The Power of Letting Go, by Master Melchizedek

The timing is perfect, all of you are re-lighting your fire and being landed once more. This is the time to make great progress in their lives. This is the time to progress and advance and this is a great time to make new knowledge and leave behind all memories that are no longer in use. The power of letting go, what great power there is only in the words letting go, allowing yourself to free yourself from the bonds of your past. See all your past simply as images ... experiences and accept that you have learned a lot from every event in your life.

Now is the time to forget and move forward, allow the board of your minds to be cleansed and carry only the light within each moment with you. Letting go of the feeling of freedom they have is wonderful, peaceful, it's magical, it's how they are supposed to feel all the time. Do not worry about worrying, do not surrender your power to any of your thoughts that have no meaning to you - live the present and be you.

Bless all your experiences and move forward and upward. It is worth smiling for life and it is not worth worrying about and the only way you will find true peace and letting go, no matter what you are around, who is What is happening around you will focus all your attention on yourself, nourish your spirit by doing what YOU want to do. All that matters is that they live in this world in the most peaceful and loving environments they can create and the best way to do that is to forget everything else. Leave your own Divine Force, put yourself in the driver's seat so that you can better control your energies. Do not give your power to anything that does not merit your attention. You are the masters of your beings Never forget this.

Let Go and Be Free and feel the peace, you are here to learn this, this is one of the most important lessons here on earth. Close your eyes and imagine riding a horse with your arms wide open without fearing anything. Trusting that the horse takes them forward, breathe the fresh air and ride towards the happiness of knowing that they are safe no matter what happens, get rid of their terrestrial conditions free everything that is hold on a lot, are detached the more you do this, daily life will become much simpler and much easier, don't worry about how you They will solve things, how they will fit. Impossible tasks can be achieved the more they let go.

You have come here to the earth plane to master this, to discipline yourself. You are the key to achieving spiritual enlightenment, you are the key to getting everything you need. Get on and look from a distance take the full picture. Do this now while you still have a chance, you will advance to leaps and bounds if you take what I am saying. There are many of us here today and we are seeing a great improvement in all of you. Everything is going exceptionally fast and we can see that a lot of preliminary work has been carried out and we are very, very pleased. In the past year many of you have learned new practices, you are accepting that there are many different ways to achieve enlightenment. A secret here is that it is in anything in which you find peace or tranquility or Love or Joy or Unity or Simply Being Yourself. But the basis is to let go, be detached no matter what happens.

When they illuminate your day they automatically attract more light to you (through the law of attraction) - grow in the light - remember this and learn to relax no matter what you are doing or not doing. Now there are many more of you on the earth plane who are close to achieving enlightenment that has never been before. If you are listening to what is being said today then you know that you are one of those people who will receive enlightenment in this life, you will be given the opportunity to accomplish this simply by listening to what is being said today. By taking and trying to live what is being said ... they will get closer and closer and closer. Everything is very simple, indeed very, very simple. Their lives are already planned and we are here with you every step of the way supporting you. Then all they need to do is ride as fast as they want to ride in the wind and leave everything to God and let go ... know in their hearts that they will get where they need to reach the end but in a happy way.

Many Blessings to all of you that everyone gets an extra forecast. A green ray is being poured on you right now with shades of blue too, breathe this into your being, replenish them and enhance your ability to be who you need to be to achieve your goals.

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** All information contained is property and is copyrighted by the Rise Like a Phoenix website. All information can be freely shared, distributed and published on the network; only please, give all appropriate credits and mention the website. Blessings and thanks.
Rachael Doran
Translation: Xitlalli Contreras -
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