adjust to follow and face life again, much less try to take care of my family and my career.

Several years after the death of my son, I began to communicate with him. I could hear his voice as if he were transmitting his thoughts to me. It was like talking with an old friend, since his personality seemed the same along with his good humor.

This did not happen suddenly, but gradually. I was slowly prepared for a role for which my son and I had come into the world to do and that was to bring information from the spirit world for this time in our history.

My son told me that before entering this life, we made the decision that one would be on each side of what we call life and death and would bring information to the other. He also said that we were reliable friends and that we had done this many times before.

There are records of all the events that have happened on Earth. He would go to those records and give me information so that I could write stories about our human being history.

His stories began from the beginning when we were created, followed us until we became part of this planet Earth and signaled our next development step based on our planned journey. Tambi n habl de nuestra lucha como gente entre las fuerzas de la luz y la oscuridad.

Yo llamar aa mi hijo mi gu a, ya que l est conmigo todo el tiempo pero principalmente cuando viajo. El mantiene una puerta abierta para que yo pase al pasado, para que pueda ser capaz de obtener informaci n de los lugares que visito.

Ahora esto parece ser la apertura de otra entrada y eso gobierna una corriente de tiempo directamente hacia los individuos del pasado. Puedo escuchar sus historias, siento sus emociones y entiendo sus luchas. Como en el caso de Julio C sar, l nos confi en sus propias palabras su evaluaci n de su vida como C sar, desde el punto de vista de los aspectos espirituales de su misi ny leyes espirituales que pertenecen a toda vida.

Yo creo que Conversaciones Con C sar nos trae una historia importante de primera mano y observaci n de lo que es el plan de una misi n antes de venir a la tierra yc mo el plan puede fallar ya n despu s de la muerte, como el individuo puede cambiar los resultados de sus actos mientras vivi en la tierra. He encontrado a trav s de esta experiencia, que avanzar en el otro lado significa que debe haber una sanaci n de todas las partes involucradas con esa vida.

Lo que aprend de Cesar es que el amor y compasi n son lo m s importante en el mundo del esp ritu. El indica que no es tanto lo que uno logra en esta vida, sino lo que nuestra intenci n era y si tratamos de seguir nuestra misi no planes pre-natales que fueron hechos antes de nuestra entrada a esta vida.

Esta habilidad que yo he desarrollado en realidad no es inusual como pudiera parecer. Aprend algo que creo es muy interesante. En realidad no escuchamos con nuestros o dos, sino a trav s de un lugar en nuestro cerebro. El o do contiene receptores, los cuales transforman las ondas del sonido en impulsos nerviosos que pueden ser interpretados como sonidos por el cerebro.

Se me hace aparente que en toda vida parece haber niveles de vibraci n. Creo que mi hijo todav a existe en un nivel de vibraci n diferente del m o. Escucharlo hablarme no me parece extra o, sino bastante natural, ahora. Se me dice que esta habilidad ser aprendida por otros tambi n, conforme los niveles de vibraci n est n cambiando entre nuestro mundo y el mundo del esp ritu.

Mis habilidades todav a est n desarroll ndose. Estoy recordando m sym s de mis vidas pasadas. Estoy encontrando, de estos recuerdos, que parece existir un hilo que corre entre ellos. Conforme aprendo más de mis fortalezas y debilidades pasadas, descubro una comprensión creciente de mi relación entre mí ser y mi creador y cómo desarrollé esa relación a través de mis muchas vidas. Al revivir algunos de los eventos de esas vidas, soy capaz de hablar a aquellos individuos que yo fui en el pasado y escribiré más libros de esas experiencias y conocimientos.

Carolyn ahora regularmente canaliza a cierto número de seres que conocemos bien – Arcángel Miguel, Jesús, Madre María, María Magdalena, Maestro Kuthumi, Papa Juan Pablo II y muchos otros. Ella ha canalizado libros de estos y otros seres que ya no viven en la Tierra. Ella tiene tres programas de radio Internet en BBS Radio y tiene canalizaciones por llamadas. Este trabajo cuenta una historia de la cual compartiré algunos elementos con ustedes.


Al ir poniendo piezas del cuadro que la ciencia ha pintado, como Fred Alan Worl, empiezo a desear poner sentido a esta realidad, mi realidad, mi vida. Sin embargo, mi sendero era diferente del suyo.

Sí, existe un lado espiritual nuestro y nosotros hacemos esta realidad, pero ¿cuál es el punto?

Hace mucho tuve sensaciones intuitivas de que vivimos en un tiempo especial aunque no pude dar una razón lógica para esta sensación. Ciertamente tenía claro que como vivimos en el planeta Tierra es insostenible. Mientras el Club de Roma reporta Límites de Crecimiento, aunque originalmente fue publicado en 1972, probó ser pesimista en ese marco de tiempo, despertó al mundo a algunos asuntos y ser pesimistas por 20, 50 o hasta 100 años en sus predicciones no es significativo en el esquema de las cosas. El statu quo no augura bien para nuestros hijos y nietos.

¿Así que vivimos en un tiempo especial? Para mí, la respuesta es un resonante !Sí¡. Déjenme mostrarles porque lo digo.


Uno de los libros de Carolyn ha sido canalizado por el Arcángel Miguel y se llama: La Historia de la Tierra, Pasado, Presente y Futuro. En él, Él explica mucha de nuestra historia en este planeta y hacia adonde vamos. Les proporcionaré una breve sinopsis aquí; sin embargo, si resuena en ti, te recomiendo ir al sitio web y ordenar una copia.

¿Por qué estamos aquí? Somos voluntarios para venir a lo que es una muy densa forma de conciencia, para participar en un experimento en emoción. La mayoría de los seres en el cosmos viven con un claro y directo enlace a la Fuente de energía. Si reflexionan en esto, pueden entender que ese será un amoroso y dichoso estado. Concediendo esto, no existe la oportunidad de experimentar miedo, odio, ira, rabia, depresión… todas las emociones que nosotros como seres humanos experimentamos. Elegimos vivir en este espacio tiempo de 3-D de contexto dual para que pudiéramos, en representación de la Fuente, ser una extensión de la Fuente y experimentar estas emociones.

Para hacer esto, acordamos tener un “velo” colocado sobre nuestros recuerdos de quienes verdaderamente somos, porque sin esto, no podríamos jugar de forma realista el juego de vida en este holograma espacio/tiempo de 3-D.

Toda la creación está minuciosamente planeada. El final del experimento fue puesto en el principio. El experimento tiene una vida de 200, 000 años. Nosotros somos el final de este ciclo. El final del ciclo significa que tenemos una oportunidad de ayudar a limpiar el planeta Tierra y la oportunidad (no obligación) de limpiar nuestros propios campos de energía y ascender a un nivel más alto de conciencia con nuestros cuerpos, a los que muchos se refieren como la 5-D. Muchos se refieren a esto como El Cambio.

Vivimos al más alto nivel vibracional en Atlántida; sin embargo, nos volvimos arrogantes y creímos que podíamos crear sin la Fuente. Esto condujo a una dramática caída en la conciencia humana, una desconexión de la Fuente y una reducción en nuestros 2 hilos activos de ADN.

Cuando la conciencia cayó, la humanidad operaba en un nivel vibracional similar a los grupos de seres predatorios que pudieron exitosamente controlar a la humanidad para sus propios fines. Cuando ascendamos, ya no estaremos sujetos a su influencia. Para cuando lean esto, espero que mucho de lo que estoy diciendo aquí, sea ya obvio.

Como parte de este proceso, nuestros cuerpos cambiarán de forma, moviéndose de una estructura basada en el carbón a una estructura cristalina y los otros hilos del ADN (al menos hasta un total de 12) serán reactivados, los hemisferios del cerebro se reconectarán y las áreas sin uso de nuestro cerebro, serán reactivadas. ¡Fiu!


Con frecuencia se dice: “La verdad es más extraña que la ficción”. Se dice por buenas razones desde nuestra perspectiva holográfica humana de espacio/tiempo 3-D. ¿Cuál es la evidencia?

Primeramente, permítanme que el paso que acabo de dar haga extender la sensación de “realidad” de mucha gente y que el Internet y mucha otra literatura esté salpicada con muchas teorías sobre el futuro de la humanidad. Créanme, he visto muchas de ellas y pasé tiempo revisándolas para elegir lo que era real y lo que no, llevado por un impulse interior de darle sentido a mi propia vida.

En segundo lugar, debería mencionar que existe mucha gente en el mundo que sabe mucho de lo que acabo de decir.

Así que veamos la evidencia que lo apoya.


Uno de los más fascinantes fenómenos de nuestro tiempo y uno bastante ignorado por la prensa, son los círculos de las cosechas. Aparentemente, este fenómeno se inicia hace miles de años. La ocurrencia moderna empezó en los setentas en el Reino Unido. Los círculos de las cosechas combinan símbolos antiguos con geometría avanzada, sagrada o Geometría de Euclides. También tienen sonido armónico codificado en ellos y mucha gente experimenta experiencias transformativas energéticas cuando entran en ellos.

La paja de las cosechas dentro de los patrones o glifos con frecuencia está inclinada en 90 grados, y sin embargo, continúan creciendo normalmente. Los experimentos conducidos del grano tomado de dentro de los patrones, crecen dramáticamente más Fuertes que los granos tomados de la cercanía, fuera del patrón.

Han habido más de 10, 000 círculos de las cosechas desde que empezaron a aparecer en los setenta y los testigos de esta creación dicen que aparecen en segundos. Los glifos de los círculos han mostrado una complejidad creciente. Existe un maravilloso documental sobre el fenómeno de los círculos de las cosechas titulado Sueños de las Estrellas. Me llegó a través del Espiritual Cinema Circle, como aparece en su edición de Agosto 2007. El Espiritual Cinema Circle es una fuente fabulosa de películas de corto y largo metraje enfocados en nuestra humanidad y nuestra naturaleza espiritual. Estos se embarcan mensualmente y proporcionan un arreglo de maravillosos creadores de películas independientes, una fuente de expresión y fundamento. El Espiritual Cinema Circle fue también una fuente para las Conversaciones con Dios – La película que mencioné antes.

Sueños de las Estrellas pone juntos muchos hilos de la historia de los círculos de las cosechas. Los elementos que se discuten debajo todos fueron tomados de este documental. Mucha gente entrevistada vio los círculos como profundamente conectados a este tiempo en la historia. Se mencionó que la Biblia habla de los símbolos arriba y abajo, en cierto punto particular del tiempo. Los Indios Hopi hablan de símbolos que aparecen cuando la tierra cambia y cuando tienen lugar los cambios de conciencia.

Cuando uno mira una colección de estas imágenes juntas como en este documental, debido a la escala de algunas de ellas, con más de 100 metros de longitud y alto grado de complejidad, es imposible evitar la conclusión de que la mayoría de los círculos de las cosechas sean creados por seres de mayor capacidad científica, espiritual y tecnológica que los humanos tenemos en esta etapa de nuestro desarrollo. Lo que es verdaderamente extraordinario de estos, o más precisamente nuestra respuesta a ellos, es que han sido casi totalmente ignorados por la prensa mundial.

Morris Glickman, el autor de un libro sobre los círculos de las cosechas dice: “Parte de la razón por la cual estamos siendo advertidos, es que estamos en medio de un cambio dimensional, un cambio de frecuencia, un cambio de densidad, un cambio vibracional, que está cambiándonos desde nuestra realidad actual, dura, mecánica Newtoniana de objetos sólidos y tiempo lineal hacia una realidad de 5-D con la cual tanto el tiempo y la materia se derrumban para que seamos más accesibles y manipulables por la conciencia.

El 16 de Noviembre, 1974, se lanzó un mensaje hacia el universo por científicos de SETI (Búsqueda de Inteligencia Extra Terrestre) en la Universidad de Cornell, incluyendo al fallecido Carl Sagan. El mensaje incluía detalles de los elementos vitales aquí en la Tierra. En Agosto 2001, una imagen apareció en un campo de trigo en Chilbolton, Inglaterra, al lado de un radio telecopio. Era casi exactamente la misma que la imagen que fue enviada, aunque con 9 diferencias. Añadido a los elementos necesarios para la vida estaba el silicón. La hélice del ADN tenía otro hilo. La forma humana fue alterada, La respuesta decía que éramos de la Tierra y Marte.

En otro libro canalizado por Carolyn Evers titulado: Viva Papa, del Papa Juan Pablo II, después de su muerte, en la página 209 dice: “Actualmente existen algunos individuos que están en el proceso de iluminar las células con fuerza de luz adicional. Esa fuerza de luz es lo que cambia las células a células basadas en la luz, llamadas cristalinas (cambio de base de carbón a base de silicón).

Esto es consistente con la imagen de Chilbolton que añadió silicón como un elemento necesario para la vida. También añadir el hilo en el ADN es consistente con los cambios predichos.

Morris Glickman continúa diciendo: “No existe duda que dentro de los siguientes diez años vamos a tener comunicación directa con nuestros primos. No hay duda que habrá un evento que derribará nuestros establecimientos políticos, religiosos, económicos y científicos. No vamos a sentirnos felices con eso y tampoco vamos a estar preparados para este cataclismo hasta que la masa crítica de la humanidad se haya movido cómodamente hacia la entrante 5-D y los círculos, creo, intentan traernos a un estado donde podamos aceptar esto”.

En Agosto 2002, un círculo se produjo que incluía un humanoide con un globo. Dentro del globo, escrito en el lenguaje computacional ASCII estaba el siguiente mensaje: “Cuidado con los portadores de falsos regalos y sus promesas rotas. Mucho dolor pero aún hay tiempo. Crean. Existe el bien ahí afuera. Nos oponemos al engaño”.

Los círculos han incluido símbolos que muestran el Calendario Maya. El calendario largo Maya termina en 2012 y los calendarios cortos de forma repetida restablecen el cero en Diciembre 2012.

Muchos creen que las im genes est n dibujadas por los ingenieros Arturianos. Arcturus es una de las estrellas m s brillantes en nuestro cielo. Un artista llamado Janosh ha esta estado creando arte que dice es canalizado por los Arturianos. Algunos de los mismos s mbolos en los trabajos de Janosh tambi n se repiten en los c rculos de las cosechas, indicando con firmeza que provienen de la misma fuente.

Una ltima cita de Glickman: Estos (los c rculos de las cosechas) son, si les parece, juguetes desparramados en la alfombra de la guarder a para entrenarnos a jugar con chicos mayores .

De nuevo, este es un maravilloso documental actual que conmueve y les recomiendo que lo ordenen aqu y lo vean ustedes mismos. Si desean ver m s del fen meno de los c rculos de las cosechas, aqu est una lista de libros y otro material.

No todos est n de acuerdo con esta interpretaci n. Por ejemplo Los C rculos de las cosechas est n hechos por gente, normal y corriente y cualquiera que les diga lo contrario, est mal guiado, es un tonto o un charlat n Dr. Davi Whitehouse, BBC News Online.

Para m, la evidencia de que no son hechos por gente es abrumadora


Veamos m s evidencia. El 23 de Abril, 2006, Carolyn Evers recibi un mensaje canalizado por la Virgen Mar a, que empezaba: He tratado de llamar a mis hijos en los Estados Unidos en Sacramento, California, pero mi inter s ha sido en vano. Los r os rojos de sangre vienen de mi estatua pero los representantes de la iglesia no atestiguan que la sangre en la estatua indique si es sangre humana o solamente tinte rojo colocado ah por alg n individuo que desea obtener atenci n. Estoy tratando con gran esfuerzo que mis hijos me pongan atenci ny regresen a su fe y se acerquen m sa su Dios Interno, pero no tuve xito.

De nuevo he tratado otro pa sy quiz ellos s crean. Y podr a decir que en Malta los l deres de la iglesia s probaron la sangre en la estatua y declararon que s era humana. Espero que esta informaci n se extienda alrededor del globo, pero no lo creo. Permanecer como una rareza local. Imaginen, muestro se ales de mi amor maternal a mis hijos y el mundo lo llama rareza local.

Los tiempos est n cayendo r pidamente sobre ustedes, tanto que la Tierra bajo sus pies ser desbaratada. Les suplico que permanezcan en amor, ya que es la nica fuerza que los salvar de la gran destrucci n. No vengo a pedirles que efectuar rituales o expresar dogmas de sistemas de creencias, sino vengo a engendrar la fuerza del amor dentro de sus corazones. Es el coraz n abierto lo que los proteger . Es su coraz n lleno de amor que se abrir para conectarlos con su Presencia YO SOY, que los conducir a la seguridad .

* * * * *


Por el Dr.Richard I. Presser

The Coming Golden Age 2007

Traducido por Rita Calder n GAP M xico

Edition: Anita Manasse

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