The unified heart of ascending humanity. Arcturian group.

  • 2016

For millennia, a group of adventurous souls decided to leave the womb of our cosmic mother to reduce our light vibration and experience the planes of density. We were in his belly full of light and life, but we voluntarily agreed to come to live adventures on planes of existence totally unknown to any of us at that time.

We do not pass from light to density from one life to another. At the beginning of our adventure, we still had no idea what would be the opposite side of our existence and after so many lives we have lived, the cycle keeps repeating itself, being born From our mother's womb, learn, grow, experience, feel, mature, evolve and return to our energy essence and then return again to live another experience.

After having lost consciousness of our true essence (the fall of the human soul), we move from the mineral kingdom (1st dimension) to the plant kingdom (2nd dimension), to the animal kingdom (3rd dimension n). At this moment we are already entering the 4th dimension (astral kingdom) and then landing in the 5th dimension (kingdom of heaven).

The transmutation of our body from carbon (mortal) to one of silicon (immortal crystalline), has required the reinstatement of the light of our soul, which we have left life after life. That is why we have today various physical-emotional-mental-spiritual symptoms. Our light is re-integrating. Our light codes are being reactivated through the elevation of the light frequencies (sunlight) that bring the keys to our blocked DNA and with said vibrational elevation unlock it.

Then we will be ready to welcome our complement, our lost side, our ying or yang, that is, our twin flame, who must be unified to us so that we are once again those wonderful androgynous perfect souls. Once reintegrated into our twin flame, we will be ready to begin our ascending journey towards 5d, where our beautiful ascended planet (Gaia), full of light, life, love, miracles every second, infinite perfection awaits us . Our earthly paradise so promised.

This message means the union of all crystals ( christos / transfigured humans ), forming a unified heart, full of unconditional love. The key to achieving this goal is in the heart of each one of us. Peace begins in our hearts. Freedom is felt in each of our hearts. Unified love must manifest itself from each of the human's hearts. We cannot manifest peace, freedom, love abroad, if we have not felt it in our hearts first.


We have only 24 hours (only today) to initiate that much needed internal change and achieve a unified human heart. I invite you to start now !!!!!

Don't think so much anymore! Feel, feel, feel !!! With your heart and join the heart of humanity. All the great avatars that have come to guide us have given us this path.

May the Christ who is you, within your heart, be united to that of the rest of our humanity and form the unified crystalline heart together with that of our planet and our mother cosmos….

Amen!! Namaste !!! Inlakesh !!! Ah or!!! Omar tasat !! Namaskar!

AUTHOR: Záblon Erguth


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