The Meaning of the Golden Hexagon by Lindsay Ball

  • 2014

The Meaning of the Golden Hex by Lindsay Ball

by Lindsay Ball July 3, 2014

The theme for the Healing of the Trinity and the July Prayer Circle began with the Golden Ray, and during the course of the first few days it has expanded to include the work and the wisdom of bees and golden hexagonal shapes. We are all intrigued by these connections and there have been many questions, so I asked the Crystal Team if they could enlighten us regarding the meaning of these connections, and here is their beautiful statement: ... .

Our intention here is to gather several aspects that are within your understanding in a more powerful and informative way.

The hexagonal form is truly a sacred form that can be built and extended continuously without leaving cracks in its construction, and its form is strong and powerful.

The golden hexagon shown to them radiates the Christ Light throughout its shape. Bring in and anchor the Christ Light in each contour and similar design form. It is part of the foundations of its own structure, part of the foundations of its planet, and part of the foundations of its Universe and beyond.

It is another way that inextricably links them all in the unity of All That Is, so when it is infused with the Light and the Love of the Christ Light in its golden form all its internal structures shine with this energy, and all aspects of the planet and the Universe also shine with this Golden Ray of Love and Light.

Can you feel how powerful this is, can you feel the impact when all your physicalities shine with the Golden Ray of Light and Love and your planet also radiates those energies?

So maybe you might wonder where the bees fit into all this. Bees are ancient life givers; they pollinate their plants, allowing crops to grow and provide food for all. The hexagonal shape of the honeycomb, the golden honeycomb, is a gift from God to allow food for all of you to be provided and enjoy this spiritual experience on Earth in a physical body, and as long as you choose to require food as a form of nutrition, they are going to need to ingest them, and while they require food to eat you are going to need the bees to pollinate the plants.

Look, my dear ones, as you continue on your path, more is revealed to you about the depth and complexity and planning of the Divine Plan that was created eons ago for you.

You will see and understand the complexity and ties that were established for you and that are now returning to your consciousness, the bonds of unity with All That Is, the bonds of Love that God / Source has for all of you to create. This Plan that is being revealed to you now.

As you consciously return to consciousness, you will understand that the golden hexagonal shape of the honeycomb supports the Golden Ray of Christ, the foundations for its existence on Earth, the golden color of Christ himself who loved you all so much that he descended to the Earth to show you the Way Forward.

The honey produced by these bees, who understand the entire infrastructure of the Earth, who understand the hows and why of the mechanisms of the planet, is a form of Divine liquid, a Divine nectar, so to speak, for its carrying existence. through the Golden Ray of Love and Light through the golden hexagonal shape of the Christ Light itself.

And for this, my dear, honey is such a blessed food source. It is healing, it is soothing, it is beneficial on so many levels, connecting them with the wisdom and knowledge of life itself through all these means.

The bees themselves wear the color of the Golden Ray to remind us of their ties with this Golden Ray, and as our understanding and consciousness grows, we can respect and admire these ancient and wise creatures who understand so much and assist us in so many ways.

Be grateful for those dear bees of mine, as we are grateful for our link in this Circle and for allowing the information to reach your conscious minds.

This Circle is very beneficial as we move through the changing energies towards the Golden Age of Enlightenment. Amen."

Sharing these insightful words with love and blessings, ... Lindsay

The Meaning of the Golden Hexagon by Lindsay Ball

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