Kryon: Soul Communication - Part 2

  • 2014
Table of Contents Hide 1 To help the reader, this channel has been reviewed (by Lee and Kryon) to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live implies energy in it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not have. So enjoy this improved message, given in San Antonio, Texas. 2 Spiritual Survival 3 Non-interference 4 The Old Soul 5 New Discoveries - New Reality 6 Locks and Filters in Soul Communication 7 Soul Communication - Part 2

To help the reader, this channeling has been reviewed (by Lee and Kryon) to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live implies energy in it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not have. So enjoy this improved message, given in San Antonio, Texas.

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service. This afternoon we will call this message Part 2 of "Soul Communication." Yesterday (in Communication of the Soul - Part 1) it was full of instructions on how the Spirit and other energies on the Planet could communicate with you, which are non-linear and perhaps even multidimensional. In that message we talk instructively about how to communicate with others. We even mention who the others are.

This complete theme is greater than you think. The day will come when science will recognize that the Planet is literally full of invisible life force; and that a part of it even has a form of consciousness. Then the scientists will revaluate "what is alive" and may even get a redefinition of life itself. Yesterday we exposed how to communicate with many of these energies; and there was a lot to exhibit. Today, it is more personal.

Soul Communication, Part 2

Today you have come to see how you can improve spiritually, but the teaching goes beyond that. It can reveal things that you didn't see before . The communication of the Soul can also be defined as "you with you" ; and consequently the theme is also "to get in touch with your own Divinity." Is it not true, Dear Ones, that the whole purpose of today's lesson is how to get in touch with the nonlinear parts of yourself? That is communication from the Soul.

Can you come to conceive the possibility that you are divided into many multidimensional parts? As we have told you before, you are undoubtedly in many places at once, but a significant part of you is really vibrating higher than your consciousness; consequently your "Higher Self" is called. Balancing all this and becoming like the Masters of the Planet, is really coming into contact with the other parts of you that are sacred. That is communication from the Soul. So everything we say from now on applies to that as well: You communicating with the "You Superior."

Spiritual Survival

Let me take you a little earlier. In how many lives have you worked with the old energy? You went up and the old energy of the Planet brought you back down. This is a metaphor of the Old Soul waking up to the verification of its Divine Purpose and that of the Planet, only to ignore it, or worse, to discover it and then fear it.

Old Soul, it seemed that you had just begun a spiritual path and this one killed you. You came back again and then you got into a war; and he killed you again. You came back, you woke up, you even became Cham n; and they killed you for being enlightened. How many lives have you had in which all you could do was keep yourself and try to survive in a very old and dark world of thought? For the Old Soul, survival becomes a word that means something completely different. High consciousness in an old energy is like a square pin in a round hole; and this is what the Old Soul is used to.

Dear ones, this is ending, all of it; and this was the prophecy of the natives of the Planet for this time. Here you are, ready for that. But the Planet is not going to suddenly become high consciousness, Dear Ones. Instead, the systems and energy around you will begin to become easier, making it much easier to survive for those who are like you. More than ever before, there will be much less resistance and more openness for many people. This is the beginning of a very slow change.

This also means that for you it will be easier to balance. We have used this word equilibrio again and again. Many times, those who are in esoteric belief systems fall into certain categories of Human life because of mere survival. It is easy for you to be a hermit, speaking even to my partner. If you don't have to show your Light, it's easier. In the past, if you showed your Light, you were persecuted! You understand what I am saying, right? Because when you open the door and the Light comes out, everyone looks at you because you are different. What is wrong with this picture? In the past that meant your death. This is what is changing. But it's hard to forget.


So in this energy, past the precession of the equinoxes, we have some news: the first one that we would love to give you is what we call the Rules of the Creator . Now, these rules are not what you think. Let's be even more specific. We will call them the Laws of God for Humanity.

These Laws cannot be broken, nor do we want it to be possible. We will absolutely never rape them. The Spirit is not like a Human. There is no linear consciousness with rules or laws that must be obeyed or not . This kind of laws is different. For example, the laws of physics are absolute; and they have to do with the way in which matter behaves in your reality. The laws of physics are not obeyed by a consciousness; They are the laws of matter. Similarly, there are laws of spirituality; The way God works.

So let me tell you something about them. First of all, for all Humanity they are honorable, beautiful and benevolent. Will you expect something different from the Creative Source? Here is a Law: We remain separate from you unless you invite us. This is more than Free Will for Humanity; It is the Law of the Creator . Do we like this part? Not really, because our Love would like to shout that we are here, but we cannot. It is our way of respecting the Free Will of Human Beings. If you really knew we were here, you would immediately change and there would be no proof. No. The choice to meet us must be yours and only yours.

Dear ones, the old energy of this Planet was difficult for all of us. You woke up and were in survival mode; and in the old energy most of Humanity was simply not interested and did not allow us to enter. Can you imagine that your children suddenly became different and did not recognize you? Can you imagine them disoriented and hitting the walls because they can't see? Imagine that you have the only flashlight and that they are in the dark, fearful. But you can't use the flashlight unless they ask you to. They never call you because they don't even know your name! They do not remember who you are. You gave them birth and take care of them, but they don't know you exist. You can imagine it? That is our law.

Another Law: When you as a Human Being open your hand and your heart to a spiritual quest, things happen. Even many of you have an Akashic remembrance lineage on how that feels (and perhaps also the problems it brings in an old energy). When you start answering this inner spiritual question: "Is there more?", You allow us to enter. At that moment everything changes; and we begin to communicate. That is our law . And when more and more of you do this, the law also expands to other attributes that surround you. Then these also begin to change. When enough Humans begin this process, the Planet itself begins to change. This was called acceleration.

Now, this is where it gets good. Change also has to do with what you have called the sensitivity of energy within the Human Being. When you enter a battlefield where the Crystalline Reticle remembers what happened there, you feel the drama. This is changing; And we talked about that. However, let's say you enter that battlefield with another person. You feel it, but the other person does not. The dialogue can be developed like this:

"What's wrong with you?" You could say; "Don't you feel the energy here?"

“What energy? What do you mean? ”Replies.

“Something happened here. You are not sorry?"

"No, I'm not sorry".

That is when they look at you and think that you are pretending, or that you are seeking attention, or that you are "playing the role" of the hypersensitive spiritual person. What is the difference between them and you? The answer is this: You are allowing this awareness to enter; and they are blocking it. In a moment we will talk about blockages.

Some will enter the forest and feel it. It surrounds you with its Love and beauty. Gaia speaks to you. The trees are exhaling oxygen with a benevolent system of photosynthesis. Plants give you oxygen and you give them carbon dioxide . What a system! Look around. Science will say that the system presented itself accidentally, a random occurrence. Do you believe that? What a beautiful system! The trees themselves know who you are . You enter the forest and feel that they hug you, but perhaps who came with you came with a chainsaw. He doesn't care or feel it. For him the forest is only a resource. What is the difference between you two? There are no judgments here, I'm just asking you. What do you think the difference is? The answer: You are allowing multidimensional consciousness to enter; and he doesn't. As you can see, you are becoming more aware of multidimensional soul communication. In this case, it is your enormous soul energy communicating with the other parts of the Planet that are also multidimensional.

When you make the decision that it is OK to feel this energy, there it will be. So far most of Humanity has not made this decision. It blocks it. The Law is this: This communication will come to you only with your permission. The moment you open the authorization door, you can begin to feel it. These are our rules.

The authorization is not only for communication with the Creative Source, but also with a surprising number of what we would call other benevolent energies. These are represented by groups with names that you have given them. They also cannot reach you unless you allow it. This rule is also for them. Your names for them are Pleiadians, Arturians, Sirians, Hathors, or Orion. There are many more, but unless you open yourself to that possibility, they cannot communicate either.

Most of Humanity, when it is next to you and you communicate, think that you are not well. So it seems. Listen Dear ones, the benevolent groups that represent the essence of your DNA (your seed biology); and who know who you are, are many. The amount of help you have on this planet is amazing, but most of Humanity will not admit her awareness or the possibility that it will come into reality.

The Old Soul

Now, that's where the Old Soul comes in. Dear ones, you are already tuned ! If you are hearing my voice or reading these words, you are allowing it. Let me tell you what is happening Dear, because there are various degrees of authorization. But the first is to open the door; and starts.

The energy of 2014 and later will begin to create new paradigms on the Planet. These new paradigms are for discovery, awakening, realization; and for experiences of “ajá” (Eureka!). Not all will be spiritual. Science will discover many things that will raise new questions. Those questions and their answers will open doors that will not immediately seem spiritual, but all will lead in that direction. The new discoveries of quantum physics and the consciousness that has been hiding, will change the rules, forcing biology and physics to come together in a unique relationship. This will cause a rethinking of life itself; and eventually it will lead to the test of a multidimensional reality of other consciences around you.

New Discoveries - New Reality

The surgeon is operating a patient. Chemically, the patient is out. Perhaps your heart has been removed and another one is ready to be placed in an open cavity in your chest. A machine keeps him alive pumping his blood. Its vital essence is floating above the operating table and is somehow looking at everything . Some patients have reported seeing things that only doctors knew; and others not. Those who entered the surgery having given an authorization were seen at the operating table. That is "communication of the Soul." The multidimensional part of them saw everything.

There are many things to look at here; and some will be very demonstrable over time. When studies begin seriously, some of these things will begin to open. Humanity is going to have to accept a completely new set of concepts about life; and one of them will be this: Multidimensional life is eternal, completely separate from bodily life. Consciousness is eternal; and without a doubt the Soul comes again and again. Can you ever try that? Yes. But many will reject it. When more and more children begin to remember their immediately previous deaths; and facts that they could not have known, that will begin to be studied by those of the mainstream. More and more children will tell their stories; and you will know that a new chapter of spiritual consciousness has begun on the Planet. Many will deny what the discoveries will show, because that will not fit their truth.

When the Earth begins to look at that, it will begin to turn the corner of all spiritual beliefs. How far is that? Far far away. Don't worry about it, Dear Ones, because you will be there. Do not put a time limit. When it happens, you will be there. The next time you wake up in this (future) life, on many levels you will remember who you are. It will be in a much greater way than you did this time. It won't happen late in your life. Instead it will happen when you are a child. You could be one of these example children!

Locks and Filters in Soul Communication

Let me talk about blockages and filters. The main block for acceptance, so that you feel these multidimensional things or believe in them, is tradition. We use this word in the sense of "what they have taught you." What they have taught you maintains an energy over you that you really do not see with all its power, but it does. Changing your way of believing requires you to rethink something that has been sacred and precious to you, because someone or some organization you trusted taught it to you. Maybe it was your parents, or your school, or others you love, admire or adore? The truth is the knowledge of the concepts that have taught you . When that happens, your consciousness "appropriates them"; and you don't consider anything different from that truth real. It is a commitment you made; It puts you in a box and you don't even know you're in it .

How can a Human overcome such an incredible block? How can you change the tradition? The answer is that you must suspend what they have taught you and admit something different. This is so difficult that some can never get over it. They can not; and it stays like what we have called a permanent block. Professionals tend to have strong blockages, because they had a very long education to get where they are now. It is difficult for them, if not impossible, to accept information that challenges what they learned from their reality; because it would create chaos in their intellectual survival.

Filter: Sometimes Lightworkers can accept that some information becomes their truth, but not all. Say, for example, that what you have been taught quarrels with one or two aspects of the esoteric system that Kryon teaches. You are open to some, but not others. That is a problem? No. I repeat, you have Free Will to "clean the window" of your Soul to see any part you need. Your Human psyche is compartmentalized on linear paths, so you can be widely open to a kind of thing; and yet be hesitant about another. That is called a filter; and we understand that for humans the revelation of the truth is an ongoing process.

A filter prevents you from seeing the entire image, but accepts other things that are accurate. So you could say that distorts what you do and how you do it. This is best seen in healers, psychics and channelers who are mixing old energies with new energies.

Take for example a channeler (Kryon smiles). He can sit before you and feel that he has good and real information. However, its history clearly shows that it is better in certain areas than in others. It will give you predictions about the future, but they will not happen. He gives you a moment and a date; And nothing happens. What would you think about such a channeler? You would think, "Maybe it's not really channeling?" There are many like this who are really channeling, but are still "cleaning the window" of how to interpret what they see.

They have a filter; The filter could be that they were taught that the future will be full of destruction. So that is what they are looking for when they are in a channeled state. It is hard for them to shake this; and no doubt they will be channeling, but in the process they will go out to look at the potentials of what is going to happen on this Planet in the "soup of possibilities"; and instead of seeing the strongest, they will report the most dramatic; even if they are very remote potentials. Do you see The filter attracts them to the negative no matter what.

For twenty-five years I have been telling you, through my partner, that the strongest potentials for your Planet are that you are slowly cleaning things up. The New Energy is upon you; and you are heading towards a peaceful planet. I told you that there would be no problems at the turn of the millennium; and there were none. We told you that the Cold War would end; so it was. Against all possibilities and against the old prophecy, since 1989 I told you that you would go around the corner; And you did it. This is still the strongest potential of your future. Now I am telling you that the old energy will fight against; and so it is (look at your news). He wants to push you back to remain in charge. But he can not.

Peace on Earth and general higher consciousness remain the strongest potentials; and that's why I'm here Dear. I hope you know that. But this does not mean that there are no other potentials. There are some potentials that probably won't happen even in a million years. They are also old potentials, but they are still "out there"; and the channel will see them through its dark filter and never see the larger image . The filter is that destruction will come; so regardless of anything, he will give you that message again . This is a filter.

Another filter: What if I ask you a personal question right now? I know you, so I'm going to ask you: “Do you think this is real? Do you think this channeling is real? ”

"Yes I do, " you say.

“Dear: Do you think you have an Akasha that has multiple past lives represented in it; and that you are an old soul? ”

"Yes I believe it".

That is good! You're doing it right; And you are giving permissions. True? You are beginning the communication of the Soul. "Dear: Are you ready to move on to the next level?"

"Yes I am".

Definitely! So you proceed; and the first thing that begins to happen is that your Pineal is reinforced to give you intuitive thinking. You start to have good communication, but suddenly it stops. The filter is there.

The filter: You don't deserve this gift of communication. You are unworthy

Why is it that when Humanity looks at the life of a Master, instead of looking at what the Master taught, he decides that to venerate and honor the Master he has to emulate the suffering that the Master endured? This is a filter! Do you see it So instead of absorbing the message, you absorb that you are unworthy since you did not go through what the Master endured.

So: Ready? To receive the Love of God or claim the inner Divinity, you must suffer. This is a filter. This is not a judgment, Dear Ones, it is simply the revelation of the way Humans have made decisions in an older energy that did not give authorizations. Humanity looks at certain things without the structure, nor the knowledge, nor the wisdom of what they really mean. Consequently, this filter affects everything you do spiritually and pushes you towards what you have been taught. Do you know that many New Age processes are based on unworthiness? Many. It may be time to rethink some things and instead start with this one: You are magnificent! So he advances in the creation of magnificent soul communication. You deserve it!

Start again. Ask yourself: Am I Beloved? Then let us hold your hand and get you out of there. If you are really asking with pure intention, you feel the chills of the answer to that question. Let's go to the spiritual kindergarten and start from there, dear Old Soul, so that the blockages and filters begin to disappear and the intellect goes out of the way.

To give you the message you are hearing today, my partner had to learn to remove his filters; And they were strong. His filters told him: “It couldn't be like that. Scientifically it makes no sense; and three-dimensional things don't work that way. ” In the early days he told himself: “Lee, you are trying to channel. You are making it up; It can't be happening. ” Then his filters were slowly overcome by the truth he saw. The biggest: his lack of self-esteem. My partner said: "If I open my mouth, I'm going to make a fool of myself." Well, he did it! Then he overcame and did better. Then he allowed us to enter and improved even more. Do you know how we got to him? We arrive through your heart, not your intellect. So; and only then, he had to weigh the difference between his head and his heart; and won his heart.

Dear ones, now that you know the rules, this is our invitation for you. We are here all the time. How much do you believe it? We are ready to help you in all things. How much do you believe it?

Now you know the blockages; they are tradition, past teachings and the thought of old energy. There are no judgments about what you did not know because of an old energy that never let you know . How could we ever judge a Human Being? How could we blame you for not seeing the Light when you were confined in a dark room? This is not a message where we are telling you that you were wrong and now you are right . This is a message to say that you were in the dark and now the Light has come on! This is a message that says it's time to start over what you think you know, based on the new things you see and didn't know they were there!

Old Soul, you carry Light. You may have to start over what you think is true. Healer: Are you hearing this? I know who is here. So you want to know why things are not working so well? I know who is here reading this! It's because the old energy had you doing things that now just don't work. Oh! You can continue like this, but you are very powerful; and we want you to have results! The double! The triple! Your potential to help Humanity is amazing!

Facilitator, listen to this and don't get it wrong. To know God you don't have to be poor. Do you agree with that? You can make a living and stand up and say: “I AM a healer; I AM reader ”; and you can deserve to have an energy exchange. It can be money or barter for your services; and is appropriate. Who told you it couldn't be? The answer: tradition. If it is spiritual, it is supposed to be free. Have you heard that? If you offer a service, you can make a living from it; and that does not violate any spiritual rule.

Let some common spiritual sense prevail. There are ways to balance the equation in which you give away things that are not your property and charge for those that are. Years ago I told my partner: Let Kryon's messages be free! Let this energy be free. You are listening and reading this for free, Dear. That was the result. We told him that it was appropriate for him to make a living from the things he did like Lee, the Human. His teaching and physical products came from his tools and his talent, but Kryon's messages should be free for everyone. Do you see the integrity of this? Do you see the balance in this?

You don't have to suffer or you have to be poor. You can be proud, Old Soul. It is time to be balanced in these things . Let others see in you the Divine balance. Start to see and eliminate the blockages and filters that are in the way of your magnificence. When you take the hand of the Spirit, your Higher Self begins to speak to you. When that happens, it will give you information that will help you extend your life and improve your health. Dear ones, if you stop the blockages and open the filters, you will not have to worry about survival in an old energy.

This is the message of today, but it is also the message of yesterday and tomorrow. There are many of you and many new to this work; and you need to hear it many times. Now, I repeat, I know who is here, I know who listens, who reads and who looks. I know the obstinacy of the Human brain, so I will tell you this: “If it is not in this life, then in the next. We are very patient and so is the Earth. ”

There are many challenges along the way, Dear ones; and among you there will be those who say: "Civilization goes backwards". I want you to use common sense. When you recalibrate an entire Earth and include the recalibration of Human Consciousness, there will be many who will be frustrated. There will be challenges. The old ways don't work anymore. You will see divisions in everything, even in the New Age. I told you that. This message will not suit those who are invested with old teachings and traditions. But it will be seen as a revelation by those who admit it.

Renew your truth!

And so it is.


Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

channeled by Lee Carrol

Soul Communication - Part 2

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