Geoenergetics of Iberia. Spain and Portugal: A new spiritual science, by Domingo Diaz

In this email I am pleased to introduce and present a new concept coined by the Numú Community School of New Consciousness. It is the concept of GEOENERGÉTICA. To explain this concept, we start from other better known ones that have inspired it:

Geopolitics is a linguistic term coined by social science in recent decades to better describe the relationship between international politics and its dependence with the geographical location of the different countries, civilizations, world areas and continents that constitute the world and humanity. In similar terms, another new concept closely related to the previous one has been coined, such as that of Geostrategy, which describes the relationship between any type of strategy by a country, or a company, or an institution, etc., be that economic, war, cultural, political, commercial, etc., and the geographical distribution of the countries, world zones or continents to which this strategy applies. In short, Geo, which comes from the Greek Gea, which means the planet Earth, and what you want to put in relation to it, politics, strategy, etc.

In the School of New Consciousness we have coined the term GEOENERGÉTICA as sacred science or spiritual matter that puts in relation to the different human groups, ethnic groups, peoples, countries, nations, religions or civilizations with the energies that are associated, or carried, as such human groups and the movement of these energies in time and space, what we call energetic currents, be they temporary (throughout history) or spatial (throughout geography), or spacetime (both things at once).

Everything that has a name has an energy. This not only applies to physical beings, living or non-living, but to human groups, human collective entities, places, inhabited or not, that is, everything that has a given and publicly agreed name. This law applies especially to any human group. Nations, peoples, tribes, ethnicities, races, religions, civilizations, empires, etc., contain or carry a specific energy format or pattern, differentiated from others and dynamically evolutionary, which is likely to be identified and defined, and whose movement can be tracked over time and space and its consequences identified and understood.

The knowledge and understanding of these energies of nations and peoples and their space-time movement (energy currents) is what we have coined with the name of Geoenergetics.

This is a subject whose learning and mastery is necessary and fundamental to know and understand the Evolutionary Plan of Humanity in much greater detail and its evolution over time and space, knowledge that I consider crucial for every Lightworker who wants to substantially increase his level of consciousness in order to be more useful in the service of the Divine Plan.

Geoenergetics should not be confused with the science that deals with the knowledge and study of the energies of Mother Earth, which is called Telurology. Here we refer to the energy of human groups in movement, physical, emotional or mental.

Geoenergetics extracts its knowledge from multiple sources. One of the most important is History. The historical facts, objectively described and known, are the result of an action or the energetic movement of a human collective. If we know the effect, which is the historical fact, we have valuable information to find the energy cause, since we start from the fact that every physical manifestation is sponsored and preceded by an energy situation or manifestation. The problem here is that History is a subjective science, no matter how much it intends to arrogate itself as a character of objectivity, since it inevitably starts from the necessarily subjective interpretation by the historian of the historical facts analyzed. This intrinsic subjectivity, when unconscious, with being a problem of method is not very relevant since one can turn to other subjective interpretations of other historians about the same facts and find in the average value a background of objective truth.

The real problem arises when History is interpreted and taught maliciously and misrepresented by groups in power to deceive, confuse and manipulate the consciences of ordinary people (non-experts) and make use of that manipulation to satisfy their own class interests., party, pressure group, economic or political. This is, unfortunately, the very common panorama in historical knowledge and a serious inconvenience faced by the student of Geoenergetics, who must keep this in mind and not get carried away by the established knowledge and search for other sources the greatest possible approximation to historical truth, as the basis for the capture and understanding of energy truth.

When the study of Geoenergetics is approached from a spiritual point of view, or for a spiritual purpose, another source of non-negligible information acquisition is channeling, whether directly from the presence of an Ascended Master who releases us unavailable information in the third dimension, that is, by the access, conscious or unconscious to the Akashic records, and the internal reception of "supreme certainties" regarding events that occurred and the energies that generated them.

The incipient methodology of this spiritual science far exceeds the strict three-dimensional scientific canons, both because of the special nature of the matter to be studied, the energies, and because of the expanded and heterodox context of the cosmic reality in which they manifest. In this regard, for the study of Geoenergetics we start from a conception of the Multidimensional Universe, in whose superior dimensions the energy processes under study are produced and evolve, and interact with the third dimension through very varied, heterodox, often incomprehensible behavior patterns and inexplicable for the mentality of the third dimension. This is a challenge posed by Geoenergetics, to which is added the multidimensional fact, increasingly accepted by advanced physics, that time is a property of the third dimension, and that in higher dimensions, all the events happen at the same time, in the same now beyond time and out of mind, with which the effects of the manifestations energized Ethics of the past, and of the future, overlap with those of the present in a complex scheme of difficult understanding.

It is for this reason that from the point of view of Geoenergetic, historical knowledge recovers and redoubles its value in our eyes, since the energetic effects of the most transcendent facts from the past, from higher dimensions, they are influencing and resonating, according to patterns and models still to be discovered, in the present, to which subtle retroactive manifestations of the energy movements of the future are superimposed, where, I repeat, past, present and future are nothing more than a mental construct of a virtual matrix reality at its three-dimensional level.

As a more concrete and practical application of the previous idea, and as an important tool of Geoenergetic analysis, we have the concept of historical Karma. of peoples, nations, religions, civilizations, etc., acting permanently in this present convulsed and complex.

From the spiritual point of view, Geoenergetics comes to reveal with light clarity to the student the evolutions and interactions of Light and Darkness in this plane of existence, their ascents and decay, the origin of their respective forces and its manifestations, which greatly helps to understand as far as possible the Divine Plan, its evolution and manifestations, and this is a main tool in the formation and development of the higher levels of consciousness.

In this context defined for and by Geoenergy I will describe in successive mails the promised relationship between Iberia and England.

Geoenergetically speaking Spain and Portugal are orphaned countries of each other. The energy of the nation, and therefore, the power and capacity to participate fully in the Plan of Evolution of Humanity, corresponds to the entire Iberia concept, which is territory / country What would arise if the two countries joined. While they are not politically united and Iberia is not believed, the role of both countries and their capacity for energy action in the context of the evolving nations and peoples will be remarkably limited.

Spain constitutes Yang energy, the male part of the Iberian complex, the Solar archetype, which still burns and burns itself instead of heating, which is still more Fire instead of being more Light. One of the multiple forms that this energy acquires in its three-dimensional implementation is the roots and reflorecimiento of the couplet and the pasodoble, yang forms of musical expression. Therefore, Portugal is its energy counterpoint Yin, the lunar archetype, the water that in adequate quantities tempers the fire but that at the same time makes steam, rises and takes flight with the heat of that fire. In this case, Fado is the musical expression of the Portuguese intimate emotion that derives in a kind of indefinite melancholy bordering on the sadness that is the "saudade". All very Yin.

The balance between both energies through the union between the two countries would be perfect to develop the spiritual mission that corresponds to both of them and thus interact with a balanced yin-yang energy with the rest of the nations and peoples in the common evolutionary goal of Humanity that is the Christ Ascension.

Therefore, at the national collective level, the revival of Iberia, from an energetic and spiritual point of view, must be a clear and priority objective of both peoples and of both countries, in general, and in particular, of their communities in the spiritual world .

To begin to have a broader Geoenergetic vision of this topic, I will number a few brief notes of the main historical fluctuations of the relationship between both countries until we reach the current situation (you can skip these points if you are not interested in the historical context).

1. There were never Spain and Portugal as such until the Middle Ages, specifically until the period of the reconquest of the Muslim invasion, when they appear as different political units.
2. The reason comes from the invasion of the barbarian (foreign) peoples to the fall of the Roman Empire. Then the Suevo invaders move and install in what is now Galicia and the North of Portugal and the Visigoth invaders settle in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula, establishing their capital in Toledo.
3. When the reconquest begins, the descendants of the Suevi take the South direction and set up a large independent county that would end up being Portugal. In the same way, the Visigoth feudal lords are leading the expansion towards the South and consolidating the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon, among others.
4. The final separation is consolidated in 1386 in the battle of Aljubarrota between Castile and Portugal, which is resolved in favor of Portugal and that is the energy moment, we could say, of the creation of Portugal.
5. Portugal allies with the supporters of John II in the struggles for succession to the throne of Castile in the fifteenth century. This time it is the Castilian supporters of the pretender Isabel who defeat the Portuguese and their rivals and lead to the throne that would be Queen Isabel the Catholic.
6. On the cusp of the imperial powers of Spain and Portugal the crown of Portugal falls, for dynastic dynastic issues, in the hands of King Philip II in the year 1, 580. The mother and educator of Felipe II was a Portuguese princess, Isabel of Portugal, as was her first wife, María de Portugal, who died of very young childbirth. The mother tongue of the monarch was Portuguese, who learned it before Spanish.
7. Spain and Portugal were once again united (although the Portuguese people did not wish for or both peoples understood this union). Uniting their respective empires, there has never been a similar political power on Earth and in history, not even the British empire, which would be the second largest three centuries later, at its time of greatest expansion.
8. 7.- In 1640, under the reign of Felipe IV and on the downhill political decline of the Spanish empire, both peoples decided by agreement to separate again and Iberia again divided. The Portuguese fearful of the aggressiveness of the Spaniards begin a long period of protection and defense alliances with England that will last almost three centuries. This alliance closely connects a part of Iberia with England (we have the juicy Anglo-Iberian energy dossier pending) but in an unequal pseudocolonization relationship.
9. Thus are the mutual relations, from one village to another, until the 20th century, in which both peoples suffer a period of karmic purification and energetic cleansing in the form of a more or less violent dictatorial regime for a period of approximately 40 to 60 years At the end of that period, and by chance and exactly in the same year, 1975, both peoples free themselves from their chains and re-enter the democratic world at the same time.
10. At the same time, again a very suggestive synchrony, on January 1, 1986, both countries are integrated into the European Union, in which the conditions for their approach and twinning are met.
11. Since then, the fear of the Portuguese people towards the Spaniards is completely turned around and at this moment there is an economic and social process of interpenetration, integration, coexistence and mutual acceptance increasingly intense and productive, until In the spring of this year 2007, the results of a survey in Portugal appear in which 30% of the Portuguese would accept a political union with Spain.

This is sensational news from all points of view, but especially from the energetic-spiritual point of view. The union energy between both peoples is underway and now the energy door is open and it is time to promote this fusion in the three-dimensional plane.

In the heat of this news, the Portuguese writer José Saramago, Nobel Prize for Literature and public personality very admired in Portugal, put his finger on the sore saying in a Spanish public medium (interview with the newspaper El País in July 2007) that the solution In the future for Portugal, something that is a little bit of a slow and slow economic growth, was the political union with Spain in terms of equality forming the nation of Iberia (this name was also used by Saramago). In this new Iberia of Saramago Portugal would be the 18th Autonomous Community and the capital would be transferred to Lisbon, which would highlight the overseas vocation of the new Iberia, would lead to an even greater approach to Ibero-America and perform a more adequate work of bridge between America and Europe . A perfect and possible dream.

In the Community of Numú, since in 2004 we received by channel the instruction to carry out the Iberia Activa Program, of energy-spiritual activation of Iberia, we have always worked spiritually both in Spain and in Portugal, considering both territories without distinction as a spiritual energy unit, and in the higher planes we have carried out several energetic works of elimination of physical and energetic borders between both countries and peoples. But now it is time to go further, to proceed in the three-dimensional plane by lowering this fusion energy to the earth, so, in our Community, within its operational unit of Mother Earth Care, we will start an initiative In this sense, we will soon communicate to the spiritual world through the Network.

For now it is enough. We will continue developing this theme and gradually drawing the geoenergetic panorama of the three countries of our environment and its important mutual relationship: France, Iberia and England, all of which are present, in different ways, in that territorial unit that carries the Very suitable and inspiring name of the Iberian Peninsula.

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